Exemple #1
        public async Task InitAsync()
            // NEEDS BT VERIFICATION IF THIS STILL HAPPENS: check if there is a MeTile to grab (otherwise you get an exception
            // that will also kill the BT connection for daring to read to far beyond the Stream)
            // Need to find a workaround, since this is not exposed in the new lib: var tileId = _client.GetMeTileId();

            BandImage meTileImage = null;

                meTileImage = await _client.PersonalizationManager.GetMeTileImageAsync();
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
            { } // no background image

            if (meTileImage != null)
                _background = meTileImage.ToWriteableBitmap();

            _themeColor = await _client.PersonalizationManager.GetThemeAsync();


            // Notify that all properties have changed

            _inited = true;
Exemple #2
        public static async Task <BandTile> CreateTile(string tileName)
            var assembly = typeof(Flowpilots.Wearables.App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

            BandImage smallIcon;

            using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Flowpilots.Wearables.Assets.BandLogo-24x24.png"))
                smallIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(stream);

            BandImage tileIcon;

            using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Flowpilots.Wearables.Assets.BandLogo-46x46.png"))
                tileIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(stream);

            // create a new Guid for the tile
            var tileGuid = Guid.NewGuid();

            // create a new tile with a new Guid
            var tile = new BandTile(tileGuid)
                // enable badging (the count of unread messages)
                //IsBadgingEnabled = true,
                // set the name
                Name = tileName,
                // set the icons
                SmallIcon = smallIcon,
                Icon      = tileIcon

Exemple #3
        public static async Task Set_Image(object path)
            BandClient = await Connect_Band(await Get_Band());

            if (BandClient == null)

            using (BandClient)
                if (path is WriteableBitmap)
                    WriteableBitmap wb = (WriteableBitmap)path;
                    BandImage       bi = wb.ToBandImage();
                    await BandClient.PersonalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(bi);

                else if (path is string)
                    WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap = await Loader.LoadImage((string)path);

                    BandImage bandImage = writeableBitmap.ToBandImage();
                    await BandClient.PersonalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(bandImage);
        public async Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image)
#if __ANDROID__
            await Native.SetMeTileImageTaskAsync(image.ToBitmap());
#elif __IOS__
            await Native.SetMeTileImageTaskAsync(image.ToUIImage().ToBandImage());
            await Native.SetMeTileImageAsync(image.ToWriteableBitmap().ToBandImage());
Exemple #5
        public static async Task <BandImage> LoadBandImageFromResourceAsync(string resourcePath)
            var stream = await Task.Run(() =>
                var assembly = typeof(MainViewModel).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                resourcePath = "MicrosoftBand." + resourcePath.Replace("/", ".").Replace("\\", ".");

            return(await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(stream));
Exemple #6
        private async void SetGetMeTileImage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
            IBandInfo[] pairedBands;
            IBandClient client = null;

            this.viewModel.StatusMessage = "Running Me Tile image demo ...";

            // Enumerate Bands that are paired to this device.
            pairedBands = await BandClientManager.Instance.GetBandsAsync();

            if (pairedBands.Length == 0)
                this.viewModel.StatusMessage = "This sample app requires a Microsoft Band paired to your device. Also make sure that you have the latest firmware installed on your Band, as provided by the latest Microsoft Health app.";

                // Connect to the first Band in the enumeration.
                client = await BandClientManager.Instance.ConnectAsync(pairedBands[0]);
            catch (Exception e)
                this.viewModel.StatusMessage = "Failed to connect to a Band.\r\n" + e.Message;

            using (client)
                // Get the custom image from storage, and convert it to a BandImage.
                WriteableBitmap meTileBitmap = await LoadImage("ms-appx:///Assets/SampleMeTileImage.jpg");

                BandImage meTileImage = meTileBitmap.ToBandImage();

                // Set the MeTile image on the band.
                await client.PersonalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(meTileImage);

                // Read the MeTile image back from the band.
                meTileImage = await client.PersonalizationManager.GetMeTileImageAsync();

                // Convert the image back to a WritableBitmap.
                meTileBitmap = meTileImage.ToWriteableBitmap();

                // Display the image on screen.
                this.MeTileImage.Source = meTileBitmap;

