Exemple #1
        // Create the correct type of linkset for this child
        public static BSLinkset Factory(BSScene physScene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
            BSLinkset ret = null;

            switch (parent.LinksetType)
            case LinksetImplementation.Constraint:
                ret = new BSLinksetConstraints(physScene, parent);

            case LinksetImplementation.Compound:
                ret = new BSLinksetCompound(physScene, parent);

            case LinksetImplementation.Manual:
                // ret = new BSLinksetManual(physScene, parent);

                ret = new BSLinksetCompound(physScene, parent);
            if (ret == null)
                physScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("[BULLETSIM LINKSET] Factory could not create linkset. Parent name={1}, ID={2}", parent.Name, parent.LocalID);
Exemple #2
    // Dereferencing a compound shape releases the hold on all the child shapes.
    public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
        lock (physShapeInfo)
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCompound.Dereference,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
            if (referenceCount <= 0)
                if (!physicsScene.PE.IsCompound(physShapeInfo))
                    // Failed the sanity check!!
                    physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} Attempt to free a compound shape that is not compound!! type={1}, ptr={2}",
                                                    LogHeader, physShapeInfo.shapeType, physShapeInfo.AddrString);
                                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, physShapeInfo.shapeType, physShapeInfo.AddrString);

                int numChildren = physicsScene.PE.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(physShapeInfo);
                                       BSScene.DetailLogZero, physShapeInfo, numChildren);

                // Loop through all the children dereferencing each.
                for (int ii = numChildren - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
                    BulletShape childShape = physicsScene.PE.RemoveChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(physShapeInfo, ii);
                    DereferenceAnonCollisionShape(physicsScene, childShape);
                physicsScene.PE.DeleteCollisionShape(physicsScene.World, physShapeInfo);
Exemple #3
    public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim)
        float lod;

        System.UInt64 newHullKey = BSShape.ComputeShapeKey(prim.Size, prim.BaseShape, out lod);

        BSShapeHull retHull = null;

        lock (Hulls)
            if (Hulls.TryGetValue(newHullKey, out retHull))
                // The mesh has already been created. Return a new reference to same.
                retHull = new BSShapeHull(new BulletShape());
                // An instance of this mesh has not been created. Build and remember same.
                BulletShape newShape = retHull.CreatePhysicalHull(physicsScene, prim, newHullKey, prim.BaseShape, prim.Size, lod);

                // Check to see if hull was created (might require an asset).
                newShape = VerifyMeshCreated(physicsScene, newShape, prim);
                if (!newShape.isNativeShape || prim.PrimAssetState == BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Failed)
                    // If a mesh was what was created, remember the built shape for later sharing.
                    Hulls.Add(newHullKey, retHull);
                retHull.physShapeInfo = newShape;
        physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeHull,getReference,hull={1},size={2},lod={3}", prim.LocalID, retHull, prim.Size, lod);
Exemple #4
    private static BulletShape CreatePhysicalNativeShape(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                                                         BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        BulletShape newShape;

        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();

        nativeShapeData.Type    = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID      = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale   = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size    = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

        if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
            newShape = physicsScene.PE.BuildCapsuleShape(physicsScene.World, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeNative,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            newShape = physicsScene.PE.BuildNativeShape(physicsScene.World, nativeShapeData);
        if (!newShape.HasPhysicalShape)
            physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                            LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
        newShape.shapeType     = shapeType;
        newShape.isNativeShape = true;
        newShape.shapeKey      = (UInt64)shapeKey;
Exemple #5
 public override BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim)
     // Calling this reference means we want another handle to an existing shape
     //     (usually linksets) so return this copy.
Exemple #6
    private BSShapeNative(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                          BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();

        nativeShapeData.Type    = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID      = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale   = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size    = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

