Exemple #1
        private BabylonCamera ExportCameraAnimations(BabylonCamera babylonCamera, IIGameCamera camera, BabylonExporter exporter)
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            int numProps = camera.IPropertyContainer.NumberOfProperties;

            for (int i = 0; i < numProps; ++i)
                IIGameProperty property = camera.IPropertyContainer.GetProperty(i);

                if (property == null)

                IParamDef paramDef     = property.MaxParamBlock2?.GetParamDef(property.ParamID);
                string    propertyName = property.Name.ToUpperInvariant();

                switch (propertyName)

            babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();
        void DumpCameras(NovaScene scene, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            foreach (NovaCamera camera in scene.Cameras)
                var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

                babylonCamera.name            = camera.Name;
                babylonCamera.id              = camera.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.parentId        = camera.ParentEntity == null ? "" : camera.ParentEntity.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId  = camera.Target == null ? "" : camera.Target.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.position        = camera.Position.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.rotation        = camera.Rotation.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.fov             = camera.FOV;
                babylonCamera.minZ            = camera.NearClip;
                babylonCamera.maxZ            = camera.FarClip;
                babylonCamera.inertia         = camera.Inertia;
                babylonCamera.speed           = camera.Speed;
                babylonCamera.checkCollisions = camera.CheckCollisions;
                babylonCamera.applyGravity    = camera.ApplyGravity;
                babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = camera.EllipsoidVector.ToArray();

                // Animations
                var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

                // Position
                if (!DumpInterpolator("Position animation", "position", camera.PositionInterpolator, scene, animations))
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionX animation", "position.x", camera.PositionXInterpolator, scene, animations);
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionY animation", "position.y", camera.PositionYInterpolator, scene, animations);
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionZ animation", "position.z", camera.PositionZInterpolator, scene, animations);

                babylonCamera.animations  = animations.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate = camera.AutoAnimate;

                if (camera.AutoAnimate)
                    babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = camera.AnimationStartKey;
                    if (camera.AnimationEndKey == -1)
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo   = scene.AnimationKeyMax / scene.AnimationKeyStep;
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = true;
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo = camera.AnimationEndKey;

            if (scene.ActiveCamera != null)
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = scene.ActiveCamera.ID.ToString();
Exemple #3
        private BabylonCamera ExportCamera(Node cameraNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            var maxCamera     = (cameraNode.Object as Camera)._Camera;
            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

            RaiseMessage(cameraNode.Name, true);
            babylonCamera.name = cameraNode.Name;
            babylonCamera.id   = cameraNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (cameraNode.HasParent())
                babylonCamera.parentId = cameraNode.Parent.GetGuid().ToString();

            babylonCamera.fov  = Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(0, Interval.Forever._IInterval));
            babylonCamera.minZ = maxCamera.GetEnvRange(0, 0, Interval.Forever._IInterval);
            babylonCamera.maxZ = maxCamera.GetEnvRange(0, 1, Interval.Forever._IInterval);

            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // Control
            babylonCamera.speed   = cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed");
            babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia");

            // Collisions
            babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            babylonCamera.applyGravity    = cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = cameraNode._Node.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Position
            var wm       = cameraNode.GetWorldMatrix(0, cameraNode.HasParent());
            var position = wm.Trans;

            babylonCamera.position = position.ToArraySwitched();

            // Target
            var target = cameraNode._Node.Target;

            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.GetGuid().ToString();
                var dir = wm.GetRow(2).MultiplyBy(-1);
                babylonCamera.target = dir.ToArraySwitched();

Exemple #4
        private void ConvertUnityCameraToBabylon(Camera camera, float progress)
            ExporterWindow.ReportProgress(progress, "Exporting camera: " + camera.name);

            BabylonCamera babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera
                name     = camera.name,
                id       = GetID(camera.gameObject),
                fov      = camera.fieldOfView * (float)Math.PI / 180,
                minZ     = camera.nearClipPlane,
                maxZ     = camera.farClipPlane,
                parentId = GetParentID(camera.transform),
                position = camera.transform.localPosition.ToFloat()

            var target            = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            var transformedTarget = camera.transform.TransformDirection(target);

            babylonCamera.target = (camera.transform.position + transformedTarget).ToFloat();


            if (Camera.main == camera)
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = babylonCamera.id;
                babylonScene.clearColor     = camera.backgroundColor.ToFloat();

            // Animations
            ExportAnimations(camera.transform, babylonCamera);

            // Collisions
            if (exportationOptions.ExportCollisions)
                babylonCamera.checkCollisions = true;
                babylonCamera.applyGravity    = true;
                babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = exportationOptions.CameraEllipsoid.ToFloat();
Exemple #5
        public bool ExportBabylonExtension <T>(T babylonObject, ref BabylonScene babylonScene, BabylonExporter exporter)
            var  cameraNode     = babylonObject as Autodesk.Max.IIGameCamera;
            bool isGLTFExported = exporter.exportParameters.outputFormat == "gltf";

            // todo: MaterialUtilities class should be splitted as the wrapper contains more idwrapper then the materials one

            if (isGLTFExported && FlightSimCameraUtilities.class_ID.Equals(new MaterialUtilities.ClassIDWrapper(cameraNode.CameraTarget.MaxNode.ClassID)))
                var id = cameraNode.CameraTarget.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                // add a basic babylon material to the list to forward the max material reference
                var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();//(id)
                //    maxGameMaterial = materialNode,
                //    name = materialNode.MaterialName

                babylonCamera = ExportCameraAnimations(babylonCamera, cameraNode, exporter);

        void DumpCameras(NovaScene scene, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            foreach (NovaCamera camera in scene.Cameras)
                var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

                babylonCamera.name = camera.Name;
                babylonCamera.id = camera.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.parentId = camera.ParentEntity == null ? "" : camera.ParentEntity.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = camera.Target == null ? "" : camera.Target.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.position = camera.Position.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.rotation = camera.Rotation.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.fov = camera.FOV;
                babylonCamera.minZ = camera.NearClip;
                babylonCamera.maxZ = camera.FarClip;
                babylonCamera.inertia = camera.Inertia;
                babylonCamera.speed = camera.Speed;
                babylonCamera.checkCollisions = camera.CheckCollisions;
                babylonCamera.applyGravity = camera.ApplyGravity;
                babylonCamera.ellipsoid = camera.EllipsoidVector.ToArray();

                // Animations
                var animations = new List<BabylonAnimation>();

                // Position
                if (!DumpInterpolator("Position animation", "position", camera.PositionInterpolator, scene, animations))
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionX animation", "position.x", camera.PositionXInterpolator, scene, animations);
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionY animation", "position.y", camera.PositionYInterpolator, scene, animations);
                    DumpInterpolator("PositionZ animation", "position.z", camera.PositionZInterpolator, scene, animations);

                babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate = camera.AutoAnimate;

                if (camera.AutoAnimate)
                    babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = camera.AnimationStartKey;
                    if (camera.AnimationEndKey == -1)
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo = scene.AnimationKeyMax / scene.AnimationKeyStep;
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = true;
                        babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo = camera.AnimationEndKey;

            if (scene.ActiveCamera != null)
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = scene.ActiveCamera.ID.ToString();
Exemple #7
        public async Task ExportAsync(string outputFile, bool generateManifest, bool onlySelected, Form callerForm)
            IsCancelled = false;
            RaiseMessage("Exportation started", Color.Blue);
            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile));
            var maxScene     = Loader.Core.RootNode;


            if (!Directory.Exists(babylonScene.OutputPath))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            // Save scene
            RaiseMessage("Saving 3ds max file");

            if (AutoSave3dsMaxFile)
                var forceSave = Loader.Core.FileSave;

                if (callerForm != null)

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear    = true;
            babylonScene.clearColor   = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            babylonScene.gravity             = maxScene.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity");
            exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = maxScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions", 1);

            // Cameras
            BabylonCamera mainCamera = null;

            RaiseMessage("Exporting cameras");
            foreach (var cameraNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SClass_ID.Camera))
                if (onlySelected && !cameraNode.Selected)
                ExportCamera(cameraNode, babylonScene);

                if (mainCamera == null && babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                    mainCamera = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                    babylonScene.activeCameraID = mainCamera.id;
                    RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + mainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

            if (mainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Fog
            for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++)
                var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index);

                if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog")
                    var fog = atmospheric as IStdFog;

                    if (fog != null)
                        RaiseMessage("Exporting fog");

                        babylonScene.fogColor   = fog.GetColor(0).ToArray();
                        babylonScene.fogDensity = fog.GetDensity(0);
                        babylonScene.fogMode    = fog.GetType_ == 0 ? 3 : 1;

                        if (mainCamera != null)
                            babylonScene.fogStart = mainCamera.minZ * fog.GetNear(0);
                            babylonScene.fogEnd   = mainCamera.maxZ * fog.GetFar(0);

            // Meshes
            RaiseMessage("Exporting meshes");
            var meshes          = maxScene.NodesListBySuperClasses(new[] { SClass_ID.Geomobject, SClass_ID.Helper });
            var progressionStep = 80.0f / meshes.Count();
            var progression     = 10.0f;

            foreach (var meshNode in meshes)
                if (onlySelected && !meshNode.Selected)

                Tools.PreparePipeline(meshNode, true);
                ExportMesh(meshNode, babylonScene);
                Tools.PreparePipeline(meshNode, false);

                progression += progressionStep;

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Materials
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials

            foreach (var mat in matsToExport)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Lights
            RaiseMessage("Exporting lights");
            foreach (var lightNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SClass_ID.Light))
                if (onlySelected && !lightNode.Selected)
                ExportLight(lightNode, babylonScene);

            if (babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default hemispheric light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Skeletons
            if (skins.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // Output
            RaiseMessage("Saving to output file");
            var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings());
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var sw             = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw))
                    jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                    jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene);
                File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());

                if (generateManifest)
                    File.WriteAllText(outputFile + ".manifest",
                                      "{\r\n\"version\" : 1,\r\n\"enableSceneOffline\" : true,\r\n\"enableTexturesOffline\" : true\r\n}");

