public void OnClickLoadFontButton() { Debug.Log($"{nameof(MenuWindow)}.{nameof(OnClickLoadFontButton)}"); string latestBMPFontPath = Setting.Instance.LatestBMPFontPath; FileInfo fontFileInfo = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(latestBMPFontPath)) { fontFileInfo = new FileInfo(latestBMPFontPath); } FileAndDirectoryWindow window = FileAndDirectoryWindow.OpenWindow(fontFileInfo); window.Title = "读取一个 *.fnt 文件"; window.OKCallback += (_) => { string fontPath = window.SelectedFileSystemInfo.FullName; Debug.Log($"{window.SelectedFileSystemInfo.GetType().Name} : {fontPath}"); Setting.Instance.LatestBMPFontPath = fontPath; Setting.Instance.SaveOutPlayerPrefs(); GameSystemData.Instance.Font?.Dispose(); BMPFont font = new BMPFont(); font.LoadFontFromFile(window.SelectedFileSystemInfo.FullName); font.UseIt(); }; }
/// <summary> /// 渲染一个字符 /// </summary> /// <param name="font">使用的字体</param> /// <param name="char">字体内容</param> /// <returns>此渲染单位对应的游戏对象</returns> private GameObject AppendChar(BMPFont font, char @char, out BMPFontChar fontChar) { GameObject charItem = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(m_CharItemPrefab); CharGo.Add(charItem); charItem.transform.SetParent(m_ScrollContent, false); if (font.Chars.TryGetValue(@char, out fontChar)) { Image image = charItem.GetComponent <Image>(); // 离谱,Unity 渲染大小为0, 0 的精灵图片报错?? if (fontChar.Size.x * fontChar.Size.y == 0f) { image.color = new Color(); (charItem.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = fontChar.Size; } else { image.sprite = fontChar.Sprite; image.color = Color.white; image.SetNativeSize(); } } charItem.SetActive(true); return(charItem); }
public StaticGui(MainWindow window, MasterRenderer renderer) { this.window = window; this.renderer = renderer; gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem; area = new GUIArea(gsys); renderer.Sprites.Add(area); BMPFont smallFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-12"); BMPFont normalFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14"); BMPFont bigFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-20"); BMPFont tinyFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-10"); GUITheme theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme(); theme.SetField("SmallFont", smallFont); theme.SetField("Font", normalFont); theme.SetField("TinyFont", tinyFont); controls = new ControlsWindow(gsys, theme); controls.ZIndex = 200; // Overlay fpsLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, "FPS: --", TextAlign.TopLeft, theme); timeLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), UDim2.Zero, "Time: --", TextAlign.TopRight, theme); versionLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, 0), UDim2.Zero, GameVersion.Current.ToString(), TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme); fpsLabel.Font = smallFont; timeLabel.Font = smallFont; versionLabel.Font = bigFont; if (screenshots == null) { string[] mainMenuFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Content/Textures/MainMenu"); screenshots = new List <Texture>(); foreach (string file in mainMenuFiles) { // Skip thumbs.db if (file.EndsWith(".db")) { continue; } try { screenshots.Add(GLoader.LoadTexture(file, TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear, true)); } catch (Exception e) { DashCMD.WriteError("Failed to load main menu background '{1}'. \n{0}", e, file); } } } background = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), Image.Blank); background.ZIndex = -100; area.AddTopLevel(background, fpsLabel, timeLabel, versionLabel); gsys.Add(controls); }
public ControlsWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme) : base(system, UDim2.Zero, "Controls", theme) { labels = new List <GUILabel>(); Setup(); ZIndex = 100; font = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont"); }
public void RefreshUI() { BMPFont bmpFont = GameSystemData.Instance.Font; UIBMPFontCommon.BMPFontCommon = bmpFont?.Common; UIBMPFontInfo.BMPFontInfo = bmpFont?.Info; UIBMPFontCommon.RefreshUI(); UIBMPFontInfo.RefreshUI(); }
//bool showGameItems; public HUD(MasterRenderer renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; font = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-26"); feed = new List <FeedItem>(); hitIndications = new List <HitIndication>(); if (palletTex == null) { palletTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/palette.png"); Texture crosshairTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/crosshair.png"); Texture hitmarkerTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hitmarker.png"); crosshairImage = new Image(crosshairTex); hitmarkerImage = new Image(hitmarkerTex); hurtRingTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hurt-ring.png"); intelTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/intel.png", TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest); } GUISystem gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem; area = new GUIArea(gsys); area.ZIndex = -1; theme = GUITheme.Basic; theme.SetField("Font", font); theme.SetField("SmallFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14")); theme.SetField("Label.TextColor", Color.White); theme.SetField("Label.TextShadowColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f)); healthLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 40, 1, -20), UDim2.Zero, "Health: --", TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme); ammoLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, -50, 