         * if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
         * {
         *  ptr = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildCapsuleShape(physicsScene.World, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
         *  physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuiletPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  ptr = PhysicsScene.PE.BuildNativeShape(physicsScene.World, nativeShapeData);
         * }
         * if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
         * {
         *  physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
         *                          LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
         * }
         * type = shapeType;
         * key = (UInt64)shapeKey;
 public BSActorLockAxis(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject pObj, string actorName)
     : base(physicsScene, pObj, actorName)
     m_physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSActorLockAxis,constructor", m_controllingPrim.LocalID);
     LockAxisConstraint = null;
     HaveRegisteredForBeforeStepCallback = false;
Exemple #8
    private BSShapeNative(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                          BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();

        nativeShapeData.Type    = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID      = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale   = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size    = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;

        if (shapeType == BSPhysicsShapeType.SHAPE_CAPSULE)
            ptr = BulletSimAPI.BuildCapsuleShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, 1f, 1f, prim.Scale);
            physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.BuiletPhysicalNativeShape,capsule,scale={1}", prim.LocalID, prim.Scale);
            ptr = BulletSimAPI.BuildNativeShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, nativeShapeData);
        if (ptr == null)
            physicsScene.Logger.ErrorFormat("{0} BuildPhysicalNativeShape failed. ID={1}, shape={2}",
                                            LogHeader, prim.LocalID, shapeType);
        type = shapeType;
        key  = (UInt64)shapeKey;
 public BSActorAvatarMove(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject pObj, string actorName)
     : base(physicsScene, pObj, actorName)
     m_velocityMotor   = null;
     m_walkingUpStairs = 0;
     m_physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSActorAvatarMove,constructor", m_controllingPrim.LocalID);
Exemple #10
 public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                                    BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
     // Native shapes are not shared and are always built anew.
     //return new BSShapeNative(physicsScene, prim, shapeType, shapeKey);
Exemple #11
 public BSActor(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject pObj, string actorName)
     m_physicsScene    = physicsScene;
     m_controllingPrim = pObj;
     ActorName         = actorName;
     Enabled           = true;
Exemple #12
 // Make this reference to the physical shape go away since native shapes are not shared.
 public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
     // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
     physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceShape,deleteNativeShape,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
     BulletSimAPI.DeleteCollisionShape2(physicsScene.World.ptr, ptr);
     ptr = null;
     // Garbage collection will free up this instance.
Exemple #13
        public BSCharacter(
            uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 vel, OMV.Vector3 size, bool isFlying)

            : base(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter")
            _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent;
            RawPosition       = pos;

            _flying        = isFlying;
            RawOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Identity;
            RawVelocity    = vel;
            _buoyancy      = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying);
            Friction       = BSParam.AvatarStandingFriction;
            Density        = BSParam.AvatarDensity;

            // Old versions of ScenePresence passed only the height. If width and/or depth are zero,
            //     replace with the default values.
            _size = size;
            if (_size.X == 0f)
                _size.X = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleDepth;
            if (_size.Y == 0f)
                _size.Y = BSParam.AvatarCapsuleWidth;

            // The dimensions of the physical capsule are kept in the scale.
            // Physics creates a unit capsule which is scaled by the physics engine.
            Scale = ComputeAvatarScale(_size);
            // set _avatarVolume and _mass based on capsule size, _density and Scale

                LocalID, _size, Scale, Density, _avatarVolume, RawMass, pos, vel);

            // do actual creation in taint time
            PhysScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, "BSCharacter.create", delegate()
                DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID);

                // New body and shape into PhysBody and PhysShape
                PhysScene.Shapes.GetBodyAndShape(true, PhysScene.World, this);

                // The avatar's movement is controlled by this motor that speeds up and slows down
                //    the avatar seeking to reach the motor's target speed.
                // This motor runs as a prestep action for the avatar so it will keep the avatar
                //    standing as well as moving. Destruction of the avatar will destroy the pre-step action.
                m_moveActor = new BSActorAvatarMove(PhysScene, this, AvatarMoveActorName);
                PhysicalActors.Add(AvatarMoveActorName, m_moveActor);