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue);
Exemple #8
        public void Export(string outputFile)
            RaiseMessage("Exportation started");
            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile));
            var maxScene     = Kernel.Scene;


            if (!Directory.Exists(babylonScene.OutputPath))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear    = true;
            babylonScene.clearColor   = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Interval.Forever._IInterval).ToArray();
            babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Interval.Forever._IInterval).ToArray();

            babylonScene.gravity = maxScene.RootNode._Node.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity");

            // Cameras
            BabylonCamera mainCamera = null;

            RaiseMessage("Exporting cameras");
            foreach (var cameraNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SuperClassID.Camera))
                var babylonCamera = ExportCamera(cameraNode, babylonScene);

                if (mainCamera == null)
                    mainCamera = babylonCamera;
                    babylonScene.activeCameraID = mainCamera.id;
                    RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + mainCamera.name, true, true);

            if (mainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", true);

            // Fog
            for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++)
                var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index);

                if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog")
                    RaiseMessage("Exporting fog");
                    var reference  = atmospheric.GetReference(0);
                    var parameters = Animatable.CreateWrapper <ParameterBlock1>(reference);

                    babylonScene.fogColor   = (parameters["fog color"].Value as IColor).ToArray();
                    babylonScene.fogDensity = (float)parameters["density"].Value;
                    babylonScene.fogMode    = ((int)parameters["fog type"].Value) == 0 ? 3 : 1;

                    if (mainCamera != null)
                        babylonScene.fogStart = mainCamera.minZ * (float)parameters["near %"].Value;
                        babylonScene.fogEnd   = mainCamera.maxZ * (float)parameters["far %"].Value;

            // Meshes
            RaiseMessage("Exporting meshes");
            foreach (var meshNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SuperClassID.GeometricObject))
                ExportMesh(meshNode, babylonScene);

            // Materials
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials

            foreach (var mat in matsToExport)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);

            // Lights
            RaiseMessage("Exporting lights");
            foreach (var lightNode in maxScene.NodesListBySuperClass(SuperClassID.Light))
                ExportLight(lightNode, babylonScene);

            // Output
            var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create();
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var sw             = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw))
                jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene);
            File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());


            RaiseMessage("Exportation done");
        public void Export(ExportParameters exportParameters)
            // Check input text is valid
            var    scaleFactorFloat = 1.0f;
            string scaleFactor      = exportParameters.scaleFactor;

                scaleFactor      = scaleFactor.Replace(".", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator);
                scaleFactor      = scaleFactor.Replace(",", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator);
                scaleFactorFloat = float.Parse(scaleFactor);
                RaiseError("Scale factor is not a valid number.");

            long   quality    = 0L;
            string txtQuality = exportParameters.txtQuality;

                quality = long.Parse(txtQuality);

                if (quality < 0 || quality > 100)
                    throw new Exception();
                RaiseError("Quality is not a valid number. It should be an integer between 0 and 100.");
                RaiseError("This parameter set the quality of jpg compression.");

            this.exportParameters = exportParameters;

            var gameConversionManger = Loader.Global.ConversionManager;

            gameConversionManger.CoordSystem = Autodesk.Max.IGameConversionManager.CoordSystem.D3d;

            var gameScene = Loader.Global.IGameInterface;

            if (exportParameters.exportNode == null)
                gameScene.InitialiseIGame(exportParameters.exportNode, true);

            MaxSceneFileName = gameScene.SceneFileName;

            IsCancelled = false;

            string fileExportString = exportParameters.exportNode != null
                ? $"{exportParameters.exportNode.NodeName} | {exportParameters.outputPath}"
                : exportParameters.outputPath;

            RaiseMessage($"Exportation started: {fileExportString}", Color.Blue);

            string tempOutputDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName());
            string outputDirectory     = Path.GetDirectoryName(exportParameters.outputPath);
            string outputFileName      = Path.GetFileName(exportParameters.outputPath);

            // Check directory exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var outputBabylonDirectory = tempOutputDirectory;

            // Force output file extension to be babylon
            outputFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFileName, "babylon");

            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(outputBabylonDirectory);

            var rawScene = Loader.Core.RootNode;

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            string outputFormat = exportParameters.outputFormat;

            isBabylonExported = outputFormat == "babylon" || outputFormat == "binary babylon";
            isGltfExported    = outputFormat == "gltf" || outputFormat == "glb";

            // Get scene parameters
            optimizeAnimations = !Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_donotoptimizeanimations");
            exportNonAnimated  = Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_animgroup_exportnonanimated");

            // Save scene
            if (exportParameters.autoSave3dsMaxFile)
                RaiseMessage("Saving 3ds max file");
                var forceSave = Loader.Core.FileSave;


            // Producer
            babylonScene.producer = new BabylonProducer
                name = "3dsmax",
#if MAX2019
                version = "2019",
#elif MAX2018
                version = "2018",
#elif MAX2017
                version = "2017",
                version = Loader.Core.ProductVersion.ToString(),
                exporter_version = exporterVersion,
                file             = outputFileName

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear    = true;
            babylonScene.clearColor   = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            babylonScene.gravity             = rawScene.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity");
            ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions", 1);
            if (Loader.Core.UseEnvironmentMap && Loader.Core.EnvironmentMap != null)
                // Environment texture
                var environmentMap = Loader.Core.EnvironmentMap;
                // Copy image file to output if necessary
                var babylonTexture = ExportEnvironmnentTexture(environmentMap, babylonScene);
                if (babylonTexture != null)
                    babylonScene.environmentTexture = babylonTexture.name;

                    // Skybox
                    babylonScene.createDefaultSkybox = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_createDefaultSkybox");
                    babylonScene.skyboxBlurLevel     = rawScene.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_skyboxBlurLevel");

            // Sounds
            var soundName = rawScene.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var globalSound = new BabylonSound
                    autoplay = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop     = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    name     = filename


                if (isBabylonExported)
                        File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Root nodes
            RaiseMessage("Exporting nodes");
            HashSet <IIGameNode> maxRootNodes = getRootNodes(gameScene);
            var progressionStep = 80.0f / maxRootNodes.Count;
            var progression     = 10.0f;
            // Reseting is optionnal. It makes each morph target manager export starts from id = 0.
            foreach (var maxRootNode in maxRootNodes)
                BabylonNode node = exportNodeRec(maxRootNode, babylonScene, gameScene);

                // if we're exporting from a specific node, reset the pivot to {0,0,0}
                if (node != null && exportParameters.exportNode != null)
                    SetNodePosition(ref node, ref babylonScene, new float[] { 0, 0, 0 });

                progression += progressionStep;
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total meshes: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // In 3DS Max the default camera look down (in the -z direction for the 3DS Max reference (+y for babylon))
            // In Babylon the default camera look to the horizon (in the +z direction for the babylon reference)
            // In glTF the default camera look to the horizon (in the +Z direction for glTF reference)
            RaiseMessage("Update camera rotation and position", 1);
            for (int index = 0; index < babylonScene.CamerasList.Count; index++)
                BabylonCamera camera = babylonScene.CamerasList[index];
                FixCamera(ref camera, ref babylonScene);

            // Light for glTF
            if (isGltfExported)
                RaiseMessage("Update light rotation for glTF export", 1);
                for (int index = 0; index < babylonScene.LightsList.Count; index++)
                    BabylonNode light = babylonScene.LightsList[index];
                    FixNodeRotation(ref light, ref babylonScene, -Math.PI / 2);

            // Main camera
            BabylonCamera babylonMainCamera   = null;
            ICameraObject maxMainCameraObject = null;
            if (babylonMainCamera == null && babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                // Set first camera as main one
                babylonMainCamera           = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = babylonMainCamera.id;
                RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + babylonMainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

                // Retreive camera node with same GUID
                var maxCameraNodesAsTab = gameScene.GetIGameNodeByType(Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Camera);
                var maxCameraNodes      = TabToList(maxCameraNodesAsTab);
                var maxMainCameraNode   = maxCameraNodes.Find(_camera => _camera.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString() == babylonMainCamera.id);
                maxMainCameraObject = (maxMainCameraNode.MaxNode.ObjectRef as ICameraObject);

            if (babylonMainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total cameras: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Default light
            bool addDefaultLight = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_addDefaultLight", 1);
            if (addDefaultLight && babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default hemispheric light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total lights: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            if (scaleFactorFloat != 1.0f)
                RaiseMessage("A root node is added for scaling", 1);

                // Create root node for scaling
                BabylonMesh rootNode = new BabylonMesh {
                    name = "root", id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                rootNode.isDummy = true;
                float rootNodeScale = scaleFactorFloat;
                rootNode.scaling = new float[3] {
                    rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale

                if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                    rootNode.rotationQuaternion = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
                    rootNode.rotation = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                // Update all top nodes
                var babylonNodes = new List <BabylonNode>();
                foreach (BabylonNode babylonNode in babylonNodes)
                    if (babylonNode.parentId == null)
                        babylonNode.parentId = rootNode.id;

                // Store root node

            // Materials
            if (exportParameters.exportMaterials)
                RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
                var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials
                foreach (var mat in matsToExport)
                    ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);
                RaiseMessage("Skipping material export.");

            // Fog
            for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++)
                var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index);

                if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog")
                    var fog = atmospheric as IStdFog;

                    RaiseMessage("Exporting fog");

                    if (fog != null)
                        babylonScene.fogColor = fog.GetColor(0).ToArray();
                        babylonScene.fogMode  = 3;
                    if (babylonMainCamera != null)
                        babylonScene.fogStart = maxMainCameraObject.GetEnvRange(0, 0, Tools.Forever);
                        babylonScene.fogEnd   = maxMainCameraObject.GetEnvRange(0, 1, Tools.Forever);

