Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of file-lines, line by line, for parameter data
        /// Generally, expected to be called first in file parsing
        /// Parameter data is used in subsequent sections of the BNGL file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"> The strings (file lines) to parse for data</param>
        /// <param name="fdata"> The BNGL File data object that holds parsed data</param>
        /// <returns>0(int) for successfull completion</returns>
        private int ParseParameters(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
            foreach (string p in info)
                string[] p_arr = p.Split(
                    new[] { " " },
                if (p_arr.Length != 2)
                    Debug.LogError(String.Format("{0} Parameter has too many or too few arguments.\n{1}", fileErrorMsg, p));

                float num   = 0;
                bool  isNum = float.TryParse(p_arr[1], out num);

                if (isNum) // a number was assigned as a parameter value
                    fdata.parameters.Add(p_arr[0], num);
                else // an equation (with parameters) was defined as a parameter value
                    num = MathParser.Evaluate(p_arr[1], fdata.parameters);
                    fdata.parameters.Add(p_arr[0], num);

Exemple #2
 private void ConstructEngineObjects(BNGLFileData fdata)
     // This is where a 1-1 mapping of BNGL data to unity objects would happen
     // e.g. constructing complex snapshots from ComplexFileData objects
     Debug.LogWarning("Converting BNGL objects to Unity Engine Objects is currently unimplemented");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of file-lines, line by line, for molecule type data
        /// Generally, expected to be called second in file parsing
        /// Molecule types describe the allowed states of molecule binding-sites in the simulation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"> The strings (file lines) to parse for data</param>
        /// <param name="fdata"> The BNGL File data object that holds parsed data</param>
        /// <returns>0(int) for successfull completion</returns>
        private int ParseMoleculeTypes(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
            // parse each molecule line-by-line
            foreach (string s in info)
                for (int i = 0; i < info.Count; ++i)
                    string line = info[i];

                    MoleculeFileData md = ParseMolecule(line);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of file-lines, line by line, for seed species data
        /// Generally, expected to be called third in file parsing
        /// Seed species are species present at the beginning of the simulation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"> The strings (file lines) to parse for data</param>
        /// <param name="fdata"> The BNGL File data object that holds parsed data</param>
        /// <returns>0(int) for successfull completion</returns>
        private int ParseSeedSpecies(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
            foreach (string s in info)
                int rp = s.IndexOf(")"); // assuming the following layout:
                                         // [molecule]"(" [binding-sites] ")" [numerical value]

                ComplexFileData cd        = ParseComplex(s.Substring(0, rp + 1));
                string          iv_string = s.Substring(rp + 1).Trim();

                // Check that a value was specified for the seed species
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(iv_string))
                    Debug.LogError(String.Format("{0} Seed Species is missing a value.\n{1}", fileErrorMsg, s));

                SeedSpeciesFileData ssd = new SeedSpeciesFileData();
                ssd.complex = cd;

                float n     = 0;
                bool  isNum = float.TryParse(iv_string, out n);

                if (isNum) // A number was specified as the initial value for this seed species
                    ssd.initialValue = n;
                else // A parameter was specified as the initial value for this seed species
                    // Check that the specified parameter was specified and parsed
                    if (!fdata.parameters.ContainsKey(iv_string))
                        Debug.LogError(String.Format("{0} A Seed Species referenced an undefined parameter.\n{1}", fileErrorMsg, s));

                    ssd.initialValue = fdata.parameters[iv_string];


Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of file-lines, line by line, for observables data
        /// Generally, expected to be called fourth in file parsing
        /// Observables are quantities of interest that are measured (observed) at regular intervals
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"> The strings (file lines) to parse for data</param>
        /// <param name="fdata"> The BNGL File data object that holds parsed data</param>
        /// <returns>0(int) for successfull completion</returns>
        private int ParseObservables(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
            foreach (string s in info)
                string tmp = s;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(tmp, @"^\d+"))              // Check if this line starts with a number
                    tmp = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" ")).Trim(); // index # will be delimited by space

                string[] toParse = tmp.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                ObservableFileData od = new ObservableFileData();
                od.metricName        = toParse[1];
                od.complexOfInterest = ParseComplex(toParse[2]);


Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a file's contents for keywords (words that signify the type of parsing needed)
        /// e.g. "molecule type" -> Molecule specific parsing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file_contents"> A string containing the contents of a local file read into memory</param>
        private void ParseForKeywords(string file_contents, out BNGLFileData fdata)
            fdata = new BNGLFileData();

