private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "CTR VRAM file|*.vrm"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Tim buf = CtrVrm.FromFile(ofd.FileName); MessageBox.Show( / 256 + ""); if (scn != null) { Dictionary <string, TextureLayout> tex = scn.GetTexturesList(); MessageBox.Show(tex.Count.ToString()); foreach (TextureLayout tl in tex.Values) { //buf.GetTexturePage(tl, ""); } } buf.SaveBMP("test.bmp", BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); //buf.palbmp.Save("palletes.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); //Process.Start("palletes.png"); } }
private void button30_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Scene s = Scene.FromFile("test.lev"); s.ctrvram.SaveBMP("before.bmp", BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); s.ctrvram = new Tim(new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 512)); foreach (var t in s.GetTexturesList()) { if (File.Exists("test\\" + t.Value.Tag() + ".tim")) { try { s.ctrvram.DrawTim(Tim.FromFile("test\\" + t.Value.Tag() + ".tim")); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } s.ctrvram.SaveBMP("after.bmp", BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); MessageBox.Show("done"); }
private void button18_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "CTR VRAM file|*.vram"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Tim buf = CtrVrm.FromFile(ofd.FileName); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(160, 80); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); using (BinaryReaderEx br2 = new BinaryReaderEx(File.Open("ui_map", FileMode.Open))) { int z = br2.ReadInt32(); List <TexMap> list = new List <TexMap>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { list.Add(new TexMap(br2)); } int x = 0; int y = 0; foreach (TexMap map in list) { buf.GetTexture(, "tex",; Bitmap b = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile("tex" + "\\" + + ".png"); g.DrawImage(b, x * 16, y * 16); x++; if (x >= 10) { x = 0; y++; } } bmp.Save("font.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } /* * Dictionary<string, TextureLayout> tex = scn.GetTexturesList(); * MessageBox.Show(tex.Count.ToString()); * } */ buf.SaveBMP("test.bmp", BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); //buf.palbmp.Save("palletes.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); Process.Start("font.png"); } }
private static void ParseBytes(ref Stream file, ref BMPHeader bmpHeader) { // detailed info: // //every BMP header is 54 bytes, followed by the image data //SIZE of the BMP: 2 bytes in (4 bytes long) //WIDTH of the BMP: 18 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //HEIGHT of the BMP: 22 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //PIXELDATA starts 54 bytes in, each row is 8 bytes long //grabs B[2,3,4,5] for the Size byte[] size = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Size = FormUint4(size); //current position is at Byte 6 => must go to 18 // B[14,15,16,17] // size of header file.Position = 18; //grabs B[18,19,20,21] for the width byte[] width = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Width = FormUint4(width); //grabs B[22,23,24,25] for the height byte[] height = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Height = FormUint4(height); // B[26, 27] Planes //current position is at Byte 26 => must go to 28 file.Position = 28; //grabs B[28,29] for the BitCount byte[] bitCount = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.BitCount = FormUint2(bitCount); // [30, 31, 32, 33] Compression // [34, 35, 36, 37] ImageSize //current position is at Byte 30 => must go to 54 file.Position = 54; //craete the Color[] and copy it over to the bmpHeader BuildPixels(ref bmpHeader.Pixels, ref file, bmpHeader.BitCount, (int)bmpHeader.Width, (int)bmpHeader.Height); }
public static void Decode(ReadStream data, Bitmap dest) { BMPHeader header = data.Struct <BMPHeader>(); Debug.Assert(header.Signature == BMPSignature, "Specified file was not a BMP file."); Debug.Assert(header.Size == InfoHeaderSize, "The BMP file contains an unsupported info header."); Debug.Assert(header.Compression == 0, "Only uncompressed BMP files are supported."); Debug.Assert(header.BitsPerPixel == 32, "Only 32-bit colors are supported."); Debug.Assert(header.FileSize - header.DataOffset == header.Width * header.Height * 4, "The BMP file is missing pixel data."); dest.Width = header.Width; dest.Height = header.Height; dest.Pixels = RemapData(data.Read(dest.Width * dest.Height * 4), dest.Width, dest.Height); }