            // Skeletons
            if (skins.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // Animation group
            if (isBabylonExported)
                RaiseMessage("Export animation groups");
                // add animation groups to the scene
                babylonScene.animationGroups = ExportAnimationGroups(babylonScene);

                // if there is animationGroup, then remove animations from nodes
                if (babylonScene.animationGroups.Count > 0)
                    foreach (BabylonNode node in babylonScene.MeshesList)
                        node.animations = null;
                    foreach (BabylonNode node in babylonScene.LightsList)
                        node.animations = null;
                    foreach (BabylonNode node in babylonScene.CamerasList)
                        node.animations = null;
                    foreach (BabylonSkeleton skel in babylonScene.SkeletonsList)
                        foreach (BabylonBone bone in skel.bones)
                            bone.animation = null;

            // Output
            babylonScene.Prepare(false, false);
            if (isBabylonExported)
                RaiseMessage("Saving to output file");

                var outputFile = Path.Combine(outputBabylonDirectory, outputFileName);

                var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings());
                var sb             = new StringBuilder();
                var sw             = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw))
                    jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                    jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene);
                File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());

                if (exportParameters.generateManifest)
                    File.WriteAllText(outputFile + ".manifest",
                                      "{\r\n\"version\" : 1,\r\n\"enableSceneOffline\" : true,\r\n\"enableTexturesOffline\" : true\r\n}");

                // Binary
                if (outputFormat == "binary babylon")
                    RaiseMessage("Generating binary files");
                    BabylonFileConverter.BinaryConverter.Convert(outputFile, outputBabylonDirectory + "\\Binary",
                                                                 message => RaiseMessage(message, 1),
                                                                 error => RaiseError(error, 1));


            // Export glTF
            if (isGltfExported)
                bool generateBinary = outputFormat == "glb";
                ExportGltf(babylonScene, tempOutputDirectory, outputFileName, generateBinary);
            // Move files to output directory
            var filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(tempOutputDirectory);
            if (outputFormat == "binary babylon")
                var tempBinaryOutputDirectory = Path.Combine(tempOutputDirectory, "Binary");
                var binaryFilePaths           = Directory.GetFiles(tempBinaryOutputDirectory);
                foreach (var filePath in binaryFilePaths)
                    if (filePath.EndsWith(".binary.babylon"))
                        var file         = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                        var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempBinaryOutputDirectory, file);
                        var outputFile   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, file);
                        moveFileToOutputDirectory(tempFilePath, outputFile, exportParameters);
                    else if (filePath.EndsWith(".babylonbinarymeshdata"))
                        var file         = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                        var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempBinaryOutputDirectory, file);
                        var outputFile   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, file);
                        moveFileToOutputDirectory(tempFilePath, outputFile, exportParameters);
            if (outputFormat == "glb")
                foreach (var file_path in filePaths)
                    if (Path.GetExtension(file_path) == ".glb")
                        var file         = Path.GetFileName(file_path);
                        var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempOutputDirectory, file);
                        var outputFile   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, file);
                        moveFileToOutputDirectory(tempFilePath, outputFile, exportParameters);
                foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
                    var file         = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                    var outputPath   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, file);
                    var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempOutputDirectory, file);
                    moveFileToOutputDirectory(tempFilePath, outputPath, exportParameters);
            Directory.Delete(tempOutputDirectory, true);

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s: {1}", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, fileExportString), Color.Blue);
Exemple #10
        public async Task ExportAsync(string outputFile, bool generateManifest, bool onlySelected, bool generateBinary, Form callerForm)
            var gameConversionManger = Loader.Global.ConversionManager;

            gameConversionManger.CoordSystem = Autodesk.Max.IGameConversionManager.CoordSystem.D3d;

            var gameScene = Loader.Global.IGameInterface;


            MaxSceneFileName = gameScene.SceneFileName;

            IsCancelled = false;
            RaiseMessage("Exportation started", Color.Blue);
            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile));
            var rawScene     = Loader.Core.RootNode;


            if (!Directory.Exists(babylonScene.OutputPath))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            // Save scene
            RaiseMessage("Saving 3ds max file");

            if (AutoSave3dsMaxFile)
                var forceSave = Loader.Core.FileSave;

                if (callerForm != null)

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear    = true;
            babylonScene.clearColor   = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            babylonScene.gravity             = rawScene.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity");
            ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions", 1);

            // Cameras
            BabylonCamera mainCamera     = null;
            ICameraObject mainCameraNode = null;

            RaiseMessage("Exporting cameras");
            var camerasTab = gameScene.GetIGameNodeByType(Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Camera);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < camerasTab.Count; ++ix)
                var indexer    = new IntPtr(ix);
                var cameraNode = camerasTab[indexer];
                ExportCamera(gameScene, cameraNode, babylonScene);

                if (mainCamera == null && babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                    mainCameraNode = (cameraNode.MaxNode.ObjectRef as ICameraObject);
                    mainCamera     = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                    babylonScene.activeCameraID = mainCamera.id;
                    RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + mainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

            if (mainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Fog
            for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++)
                var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index);

                if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog")
                    var fog = atmospheric as IStdFog;

                    RaiseMessage("Exporting fog");

                    if (fog != null)
                        babylonScene.fogColor = fog.GetColor(0).ToArray();
                        babylonScene.fogMode  = 3;
#if !MAX2015
                        var paramBlock = atmospheric.GetReference(0) as IIParamBlock;

                        babylonScene.fogColor = Tools.GetParamBlockValueColor(paramBlock, "Fog Color");
                        babylonScene.fogMode  = 3;
                    if (mainCamera != null)
                        babylonScene.fogStart = mainCameraNode.GetEnvRange(0, 0, Tools.Forever);
                        babylonScene.fogEnd   = mainCameraNode.GetEnvRange(0, 1, Tools.Forever);

            // Meshes
            RaiseMessage("Exporting meshes");
            var meshes          = gameScene.GetIGameNodeByType(Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Mesh);
            var progressionStep = 80.0f / meshes.Count;
            var progression     = 10.0f;
            for (int ix = 0; ix < meshes.Count; ++ix)
                var indexer  = new IntPtr(ix);
                var meshNode = meshes[indexer];
                ExportMesh(gameScene, meshNode, babylonScene);


                progression += progressionStep;


            // Materials
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials
            foreach (var mat in matsToExport)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Lights
            RaiseMessage("Exporting lights");
            var lightNodes = gameScene.GetIGameNodeByType(Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Light);
            for (var i = 0; i < lightNodes.Count; ++i)
                ExportLight(gameScene, lightNodes[new IntPtr(i)], babylonScene);

            if (babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default hemispheric light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Skeletons
            if (skins.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // Output
            RaiseMessage("Saving to output file");
            var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings());
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var sw             = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            await Task.Run(() =>
                using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw))
                    jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                    jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene);
                File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());

                if (generateManifest)
                    File.WriteAllText(outputFile + ".manifest",
                                      "{\r\n\"version\" : 1,\r\n\"enableSceneOffline\" : true,\r\n\"enableTexturesOffline\" : true\r\n}");

            // Binary
            if (generateBinary)
                RaiseMessage("Generating binary files");
                BabylonFileConverter.BinaryConverter.Convert(outputFile, Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile) + "\\Binary",
                                                             message => RaiseMessage(message, 1),
                                                             error => RaiseError(error, 1));

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Export to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory">The directory to store the generated files</param>
        /// <param name="outputFileName">The filename to use for the generated files</param>
        /// <param name="outputFormat">The format to use for the generated files</param>
        /// <param name="generateManifest">Specifies if a manifest file should be generated</param>
        /// <param name="onlySelected">Specifies if only the selected objects should be exported</param>
        /// <param name="autoSaveMayaFile">Specifies if the Maya scene should be auto-saved</param>
        /// <param name="exportHiddenObjects">Specifies if hidden objects should be exported</param>
        /// <param name="copyTexturesToOutput">Specifies if textures should be copied to the output directory</param>
        /// <param name="optimizeVertices">Specifies if vertices should be optimized on export</param>
        /// <param name="exportTangents">Specifies if tangents should be exported</param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">Scales the scene by this factor</param>
        /// <param name="exportSkin">Specifies if skins should be exported</param>
        /// <param name="quality">The texture quality</param>
        /// <param name="dracoCompression">Specifies if draco compression should be used</param>
        /// <param name="exportMorphNormal">Specifies if normals should be exported for morph targets</param>
        /// <param name="exportMorphTangent">Specifies if tangents should be exported for morph targets</param>
        /// <param name="exportKHRLightsPunctual">Specifies if the KHR_lights_punctual extension should be enabled</param>
        /// <param name="exportKHRTextureTransform">Specifies if the KHR_texture_transform extension should be enabled</param>
        /// <param name="bakeAnimationFrames">Specifies if animations should be exporting keyframes directly or should manually bake out animations frame by frame</param>
        public void Export(ExportParameters exportParameters)
            this.exportParameters = exportParameters;

            // Check if the animation is running
            MGlobal.executeCommand("play -q - state", out int isPlayed);
            if (isPlayed == 1)
                RaiseError("Stop the animation before exporting.");

            RaiseMessage("Export started", Color.Blue);
            var progression = 0.0f;


            // Store export options
            this.isBabylonExported = exportParameters.outputFormat == "babylon" || exportParameters.outputFormat == "binary babylon";

            var outputBabylonDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(exportParameters.outputPath);

            // Check directory exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputBabylonDirectory))
                RaiseError("Export stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(outputBabylonDirectory);

            // Save scene
            if (exportParameters.autoSaveSceneFile)
                RaiseMessage("Saving Maya file");

                // Query expand file name
                string fileName = MGlobal.executeCommandStringResult($@"file -q -exn;");

                // If scene has already been saved previously
                if (fileName.EndsWith(".ma") || fileName.EndsWith(".mb"))
                    // Name is already specified and this line will not fail
                    // Open SaveAs dialog window

