private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Add student?", "Verification", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (res == MessageBoxResult.No) { newStu = null; return; } //code missing: //test each textbox, combobox value with more TKINUT KELET etc. // make sure each field has value //if not takin shoe message box, and return. //else try { bl.AddStudent(newStu); this.Close(); } catch (BO.BadStudentIdException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Operation Failure", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public void AddStudent(BO.Student student) { //Add new student (DO.Person + DO.Student) //with no courses (courses will be added one by one through AddStudentInCourse() //Add DO.Person DO.Person personDO = new DO.Person(); student.CopyPropertiesTo(personDO); try { dl.AddPerson(personDO); } catch (DO.BadPersonIdException ex) { throw new BO.BadStudentIdException("Student ID is illegal", ex); } //Add DO.Student DO.Student studentDO = new DO.Student(); student.CopyPropertiesTo(studentDO); try { dl.AddStudent(studentDO); } catch (DO.BadPersonIdException ex) { throw new BO.BadStudentIdException("Student ID is illegal", ex); } }
public void UpdateStudentPersonalDetails(BO.Student student) { //Update DO.Person DO.Person personDO = new DO.Person(); student.CopyPropertiesTo(personDO); try { dl.UpdatePerson(personDO); } catch (DO.BadPersonIdException ex) { throw new BO.BadStudentIdException("Student ID is illegal", ex); } //Update DO.Student DO.Student studentDO = new DO.Student(); student.CopyPropertiesTo(studentDO); try { dl.UpdateStudent(studentDO); } catch (DO.BadPersonIdException ex) { throw new BO.BadStudentIdException("Student ID is illegal", ex); } }
private void cbStudentID_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { curStu = (cbStudentID.SelectedItem as BO.Student); gridOneStudent.DataContext = curStu; //list of courses of selected student RefreshAllRegisteredCoursesGrid(); //list of all courses (that selected student is not registered to it) RefreshAllNotRegisteredCoursesGrid(); }
private void WinAddStudent_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { BO.Student newStu = (sender as AddStudentWindow).newStu; //Fix: using observable collection instead of RefreshAllStudentComboBox(); if (newStu != null) { obsColStudents.Add(newStu); cbStudentID.SelectedItem = newStu; //the selected item should be the new just added item } }
BO.Student studentDoBoAdapter(DO.Student studentDO) { BO.Student studentBO = new BO.Student(); DO.Person personDO; int id = studentDO.ID; try { personDO = dl.GetPerson(id); } catch (DO.BadPersonIdException ex) { throw new BO.BadStudentIdException("Student ID is illegal", ex); } personDO.CopyPropertiesTo(studentBO); //studentBO.ID = personDO.ID; //studentBO.BirthDate = personDO.BirthDate; //studentBO.City = personDO.City; //studentBO.Name = personDO.Name; //studentBO.HouseNumber = personDO.HouseNumber; //studentBO.Street = personDO.Street; //studentBO.PersonalStatus = (BO.PersonalStatus)(int)personDO.PersonalStatus; studentDO.CopyPropertiesTo(studentBO); //studentBO.StartYear = studentDO.StartYear; //studentBO.Status = (BO.StudentStatus)(int)studentDO.Status; //studentBO.Graduation = (BO.StudentGraduate)(int)studentDO.Graduation; studentBO.ListOfCourses = from sic in dl.GetStudentsInCourseList(sic => sic.PersonId == id) let course = dl.GetCourse(sic.CourseId) select course.CopyToStudentCourse(sic); //new BO.StudentCourse() //{ // ID = course.ID, // Number = course.Number, // Name = course.Name, // Year = course.Year, // Semester = (BO.Semester)(int)course.Semester, // Grade = sic.Grade //}; return(studentBO); }
public void DeleteStudent(BO.Student uistudents) { DAL.Student dal_student = new DAL.Student(); dal_student.DeleteStudent(uistudents); }
public void UpdateStudent(BO.Student uistudents) { DAL.Student dal_student = new DAL.Student(); dal_student.UpdateStudent(uistudents); }
public bool AddStudent(BO.Student uistudents) { DAL.Student dal_student = new DAL.Student(); return(dal_student.AddStudent(uistudents)); }
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { newStu = null; this.Close(); }