private void incorrectSwipingBeyondTarget(GameObject preFlower, GameObject curFlower) { BWFlower curFlowerObj = curFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); BWFlower preFlowerObj = preFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (numberToFind > 0) { if (curFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == preFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber() + 1) { BWFlower flowerObj = curFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); beeToFlower(flowerObj.getFlowerNumber()); addTracingLine(preFlower, curFlower); prevFlower = curFlower; currentAnswer = false; } } else if (numberToFind < 0) { if (curFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber() + 1 == preFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber()) { BWFlower flowerObj = curFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); beeToFlower(flowerObj.getFlowerNumber()); addTracingLine(preFlower, curFlower); prevFlower = curFlower; currentAnswer = false; } } }
void FingerGestures_OnFingerDragBegin(int fingerIndex, Vector2 fingerPos, Vector2 startPos) { if (!touchEnabled) { return; } CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); CancelInvoke("deduceResult"); BWTutorialLayer tutorialScript = tutorialLayer.GetComponent <BWTutorialLayer>(); tutorialScript.stopAnimation(); GameObject selection = PickObject(startPos); if (selection == null || dragFingerIndex != -1) { return; } //Scrolling begins if (selection == scrollCollider) { if (!enableScrolling) { return; } dragFingerIndex = fingerIndex; isDragging = true; } else if (isSelectionFlower(selection)) { BWFlower flowerObj = selection.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (expectedNumbers != null && expectedNumbers.Count > 0 && flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == (int)expectedNumbers[0]) { //beeToFlower((int)expectedNumbers[0]); dragFingerIndex = fingerIndex; isSwiping = true; swipingWentOut = false; currentAnswer = true; expectedNumbers.RemoveAt(0); prevFlower = selection; } else { //if started from incorrect flower if (flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == beeStartingPoint + numberToFind) { playHintSound(1); } else { playHelpSound(); } } } }
void FingerGestures_OnFingerTap(int fingerIndex, Vector2 fingerPos, int tapCount) { // Debug.Log( "tapping"); if (!touchEnabled) { return; } CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); Invoke("noInteraction", BWConstants.idleTime); GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); if (isSelectionFlower(selection)) { playSoundEffect("Bee_flowertap_new_01"); BWFlower flowerObj = selection.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); attempts++; if (flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == numberToFind) { AGGameState.incrementStarCount(); CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); touchEnabled = false; flowerObj.setSelected(); beeToFlower(numberToFind); gameState = BWGameState.BWGameStateGuessed; //nextQuestion(); } else { flowerObj.setSelected(); playWrongSound(flowerObj.getFlowerNumber()); BWBee beeObj = bee.GetComponent <BWBee>(); beeObj.playNoAnimation(); } } else { BWBee beeObj = bee.GetComponent <BWBee>(); if (selection == beeObj.body || selection == bubbleNumber) { voiceOverSource.clip = null; voiceOverSource.Stop(); currentClips = new List <AudioClip>(); playInstructionSound(); beeObj.playTapAnimation(); } } }
public GameObject flowerWithNumber(int number) { foreach (GameObject flower in flowers) { BWFlower flowerObj = flower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == number) { return(flower); } } return(null); }
void FingerGestures_OnFingerDragEnd(int fingerIndex, Vector2 fingerPos) { if (!touchEnabled) { return; } CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); Invoke("noInteraction", BWConstants.idleTime); if (fingerIndex == dragFingerIndex) { dragFingerIndex = -1; isDragging = false; if (isSwiping) { //Swiping isSwiping = false; GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); if (selection != null && ("Flower") ||"Hive"))) { BWFlower flowerObj = selection.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (expectedNumbers.Count > 0 && flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == (int)expectedNumbers[0] && swipingWentOut) { beeToFlower((int)expectedNumbers[0]); expectedNumbers.RemoveAt(0); addTracingLine(prevFlower, selection); prevFlower = selection; } else if (expectedNumbers.Count == 0 && swipingWentOut) { incorrectSwipingBeyondTarget(prevFlower, selection); } } } if (expectedNumbers.Count == 0) { if (currentAnswer == true) { prevFlower = null; CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); AGGameState.incrementStarCount(); attempts++; playSucess(); BWBee beeObj = bee.GetComponent <BWBee>(); beeObj.playYesAnimation(); if (dataManager.calculateResult(attempts, 1)) { beeObj.shouldPlayCelebration = true; dataManager.fetchLevelData(); } touchEnabled = false; BWFlowersLayer layerObj = flowersLayer.GetComponent <BWFlowersLayer>(); GameObject flower = layerObj.flowerWithNumber(beeStartingPoint + numberToFind); BWFlower flowerObj = flower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); flowerObj.setPollinated(); } else { touchEnabled = false; attempts++; playWrongSound(0); BWBee beeObj = bee.GetComponent <BWBee>(); beeObj.playNoAnimation(); prevFlower = null; CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); Invoke("noInteraction", BWConstants.idleTime + 5.0f); } } else { if (prevFlower != null) { BWFlower flowerObj = prevFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); int newStarting = flowerObj.getFlowerNumber(); setExpectedNumbers(newStarting, numberToFind - (newStarting - beeStartingPoint)); } } } if (prevFlower != null) { CancelInvoke("deduceResult"); Invoke("deduceResult", 3.0f); } }