            // Force output file extension to be babylon
            var outputFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(exportParameters.outputPath), "babylon");

            // Store selected nodes
            MSelectionList selectedNodes = new MSelectionList();

            selectedNodeFullPaths = new List <string>();
            MItSelectionList mItSelectionList = new MItSelectionList(selectedNodes);

            while (!mItSelectionList.isDone)
                MDagPath mDagPath = new MDagPath();
                } catch
                    // selected object is not a DAG object
                    // fail silently

            if (selectedNodeFullPaths.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Selected nodes full path");
                foreach (string selectedNodeFullPath in selectedNodeFullPaths)
                    RaiseMessage(selectedNodeFullPath, 1);

            // Producer
            babylonScene.producer = new BabylonProducer
                name             = "Maya",
                version          = "2018",
                exporter_version = exporterVersion,
                file             = outputFileName

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear = true;
            // TODO - Retreive colors from Maya
            //babylonScene.clearColor = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            //babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            babylonScene.TimelineStartFrame      = Loader.GetMinTime();
            babylonScene.TimelineEndFrame        = Loader.GetMaxTime();
            babylonScene.TimelineFramesPerSecond = Loader.GetFPS();

            // TODO - Add custom properties
            _exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = true;


            // Store the current frame. It can be change to find a proper one for the node/bone export
            double currentTime = Loader.GetCurrentTime();

            // --------------------
            // ------ Nodes -------
            // --------------------
            RaiseMessage("Exporting nodes");

            // It makes each morph target manager export starts from id = 0.

            // Clear materials

            // Get all nodes
            var             dagIterator = new MItDag(MItDag.TraversalType.kDepthFirst, MFn.Type.kTransform);
            List <MDagPath> nodes       = new List <MDagPath>();

            while (!dagIterator.isDone)
                MDagPath mDagPath = new MDagPath();

                // Check if one of its descendant (direct or not) is a mesh/camera/light/locator
                if (isNodeRelevantToExportRec(mDagPath)
                    // Ensure it's not one of the default cameras used as viewports in Maya
                    && defaultCameraNames.Contains(mDagPath.partialPathName) == false)
                    // Skip descendants

            // Export all nodes
            var progressionStep = 100.0f / nodes.Count;

            foreach (MDagPath mDagPath in nodes)
                BabylonNode babylonNode = null;

                    switch (getApiTypeOfDirectDescendants(mDagPath))
                    case MFn.Type.kMesh:
                        babylonNode = ExportMesh(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                    case MFn.Type.kCamera:
                        babylonNode = ExportCamera(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                    case MFn.Type.kLight:     // Lights api type are actually kPointLight, kSpotLight...
                        babylonNode = ExportLight(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                    case MFn.Type.kLocator:     // Camera target
                        babylonNode = ExportDummy(mDagPath, babylonScene);
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.RaiseWarning(String.Format("Exception raised during export. Node will be exported as dummy node. \r\nMessage: \r\n{0} \r\n{1}", e.Message, e.InnerException), 2);

                // If node is not exported successfully
                if (babylonNode == null)
                    // Create a dummy (empty mesh)
                    babylonNode = ExportDummy(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                // Update progress bar
                progression += progressionStep;

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total meshes: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // if nothing is enlightened, exclude all meshes
            foreach (BabylonLight light in babylonScene.LightsList)
                if (light.includedOnlyMeshesIds.Length == 0)
                    light.excludedMeshesIds = babylonScene.MeshesList.Select(m => m.id).ToArray();

             * Switch coordinate system at global level
             * Add a root node with negative scaling
             * Pros - It's safer to use a root node
             * Cons - It's cleaner to switch at object level (as it is done now)
             * Use root node method when you want to be 100% sure of the output
             * Don't forget to also inverse winding order of mesh indices
            //// Switch from right to left handed coordinate system
            //MUuid mUuid = new MUuid();
            //var rootNode = new BabylonMesh
            //    name = "root",
            //    id = mUuid.asString(),
            //    scaling = new float[] { 1, 1, -1 }
            //foreach(var babylonMesh in babylonScene.MeshesList)
            //    // Add root meshes as child to root node
            //    if (babylonMesh.parentId == null)
            //    {
            //        babylonMesh.parentId = rootNode.id;
            //    }

            // Main camera
            BabylonCamera babylonMainCamera = null;

            if (babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                // Set first camera as main one
                babylonMainCamera           = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = babylonMainCamera.id;
                RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + babylonMainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

            if (babylonMainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total cameras: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Default light
            if (!exportParameters.pbrNoLight && babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default ambient light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total lights: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            var sceneScaleFactor = exportParameters.scaleFactor;

            if (exportParameters.scaleFactor != 1.0f)
                RaiseMessage(String.Format("A root node is added to globally scale the scene by {0}", sceneScaleFactor), 1);

                // Create root node for scaling
                BabylonMesh rootNode = new BabylonMesh {
                    name = "root", id = Tools.GenerateUUID()
                rootNode.isDummy = true;
                float rootNodeScale = sceneScaleFactor;
                rootNode.scaling = new float[3] {
                    rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale

                if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                    rootNode.rotationQuaternion = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
                    rootNode.rotation = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };

                // Update all top nodes
                var babylonNodes = new List <BabylonNode>();
                foreach (BabylonNode babylonNode in babylonNodes)
                    if (babylonNode.parentId == null)
                        babylonNode.parentId = rootNode.id;

                // Store root node

            // --------------------
            // ----- Materials ----
            // --------------------
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            foreach (var mat in referencedMaterials)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene, exportParameters.pbrFull);
            foreach (var mat in multiMaterials)
                ExportMultiMaterial(mat.Key, mat.Value, babylonScene, exportParameters.pbrFull);
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Export skeletons
            if (exportParameters.exportSkins && skins.Count > 0)
                progressSkin     = 0;
                progressSkinStep = 100 / skins.Count;
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // set back the frame

            // ----------------------------
            // ----- Animation groups -----
            // ----------------------------
            RaiseMessage("Export animation groups");
            // add animation groups to the scene
            babylonScene.animationGroups = ExportAnimationGroups(babylonScene);

            if (isBabylonExported)
                // if we are exporting to .Babylon then remove then remove animations from nodes if there are animation groups.
                if (babylonScene.animationGroups.Count > 0)
                    // add animations of each nodes in the animGroup
                    List <BabylonNode> babylonNodes = new List <BabylonNode>();

                    foreach (BabylonNode node in babylonNodes)
                        node.animations = null;
                    foreach (BabylonSkeleton skel in babylonScene.SkeletonsList)
                        foreach (BabylonBone bone in skel.bones)
                            bone.animation = null;

                // setup a default skybox for the scene for .Babylon export.
                var sourcePath = exportParameters.pbrEnvironment;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourcePath))
                    babylonScene.createDefaultSkybox = exportParameters.createDefaultSkybox;
                    var fileName = Path.GetFileName(sourcePath);

                    // Allow only dds file format
                    if (!fileName.EndsWith(".dds"))
                        RaiseWarning("Failed to export defauenvironment texture: only .dds format is supported.");
                        RaiseMessage($"texture id = Max_Babylon_Default_Environment");
                        babylonScene.environmentTexture = fileName;

                        if (exportParameters.writeTextures)
                                var destPath = Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, fileName);
                                if (File.Exists(sourcePath) && sourcePath != destPath)
                                    File.Copy(sourcePath, destPath, true);
                                // silently fails
                                RaiseMessage($"Fail to export the default env texture", 3);

            // Output
            babylonScene.Prepare(false, false);

            if (isBabylonExported)
                Write(babylonScene, outputBabylonDirectory, outputFileName, exportParameters.outputFormat, exportParameters.generateManifest);


            // Export glTF
            if (exportParameters.outputFormat == "gltf" || exportParameters.outputFormat == "glb")
                bool generateBinary = exportParameters.outputFormat == "glb";

                GLTFExporter gltfExporter = new GLTFExporter();
                gltfExporter.ExportGltf(this.exportParameters, babylonScene, outputBabylonDirectory, outputFileName, generateBinary, this);

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Export done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue);
Exemple #12
        public void Export(string outputDirectory, string outputFileName, string outputFormat, bool generateManifest,
                           bool onlySelected, bool autoSaveMayaFile, bool exportHiddenObjects, bool copyTexturesToOutput,
                           bool optimizeVertices, bool exportTangents, string scaleFactor, bool exportSkin)
            // Chekc if the animation is running
            MGlobal.executeCommand("play -q - state", out int isPlayed);
            if (isPlayed == 1)
                RaiseError("Stop the animation before exporting.");

            // Check input text is valid
            var scaleFactorFloat = 1.0f;

                scaleFactor      = scaleFactor.Replace(".", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator);
                scaleFactor      = scaleFactor.Replace(",", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator);
                scaleFactorFloat = float.Parse(scaleFactor);
                RaiseError("Scale factor is not a valid number.");

            RaiseMessage("Exportation started", Color.Blue);
            var progression = 0.0f;


            // Store export options
            _onlySelected        = onlySelected;
            _exportHiddenObjects = exportHiddenObjects;
            _optimizeVertices    = optimizeVertices;
            _exportTangents      = exportTangents;
            CopyTexturesToOutput = copyTexturesToOutput;
            isBabylonExported    = outputFormat == "babylon" || outputFormat == "binary babylon";
            _exportSkin          = exportSkin;

            // Check directory exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDirectory))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            var outputBabylonDirectory = outputDirectory;
            var babylonScene           = new BabylonScene(outputBabylonDirectory);

            // Save scene
            if (autoSaveMayaFile)
                RaiseMessage("Saving Maya file");

                // Query expand file name
                string fileName = MGlobal.executeCommandStringResult($@"file -q -exn;");

                // If scene has already been saved previously
                if (fileName.EndsWith(".ma") || fileName.EndsWith(".mb"))
                    // Name is already specified and this line will not fail
                    // Open SaveAs dialog window