                IsInitialized = true;
 public BSShapeCollection(BSScene physScene)
     m_physicsScene = physScene;
     // Set the next to 'true' for very detailed shape update detailed logging (detailed details?)
     // While detailed debugging is still active, this is better than commenting out all the
     //     DetailLog statements. When debugging slows down, this and the protected logging
     //     statements can be commented/removed.
     DDetail = true;
 public void TearDown()
     if (PhysicsScene != null)
         // The Dispose() will also free any physical objects in the scene
         PhysicsScene = null;
 // Apply the specificed collision mask into the physical world
 public virtual bool ApplyCollisionMask(BSScene physicsScene)
     // Should assert the body has been added to the physical world.
     // (The collision masks are stored in the collision proxy cache which only exists for
     //    a collision body that is in the world.)
Exemple #17
 // Dereferencing a compound shape releases the hold on all the child shapes.
 public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
     lock (ConvexHulls)
         physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeConvexHull.Dereference,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
         // TODO: schedule aging and destruction of unused meshes.
Exemple #18
 // Make this reference to the physical shape go away since native shapes are not shared.
 public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
      * // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
      * physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeCollection.DereferenceShape,deleteNativeShape,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
      * PhysicsScene.PE.DeleteCollisionShape(physicsScene.World, this);
      * ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
      * // Garbage collection will free up this instance.
        public BSPrimLinkable(uint localID, String primName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 size,
                              OMV.Quaternion rotation, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool pisPhysical)
            : base(localID, primName, parent_scene, pos, size, rotation, pbs, pisPhysical)
            // Default linkset implementation for this prim
            LinksetType = (BSLinkset.LinksetImplementation)BSParam.LinksetImplementation;

            Linkset = BSLinkset.Factory(PhysScene, this);

Exemple #20
    private BSShapeNative(BSScene physicsScene, BSPhysObject prim,
                          BSPhysicsShapeType shapeType, FixedShapeKey shapeKey)
        ShapeData nativeShapeData = new ShapeData();

        nativeShapeData.Type    = shapeType;
        nativeShapeData.ID      = prim.LocalID;
        nativeShapeData.Scale   = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.Size    = prim.Scale;
        nativeShapeData.MeshKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
        nativeShapeData.HullKey = (ulong)shapeKey;
Exemple #21
    public override BSShape GetReference(BSScene pPhysicsScene, BSPhysObject pPrim)
        // Native shapes are not shared so we return a new shape.
        BSShape ret = null;

        lock (physShapeInfo)
            ret = new BSShapeNative(CreatePhysicalNativeShape(pPhysicsScene, pPrim,
                                                              physShapeInfo.shapeType, (FixedShapeKey)physShapeInfo.shapeKey));
Exemple #22
        public BSTerrainManager(BSScene physicsScene, Vector3 regionSize)
            m_physicsScene    = physicsScene;
            DefaultRegionSize = regionSize;

            m_terrains = new Dictionary <Vector3, BSTerrainPhys>();

            // Assume one region of default size
            m_worldOffset = Vector3.Zero;
            m_worldMax    = new Vector3(DefaultRegionSize);
            MegaRegionParentPhysicsScene = null;
Exemple #23
        // 'engineName' is the Bullet engine to use. Either null (for unmanaged), "BulletUnmanaged" or "BulletXNA"
        // 'params' is a set of keyValue pairs to set in the engine's configuration file (override defaults)
        //      May be 'null' if there are no overrides.
        public static BSScene CreateBasicPhysicsEngine(Dictionary <string, string> paramOverrides)
            IConfigSource openSimINI    = new IniConfigSource();
            IConfig       startupConfig = openSimINI.AddConfig("Startup");

            startupConfig.Set("physics", "BulletSim");
            startupConfig.Set("meshing", "Meshmerizer");
            startupConfig.Set("cacheSculptMaps", "false"); // meshmerizer shouldn't save maps