void FingerGestures_OnFingerDragMove(int fingerIndex, Vector2 fingerPos, Vector2 delta) { if (!touchEnabled) { return; } if (fingerIndex == dragFingerIndex) { //Scrolling if (isDragging) { if (enableTypeWriter) { GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); if ((numberToFind > 0 && delta.x > 0) || (numberToFind < 0 && delta.x < 0) || (!isSelectionFlower(selection))) { xvel = 0; lasty = 0; direction = BounceDirection.BounceDirectionStayingStill; isDragging = false; return; } } // update the position by converting the current screen position of the finger to a world position on the Z = 0 plane Vector3 curPos = flowersLayer.transform.position; curPos.x += delta.x; float offset = (float)(Math.Tan(BWConstants.diagonalAngle)) * delta.x; curPos.y += offset; flowersLayer.transform.position = curPos; backgroundLayer.moveBackground(delta.x); foregroundLayer.moveForeground(delta.x); } else if (isSwiping) { //Swiping GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); if (isSelectionFlower(selection)) { //checking for type writer scroll if (prevFlower == selection) { if (flowerOnTheEdge(selection)) { enableTypeWriter = true; isDragging = true; } else { enableTypeWriter = false; isDragging = false; } } //check for tracing lines else { enableTypeWriter = false; isDragging = false; BWFlower flowerObj = selection.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (expectedNumbers.Count > 0 && flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == (int)expectedNumbers[0] && swipingWentOut) { playSoundEffect("Bee_flowertap_new_01"); beeToFlower((int)expectedNumbers[0]); playNumberSound((int)expectedNumbers[0] - beeStartingPoint); swipingWentOut = false; expectedNumbers.RemoveAt(0); addTracingLine(prevFlower, selection); prevFlower = selection; } else if (expectedNumbers.Count == 0 && swipingWentOut) { playSoundEffect("Bee_flowertap_new_01"); incorrectSwipingBeyondTarget(prevFlower, selection); } else if (expectedNumbers.Count > 0 && swipingWentOut) { int rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 4); playHintSound(rand); } } } else { enableTypeWriter = false; isDragging = false; //either the selection is null or selection is scrollcollider - so swiping went out swipingWentOut = true; //check for auto scroll Vector3 curPosition = GetWorldPos(fingerPos); if (numberToFind > 0 && curPosition.x > 560) { if (flowerOnTheEdge(prevFlower)) { //auto scroll BWFlower prevFlowerObj = prevFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); int lastNumberRegistered = prevFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber(); if (lastNumberRegistered == dataManager.numberLineMax) { return; } int numberToScrollTo = lastNumberRegistered - 1; if (numberToScrollTo < dataManager.numberLineMin) { numberToScrollTo = dataManager.numberLineMin; } if (numberToScrollTo + BWConstants.numbersOnScreen > dataManager.numberLineMax) { numberToScrollTo = dataManager.numberLineMax - BWConstants.numbersOnScreen; } Debug.Log("scroll to " + numberToScrollTo); flowerLayerToInitialNumber(numberToScrollTo); } } else if (numberToFind < 0 && curPosition.x < -560) { if (flowerOnTheEdge(prevFlower)) { //auto scroll BWFlower prevFlowerObj = prevFlower.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); int lastNumberRegistered = prevFlowerObj.getFlowerNumber(); if (lastNumberRegistered == dataManager.numberLineMin) { return; } int numberToScrollTo = lastNumberRegistered - 6; if (numberToScrollTo < dataManager.numberLineMin) { numberToScrollTo = dataManager.numberLineMin; } if (numberToScrollTo + BWConstants.numbersOnScreen > dataManager.numberLineMax) { numberToScrollTo = dataManager.numberLineMax - BWConstants.numbersOnScreen; } Debug.Log("scroll to " + numberToScrollTo); flowerLayerToInitialNumber(numberToScrollTo); } } } } } }
void FingerGestures_OnFingerTap(int fingerIndex, Vector2 fingerPos, int tapCount) { if (!touchEnabled) { return; } // Debug.Log( "tapping"); /* * GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); * if(selection == null) return; * //Debug.Log(selection); * if("Flower") ||"Hive")) { * * }*/ GameObject selection = PickObject(fingerPos); if (selection == null) { return; } BWBee beeObj = bee.GetComponent <BWBee>(); CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); Invoke("noInteraction", BWConstants.idleTime); if (prevFlower != null) { CancelInvoke("deduceResult"); Invoke("deduceResult", 3.0f); } if (selection == beeObj.body || selection == bubbleNumber) { voiceOverSource.clip = null; voiceOverSource.Stop(); currentClips = new List <AudioClip>(); playInstructionSound(); beeObj.playTapAnimation(); playTutorialAnimation(); CancelInvoke("noInteraction"); Invoke("noInteraction", BWConstants.idleTime + 5.0f); if (prevFlower != null) { CancelInvoke("deduceResult"); Invoke("deduceResult", 8.0f); } } else { if (isSelectionFlower(selection)) { BWFlower flowerObj = selection.GetComponent <BWFlower>(); if (flowerObj.getFlowerNumber() == beeStartingPoint + numberToFind) { playHintSound(1); } else { playHintSound(-1); } } } }