                // To clear the MeTile image on the Band, set it to null.
                // await client.PersonalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(null);

            this.viewModel.StatusMessage = "Done.";
Exemple #7
        public static async Task <BandImage> LoadImageResourceAsync(string resourcePath)
            // get the resource stream from Embedded Resources
            var stream = await Task.Run(() =>
                var assembly = typeof(ClientViewModel).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                resourcePath = "Microsoft.Band.Portable.Sample." + resourcePath.Replace("/", ".").Replace("\\", ".");

            // load the image
            return(await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(stream));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns MeTile from Microsoft Band
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <WriteableBitmap> Get_Image()
            BandClient = await Connect_Band(await Get_Band());

            if (BandClient == null)
                return(new WriteableBitmap(1, 1));

            using (BandClient)
                BandImage bandImage = await BandClient.PersonalizationManager.GetMeTileImageAsync();

        public override async void OnAppearing(object navigationContext)
            // Init
            BandClient = navigationContext as BandClient;
            _personalizationManager = BandClient.PersonalizationManager;

            Base          = new BandColor(10, 110, 20);
            HighContrast  = new BandColor(20, 120, 30);
            Highlight     = new BandColor(30, 130, 40);
            Lowlight      = new BandColor(40, 140, 50);
            Muted         = new BandColor(50, 150, 60);
            SecondaryText = new BandColor(60, 160, 70);
            MeTileImage   = await ResourcesHelper.LoadBandImageFromResourceAsync("Resources/metile.png");

Exemple #10
        public PersonalizationViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            personalizationManager = bandClient.PersonalizationManager;

            GetBandThemeCommand = new Command(async() =>
                BandTheme = await personalizationManager.GetThemeAsync();
            DefaultBandThemeCommand = new Command(() =>
                BandTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
            SetBandThemeCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await personalizationManager.SetThemeAsync(BandTheme);

            GetMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async() =>
                MeTileImage = await personalizationManager.GetMeTileImageAsync();
            DefaultMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async() =>
                MeTileImage = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/metile.png");
            SelectMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async() =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    MeTileImage = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);
            SetMeTileImageCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await personalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(MeTileImage);

 /// <summary>
 /// 壁紙の設定
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">壁紙画像</param>
 /// <returns>Task</returns>
 public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image, CancellationToken cancel)
 private async Task<BandImage> GetMeTileAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
     if (_meTileImage == null)
         _meTileImage = await CreateMeTileAsync(cancel);
     return _meTileImage;
Exemple #14
        public static Task SetMeTileImageTaskAsync(this IBandPersonalizationManager manager, BandImage image)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object> ();

            manager.SetMeTileImageAsync(image, tcs.AttachCompletionHandler());
 public BandTile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon)
     : this(tileId)
     Name = name;
     Icon = icon;
Exemple #16
 public Tile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon, BandImage smallIcon) : this(tileId)
     Name = name;
     Icon = icon;
     SmallIcon = smallIcon;
 public BandTile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon, BandImage smallIcon)
     : this(tileId, name, icon)
     SmallIcon = smallIcon;
 public BandTile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon)
     : this(tileId)
     Name = name;
     Icon = icon;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the band wallpaper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        public async Task <bool> UpdateBandWallpaper(StorageFile file)
                IBandInfo pairedBand = await GetPairedBand();

                if (pairedBand == null)
                    // We don't have a band.

                // Try to connect to the band.
                using (IBandClient bandClient = await BandClientManager.Instance.ConnectAsync(pairedBand))
                    WriteableBitmap bitmap       = null;
                    BandImage       newBandImage = null;
                    //byte[] pixelArray = null;
                    using (AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false))
                        // Get the bitmap on the UI thread.
                        await Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, async() =>
                                // Create a bitmap for the Me Tile image.
                                // The image must be 310x102 pixels for Microsoft Band 1
                                // and 310x102 or 310x128 pixels for Microsoft Band 2.
                                ImageProperties properties = await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();
                                bitmap = new WriteableBitmap((int)properties.Width, (int)properties.Height);
                                bitmap.SetSource((await file.OpenReadAsync()));
                                newBandImage = bitmap.ToBandImage();
                                //pixelArray = bitmap.ToByteArray();
                            catch (Exception) { }


                    // Check if we failed
                    if (bitmap == null || newBandImage == null)
                        throw new Exception("Failed to make new bitmap image.");

                    // Try to set the image.
                    await bandClient.PersonalizationManager.SetMeTileImageAsync(newBandImage);