            IConfig bulletSimConfig = openSimINI.AddConfig("BulletSim");

            // If the caller cares, specify the bullet engine otherwise it will default to "BulletUnmanaged".
            // bulletSimConfig.Set("BulletEngine", "BulletUnmanaged");
            // bulletSimConfig.Set("BulletEngine", "BulletXNA");
            bulletSimConfig.Set("MeshSculptedPrim", "false");
            bulletSimConfig.Set("ForceSimplePrimMeshing", "true");
            if (paramOverrides != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in paramOverrides)
                    bulletSimConfig.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            // If a special directory exists, put detailed logging therein.
            // This allows local testing/debugging without having to worry that the build engine will output logs.
            if (Directory.Exists("physlogs"))
                bulletSimConfig.Set("PhysicsLoggingDir", "./physlogs");
                bulletSimConfig.Set("PhysicsLoggingEnabled", "True");
                bulletSimConfig.Set("PhysicsLoggingDoFlush", "True");
                bulletSimConfig.Set("VehicleLoggingEnabled", "True");

            PhysicsPluginManager physicsPluginManager;

            physicsPluginManager = new PhysicsPluginManager();

            Vector3 regionExtent = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionHeight);

            PhysicsScene pScene = physicsPluginManager.GetPhysicsScene(
                "BulletSim", "Meshmerizer", openSimINI, "BSTestRegion", regionExtent);

            BSScene bsScene = pScene as BSScene;

            // Since the asset requestor is not initialized, any mesh or sculptie will be a cube.
            // In the future, add a fake asset fetcher to get meshes and sculpts.
            // bsScene.RequestAssetMethod = ???;

        // This minCoords and maxCoords passed in give the size of the terrain (min and max Z
        //         are the high and low points of the heightmap).
        public BSTerrainHeightmap(BSScene physicsScene, Vector3 regionBase, uint id, float[] initialMap,
                                  Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoords)
            : base(physicsScene, regionBase, id)
            m_mapInfo                   = new BulletHMapInfo(id, initialMap, maxCoords.X - minCoords.X, maxCoords.Y - minCoords.Y);
            m_mapInfo.minCoords         = minCoords;
            m_mapInfo.maxCoords         = maxCoords;
            m_mapInfo.minZ              = minCoords.Z;
            m_mapInfo.maxZ              = maxCoords.Z;
            m_mapInfo.terrainRegionBase = TerrainBase;

            // Don't have to free any previous since we just got here.
Exemple #25
 // Make this reference to the physical shape go away since native shapes are not shared.
 public override void Dereference(BSScene physicsScene)
     // Native shapes are not tracked and are released immediately
     lock (physShapeInfo)
         if (physShapeInfo.HasPhysicalShape)
             physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeNative.Dereference,deleteNativeShape,shape={1}", BSScene.DetailLogZero, this);
             physicsScene.PE.DeleteCollisionShape(physicsScene.World, physShapeInfo);
         // Garbage collection will free up this instance.
Exemple #26
    public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim)
        float lod;

        System.UInt64 newMeshKey = BSShape.ComputeShapeKey(prim.Size, prim.BaseShape, out lod);

                               prim.LocalID, newMeshKey.ToString("X"), prim.Size, lod);

        BSShapeConvexHull retConvexHull = null;

        lock (ConvexHulls)
            if (ConvexHulls.TryGetValue(newMeshKey, out retConvexHull))
                // The mesh has already been created. Return a new reference to same.
                retConvexHull = new BSShapeConvexHull(new BulletShape());
                BulletShape convexShape = null;

