// Update Door Access private void UpdateBadge() { Console.Clear(); // BadgeID Console.WriteLine("Enter the badge number:"); string badgeNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine(); BadgeAccess badge = _badgeRepo.GetBadgeById(int.Parse(badgeNumberAsString)); Console.WriteLine($"{badge.BadgeID} has access to doors {badge.DoorNumber}."); Console.WriteLine("How would you like to proceed?\n" + "1. Remove Door\n" + "2. Add Door"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Which door would you like to remove?"); string doorRemoval = Console.ReadLine(); _badgeRepo.RemoveDoorAccess(badge.BadgeID, doorRemoval); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Which door would you like to add?"); string doorAddition = Console.ReadLine(); _badgeRepo.AddDoorAccess(badge.BadgeID, doorAddition); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid option."); break; } }
// Create New Badge public void CreateNewBadge() { Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of the badge:"); string badgeIDAsString = Console.ReadLine(); int badgeIDToINT = int.Parse(badgeIDAsString); Console.WriteLine("List the door that this badge has access:"); string doorNumber = Console.ReadLine(); BadgeAccess newBadge = _badgeRepo.CreateNewBadgeAccess(badgeIDToINT, doorNumber); // Additional Doors Console.WriteLine("Grant access to other doors? (y/n)"); string additionalDoorToString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (additionalDoorToString == "y") { Console.WriteLine("Enter the door you'd like to add to this badge:"); string doorNumberAsString = Console.ReadLine(); newBadge.DoorNumber.Add(badgeIDAsString); } else { Menu(); } }