public void Enqueue(Type type, object data)
     BackgroundThreadQueue.Enqueue(new Meta(data, this)
         Type = type
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by the listener when a BaseStation message is received.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 private void MessageListener_MessageReceived(object sender, BaseStationMessageEventArgs args)
     if (_BackgroundThreadMessageQueue != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// See interface docs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bytes"></param>
 public void Send(byte[] bytes)
     if (_SendQueue != null)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a listener raises a BaseStation message event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void Listener_Port30003MessageReceived(object sender, BaseStationMessageEventArgs args)
            try {
                var listener = (IListener)sender;

                _MessageProcessingQueue.Enqueue(new MessageReceived(_Clock.UtcNow, listener, args));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                OnExceptionCaught(new EventArgs <Exception>(ex));
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every time the provider sends some bytes to us.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ar"></param>
        private void BytesReceived(IAsyncResult ar)
            try {
                var now = Provider.UtcNow;

                int  bytesRead = -1;
                bool fetchNext = true;
                try {
                    bytesRead = Provider.EndRead(ar);
                } catch (ObjectDisposedException) {
                    fetchNext = false;
                } catch (SocketException) {
                    fetchNext = false;

                if (bytesRead == 0 || _Disposed)
                    fetchNext = false;
                    if (!_Disposed)
                else if (bytesRead > 0)
                    if (_Statistics.Lock != null)
                        lock (_Statistics.Lock) _Statistics.BytesReceived += bytesRead;

                    // This is a bit of a cheat - I don't want the overhead of taking a copy of the read buffer if nothing is
                    // listening to RawBytesReceived, so I take a peek at the event handler before creating the event args...
                    if (RawBytesReceived != null)
                        var copyRawBytes = new byte[bytesRead];
                        Array.Copy(Provider.ReadBuffer, 0, copyRawBytes, 0, bytesRead);
                        _MessageProcessingAndDispatchQueue.Enqueue(new MessageDispatch()
                            RawBytesEventArgs = new EventArgs <byte[]>(copyRawBytes)

                    foreach (var extractedBytes in BytesExtractor.ExtractMessageBytes(Provider.ReadBuffer, 0, bytesRead))
                        if (extractedBytes.ChecksumFailed)
                            if (_Statistics.Lock != null)
                                lock (_Statistics.Lock) ++_Statistics.FailedChecksumMessages;
                            // Another cheat and for the same reason as explained for the RawBytesReceived message - we don't want to
                            // incur the overhead of copying the extracted bytes if there is nothing listening to the event.
                            if (ModeSBytesReceived != null && extractedBytes.Format == ExtractedBytesFormat.ModeS)
                                _MessageProcessingAndDispatchQueue.Enqueue(new MessageDispatch()
                                    ModeSBytesEventArgs = new EventArgs <ExtractedBytes>((ExtractedBytes)extractedBytes.Clone())

                            switch (extractedBytes.Format)
                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.Port30003:    ProcessPort30003MessageBytes(extractedBytes); break;

                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.ModeS:        ProcessModeSMessageBytes(now, extractedBytes); break;

                            default:                                throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (fetchNext)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                OnExceptionCaught(new EventArgs <Exception>(ex));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called every time the connection sends some bytes to us.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <param name="bytesRead"></param>
        private void BytesReceived(IConnection connection, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, int bytesRead)
            try {
                var now = _Clock.UtcNow;

                if (bytesRead > 0)
                    if (Statistics != null)
                        Statistics.Lock(r => r.BytesReceived += bytesRead);
                    _LastMessageUtc = now;

                    // This is a bit of a cheat - I don't want the overhead of taking a copy of the read buffer if nothing is
                    // listening to RawBytesReceived, so I take a peek at the event handler before creating the event args...
                    if (RawBytesReceived != null)
                        var copyRawBytes = new byte[bytesRead];
                        Array.Copy(buffer, offset, copyRawBytes, 0, bytesRead);
                        _MessageProcessingAndDispatchQueue.Enqueue(new MessageDispatch()
                            RawBytesEventArgs = new EventArgs <byte[]>(copyRawBytes)

                    foreach (var extractedBytes in BytesExtractor.ExtractMessageBytes(buffer, offset, bytesRead))
                        if (extractedBytes.ChecksumFailed)
                            if (Statistics != null)
                                Statistics.Lock(r => ++ r.FailedChecksumMessages);
                            // Another cheat and for the same reason as explained for the RawBytesReceived message - we don't want to
                            // incur the overhead of copying the extracted bytes if there is nothing listening to the event.
                            if (ModeSBytesReceived != null && extractedBytes.Format == ExtractedBytesFormat.ModeS)
                                _MessageProcessingAndDispatchQueue.Enqueue(new MessageDispatch()
                                    ModeSBytesEventArgs = new EventArgs <ExtractedBytes>((ExtractedBytes)extractedBytes.Clone())