static void LoadTextureFile(string filename) { using (BinaryReaderEx br = new BinaryReaderEx(File.OpenRead(filename))) { TexPak x = new TexPak(br); Console.WriteLine(x.numPals + " " + x.numTex); string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); Helpers.CheckFolder(path); int num = 0; foreach (Tex t in x.tex) { BMPHeader b = new BMPHeader(); b.Update(t.width * 4, t.height, 16, 4); byte[] pal = new byte[16 * 4]; bool bad = false; int palindex = t.unk2 / 2; if (palindex < 0 || palindex > x.pals.Count) { palindex = 0; bad = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { pal[i * 4 + 0] = x.pals[palindex][i].B; pal[i * 4 + 1] = x.pals[palindex][i].G; pal[i * 4 + 2] = x.pals[palindex][i].R; pal[i * 4 + 3] = x.pals[palindex][i].A; } b.UpdateData(pal, Tim.FixPixelOrder(; using (BinaryWriterEx bw = new BinaryWriterEx(File.OpenWrite($"{path}\\tex_" + num + (bad ? "_badpal" : "") + ".bmp"))) { b.Write(bw); } num++; } } }
private void actionExtract_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(pathFile.Text)) { MessageBox.Show($"File doesn't exist!\r\n{pathFile.Text}"); return; } using (Scene s = Scene.FromFile(pathFile.Text)) { if (optionTexHigh.Checked) { s.ExportTextures(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "texHigh"), Detail.High); } if (optionTexMed.Checked) { s.ExportTextures(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "texMed"), Detail.Med); } if (optionTexLow.Checked) { s.ExportTextures(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "texLow"), Detail.Low); } if (optionTexModels.Checked) { s.ExportTextures(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "texModels"), Detail.Models); } //generates colored vram, keep in mind same texture data may use different palettes Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(2048, 512); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); foreach (var x in s.GetTexturesList()) { using (Bitmap bb = s.ctrvram.GetTexture(x.Value)) { if (bb != null) { g.DrawImage(bb, x.Value.RealX * 4 - 2048, x.Value.RealY); } } } bmp.Save(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "test_color.bmp")); s.ctrvram.SaveBMP(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "test_bw.bmp"), BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); } GC.Collect(); MessageBox.Show("Done!"); }
public static void WriteStructToFile(string filename) { string saveToFilePath = @"D:\" + filename; int bytesWritten = 0; using (System.IO.FileStream myFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(saveToFilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create)) { BMPHeader myData = new BMPHeader(); byte[] newBuffer = GetBytes <BMPHeader>(myData); myFileStream.Write(newBuffer, 0, newBuffer.Length); bytesWritten += newBuffer.Length; } }
public static byte[] Encode(Bitmap bitmap) { byte[] data = new byte[bitmap.Pixels.Length + HeaderSize]; BMPHeader header = new BMPHeader { Signature = BMPSignature, FileSize = (uint)data.Length, DataOffset = (uint)HeaderSize, Size = (uint)(InfoHeaderSize), Width = bitmap.Width, Height = bitmap.Height, Planes = 1, BitsPerPixel = 32, }; Array.Copy(header.ToBytes(), 0, data, 0, HeaderSize); Array.Copy(RemapData(bitmap.Pixels, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), 0, data, HeaderSize, bitmap.Pixels.Length); return(data); }
/// <summary> /// ImageData takes a fileName (string) and loads the BMP from the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns>a new ImageData, containing the width, height, and data of the BMP that was loaded</returns> public static ImageData GetPixelData(string fileName) { //Load the file into "byte stream" Stream sourceStream = new MemoryStream(LoadFile(fileName)); //Check the signature to verify this is an actual .bmp image if (!CheckSignature(ref sourceStream)) { throw new ArgumentException( String.Format("Argument Stream {0} does not contain a valid BMP file.", sourceStream)); } BMPHeader bmpHeader = new BMPHeader(); ParseBytes(ref sourceStream, ref bmpHeader); FileManager.Close(sourceStream); return(new ImageData((int)bmpHeader.Width, (int)bmpHeader.Height, bmpHeader.Pixels)); }
private static void ParseBytes(ref Stream file, ref BMPHeader bmpHeader) { //every BMP header is 54 bytes, followed by the image data //SIZE of the BMP: 2 bytes in (4 bytes long) //WIDTH of the BMP: 18 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //HEIGHT of the BMP: 22 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //PIXELDATA starts 54 bytes in, each row is 8 bytes long //grabs B[2,3,4,5] for the Size byte[] size = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Size = FormUint4(size); //current position is at Byte 6 => must go to 18 file.Position = 18; //grabs B[18,19,20,21] for the width byte[] width = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Width = FormUint4(width); //grabs B[22,23,24,25] for the height byte[] height = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.Height = FormUint4(height); //current position is at Byte 26 => must go to 28 file.Position = 28; //grabs B[28,29] for the BitCount byte[] bitCount = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte() }; bmpHeader.BitCount = FormUint2(bitCount); //current position is at Byte 30 => must go to 54 file.Position = 54; //craete the Color[] and copy it over to the bmpHeader BuildPixels(ref bmpHeader.Pixels, ref file, bmpHeader.BitCount, (int)bmpHeader.Width, (int)bmpHeader.Height); }
