Exemple #1
 public static bool HaveSameValuesWith(this BankLogs first, BankLogs second)
     return first.CardNumber == second.CardNumber &&
         first.Date == second.Date &&
         first.Reason == second.Reason &&
         first.Time == second.Time &&
         first.Amount == second.Amount &&
         first.AmountLeft == second.AmountLeft &&
         first.TransactionType == second.TransactionType)
Exemple #2
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            if (intent.Action != IntentAction)

            Log.Debug("SMS", "SMS Broadcase called!");

            SmsMessage[] messages = Telephony.Sms.Intents.GetMessagesFromIntent(intent);

            var body = "";

            var isFromSamanBank = messages[0].MessageBody.StartsWith(T.BankHeader);

            // Assemble Partial Messages in body variable of type string
            if (isFromSamanBank)
                Log.Debug("SMS", "First part contains T.BankHeader");
                body += messages[0].MessageBody;
                for (var i = 1; i < messages.Length; i++)
                    var lastPartOfMessage = messages[i].MessageBody.Split(new[] { System.Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Last();
                    if (Regex.Match(lastPartOfMessage, T.TimePattern).Success)
                        body += messages[i].MessageBody;
                        Log.Debug("SMS", "Adding part to body finished!");
                    body += messages[i].MessageBody;
                    Log.Debug("SMS", "Part is still adding to body!");

            // Parse body
            var log      = body.ParseSms();
            var haveData = (log == null) ? "is null!" : "contains value!";

            Log.Debug("SMS", $"body parsed to a SMS and {haveData}");

            // Add to db
            if (log != null)
                if (LastItemAdded == null || !log.HaveSameValuesWith(LastItemAdded))
                    LastItemAdded = log;
                Log.Debug("SMS", $"Attemp to add to database...");
Exemple #3
 private string InsertUpdateData(BankLogs data, string path)
         var db = new SQLiteConnection(Platform, path);
         if (db.Insert(data) != 0)
     } catch (SQLiteException ex)
Exemple #4
        public object Get(GetBankLogs request)
            // Retrieve the block parameters
            (BlockParameter fromBlock, BlockParameter toBlock) = AppServices.getBlockParameterConfiguration(request.FromBlock, request.ToBlock,
                                                                                                            (request.Success == SuccessFilter.All) && (request.InternalReferenceHash.IsEmpty() == true));

            // Create the filter variables for selecting only the requested log entries
            object[] ft1 = (request.InternalReferenceHash.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[] { request.InternalReferenceHash.HexToByteArray() });
            object[] ft2 = { (uint)request.AccountType };
            object[] ft3 = (request.Success == SuccessFilter.All ? null : (request.Success == SuccessFilter.Positive ? new object[] { true } : new object[] { false }));

            // Retrieve the contract info
            var contract = AppServices.web3.Eth.GetContract(AppModelConfig.BANK.abi, AppServices.GetEcosystemAdr(request.ContractAdr).BankContractAdr);

            // Create the filter input to extract the requested log entries
            var filterInput = contract.GetEvent("LogBank").CreateFilterInput(filterTopic1: ft1, filterTopic2: ft2, filterTopic3: ft3, fromBlock: fromBlock, toBlock: toBlock);

            // Extract all the logs as specified by the filter input
            var res = AppServices.web3.Eth.Filters.GetLogs.SendRequestAsync(filterInput).Result;

            // Create the return instance
            var logs = new BankLogs()
                EventLogs = new List <BankEventLog>()

            // Interate through all the returned logs and add them to the logs list
            for (int i = res.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var log = new BankEventLog();
                log.BlockNumber           = Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].BlockNumber.HexValue, 16);
                log.InternalReferenceHash = res[i].Topics[1].ToString();
                log.AccountType           = (AccountType)Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Topics[2].ToString(), 16);
                log.Success            = res[i].Topics[3].ToString().EndsWith("1");
                log.PaymentAccountHash = res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 0 * 64, 64).EnsureHexPrefix();
                log.PaymentSubject     = res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 1 * 64, 64).EnsureHexPrefix().StartsWith("0x000000") ?
                                         Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 1 * 64, 64), 16).ToString() :
                                         res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 1 * 64, 64).EnsureHexPrefix();
                log.Info            = AppModelConfig.isEmptyHash(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 2 * 64, 64).EnsureHexPrefix()) ? "0x0" : AppModelConfig.FromHexString(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 2 * 64, 64));
                log.Timestamp       = Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 3 * 64, 64), 16);
                log.TransactionType = (TransactionType)Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 4 * 64, 64), 16);
                log.Amount          = Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 5 * 64, 64), 16);

            // Return the list of bond logs
Exemple #5
        public static string AddLog(BankLogs log)
                var db = GetConnection();
                if (db.Insert(log) != 0)

                if (Utilities.MainActivity?.ItemAdapter != null)

            catch (SQLiteException e)
Exemple #6
        public static BankLogs ParseSms(this string sms)
            if (!sms.Contains(T.BankHeader)) return null;

            var dataModel = new BankLogs();

            string[] lines = sms.Split(new[] { System.Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    var text = lines[i];
                    var lineType = text.GetStatementType();

                    if (lineType == StatementType.TransactionInfo)
                        var textModified = text.Replace(T.Mablagh, "").Replace(T.Be, "");
                        string[] words = textModified.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (words[0] == T.Variz)
                            dataModel.TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Variz;

                            if (words[1] == T.Sood)
                                dataModel.Reason = T.Sood;
                                dataModel.Amount = words[2].Replace(T.Rial, "");
                            } else
                                dataModel.Amount = words[1].Replace(T.Rial, "");
                        } else if (words[0] == T.Bardasht)
                            dataModel.TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Bardasht;
                            dataModel.Amount = words[1];
                            dataModel.Reason = string.Join(" ", words.Skip(2));
                        } else if (words[0] == T.Vorod)
                            dataModel.TransactionType = TransactionTypes.Login;
                    } else if (lineType == StatementType.AccountInfo)
                        string[] words = text.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        dataModel.CardNumber = words[1];
                    } else if (lineType == StatementType.RemainingInfo)
                        string[] words = text.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        dataModel.AmountLeft = words[1];
                    } else if (lineType == StatementType.DateInfo)
                        dataModel.Date = text;
                    } else if (lineType == StatementType.TimeInfo)
                        dataModel.Time = text;
            } catch
                return null;

            return dataModel;