public BTNodeWithRnd(BTNodeWithRnd nodeToCopy)
     Data   = nodeToCopy.Data;
     Left   = nodeToCopy.Left;
     Right  = nodeToCopy.Right;
     Random = nodeToCopy.Random;
        public static void TestCloneABTWithRandPointer()
            Dictionary <int, BTNodeWithRnd> dict = new Dictionary <int, BTNodeWithRnd>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                dict[i] = new BTNodeWithRnd(i);
            dict[0].Left  = dict[1];
            dict[0].Right = dict[2];
            dict[1].Left  = dict[3];
            dict[1].Right = dict[4];
            dict[2].Right = dict[5];

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                dict[i].Random = dict[rnd.Next(0, 6)];
            Console.WriteLine("The orginal tree looks like:");
            PrintTree(dict[0], 'O');

            CloneABTWithRandPointer clone = new CloneABTWithRandPointer();

            Console.WriteLine("The cloned tree looks like:");
            PrintTree(clone.GetClone(dict[0]), 'C');
 public BTNodeWithRnd(int data, BTNodeWithRnd left, BTNodeWithRnd right, BTNodeWithRnd rnd)
     Data   = data;
     Left   = left;
     Right  = right;
     Random = rnd;
        /// <summary>
        /// We will do a preorder traversal of the tree(same as doing the BFS)
        /// 1. Whenever a new node is encountered, create a clone of the node and copy the original nodes fields
        ///     like data, left, right, random
        /// 2. Make the original Nodes rnd pointer point to the nodeClone
        /// 3. Now traverse from rootClone and make
        ///     nodeClone.Left = nodeClone.Left.Random
        ///     nodeClone.Right = nodeClone.Right.Random
        ///     nodeClone.Random = nodeClone.Random.Random
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BTNodeWithRnd GetClone(BTNodeWithRnd root)
            BTNodeWithRnd rootClone = null;

            Queue <BTNodeWithRnd> queue = new Queue <BTNodeWithRnd>();


            while (queue.Count > 0)
                BTNodeWithRnd node = queue.Dequeue();

                // 1.Whenever a new node is encountered, create a clone of the node and copy the original nodes fields
                // like data, left, right, random
                BTNodeWithRnd nodeClone = new BTNodeWithRnd(node);
                if (rootClone == null)
                    // Set the root clone node
                    rootClone = nodeClone;

                if (node.Left != null)
                if (node.Right != null)
                // 2. Make the original Nodes rnd pointer point to the nodeClone
                node.Random = nodeClone;

            // 3. Now traverse the clone and make all the node pointers point to the cloned nodes

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                BTNodeWithRnd nodeClone = queue.Dequeue();

                if (nodeClone.Left != null)
                    nodeClone.Left = nodeClone.Left.Random;
                if (nodeClone.Right != null)
                    nodeClone.Right = nodeClone.Right.Random;
                if (nodeClone.Random != null)
                    nodeClone.Random = nodeClone.Random.Random;
 public static void PrintTree(BTNodeWithRnd root, char position)
     if (root != null)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}, rnd{2}", position, root.Data, ((root.Random != null)?root.Random.ToString() :"null"));
         PrintTree(root.Left, 'L');
         PrintTree(root.Right, 'R');