/// <summary> /// ImageData takes a fileName (string) and loads the BMP from the file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns>a new ImageData, containing the width, height, and data of the BMP that was loaded</returns> public static ImageData GetPixelData(string fileName) { //Load the file into "byte stream" Stream sourceStream = new MemoryStream(LoadFile(fileName)); //Check the signature to verify this is an actual .bmp image if (!CheckSignature(ref sourceStream)) throw new ArgumentException( String.Format("Argument Stream {0} does not contain a valid BMP file.", sourceStream)); BMPHeader bmpHeader = new BMPHeader(); ParseBytes(ref sourceStream, ref bmpHeader); FileManager.Close(sourceStream); return new ImageData((int)bmpHeader.Width, (int)bmpHeader.Height, bmpHeader.Pixels); }
private static void ParseBytes(ref Stream file, ref BMPHeader bmpHeader) { //every BMP header is 54 bytes, followed by the image data //SIZE of the BMP: 2 bytes in (4 bytes long) //WIDTH of the BMP: 18 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //HEIGHT of the BMP: 22 bytes in (4 bytes long) pixels //PIXELDATA starts 54 bytes in, each row is 8 bytes long //grabs B[2,3,4,5] for the Size byte[] size = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte()}; bmpHeader.Size = FormUint4(size); //current position is at Byte 6 => must go to 18 file.Position = 18; //grabs B[18,19,20,21] for the width byte[] width = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte()}; bmpHeader.Width = FormUint4(width); //grabs B[22,23,24,25] for the height byte[] height = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte()}; bmpHeader.Height = FormUint4(height); //current position is at Byte 26 => must go to 28 file.Position = 28; //grabs B[28,29] for the BitCount byte[] bitCount = { (byte)file.ReadByte(), (byte)file.ReadByte()}; bmpHeader.BitCount = FormUint2(bitCount); //current position is at Byte 30 => must go to 54 file.Position = 54; //craete the Color[] and copy it over to the bmpHeader BuildPixels(ref bmpHeader.Pixels, ref file, bmpHeader.BitCount, (int) bmpHeader.Width, (int) bmpHeader.Height); }
private void actionPack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!File.Exists(pathFile.Text)) { MessageBox.Show($"File doesn't exist!\r\n{pathFile.Text}"); return; } using (Scene scn = Scene.FromFile(pathFile.Text)) { Tim ctr = scn.ctrvram; //dumping vram before the change if (optionDebugVram.Checked) { //only dump if file doesn't exist (to compare to earliest version of vram) if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "test_old.bmp"))) { ctr.SaveBMP(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "test_old.bmp"), BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); } } Dictionary <string, TextureLayout> list = scn.GetTexturesList(); foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles(pathFolder.Text, "*.png")) { string tag = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(s); Console.Write($"replacing {tag}... "); if (!list.ContainsKey(tag)) { Helpers.Panic(ctr, "unknown texture entry"); continue; } Tim newtex = ctr.GetTimTexture(list[tag]); newtex.LoadDataFromBitmap(s); ctr.DrawTim(newtex); Console.WriteLine("done."); } if (optionDebugVram.Checked) { ctr.SaveBMP(Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "test_new.bmp"), BMPHeader.GrayScalePalette(16)); } List <Tim> tims = new List <Tim>(); foreach (var r in CtrVrm.frames) { tims.Add(ctr.GetTrueColorTexture(r)); } string tempFile = Path.Combine(pathFileParent, "temp.tim"); string vramFile = Path.ChangeExtension(pathFile.Text, ".vrm"); Helpers.BackupFile(vramFile); File.Delete(vramFile); using (BinaryWriterEx bw = new BinaryWriterEx(File.Create(vramFile))) { bw.Write((int)0x20); foreach (Tim tim in tims) { tim.Write(tempFile); byte[] x = File.ReadAllBytes(tempFile); bw.Write(x.Length); bw.Write(x); } bw.Write((int)0); bw.Flush(); bw.Close(); } File.Delete(tempFile); //ctr.GetTrueColorTexture(512, 0, 384, 256).Write(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(pathFolder.Text), "x01.tim")); //ctr.GetTrueColorTexture(512, 256, 512, 256).Write(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(pathFolder.Text), "x02.tim")); } GC.Collect(); MessageBox.Show("Done."); }