                    //// Compute the average color
                    //Color averageColor = new Color();
                    //uint bAvg = 0;
                    //uint rAvg = 0;
                    //uint gAvg = 0;
                    //uint count = 0;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < pixelArray.Length; i += 4)
                    //    rAvg += pixelArray[i + 1];
                    //    gAvg += pixelArray[i + 2];
                    //    bAvg += pixelArray[i + 3];
                    //    count++;
                    //averageColor.R = (byte)(rAvg / count);
                    //averageColor.B = (byte)(bAvg / count);
                    //averageColor.G = (byte)(gAvg / count);

                    //BandTheme theme = new BandTheme() { Base = averageColor.ToBandColor() };
                    //await bandClient.PersonalizationManager.SetThemeAsync(theme);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_baconMan.MessageMan.DebugDia("failed to set band wallpaper", e);
        public AddTileViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            tileManager = bandClient.TileManager;
            tileTheme   = App.DefaultTheme;
            tileId      = Guid.NewGuid();
            tileName    = "New Tile";

            GenerateTileIdCommand = new Command(() =>
                TileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            DefaultTileIconCommand = new Command(async() =>
                TileIcon = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/tile.png");
            SelectTileIconCommand = new Command(async() =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async() =>
                TileBadge = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/badge.png");
            SelectTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async() =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileBadge = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultThemeCommand = new Command(() =>
                TileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;

            AddTileCommand = new Command(async() =>
                var tile = new BandTile(tileId)
                    Icon = TileIcon,
                    Name = TileName
                if (AllowBadging)
                    tile.SmallIcon = TileBadge;
                if (UseCustomTheme)
                    tile.Theme = TileTheme;
                await tileManager.AddTileAsync(tile);
            RemoveTileCommand = new Command(async() =>
                await tileManager.RemoveTileAsync(tileId);
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// 画像の変換
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">画像情報</param>
 /// <returns>画像ソース</returns>
 public static StreamImageSource FromNative(BandImage image)
     return((StreamImageSource)ImageSource.FromStream(() => image.ToWriteableBitmap().PixelBuffer.AsStream()));
Exemple #22
        public AddTileViewModel(BandDeviceInfo info, BandClient bandClient)
            : base(info, bandClient)
            tileManager = bandClient.TileManager;
            tileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;
            tileId = Guid.NewGuid();
            tileName = "New Tile";

            GenerateTileIdCommand = new Command(() =>
                TileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            DefaultTileIconCommand = new Command(async () =>
                TileIcon = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/tile.png");
            SelectTileIconCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                TileBadge = await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/badge.png");
            SelectTileBadgeCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var photo = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
                if (photo != null)
                    TileBadge = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(photo.GetStream());
            }, () => CrossMedia.Current.IsPickPhotoSupported);

            DefaultThemeCommand = new Command(() => 
                TileTheme = App.DefaultTheme;

            AddTileCommand = new Command(async () =>
                var tile = new BandTile(tileId)
                    Icon = TileIcon,
                    Name = TileName,
                    SmallIcon = TileBadge,
                    IsScreenTimeoutDisabled = DisableScreenTimeout
                if (UseCustomTheme)
                    tile.Theme = TileTheme;
                    await App.LoadImageResourceAsync("Resources/star.png")
                var layouts = CreatePageLayouts();
                await tileManager.AddTileAsync(tile);
                var datas = CreatePageDatas();
                await tileManager.SetTilePageDataAsync(tile.Id, datas);
            RemoveTileCommand = new Command(async () =>
                await tileManager.RemoveTileAsync(tileId);
		public static Task SetMeTileImageTaskAsync (this IBandPersonalizationManager manager, BandImage image)
			var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object> ();
			manager.SetMeTileImageAsync (image, tcs.AttachCompletionHandler ());
			return tcs.Task;
 public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image, CancellationToken cancel)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image, CancellationToken cancel)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
            Task.Run(() =>
                Task.Delay(500, cancel);
                _meTileImage = image;

            return tcs.Task;
 public BandTile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon, BandImage smallIcon)
     : this(tileId, name, icon)
     SmallIcon = smallIcon;
 public BandTile(Guid tileId, string name, BandImage icon)
     Id   = tileId;
     Name = name;
     Icon = icon;
 public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #29
        async void AddTileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (0 == String.Compare(addTileButton.Text, AddTileString))
            {             // add tile
                    BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
                    options.InScaled = false;
                    var tile = new BandTile(tileId)
                        Icon      = BandImage.FromBitmap(BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Raw.tile, options)),
                        Name      = "Altitude",
                        SmallIcon = BandImage.FromBitmap(BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Raw.badge, options)),
                        IsScreenTimeoutDisabled = true
                    // define the page layout
                    var pageLayout = new PageLayout {
                        Root = new FlowPanel {
                            Orientation = FlowPanelOrientation.Vertical,
                            Rect        = new PageRect(0, 0, 258, 128),