                // Get a handle to a mesh to build the hull from
                BSShape baseMesh = BSShapeMesh.GetReference(physicsScene, false /* forceRebuild */, prim);
                if (baseMesh.physShapeInfo.isNativeShape)
                    // We get here if the mesh was not creatable. Could be waiting for an asset from the disk.
                    // In the short term, we return the native shape and a later ForceBodyShapeRebuild should
                    //     get back to this code with a buildable mesh.
                    // TODO: not sure the temp native shape is freed when the mesh is rebuilt. When does this get freed?
                    convexShape = baseMesh.physShapeInfo;
                    convexShape          = physicsScene.PE.BuildConvexHullShapeFromMesh(physicsScene.World, baseMesh.physShapeInfo);
                    convexShape.shapeKey = newMeshKey;
                    ConvexHulls.Add(convexShape.shapeKey, retConvexHull);

                // Done with the base mesh

                retConvexHull.physShapeInfo = convexShape;
Exemple #27
        protected BSPhysObject(BSScene parentScene, uint localID, string name, string typeName)
            IsInitialized = false;

            PhysScene      = parentScene;
            LocalID        = localID;
            PhysObjectName = name;
            Name           = name; // PhysicsActor also has the name of the object. Someday consolidate.
            TypeName       = typeName;

            // Oddity if object is destroyed and recreated very quickly it could still have the old body.
            if (!PhysBody.HasPhysicalBody)
                PhysBody = new BulletBody(localID);

            // Clean out anything that might be in the physical actor list.
            // Again, a workaround for destroying and recreating an object very quickly.

            UserSetCenterOfMassDisplacement = null;

            PrimAssetState = PrimAssetCondition.Unknown;

            // Initialize variables kept in base.
            // Beware that these cause taints to be queued whch can cause race conditions on startup.
            GravModifier = 1.0f;
            Gravity      = new OMV.Vector3(0f, 0f, BSParam.Gravity);
            HoverActive  = false;

            // Default material type. Also sets Friction, Restitution and Density.

            CollisionsLastTickStep = -1;

            SubscribedEventsMs = 0;
            // Crazy values that will never be true
            CollidingStep         = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
            CollidingGroundStep   = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
            CollisionAccumulation = BSScene.NotASimulationStep;
            ColliderIsMoving      = false;
            CollisionScore        = 0;

            // All axis free.
            LockedLinearAxis  = LockedAxisFree;
            LockedAngularAxis = LockedAxisFree;
Exemple #28
        public BSCharacter(
            uint localID, String avName, BSScene parent_scene, OMV.Vector3 pos, OMV.Vector3 vel, OMV.Vector3 size, float footOffset, bool isFlying)

            : base(parent_scene, localID, avName, "BSCharacter")
            _physicsActorType = (int)ActorTypes.Agent;
            RawPosition       = pos;

            _flying        = isFlying;
            RawOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Identity;
            RawVelocity    = vel;
            _buoyancy      = ComputeBuoyancyFromFlying(isFlying);
            Friction       = BSParam.AvatarStandingFriction;
            Density        = BSParam.AvatarDensity;
            _isPhysical    = true;

            _footOffset = footOffset;
            // Adjustments for zero X and Y made in Size()
            // This also computes avatar scale, volume, and mass
            SetAvatarSize(size, footOffset, true /* initializing */);

                LocalID, Size, Scale, Density, _avatarVolume, RawMass, pos, vel);

            // do actual creation in taint time
            PhysScene.TaintedObject(LocalID, "BSCharacter.create", delegate()
                DetailLog("{0},BSCharacter.create,taint", LocalID);

                // New body and shape into PhysBody and PhysShape
                PhysScene.Shapes.GetBodyAndShape(true, PhysScene.World, this);

                // The avatar's movement is controlled by this motor that speeds up and slows down
                //    the avatar seeking to reach the motor's target speed.
                // This motor runs as a prestep action for the avatar so it will keep the avatar
                //    standing as well as moving. Destruction of the avatar will destroy the pre-step action.
                m_moveActor = new BSActorAvatarMove(PhysScene, this, AvatarMoveActorName);
                PhysicalActors.Add(AvatarMoveActorName, m_moveActor);


