static void WriteObject
        BBaseOpcodeHandler handler,
        BStreamFileToolkit tk,
        BinaryWriter wb,
        byte[] buffer,
        int size
        // ask the toolkit to write out the object; the toolkit will write out as much as
        // the current buffer can hold
        TK_Status status = handler.Write(tk);

        // if there is still more data left to write; we have to loop through
        // generating and writing buffers of data until we're done
        while (status == TK_Status.TK_Pending)
            // due to compression, preparing a new buffer might immediately fill that buffer
            // so we need an extra check to possibly export that buffer and prepare a new buffer
            while (status == TK_Status.TK_Pending)
                // ask the toolkit how much of the buffer is currently filled
                // this will normally be the same as the buffer size that we passed in
                int count = tk.CurrentBufferLength();

                // write the current out to our file since this example deals with
                // exporting a file; however, instead of writing to a file, the buffer of
                // data could be sent to an application data-structure, or transmitted
                // over a network ('streamed'), etc...
                // fwrite(buffer, sizeof (char), count, fp);

                // tell the toolkit where it can resume writing data; in this case, we
                // can reuse the same buffer once we're done with it
                status = tk.PrepareBuffer(buffer, size);

            // ask the toolkit to continue trying to write out the object's data
            status = handler.Write(tk);
    static void Main()
        // char[] mycharbuffer = new char [4096];
        byte[]       mybuffer = new byte[4096];
        int          size     = 4096;
        const string filename = "testfile1.hsf";

        // create a new file toolkit object
        BStreamFileToolkit mytoolkit = new BStreamFileToolkit();

        // open a binary file for output
        // FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
        BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate));

        // tell the toolkit where to begin writing data; the size of the 'utility' buffer
        // can be anything; for this example, we use a 4k buffer
        mytoolkit.PrepareBuffer(mybuffer, size);

        // create a TK_Header object and export it's associated HSF objects,
        // which include the TKE_Comment and TKE_File_Info objects
        // TK_Header automatically formats the TKE_Comment to contain file version
        // information.
        BBaseOpcodeHandler header_handler = new TK_Header();

        WriteObject(header_handler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Start_Compression object
        BBaseOpcodeHandler comp_handler = new TK_Compression((char)(TKE_Object_Types.TKE_Start_Compression));

        WriteObject(comp_handler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Open_Segment object (the TK_Open_Segment opcode handler
        // automatically supports this opcode, so it does not need to be passed
        // into the constructor
        TK_Open_Segment seghandler = new TK_Open_Segment();

        WriteObject(seghandler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Marker object
        TK_Point pointhandler = new TK_Point((byte)(TKE_Object_Types.TKE_Marker));

        pointhandler.SetPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        WriteObject(pointhandler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        TK_Visibility vishandler = new TK_Visibility();

        vishandler.SetGeometry((int)(TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Marker | TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Line));
        vishandler.SetValue((int)(TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Marker | TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Line));
        WriteObject(vishandler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        TK_Color_RGB colorhandler = new TK_Color_RGB();

        colorhandler.SetGeometry((int)(TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Marker | TKO_Geometry_Bits.TKO_Geo_Line));
        colorhandler.SetRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        WriteObject(colorhandler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Close_Segment object (the TK_Close_Segment opcode handler
        // automatically supports this opcode, so it does not need to be passed
        // into the constructor
        BBaseOpcodeHandler close_handler = new TK_Close_Segment();

        WriteObject(close_handler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Stop_Compression object
        BBaseOpcodeHandler stopcomp_handler = new TK_Compression((char)(TKE_Object_Types.TKE_Stop_Compression));

        WriteObject(stopcomp_handler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // export a TKE_Termination object
        BBaseOpcodeHandler term_handler = new TK_Terminator((char)(TKE_Object_Types.TKE_Termination));

        WriteObject(term_handler, mytoolkit, binWriter, mybuffer, size);

        // ask the toolkit how much of the final buffer is filled
        int count = mytoolkit.CurrentBufferLength();

        // write out the final buffer
        // fwrite(mybuffer, sizeof (char), count, flptr);

        // close the file

        // clean up