            // Divide the string by new lines
            string[] file_lines = file_contents.Split(
                new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" },

            Queue <int>    begin_indicies = new Queue <int>();
            Queue <int>    end_indicies   = new Queue <int>();
            Queue <string> keywords       = new Queue <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < file_lines.Length; ++i)
                // Check if this line is a comment
                if (file_lines[i].StartsWith(commentSymbol))

                // Record the indicies of the begin and end statements
                // Record relevant keywords attached to begin statements
                if (file_lines[i].StartsWith("begin"))

                if (file_lines[i].StartsWith("end"))

            // Validity checks
            if (begin_indicies.Count != end_indicies.Count)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("{0} the number of begin statments does not equal the number of end statements", fileErrorMsg));

            if (begin_indicies.Count != keywords.Count)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("{0} the number of begin statments does not equal the number of keywords", fileErrorMsg));

            // Divide the document into info-blocks and parse accordingly
            while (begin_indicies.Count > 0)
                int           begin = begin_indicies.Dequeue();
                int           end   = end_indicies.Dequeue();
                List <string> info  = new List <string>();
                string        key   = keywords.Dequeue().Trim().ToLower();

                for (int j = begin + 1; j < end; ++j) // ignore the lines with 'begin' or 'end'
                    // Check for comment lines
                    string currentLine = file_lines[j];
                    if (currentLine.Contains(commentSymbol))
                        currentLine = currentLine.Substring(0, currentLine.IndexOf(commentSymbol)); // remove comments from file line

                    // Check for empty or null lines
                    currentLine = currentLine.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentLine))

                    // Check for the line continuation character
                    while (currentLine.EndsWith(@"\") && j < (end - 1))

                        // remove the continuation character and append the next line
                        currentLine = currentLine.Substring(0, currentLine.Length - 1) + file_lines[j];

                    // If the line isn't a comment line, empty, or null, add the line to the parseable info

                // If the keyword matches one of the defined symbols, call the needed parse-helper function
                if (symbols.ContainsKey(key))
                    symbols[key].DynamicInvoke(info, fdata);
                    // Keyword not found in the known parsing keywords
                    Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("{0} Unrecognized keyword in file.\n{1}", fileErrorMsg, key));
Exemple #7
 // Not needed for Unity Simulation Prototype at this moment
 private int ParseActions(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
     Debug.LogWarning("Parsing actions is currently unimplemented. The actions defined in this BNGL file have been ignored.");
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a list of file-lines, line by line, for reaction rules data
        /// Generally, expected to be called fifth in file parsing
        /// Reaction Rules are a text equation that describe how molecules can interact
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"> The strings (file lines) to parse for data</param>
        /// <param name="fdata"> The BNGL File data object that holds parsed data</param>
        /// <returns>0(int) for successfull completion</returns>
        private int ParseReactionRules(List <string> info, BNGLFileData fdata)
            foreach (string s in info)
                ReactionRulesFileData rd = new ReactionRulesFileData();

                string tmp = s;
                if (Regex.IsMatch(tmp, @"^\d+"))              // Check if this line starts with a number
                    tmp = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(" ")).Trim(); // index # will be delimited by space

                // find keywords in reation def string
                int    r_end    = tmp.LastIndexOf(")"); // find the end of the last product (the end of the reaction def)
                string keywords = tmp.Substring(r_end + 1);

                // remove keywords from reaction def string
                tmp = tmp.Substring(0, r_end + 1);

                // parse keywords
                string[] keywords_arr = keywords.Split(new[] { " ", "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                foreach (string k in keywords_arr)

                // Check if the reaction can occur in both directions
                if (tmp.Contains("<->"))
                    rd.isBidirectional = true;

                // Copy the entire reaction into the description
                rd.description = tmp;

                // Find the indicies needed to split the string into reactants and products
                int productStart = tmp.IndexOf(">");
                int reactantEnd  = tmp.IndexOf("-");

                if (tmp.Contains("<"))
                    reactantEnd = tmp.IndexOf("<");

                // Parse products and reactants
                string rs = tmp.Substring(0, reactantEnd);
                string ps = tmp.Substring(productStart + 1);

                string[] reactants = rs.Split(new[] { " + " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string[] products  = ps.Split(new[] { " + " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                foreach (string r in reactants)

                foreach (string p in products)