public DirectResponse DoAddUser(string userName, string fullName, string company, string location, string batch, string role, string companies)
            var dataUser = new data_UserCreateRequest();

            dataUser.Username  = userName;
            dataUser.FullName  = fullName;
            dataUser.Company   = company;
            dataUser.Location  = location;
            dataUser.Batch     = batch;
            dataUser.Role      = role;
            dataUser.Companies = companies;

            BSL_GLXAccountClient client = new BSL_GLXAccountClient();
            string mess = client.createUser(dataUser);

            DirectResponse dr = new DirectResponse();

            if (mess == "")
                dr.Success = true;
                dr.Result  = String.Format("{{Message:'{0}'}}", "");
                dr.Success      = false;
                dr.ErrorMessage = mess;
        public void BindingDataWithFilter(string username)
            Permissions.BSL_PermissionsClient client          = new Permissions.BSL_PermissionsClient();
            Permissions.data_Permissions[]    PermissionsList = client.GetPermissionByUser(username);
            strPermission.DataSource = PermissionsList;

            BSL_GLXAccountClient AccountClient = new BSL_GLXAccountClient();

            data_GLXAccount[] Companies = AccountClient.GetAll(username);
            strGLXAccount.DataSource = Companies;

            BSL_RequisitionWkshNameClient WkshClient = new BSL_RequisitionWkshNameClient();

            data_RequisitionWkshName[] WkshList = WkshClient.GetDataByUser(username);
            strWorksheet.DataSource = WkshList;

            BSL_LocationAndAccountClient LocationClient = new BSL_LocationAndAccountClient();

            data_LocationAndAccount[] Locations = LocationClient.GetLocationByUser(username);
            strLocationAndAccount.DataSource = Locations;
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (!Ext.Net.X.IsAjaxRequest)

            #region Load Company Info
            Common common = new Common();
            Companies.Companies_Service svc = new GLXNAVWebApp.Companies.Companies_Service();
            svc.Credentials = common.CheckCredentials();
            Companies.Companies[] results = svc.ReadMultiple(null, "", 20);
            foreach (Companies.Companies item in results)
                //if (item.Name == "GALAXY_MASTERDATA" || item.Name == "GALAXY_HCM" || item.Name == "GALAXY_BMT_COPY") continue;
                cbgCinema.Add(new Checkbox {
                    ID = item.Name, BoxLabel = item.Name
                cboCompanyCard.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = item.Name, Value = item.Name
            #endregion Load Company Info

            #region Load Location and Batch
            List <LocationData> locations = GetLocation();
            List <BatchData>    batches   = GetBatch();

            foreach (LocationData item in locations)
                cboLocation.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = item.Name, Value = item.Code

            foreach (BatchData item in batches)
                cboBatch.Items.Add(new ListItem {
                    Text = item.Name, Value = item.Code
            #endregion Load Location and Batch

            #region Load User
            BSL_GLXAccountClient AccountClient = new BSL_GLXAccountClient();
            data_Account[]       AccountList   = AccountClient.GetAllAccount(GlobalVariable.UserName);
            strUsername.DataSource = AccountList;
            #endregion Load User
        public DirectResponse DelUser(string uname)
            BSL_GLXAccountClient client = new BSL_GLXAccountClient();
            string mess = client.DelUser(uname);

            DirectResponse dr = new DirectResponse();

            if (mess == "")
                dr.Success = true;
                dr.Result  = String.Format("{{Message:'{0}'}}", "");
                dr.Success      = false;
                dr.ErrorMessage = mess;