protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // 1) Create an object to hold information from the user.
        if (IsValid && OtherValidation())
            BankAccount Account;
            Account = new BankAccount();

            // 2) Take the info the user entered into the form and put it in the object
            Account.AccountHolder  = AccountHolder.Text;
            Account.AccountNumber  = Convert.ToInt32(AccountNumber.Text);
            Account.Openingbalance = Convert.ToDouble(OpeningBalance.Text);
            Account.OverDraftLimit = Convert.ToDouble(OverdraftLimit.Text);
            Account.AccountType    = AccountType.SelectedValue;

            // 3) Do something with the object
            // Put the output on the webpage, just to show that we were able to create an object

            //add the new account to my StoredData and then display it in the GridView
            BankAccountsGridView.DataSource = StoredData; // give the gridview the data
            BankAccountsGridView.DataBind();              //tell teh gridview to extract data fro display
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            //show whatever data we have in the gridview

            BankAccountsGridView.DataSource = StoredData;