            // Force output file extension to be babylon
            outputFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFileName, "babylon");

            // Store selected nodes
            MSelectionList selectedNodes = new MSelectionList();

            selectedNodeFullPaths = new List <string>();
            MItSelectionList mItSelectionList = new MItSelectionList(selectedNodes);

            while (!mItSelectionList.isDone)
                MDagPath mDagPath = new MDagPath();
                } catch
                    // selected object is not a DAG object
                    // fail silently

            if (selectedNodeFullPaths.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Selected nodes full path");
                foreach (string selectedNodeFullPath in selectedNodeFullPaths)
                    RaiseMessage(selectedNodeFullPath, 1);

            // Producer
            babylonScene.producer = new BabylonProducer
                name             = "Maya",
                version          = "2018",
                exporter_version = exporterVersion,
                file             = outputFileName

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear = true;
            // TODO - Retreive colors from Maya
            //babylonScene.clearColor = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            //babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            // TODO - Add custom properties
            _exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = true;


            // --------------------
            // ------ Nodes -------
            // --------------------
            RaiseMessage("Exporting nodes");

            // Clear materials

            // Get all nodes
            var             dagIterator = new MItDag(MItDag.TraversalType.kDepthFirst, MFn.Type.kTransform);
            List <MDagPath> nodes       = new List <MDagPath>();

            while (!dagIterator.isDone)
                MDagPath mDagPath = new MDagPath();

                // Check if one of its descendant (direct or not) is a mesh/camera/light/locator
                if (isNodeRelevantToExportRec(mDagPath)
                    // Ensure it's not one of the default cameras used as viewports in Maya
                    && defaultCameraNames.Contains(mDagPath.partialPathName) == false)
                    // Skip descendants

            // Export all nodes
            var progressionStep = 100.0f / nodes.Count;

            foreach (MDagPath mDagPath in nodes)
                BabylonNode babylonNode = null;

                switch (getApiTypeOfDirectDescendants(mDagPath))
                case MFn.Type.kMesh:
                    babylonNode = ExportMesh(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                case MFn.Type.kCamera:
                    babylonNode = ExportCamera(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                case MFn.Type.kLight:     // Lights api type are actually kPointLight, kSpotLight...
                    babylonNode = ExportLight(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                case MFn.Type.kLocator:     // Camera target
                    babylonNode = ExportDummy(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                // If node is not exported successfully
                if (babylonNode == null)
                    // Create a dummy (empty mesh)
                    babylonNode = ExportDummy(mDagPath, babylonScene);

                // Update progress bar
                progression += progressionStep;

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total meshes: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // if nothing is enlightened, exclude all meshes
            foreach (BabylonLight light in babylonScene.LightsList)
                if (light.includedOnlyMeshesIds.Length == 0)
                    light.excludedMeshesIds = babylonScene.MeshesList.Select(m => m.id).ToArray();

             * Switch coordinate system at global level
             * Add a root node with negative scaling
             * Pros - It's safer to use a root node
             * Cons - It's cleaner to switch at object level (as it is done now)
             * Use root node method when you want to be 100% sure of the output
             * Don't forget to also inverse winding order of mesh indices
            //// Switch from right to left handed coordinate system
            //MUuid mUuid = new MUuid();
            //var rootNode = new BabylonMesh
            //    name = "root",
            //    id = mUuid.asString(),
            //    scaling = new float[] { 1, 1, -1 }
            //foreach(var babylonMesh in babylonScene.MeshesList)
            //    // Add root meshes as child to root node
            //    if (babylonMesh.parentId == null)
            //    {
            //        babylonMesh.parentId = rootNode.id;
            //    }

            // Main camera
            BabylonCamera babylonMainCamera = null;

            if (babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                // Set first camera as main one
                babylonMainCamera           = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = babylonMainCamera.id;
                RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + babylonMainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

            if (babylonMainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total cameras: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Default light
            if (babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default ambient light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total lights: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            if (scaleFactorFloat != 1.0f)
                RaiseMessage("A root node is added for scaling", 1);

                // Create root node for scaling
                BabylonMesh rootNode = new BabylonMesh {
                    name = "root", id = Tools.GenerateUUID()
                rootNode.isDummy = true;
                float rootNodeScale = 1.0f / scaleFactorFloat;
                rootNode.scaling = new float[3] {
                    rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale, rootNodeScale

                // Update all top nodes
                var babylonNodes = new List <BabylonNode>();
                foreach (BabylonNode babylonNode in babylonNodes)
                    if (babylonNode.parentId == null)
                        babylonNode.parentId = rootNode.id;

                // Store root node

            // --------------------
            // ----- Materials ----
            // --------------------
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            foreach (var mat in referencedMaterials)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);
            foreach (var mat in multiMaterials)
                ExportMultiMaterial(mat.Key, mat.Value, babylonScene);
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Export skeletons
            if (_exportSkin && skins.Count > 0)
                progressSkin     = 0;
                progressSkinStep = 100 / skins.Count;
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // Output
            babylonScene.Prepare(false, false);
            if (isBabylonExported)
                Write(babylonScene, outputBabylonDirectory, outputFileName, outputFormat, generateManifest);


            // Export glTF
            if (outputFormat == "gltf" || outputFormat == "glb")
                bool generateBinary = outputFormat == "glb";
                ExportGltf(babylonScene, outputDirectory, outputFileName, generateBinary);

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue);
        private BabylonCamera ExportCamera(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode cameraNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (IsCameraExportable(cameraNode) == false)

            var gameCamera    = cameraNode.IGameObject.AsGameCamera();
            var maxCamera     = gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject;
            var initialized   = gameCamera.InitializeData;
            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

            RaiseMessage(cameraNode.Name, 1);
            babylonCamera.name = cameraNode.Name;
            babylonCamera.id   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                babylonCamera.parentId = cameraNode.NodeParent.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();

            babylonCamera.fov = Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(0, Tools.Forever));

            if (maxCamera.ManualClip == 1)
                babylonCamera.minZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 1, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.maxZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 2, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;
                babylonCamera.maxZ = 10000.0f;

            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // Type
            babylonCamera.type = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_type", "FreeCamera");

            // Control
            babylonCamera.speed   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed", 1.0f);
            babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia", 0.9f);

            // Collisions
            babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            babylonCamera.applyGravity    = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Position / rotation
            var localTM = GetLocalTM(cameraNode, 0);

            var position = localTM.Translation;
            var rotation = localTM.Rotation;

            babylonCamera.position = new[] { position.X, position.Y, position.Z };

            var rotationQuaternion = new BabylonQuaternion {
                X = rotation.X, Y = rotation.Y, Z = rotation.Z, W = -rotation.W

            if (ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.rotation = rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

            // Target
            var target = gameCamera.CameraTarget;

            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                // TODO - Check if should be local or world
                var vDir = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, -1, 0);
                vDir = localTM.ExtractMatrix3().VectorTransform(vDir).Normalize;
                vDir = vDir.Add(position);
                babylonCamera.target = new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z };

            // Animations
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            GeneratePositionAnimation(cameraNode, animations);

            if (target == null)
                // Export rotation animation
                //GenerateRotationAnimation(cameraNode, animations);

                ExportVector3Animation("target", animations, key =>
                    var wmCam       = GetLocalTM(cameraNode, key);
                    var positionCam = wmCam.Translation;
                    var vDir        = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, -1, 0);
                    vDir            = wmCam.ExtractMatrix3().VectorTransform(vDir).Normalize;
                    vDir            = vDir.Add(positionCam);
                    return(new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z });

            // Animation temporary stored for gltf but not exported for babylon
            // TODO - Will cause an issue when externalizing the glTF export process
            var extraAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            // Do not check if node rotation properties are animated
            GenerateRotationAnimation(cameraNode, extraAnimations, true);
            babylonCamera.extraAnimations = extraAnimations;

            ExportFloatAnimation("fov", animations, key => new[] { Tools.ConvertFov((gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject).GetFOV(key, Tools.Forever)) });

            babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate     = true;
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo   = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");


Exemple #14
        static void DumpCameras(NovaScene scene, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            foreach (NovaCamera camera in scene.Cameras)
                var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

                babylonCamera.name = camera.Name;
                babylonCamera.id = camera.ID.ToString();
                babylonCamera.position = camera.Position.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.rotation = camera.Rotation.ToArray();
                babylonCamera.fov = camera.FOV;
                babylonCamera.minZ = camera.NearClip;
                babylonCamera.maxZ = camera.FarClip;
                babylonCamera.inertia = camera.Inertia;
                babylonCamera.speed = camera.Speed;
                babylonCamera.checkCollisions = camera.CheckCollisions;
                babylonCamera.applyGravity = camera.ApplyGravity;
                babylonCamera.ellipsoid = camera.EllipsoidVector.ToArray();

            if (scene.ActiveCamera != null)
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = scene.ActiveCamera.ID.ToString();
        private GLTFCamera ExportCamera(BabylonCamera babylonCamera, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfParentNode)
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Export camera named: " + babylonCamera.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // ---------- Node ----------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Node", 2);
            // Node
            var gltfNode = new GLTFNode();

            gltfNode.name  = GetUniqueNodeName(babylonCamera.name);
            gltfNode.index = gltf.NodesList.Count;

            // Hierarchy
            if (gltfParentNode != null)
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Add " + babylonCamera.name + " as child to " + gltfParentNode.name, 3);
                gltfNode.parent = gltfParentNode;
                // It's a root node
                // Only root nodes are listed in a gltf scene
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Add " + babylonCamera.name + " as root node to scene", 3);

            // Transform
            gltfNode.translation = babylonCamera.position;
            if (babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion != null)
                gltfNode.rotation = babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion;
                // Convert rotation vector to quaternion
                BabylonVector3 rotationVector3 = new BabylonVector3
                    X = babylonCamera.rotation[0],
                    Y = babylonCamera.rotation[1],
                    Z = babylonCamera.rotation[2]
                gltfNode.rotation = rotationVector3.toQuaternion().ToArray();
            // No scaling defined for babylon camera. Use identity instead.
            gltfNode.scale = new float[3] {
                1, 1, 1