                            switch (extractedBytes.Format)
                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.Port30003:        ProcessPort30003MessageBytes(extractedBytes); break;

                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.ModeS:            ProcessModeSMessageBytes(now, extractedBytes); break;

                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.Compressed:       ProcessCompressedMessageBytes(now, extractedBytes); break;

                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.AircraftListJson: ProcessAircraftListJsonMessageBytes(now, extractedBytes); break;

                            case ExtractedBytesFormat.AirnavXRange:     ProcessAirnavXRangeMessageBytes(now, extractedBytes); break;

                            default:                                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                    if (Statistics != null)
                        Statistics.Lock(r => r.CurrentBufferSize = BytesExtractor.BufferSize);

                Connector.Read(_Buffer, BytesReceived);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                OnExceptionCaught(new EventArgs <Exception>(ex));
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the fetched aircraft record to the aircraft detail, raising any events appropriate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="detail"></param>
        /// <param name="databaseAircraft"></param>
        /// <param name="aircraft"></param>
        /// <param name="onlineAircraft"></param>
        /// <param name="isFirstFetch"></param>
        /// <param name="flightsCount"></param>
        private AircraftDetail ApplyDatabaseRecord(AircraftDetail detail, BaseStationAircraft databaseAircraft, AircraftOnlineLookupDetail onlineAircraft, IAircraft aircraft, bool isFirstFetch, int flightsCount = -1)
            var databaseAircraftChanged = detail == null;

            if (!databaseAircraftChanged)
                if (detail.Aircraft == null)
                    databaseAircraftChanged = databaseAircraft != null;
                    databaseAircraftChanged = !detail.Aircraft.Equals(databaseAircraft);
                    if (!databaseAircraftChanged && flightsCount > -1 && flightsCount != detail.FlightsCount)
                        databaseAircraftChanged = true;

            var onlineAircraftChanged = detail == null;

            if (!onlineAircraftChanged)
                if (detail.OnlineAircraft == null)
                    onlineAircraftChanged = onlineAircraft != null;
                    onlineAircraftChanged = !detail.OnlineAircraft.ContentEquals(onlineAircraft);

            if (_ForceRefreshOfStandingData && detail != null)
                detail.AircraftType = null;

            var icaoTypeCode = databaseAircraft == null ? null : databaseAircraft.ICAOTypeCode;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(icaoTypeCode) && onlineAircraft != null)
                icaoTypeCode = onlineAircraft.ModelIcao;

            var aircraftType        = detail == null ? null : detail.AircraftType;
            var aircraftTypeChanged = detail == null;

            if (icaoTypeCode != null && (_ForceRefreshOfStandingData || detail == null || detail.Aircraft == null || detail.ModelIcao != icaoTypeCode))
                aircraftType        = _StandingDataManager.FindAircraftType(icaoTypeCode);
                aircraftTypeChanged = true;

            if (databaseAircraftChanged || onlineAircraftChanged || aircraftTypeChanged)
                if (flightsCount == -1)
                    flightsCount = detail != null ? detail.FlightsCount
                                          : databaseAircraft == null ? 0
                                          : _AutoConfigDatabase.Database.GetCountOfFlightsForAircraft(databaseAircraft, new SearchBaseStationCriteria()
                        Date = new FilterRange <DateTime>(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue),

                detail = new AircraftDetail()
                    Aircraft       = databaseAircraft,
                    OnlineAircraft = onlineAircraft,
                    AircraftType   = aircraftType,
                    FlightsCount   = flightsCount,
                    Icao24         = aircraft.Icao24,
                    Picture        = detail == null ? null : detail.Picture,
                OnFetched(new EventArgs <AircraftDetail>(detail));

            var registration = databaseAircraft != null ? databaseAircraft.Registration : aircraft.Registration;

            if (registration == null && onlineAircraft != null)
                registration = onlineAircraft.Registration;

            if (_PictureLookupThread != null)
                _PictureLookupThread.Enqueue(new LookupPictureDetail()
                    Icao          = aircraft.Icao24,
                    Registration  = registration,
                    PictureDetail = detail == null ? null : detail.Picture,
