Exemple #1
        private byte[] CreateGlyph(char firstChar, int charCount, ref int width, ref int height)
            byte[] bitmapData = null;

            //Read ttf file into byte array
            byte[] ttfFileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(ttfSampleDir + '\\' + FontSelectorComboBox.SelectedItem as string);
            using (var ttf = new PinnedArray <byte>(ttfFileContent))
                //get pointer of the ttf file content
                var ttf_buffer = ttf.Pointer;
                //Initialize fontinfo
                FontInfo font = new FontInfo();
                STBTrueType.InitFont(ref font, ttf_buffer, STBTrueType.GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0));
                //set bitmap size
                const int BITMAP_W = 512;
                const int BITMAP_H = 512;
                //allocate bitmap buffer
                byte[]      bitmapBuffer = new byte[BITMAP_W * BITMAP_W];
                BakedChar[] cdata        = new BakedChar[charCount];
                //bake bitmap for codepoint from firstChar to firstChar + charCount - 1
                STBTrueType.BakeFontBitmap(ttf_buffer, STBTrueType.GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0), pixelHeight, bitmapBuffer, BITMAP_W, BITMAP_H, firstChar, charCount, cdata); // no guarantee this fits!
                bitmapData = bitmapBuffer;
                width      = BITMAP_W;
                height     = BITMAP_H;
        public void Test_BakeMultipleCodepoint()
            #region Init
            string assemblyDir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string solution_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyDir)));

            //Read ttf file into byte array
            byte[] ttfFileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(solution_dir + @"\FontSamples\Windsong.ttf");
            using (var ttf = new PinnedArray <byte>(ttfFileContent))
                //get pointer of the ttf file content
                var ttf_buffer = ttf.Pointer;
                //Initialize fontinfo
                FontInfo font = new FontInfo();
                STBTrueType.InitFont(ref font, ttf_buffer, STBTrueType.GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0));
                //set bitmap size
                const int BITMAP_W = 512;
                const int BITMAP_H = 512;
                //allocate bitmap buffer
                byte[]      bitmapBuffer = new byte[BITMAP_W * BITMAP_W];
                BakedChar[] cdata        = new BakedChar[256 * 2];                                                                                                // ASCII 32..126 is 95 glyphs
                //bake bitmap for codepoint from 32 to 126
                STBTrueType.BakeFontBitmap(ttf_buffer, STBTrueType.GetFontOffsetForIndex(ttf_buffer, 0), 32.0f, bitmapBuffer, BITMAP_W, BITMAP_H, 32, 96, cdata); // no guarantee this fits!
                //output the bitmap to a text file
                WriteBitmapToFileAsText("testOuput.txt", BITMAP_H, BITMAP_W, bitmapBuffer);
                //Open the text file
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var font = new TrueTypeFont(@"Anonymous\Anonymous Pro.ttf");

            // Render some characters...
            for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++)
                int    width, height, xOffset, yOffset;
                float  scale = font.GetScaleForPixelHeight(80);
                byte[] data  = font.GetCodepointBitmap(ch, scale, scale,
                                                       out width, out height, out xOffset, out yOffset);

                SaveBitmap(data, 0, 0, width, height, width, "Char-" + ch.ToString() + ".png");

            // Let's try baking. Tasty tasty.
            BakedCharCollection characters;
            float pixelHeight = 18;
            var   bitmap      = font.BakeFontBitmap(pixelHeight, out characters, true);

            SaveBitmap(bitmap.Buffer, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, bitmap.Width, "BakeResult1.png");

            // Now, let's give serialization a go.
            using (var file = File.OpenWrite("BakeResult2.temp"))
                var bitmapSaver = new BinaryFormatter();
                bitmapSaver.Serialize(file, bitmap);
                bitmapSaver.Serialize(file, characters);

                int   ascent, descent, lineGap;
                float scale = font.GetScaleForPixelHeight(pixelHeight);
                font.GetFontVMetrics(out ascent, out descent, out lineGap);
                bitmapSaver.Serialize(file, (float)ascent * scale);
                bitmapSaver.Serialize(file, (float)descent * scale);
                bitmapSaver.Serialize(file, (float)lineGap * scale);

            using (var file = File.OpenRead("BakeResult2.temp"))
                var bitmapLoader    = new BinaryFormatter();
                var bitmapAgain     = (FontBitmap)bitmapLoader.Deserialize(file);
                var charactersAgain = (BakedCharCollection)bitmapLoader.Deserialize(file);

                SaveBitmap(bitmapAgain.Buffer, 0, 0, bitmapAgain.Width, bitmapAgain.Height, bitmap.Width, "BakeResult2.png");
                for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++)
                    BakedChar bakedChar = charactersAgain[ch];
                    if (bakedChar.IsEmpty)
                               bakedChar.X0, bakedChar.Y0, bakedChar.X1, bakedChar.Y1,
                               bitmapAgain.Stride, "SmallChar-" + ch.ToString() + ".png");