            // Switch coordinate system at object level
            gltfNode.translation[2] *= -1;
            gltfNode.rotation[0]    *= -1;
            gltfNode.rotation[1]    *= -1;

            // Animations
            ExportNodeAnimation(babylonCamera, gltf, gltfNode);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera data", 2);
            RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.type=" + babylonCamera.type, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.fov=" + babylonCamera.fov, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.maxZ=" + babylonCamera.maxZ, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.minZ=" + babylonCamera.minZ, 3);

            // --------------------------
            // ------- gltfCamera -------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | create gltfCamera", 2);

            // Camera
            var gltfCamera = new GLTFCamera {
                name = babylonCamera.name
            gltfCamera.index = gltf.CamerasList.Count;
            gltfNode.camera     = gltfCamera.index;
            gltfCamera.gltfNode = gltfNode;

            // Camera type
            switch (babylonCamera.mode)
            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraOrthographic = new GLTFCameraOrthographic();
                gltfCameraOrthographic.xmag  = 1;    // Do not bother about it - still mandatory
                gltfCameraOrthographic.ymag  = 1;    // Do not bother about it - still mandatory
                gltfCameraOrthographic.zfar  = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraOrthographic.znear = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type         = GLTFCamera.CameraType.orthographic.ToString();
                gltfCamera.orthographic = gltfCameraOrthographic;

            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraPerspective = new GLTFCameraPerspective();
                gltfCameraPerspective.aspectRatio = null;              // Do not bother about it - use default glTF value
                gltfCameraPerspective.yfov        = babylonCamera.fov; // Babylon camera fov mode is assumed to be vertical (FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED)
                gltfCameraPerspective.zfar        = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraPerspective.znear       = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type        = GLTFCamera.CameraType.perspective.ToString();
                gltfCamera.perspective = gltfCameraPerspective;

                RaiseError("GLTFExporter.Camera | camera mode not found");

Exemple #16
        private BabylonCamera ExportCamera(Node cameraNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            var maxCamera     = (cameraNode.Object as Camera)._Camera;
            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

            RaiseMessage(cameraNode.Name, true);
            babylonCamera.name = cameraNode.Name;
            babylonCamera.id   = cameraNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (cameraNode.HasParent())
                babylonCamera.parentId = cameraNode.Parent.GetGuid().ToString();

            babylonCamera.fov  = Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(0, Interval.Forever._IInterval));
            babylonCamera.minZ = maxCamera.GetEnvRange(0, 0, Interval.Forever._IInterval);
            babylonCamera.maxZ = maxCamera.GetEnvRange(0, 1, Interval.Forever._IInterval);

            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // Control
            babylonCamera.speed   = cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed");
            babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia");

            // Collisions
            babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            babylonCamera.applyGravity    = cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = cameraNode._Node.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Position
            var wm       = cameraNode.GetWorldMatrix(0, cameraNode.HasParent());
            var position = wm.Trans;

            babylonCamera.position = position.ToArraySwitched();

            // Target
            var target = cameraNode._Node.Target;

            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.GetGuid().ToString();
                var dir = wm.GetRow(2).MultiplyBy(-1);
                babylonCamera.target = position.Add(dir).ToArraySwitched();

            // Animations
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            ExportVector3Animation("position", animations, key =>
                var worldMatrix = cameraNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, cameraNode.HasParent());

            ExportFloatAnimation("fov", animations, key => new[] { Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(key, Interval.Forever._IInterval)) });

            babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate     = true;
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = (int)cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo   = (int)cameraNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = cameraNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");

Exemple #17
        private int AddParameterSamplerAnimation(BabylonCamera babylonCamera, GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, GLTFExporter exporter, GLTF gltf, int startFrame, int endFrame)
            var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList;
            // Combine babylon animations from .babylon file and cached ones
            var babylonAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            if (babylonCamera.animations != null)
                IEnumerable <BabylonAnimation> extendedAnimations = babylonCamera.animations.Where(anim => anim.name == "fov animation");

            if (babylonAnimations.Count > 0)
                if (babylonAnimations.Count > 0)
                    exporter.logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animations of node named: " + babylonCamera.name, 2);

                foreach (BabylonAnimation babylonAnimation in babylonAnimations)
                    var babylonAnimationKeysInRange = babylonAnimation.keys.Where(key => key.frame >= startFrame && key.frame <= endFrame);
                    if (babylonAnimationKeysInRange.Count() <= 0)

                    string target_path = babylonAnimation.property;

                    // --- Input ---
                    var accessorInput = exporter._createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame);
                    if (accessorInput == null)

                    // --- Output ---
                    GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = FlightSimAsoboPropertyAnimationExtension._createAccessorOfProperty(target_path, gltf);
                    if (accessorOutput == null)

                    // Populate accessor
                    int numKeys = 0;
                    foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeysInRange)

                        // copy data before changing it in case animation groups overlap
                        float[] outputValues = new float[babylonAnimationKey.values.Length];
                        babylonAnimationKey.values.CopyTo(outputValues, 0);

                        // Store values as bytes
                        foreach (var outputValue in outputValues)
                    accessorOutput.count = numKeys;
                    if (accessorOutput.count == 0)
                        exporter.logger.RaiseWarning(String.Format("GLTFExporter.Animation | No frames to export in material animation \"{1}\" of node named \"{0}\". This will cause an error in the output gltf.", babylonCamera.name, babylonAnimation.name));

                    // Animation sampler
                    var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler
                        input  = accessorInput.index,
                        output = accessorOutput.index
                    gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count;

            return(samplerList.Count - 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// In 3DS Max the default camera look down (in the -z direction for the 3DS Max reference (+y for babylon))
        /// In Babylon the default camera look to the horizon (in the +z direction for the babylon reference)
        /// So to correct this difference, this function apply a rotation to the camera and its first children.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera"></param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene">Use the exported babylon scene to get the final hierarchy</param>
        private void FixCamera(ref BabylonCamera camera, ref BabylonScene babylonScene)
            string id = camera.id;
            IList <BabylonMesh> meshes = babylonScene.MeshesList.FindAll(mesh => mesh.parentId == null ? false : mesh.parentId.Equals(id));

            RaiseMessage($"{camera.name}", 2);

            if (camera.target == null)
                // fix the vue
                // Rotation around the axis X of PI / 2 in the indirect direction
                double angle = Math.PI / 2;
                if (camera.rotation != null)
                    camera.rotation[0] += (float)angle;
                if (camera.rotationQuaternion != null)
                    BabylonQuaternion rotationQuaternion = FixCameraQuaternion(camera, angle);

                    camera.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion.ToArray();
                    camera.rotation           = rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().ToArray();

                // animation
                List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(camera.animations);
                BabylonAnimation        animationRotationQuaternion = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));
                if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                    foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                        key.values = FixCameraQuaternion(key.values, angle);
                else   // if the camera has a lockedTargetId, it is the extraAnimations that stores the rotation animation
                    if (camera.extraAnimations != null)
                        List <BabylonAnimation> extraAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(camera.extraAnimations);
                        animationRotationQuaternion = extraAnimations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));
                        if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                            foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                                key.values = FixCameraQuaternion(key.values, angle);

                // fix direct children
                // Rotation around the axis X of -PI / 2 in the direct direction
                angle = -Math.PI / 2;
                foreach (var mesh in meshes)
                    RaiseVerbose($"{mesh.name}", 3);
                    mesh.position = new float[] { mesh.position[0], mesh.position[2], -mesh.position[1] };

                    // Add a rotation of PI/2 axis X in direct direction
                    if (mesh.rotationQuaternion != null)
                        // Rotation around the axis X of -PI / 2 in the direct direction
                        BabylonQuaternion quaternion = FixChildQuaternion(mesh, angle);

                        mesh.rotationQuaternion = quaternion.ToArray();
                    if (mesh.rotation != null)
                        mesh.rotation[0] += (float)angle;

                    // Animations
                    animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(mesh.animations);
                    // Position
                    BabylonAnimation animationPosition = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("position"));
                    if (animationPosition != null)
                        foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationPosition.keys)
                            key.values = new float[] { key.values[0], key.values[2], -key.values[1] };

                    // Rotation
                    animationRotationQuaternion = animations.Find(animation => animation.property.Equals("rotationQuaternion"));
                    if (animationRotationQuaternion != null)
                        foreach (BabylonAnimationKey key in animationRotationQuaternion.keys)
                            key.values = FixChildQuaternion(key.values, angle);
Exemple #19
        public async Task ExportAsync(string outputFile, string outputFormat, bool generateManifest, bool onlySelected, Form callerForm)
            var gameConversionManger = Loader.Global.ConversionManager;

            gameConversionManger.CoordSystem = Autodesk.Max.IGameConversionManager.CoordSystem.D3d;

            var gameScene = Loader.Global.IGameInterface;


            MaxSceneFileName = gameScene.SceneFileName;

            // Force output file extension to be babylon
            outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, "babylon");

            IsCancelled = false;
            RaiseMessage("Exportation started", Color.Blue);
            var babylonScene = new BabylonScene(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile));
            var rawScene     = Loader.Core.RootNode;

            if (!Directory.Exists(babylonScene.OutputPath))
                RaiseError("Exportation stopped: Output folder does not exist");

            var watch = new Stopwatch();


            // Save scene
            if (AutoSave3dsMaxFile)
                RaiseMessage("Saving 3ds max file");
                var forceSave = Loader.Core.FileSave;


            // Producer
            babylonScene.producer = new BabylonProducer
                name = "3dsmax",
#if MAX2017
                version = "2017",
                version = Loader.Core.ProductVersion.ToString(),
                exporter_version = "0.4.5",
                file             = Path.GetFileName(outputFile)