                    // Page1 line1
                    var line1 = new FlowPanel {
                        Orientation = FlowPanelOrientation.Horizontal,
                        Rect        = new PageRect(0, 0, 258, 30),
                        Elements    =
                            new TextBlock {
                                ElementId         = 1,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 258, 30),
                                Margins           = new Margins(15, 0, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                                Font              = TextBlockFont.Small,
                                ColorSource       = ElementColorSource.BandHighlight,
                            new TextBlock {
                                ElementId         = 2,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 258, 30),
                                Margins           = new Margins(10, 0, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                                Font              = TextBlockFont.Small

                    // Page1 Line2
                    var line2 = new FlowPanel {
                        Orientation = FlowPanelOrientation.Horizontal,
                        Rect        = new PageRect(0, 38, 280, 90),
                        Elements    =
                            new Icon      {
                                ElementId         = 10,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 24, 24),
                                Margins           = new Margins(15, 35, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                                ColorSource       = ElementColorSource.BandBase
                            new Icon      {
                                ElementId         = 11,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 24, 24),
                                Margins           = new Margins(-24, 35, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top,
                                Color             = new BandColor(0xff, 0, 0)                           //red
                            new Icon      {
                                ElementId         = 12,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 24, 24),
                                Margins           = new Margins(-24, 35, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                                Color             = new BandColor(0xff, 0xff, 0)                        //yellow
                            new Icon      {
                                ElementId         = 13,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 24, 24),
                                Margins           = new Margins(-24, 35, 0, 0),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                                Color             = new BandColor(0, 0xff, 0)                           //green
                            new TextBlock {
                                ElementId         = 5,
                                Rect              = new PageRect(0, 0, 228, 90),
                                Margins           = new Margins(10, 0, 0, 15),
                                VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom,
                                Font              = TextBlockFont.ExtraLargeNumbersBold


                    // add the page layout to the tile
                    // add the tile to the Band
                    await Model.Instance.Client.TileManager.AddTileAsync(tile);

                    addTileButton.Text = RemoveTileString;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Util.ShowExceptionAlert(this, "Add Tile", ex);
            {             // remove tile
                    await Model.Instance.Client.TileManager.RemoveTileAsync(tileId);

                    addTileButton.Text = AddTileString;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Util.ShowExceptionAlert(this, "Remove Tile", ex);
Exemple #30
        private async Task CreateBandTitle()
            var Tiles = await BandClient.TileManager.GetTilesAsync();

            if (Tiles.Count(u => u.Id == BandManagement.tileGuid) > 0)
                //await BandClient.TileManager.RemoveTileAsync(BandManagement.tileGuid);
            var Theme = await BandClient.PersonalizationManager.GetThemeAsync();

            var IconStream      = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("PowerfulTrainer.Images.BandIcon.png");
            var SmallIconStream = typeof(MainPage).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("PowerfulTrainer.Images.BandSmallIcon.png");
            var Icon            = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(IconStream);

            var SmallIcon = await BandImage.FromStreamAsync(SmallIconStream);

            BandTile tile = new BandTile(BandManagement.tileGuid)
                Name      = "Powerful Trainer",
                Icon      = Icon,
                SmallIcon = SmallIcon,
                IsScreenTimeoutDisabled = true
            FilledPanel panel = new FilledPanel
                Rect = new PageRect(0, 0, 270, 120),

            panel.Elements.Add(new TextButton
                ElementId = 1,
                Rect      = new PageRect(188, 70, 80, 50),

            panel.Elements.Add(new WrappedTextBlock
                ElementId  = 2,
                Rect       = new PageRect(5, 2, 270, 50),
                AutoHeight = true,
                Color      = Theme.Highlight

            panel.Elements.Add(new TextBlock
                ElementId = 3,
                Rect      = new PageRect(2, 90, 270, 50),
                AutoWidth = true

            PageLayout layout = new PageLayout(panel);


                await BandClient.TileManager.AddTileAsync(tile);
            catch { }
 /// <summary>
 /// 壁紙の設定
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">壁紙画像</param>
 /// <returns>Task</returns>
 public Task SetMeTileImageAsync(BandImage image)