                IsInitialized = true;
Exemple #29
        protected BSLinkset(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent)
            // A simple linkset of one (no children)
            LinksetID = m_nextLinksetID++;
            // We create LOTS of linksets.
            if (m_nextLinksetID <= 0)
                m_nextLinksetID = 1;
            m_physicsScene   = scene;
            LinksetRoot      = parent;
            m_children       = new Dictionary <BSPrimLinkable, BSLinkInfo>();
            LinksetMass      = parent.RawMass;
            Rebuilding       = false;
            RebuildScheduled = false;

        // Constructor to build a default, flat heightmap terrain.
        public BSTerrainHeightmap(BSScene physicsScene, Vector3 regionBase, uint id, Vector3 regionSize)
            : base(physicsScene, regionBase, id)
            Vector3 minTerrainCoords = new Vector3(0f, 0f, BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION - BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_EQUAL_FUDGE);
            Vector3 maxTerrainCoords = new Vector3(regionSize.X, regionSize.Y, BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION);
            int     totalHeights     = (int)maxTerrainCoords.X * (int)maxTerrainCoords.Y;

            float[] initialMap = new float[totalHeights];
            for (int ii = 0; ii < totalHeights; ii++)
                initialMap[ii] = BSTerrainManager.HEIGHT_INITIALIZATION;
            m_mapInfo                   = new BulletHMapInfo(id, initialMap, regionSize.X, regionSize.Y);
            m_mapInfo.minCoords         = minTerrainCoords;
            m_mapInfo.maxCoords         = maxTerrainCoords;
            m_mapInfo.terrainRegionBase = TerrainBase;
            // Don't have to free any previous since we just got here.
    // 'engineName' is the Bullet engine to use. Either null (for unmanaged), "BulletUnmanaged" or "BulletXNA"
    // 'params' is a set of keyValue pairs to set in the engine's configuration file (override defaults)
    //      May be 'null' if there are no overrides.
    public static BSScene CreateBasicPhysicsEngine(Dictionary<string,string> paramOverrides)
        IConfigSource openSimINI = new IniConfigSource();
        IConfig startupConfig = openSimINI.AddConfig("Startup");
        startupConfig.Set("physics", "BulletSim");
        startupConfig.Set("meshing", "Meshmerizer");
        startupConfig.Set("cacheSculptMaps", "false");  // meshmerizer shouldn't save maps

        IConfig bulletSimConfig = openSimINI.AddConfig("BulletSim");
        // If the caller cares, specify the bullet engine otherwise it will default to "BulletUnmanaged".
        // bulletSimConfig.Set("BulletEngine", "BulletUnmanaged");
        // bulletSimConfig.Set("BulletEngine", "BulletXNA");
        bulletSimConfig.Set("MeshSculptedPrim", "false");
        bulletSimConfig.Set("ForceSimplePrimMeshing", "true");
        if (paramOverrides != null)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in paramOverrides)
                bulletSimConfig.Set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

        // If a special directory exists, put detailed logging therein.
        // This allows local testing/debugging without having to worry that the build engine will output logs.
        if (Directory.Exists("physlogs"))

        Vector3 regionExtent = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionHeight);
        RegionInfo info = new RegionInfo();
        info.RegionName = "BSTestRegion";
        info.RegionSizeX = info.RegionSizeY = info.RegionSizeZ = Constants.RegionSize;
        OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene scene = new OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene(info);

        IMesher mesher = new OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.Meshing.Meshmerizer();
        INonSharedRegionModule mod = mesher as INonSharedRegionModule;

        BSScene pScene = new BSScene();
        mod = (pScene as INonSharedRegionModule);

        // Since the asset requestor is not initialized, any mesh or sculptie will be a cube.
        // In the future, add a fake asset fetcher to get meshes and sculpts.
        // bsScene.RequestAssetMethod = ???;

        return pScene;