            // Global
            babylonScene.autoClear    = true;
            babylonScene.clearColor   = Loader.Core.GetBackGround(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();
            babylonScene.ambientColor = Loader.Core.GetAmbient(0, Tools.Forever).ToArray();

            babylonScene.gravity             = rawScene.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_gravity");
            ExportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions", 1);

            if (Loader.Core.UseEnvironmentMap && Loader.Core.EnvironmentMap != null)
                // Environment texture
                var environmentMap = Loader.Core.EnvironmentMap;
                // Copy image file to output if necessary
                var babylonTexture = ExportTexture(environmentMap, 1.0f, babylonScene, true);
                babylonScene.environmentTexture = babylonTexture.name;

                // Skybox
                babylonScene.createDefaultSkybox = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_createDefaultSkybox");
                babylonScene.skyboxBlurLevel     = rawScene.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_skyboxBlurLevel");

            // Sounds
            var soundName = rawScene.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var globalSound = new BabylonSound
                    autoplay = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop     = rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    name     = filename


                    File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Root nodes
            RaiseMessage("Exporting nodes");
            HashSet <IIGameNode> maxRootNodes = getRootNodes(gameScene);
            var progressionStep = 80.0f / maxRootNodes.Count;
            var progression     = 10.0f;
            // Reseting is optionnal. It makes each morph target manager export starts from id = 0.
            foreach (var maxRootNode in maxRootNodes)
                exportNodeRec(maxRootNode, babylonScene, gameScene);
                progression += progressionStep;
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total meshes: {0}", babylonScene.MeshesList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Main camera
            BabylonCamera babylonMainCamera   = null;
            ICameraObject maxMainCameraObject = null;
            if (babylonMainCamera == null && babylonScene.CamerasList.Count > 0)
                // Set first camera as main one
                babylonMainCamera           = babylonScene.CamerasList[0];
                babylonScene.activeCameraID = babylonMainCamera.id;
                RaiseMessage("Active camera set to " + babylonMainCamera.name, Color.Green, 1, true);

                // Retreive camera node with same GUID
                var maxCameraNodesAsTab = gameScene.GetIGameNodeByType(Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Camera);
                var maxCameraNodes      = TabToList(maxCameraNodesAsTab);
                var maxMainCameraNode   = maxCameraNodes.Find(_camera => _camera.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString() == babylonMainCamera.id);
                maxMainCameraObject = (maxMainCameraNode.MaxNode.ObjectRef as ICameraObject);

            if (babylonMainCamera == null)
                RaiseWarning("No camera defined", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total cameras: {0}", babylonScene.CamerasList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Default light
            if (babylonScene.LightsList.Count == 0)
                RaiseWarning("No light defined", 1);
                RaiseWarning("A default hemispheric light was added for your convenience", 1);
                RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total lights: {0}", babylonScene.LightsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Materials
            RaiseMessage("Exporting materials");
            var matsToExport = referencedMaterials.ToArray(); // Snapshot because multimaterials can export new materials
            foreach (var mat in matsToExport)
                ExportMaterial(mat, babylonScene);
            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Total: {0}", babylonScene.MaterialsList.Count + babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Count), Color.Gray, 1);

            // Fog
            for (var index = 0; index < Loader.Core.NumAtmospheric; index++)
                var atmospheric = Loader.Core.GetAtmospheric(index);

                if (atmospheric.Active(0) && atmospheric.ClassName == "Fog")
                    var fog = atmospheric as IStdFog;

                    RaiseMessage("Exporting fog");

                    if (fog != null)
                        babylonScene.fogColor = fog.GetColor(0).ToArray();
                        babylonScene.fogMode  = 3;
                    if (babylonMainCamera != null)
                        babylonScene.fogStart = maxMainCameraObject.GetEnvRange(0, 0, Tools.Forever);
                        babylonScene.fogEnd   = maxMainCameraObject.GetEnvRange(0, 1, Tools.Forever);

            // Skeletons
            if (skins.Count > 0)
                RaiseMessage("Exporting skeletons");
                foreach (var skin in skins)
                    ExportSkin(skin, babylonScene);

            // Actions
            babylonScene.actions = ExportNodeAction(gameScene.GetIGameNode(rawScene));

            // Output
            babylonScene.Prepare(false, false);
            if (outputFormat == "babylon" || outputFormat == "binary babylon")
                RaiseMessage("Saving to output file");
                var jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings());
                var sb             = new StringBuilder();
                var sw             = new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriterOptimized(sw))
                        jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.None;
                        jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, babylonScene);
                    File.WriteAllText(outputFile, sb.ToString());

                    if (generateManifest)
                        File.WriteAllText(outputFile + ".manifest",
                                          "{\r\n\"version\" : 1,\r\n\"enableSceneOffline\" : true,\r\n\"enableTexturesOffline\" : true\r\n}");

                // Binary
                if (outputFormat == "binary babylon")
                    RaiseMessage("Generating binary files");
                    BabylonFileConverter.BinaryConverter.Convert(outputFile, Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile) + "\\Binary",
                                                                 message => RaiseMessage(message, 1),
                                                                 error => RaiseError(error, 1));


            // Export glTF
            if (outputFormat == "gltf" || outputFormat == "glb")
                bool generateBinary = outputFormat == "glb";
                ExportGltf(babylonScene, outputFile, generateBinary);

            RaiseMessage(string.Format("Exportation done in {0:0.00}s", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0), Color.Blue);
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mDagPath">DAG path to the transform above camera</param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BabylonNode ExportCamera(MDagPath mDagPath, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage(mDagPath.partialPathName, 1);

            // Transform above camera
            MFnTransform mFnTransform = new MFnTransform(mDagPath);

            // Camera direct child of the transform
            MFnCamera mFnCamera = null;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mFnTransform.childCount; i++)
                MObject childObject = mFnTransform.child(i);
                if (childObject.apiType == MFn.Type.kCamera)
                    var _mFnCamera = new MFnCamera(childObject);
                    if (!_mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject)
                        mFnCamera = _mFnCamera;
            if (mFnCamera == null)
                RaiseError("No camera found has child of " + mDagPath.fullPathName);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera data", 2);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.eyePoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.eyePoint(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.viewDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.viewDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.upDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.upDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.rightDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.rightDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.centerOfInterest=" + mFnCamera.centerOfInterest, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.aspectRatio=" + mFnCamera.aspectRatio, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView / mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView / mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.focalLength=" + mFnCamera.focalLength, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.nearFocusDistance=" + mFnCamera.nearFocusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.unnormalizedNearClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.unnormalizedNearClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.farFocusDistance=" + mFnCamera.farFocusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.farClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.farClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.unnormalizedFarClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.unnormalizedFarClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isClippingPlanes=" + mFnCamera.isClippingPlanes, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject=" + mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.focusDistance=" + mFnCamera.focusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isStereo=" + mFnCamera.isStereo, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.eyeOffset=" + mFnCamera.eyeOffset, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.shutterAngle=" + mFnCamera.shutterAngle, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isDepthOfField=" + mFnCamera.isDepthOfField, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.renderPanZoom=" + mFnCamera.renderPanZoom, 3);

            Print(mFnTransform, 2, "Print ExportCamera mFnTransform");

            Print(mFnCamera, 2, "Print ExportCamera mFnCamera");


            if (IsCameraExportable(mFnCamera, mDagPath) == false)

            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera {
                name = mFnTransform.name, id = mFnTransform.uuid().asString()

            // Hierarchy
            ExportHierarchy(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);

            // Position / rotation
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | ExportTransform", 2);
            float[] position           = null;
            float[] rotationQuaternion = null;
            float[] rotation           = null;
            float[] scaling            = null;
            GetTransform(mFnTransform, ref position, ref rotationQuaternion, ref rotation, ref scaling);
            babylonCamera.position = position;
            if (_exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion;
            babylonCamera.rotation = rotation;

            // Field of view of babylon is the vertical one
            babylonCamera.fov = (float)mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView;

            // Clipping planes
            babylonCamera.minZ = (float)mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane;
            babylonCamera.maxZ = (float)mFnCamera.farClippingPlane;
            // Constraints on near clipping plane
            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // TODO - Retreive from Maya
            //// Type
            //babylonCamera.type = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_type", "FreeCamera");

            //// Control
            //babylonCamera.speed = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed", 1.0f);
            //babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia", 0.9f);

            //// Collisions
            //babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            //babylonCamera.applyGravity = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            //babylonCamera.ellipsoid = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Target
            MFnTransform target            = null;
            MObject      cameraGroupObject = mFnCamera.findPlug("centerOfInterest").source.node;
            if (cameraGroupObject.apiType == MFn.Type.kLookAt)
                MFnDependencyNode cameraGroup = new MFnDependencyNode(cameraGroupObject);

                // Retreive the camera aim transform
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();
                foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                    if (connection.name.EndsWith("targetParentMatrix")) // ugly
                        MObject connectionSourceObject = connection.source.node;
                        target = new MFnTransform(connectionSourceObject);
            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.uuid().asString();

            //// TODO - Check if should be local or world
            //var vDir = new MVector(0, 0, -1);
            //var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
            //vDir *= transformationMatrix.asMatrix(1);
            //vDir = vDir.Add(position);
            //babylonCamera.target = new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z };

            // Animations
            if (target == null)
                ExportNodeAnimation(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);
                ExportNodeAnimationFrameByFrame(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);

            RaiseMessage("BabylonExporter.Camera | done", 2);

Exemple #21
        private GLTFCamera ExportCamera(ref GLTFNode gltfNode, BabylonCamera babylonCamera, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfParentNode)
            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Export camera named: " + babylonCamera.name, 2);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            logger.RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera data", 3);
            logger.RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.type=" + babylonCamera.type, 4);
            logger.RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.fov=" + babylonCamera.fov, 4);
            logger.RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.maxZ=" + babylonCamera.maxZ, 4);
            logger.RaiseVerbose("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.minZ=" + babylonCamera.minZ, 4);

            // --------------------------
            // ------- gltfCamera -------
            // --------------------------

            logger.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | create gltfCamera", 3);

            // Camera
            var gltfCamera = new GLTFCamera {
                name = babylonCamera.name
            gltfCamera.index = gltf.CamerasList.Count;
            gltfNode.camera     = gltfCamera.index;
            gltfCamera.gltfNode = gltfNode;

            // Camera type
            switch (babylonCamera.mode)
            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraOrthographic = new GLTFCameraOrthographic();
                gltfCameraOrthographic.xmag  = 1;    // Do not bother about it - still mandatory
                gltfCameraOrthographic.ymag  = 1;    // Do not bother about it - still mandatory
                gltfCameraOrthographic.zfar  = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraOrthographic.znear = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type         = GLTFCamera.CameraType.orthographic.ToString();
                gltfCamera.orthographic = gltfCameraOrthographic;

            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraPerspective = new GLTFCameraPerspective();
                gltfCameraPerspective.aspectRatio = null;              // Do not bother about it - use default glTF value
                gltfCameraPerspective.yfov        = babylonCamera.fov; // Babylon camera fov mode is assumed to be vertical (FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED)
                gltfCameraPerspective.zfar        = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraPerspective.znear       = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type        = GLTFCamera.CameraType.perspective.ToString();
                gltfCamera.perspective = gltfCameraPerspective;

                logger.RaiseError("GLTFExporter.Camera | camera mode not found");

            ExportGLTFExtension(babylonCamera, ref gltfCamera, gltf);

        private BabylonCamera ExportCamera(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode cameraNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (IsCameraExportable(cameraNode) == false)

            var gameCamera    = cameraNode.IGameObject.AsGameCamera();
            var maxCamera     = gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject;
            var initialized   = gameCamera.InitializeData;
            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

            RaiseMessage(cameraNode.Name, 1);
            babylonCamera.name = cameraNode.Name;
            babylonCamera.id   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                babylonCamera.parentId = cameraNode.NodeParent.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();

            // Export the custom attributes of this camera
            babylonCamera.metadata = ExportExtraAttributes(cameraNode, babylonScene);

            babylonCamera.fov = Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(0, Tools.Forever));

            if (maxCamera.ManualClip == 1)
                babylonCamera.minZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 1, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.maxZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 2, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;
                babylonCamera.maxZ = 10000.0f;

            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // Type
            babylonCamera.type = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_type", "FreeCamera");

            // Control
            babylonCamera.speed   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed", 1.0f);
            babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia", 0.9f);

            // Collisions
            babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            babylonCamera.applyGravity    = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Position / rotation
            exportTransform(babylonCamera, cameraNode);

            // Target
            var target = gameCamera.CameraTarget;

            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();

            // Animations
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            GeneratePositionAnimation(cameraNode, animations);

            if (target == null)
                // Export rotation animation
                GenerateRotationAnimation(cameraNode, animations);
                // Animation temporary stored for gltf but not exported for babylon
                // TODO - Will cause an issue when externalizing the glTF export process
                var extraAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();
                // Do not check if node rotation properties are animated
                GenerateRotationAnimation(cameraNode, extraAnimations, true);
                babylonCamera.extraAnimations = extraAnimations;

            ExportFloatAnimation("fov", animations, key => new[] { Tools.ConvertFov((gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject).GetFOV(key, Tools.Forever)) });

            babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate     = true;
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo   = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");


        private void ExportCamera(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode cameraNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_noexport"))
            var gameCamera    = cameraNode.IGameObject.AsGameCamera();
            var maxCamera     = gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject;
            var initialized   = gameCamera.InitializeData;
            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera();

            RaiseMessage(cameraNode.Name, 1);
            babylonCamera.name = cameraNode.Name;
            babylonCamera.id   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                babylonCamera.parentId = GetParentID(cameraNode.NodeParent, babylonScene, scene);

            babylonCamera.fov = Tools.ConvertFov(maxCamera.GetFOV(0, Tools.Forever));

            if (maxCamera.ManualClip == 1)
                babylonCamera.minZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 1, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.maxZ = maxCamera.GetClipDist(0, 2, Tools.Forever);
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;
                babylonCamera.maxZ = 10000.0f;

            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // Type
            babylonCamera.type = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_type", "FreeCamera");

            // Control
            babylonCamera.speed   = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed", 1.0f);
            babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia", 0.9f);

            // Collisions
            babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            babylonCamera.applyGravity    = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            babylonCamera.ellipsoid       = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Position / rotation
            var localTM = cameraNode.GetObjectTM(0);

            if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                var parentWorld = cameraNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(0);

            var position          = localTM.Translation;
            var rotation          = localTM.Rotation;
            var exportQuaternions = Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions");

            babylonCamera.position = new[] { position.X, position.Y, position.Z };

            if (exportQuaternions)
                babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion = new[] { rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, -rotation.W };
                babylonCamera.rotation = QuaternionToEulerAngles(rotation);

            // Target
            var target = gameCamera.CameraTarget;

            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                var dir = localTM.GetRow(3);
                babylonCamera.target = new [] { position.X - dir.X, position.Y - dir.Y, position.Z - dir.Z };

            // Animations
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            ExportVector3Animation("position", animations, key =>
                var tm = cameraNode.GetLocalTM(key);
                if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                    var parentWorld = cameraNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(key);
                var translation = tm.Translation;
                return(new [] { translation.X, translation.Y, translation.Z });

            if (gameCamera.CameraTarget == null)
                ExportVector3Animation("target", animations, key =>
                    var tm = cameraNode.GetLocalTM(key);
                    if (cameraNode.NodeParent != null)
                        var parentWorld = cameraNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(key);
                    var translation = tm.Translation;
                    var dir         = tm.GetRow(3);
                    return(new float[] { translation.X - dir.X, translation.Y - dir.Y, translation.Z - dir.Z });

            ExportFloatAnimation("fov", animations, key => new[] { Tools.ConvertFov((gameCamera.MaxObject as ICameraObject).GetFOV(key, Tools.Forever)) });

            babylonCamera.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                babylonCamera.autoAnimate     = true;
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateFrom = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateTo   = (int)cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                babylonCamera.autoAnimateLoop = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");

        // TODO - Test if ok with a gltf viewer working with custom camera (babylon loader/sandbox doesn't load them)
        private GLTFCamera ExportCamera(BabylonCamera babylonCamera, GLTF gltf, GLTFNode gltfParentNode)
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Export camera named: " + babylonCamera.name, 1);

            // --------------------------
            // ---------- Node ----------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Node", 2);
            // Node
            var gltfNode = new GLTFNode();

            gltfNode.name  = babylonCamera.name;
            gltfNode.index = gltf.NodesList.Count;

            // Hierarchy
            if (gltfParentNode != null)
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Add " + babylonCamera.name + " as child to " + gltfParentNode.name, 3);
                // It's a root node
                // Only root nodes are listed in a gltf scene
                RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | Add " + babylonCamera.name + " as root node to scene", 3);

            // Transform
            gltfNode.translation = babylonCamera.position;
            // Switch from left to right handed coordinate system
            //gltfNode.translation[0] *= -1;
            if (babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion != null)
                gltfNode.rotation = babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion;
                // Convert rotation vector to quaternion
                BabylonVector3 rotationVector3 = new BabylonVector3
                    X = babylonCamera.rotation[0],
                    Y = babylonCamera.rotation[1],
                    Z = babylonCamera.rotation[2]
                gltfNode.rotation = rotationVector3.toQuaternionGltf().ToArray();
            // No scaling defined for babylon camera. Use identity instead.
            gltfNode.scale = new float[3] {
                1, 1, 1

            // --- prints ---

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera data", 2);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.type=" + babylonCamera.type, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.fov=" + babylonCamera.fov, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.maxZ=" + babylonCamera.maxZ, 3);
            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | babylonCamera.minZ=" + babylonCamera.minZ, 3);

            // --------------------------
            // ------- gltfCamera -------
            // --------------------------

            RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Camera | create gltfCamera", 2);

            // Camera
            var gltfCamera = new GLTFCamera {
                name = babylonCamera.name

            gltfCamera.index = gltf.CamerasList.Count;
            gltfNode.camera     = gltfCamera.index;
            gltfCamera.gltfNode = gltfNode;

            // Camera type
            switch (babylonCamera.mode)
            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraOrthographic = new GLTFCameraOrthographic();
                gltfCameraOrthographic.xmag  = 1;    // TODO - How to retreive value from babylon? xmag:The floating-point horizontal magnification of the view
                gltfCameraOrthographic.ymag  = 1;    // TODO - How to retreive value from babylon? ymag:The floating-point vertical magnification of the view
                gltfCameraOrthographic.zfar  = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraOrthographic.znear = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type         = GLTFCamera.CameraType.orthographic.ToString();
                gltfCamera.orthographic = gltfCameraOrthographic;

            case (BabylonCamera.CameraMode.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA):
                var gltfCameraPerspective = new GLTFCameraPerspective();
                gltfCameraPerspective.aspectRatio = null;              // 0.8f; // TODO - How to retreive value from babylon? The aspect ratio in babylon is computed based on the engine rather than set on a camera (aspectRatio = _gl.drawingBufferWidth / _gl.drawingBufferHeight)
                gltfCameraPerspective.yfov        = babylonCamera.fov; // WARNING - Babylon camera fov mode is assumed to be vertical (FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED)
                gltfCameraPerspective.zfar        = babylonCamera.maxZ;
                gltfCameraPerspective.znear       = babylonCamera.minZ;

                gltfCamera.type        = GLTFCamera.CameraType.perspective.ToString();
                gltfCamera.perspective = gltfCameraPerspective;

                RaiseError("GLTFExporter.Camera | camera mode not found");