1, -25), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.BottomRight, theme); crosshair = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -28, 0.5f, -28), new UDim2(0, 56, 0, 56), crosshairImage); hitmarker = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -43, 0.5f, -43), new UDim2(0, 86, 0, 86), hitmarkerImage); hitmarker.Visible = false; intelInHand = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -20, 0, 100), new UDim2(0, 40, 0, 40), new Image(intelTex)); intelPickedUpNotification = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 150), UDim2.Zero, "You have picked up the intel!", TextAlign.TopCenter, theme); intelInHand.Visible = false; intelPickedUpNotification.Visible = false; crosshair.CapturesMouseClicks = false; hitmarker.CapturesMouseClicks = false; ammoLabel.CapturesMouseClicks = false; healthLabel.CapturesMouseClicks = false; area.AddTopLevel(ammoLabel, healthLabel, crosshair, hitmarker, intelInHand, intelPickedUpNotification); }
public ChatBox(UDim2 position, UDim2 size, GUITheme theme, MultiplayerScreen screen) : base(position, size, theme) { this.screen = screen; items = new List <ChatItem>(); Image = null; font = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-11"); textField = new GUITextField(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, -15), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), theme) { Parent = this }; textField.OnEnterPressed += TextField_OnEnterPressed; }
public ChatItem(GUITheme theme, float height, int numFeed, string text, BMPFont font) : base(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, image: null) { Position = new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 20 + (height * numFeed)); Size = new UDim2(0, 1f, 0, height); label = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), text, TextAlign.Left, Color.White, theme) { Parent = this }; label.Font = font; TimeLeft = 60f; }
public static BMPFont LoadFont(string fileName) { if (GlobalNetwork.IsServer) { return(null); } string filePath = GLoader.GetContentRelativePath(Path.Combine("Fonts", fileName + ".fnt")); BMPFont font; if (fonts.TryGetValue(filePath, out font)) { return(font); } else { font = new BMPFont(filePath); fonts.Add(filePath, font); return(font); } }
public void AddFeedItem(string left, string leftAssist, Color leftColor, string middle, string right, Color rightColor) { BMPFont font = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(leftAssist)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(left)) { left = right + " + " + leftAssist; } else { left = left + " + " + leftAssist; } } FeedItem item = new FeedItem(theme, 25, feed.Count, left, leftColor, middle, right, rightColor, font); feed.Add(item); area.AddTopLevel(item); }
public void Drawing(string content) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { return; } BMPFont font = GameSystemData.Instance.Font; if (font is null || font.HaveError) { return; } string[] lines = content.Split('\n'); for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lines.Length; lineIndex++) { string line = lines[lineIndex]; int lineLocalY = -font.Common.LineHelght * lineIndex - BorderWidth; int lineLocalX = BorderWidth; for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < line.Length; charIndex++) { char @char = line[charIndex]; GameObject go = AppendChar(font, @char, out BMPFontChar fontChar); = $"char : {lineIndex}, {charIndex}"; RectTransform trans = (go.transform as RectTransform); trans.localPosition = new Vector2(lineLocalX + (fontChar?.Offset.x ?? 0), lineLocalY + (fontChar?.Offset.y ?? 0)); if (fontChar is null) { lineLocalX += (int)trans.sizeDelta.x; } else { lineLocalX += fontChar.XAdvance; } } } }
public MultiplayerScreen(MainWindow window) : base(window, "Multiplayer") { debugRenderer = Renderer.GetRenderer3D <DebugRenderer>(); gamemodes = new Dictionary <GamemodeType, NetworkedGamemode>() { { GamemodeType.TDM, new TDMGamemode(this) }, { GamemodeType.CTF, new CTFGamemode(this) } }; // Build the UI elements theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme(); font = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont"); hud = new HUD(Renderer); loadingBar = new MultiplayerLoadingBar(GUISystem, theme); chat = new ChatBox(new UDim2(0, 40, 1f, -240), new UDim2(0, 350, 0, 165), theme, this); menu = new MultiplayerMenu(GUISystem, theme, Window); menu.OnClosed += Menu_OnClosed; announcementLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0.5f, 0), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.Center, theme); announcementLabel.Font = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-32"); announcementLabel.Visible = false; // Add each UI element GUIArea.AddTopLevel(chat, announcementLabel); GUISystem.Add(loadingBar, menu); Windows.Add(loadingBar); Windows.Add(menu); // Setup default multiplayer cvars DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_impacts", false); DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp", 0.5f); // Client interpolation with server position DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_movement_smooth", 1f); // Client player movement smoothing (1f = no smoothing) DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_rep", 20f); // Replicated entities interpolation DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_max_error_dist", 12f); // Max distance the client's position can be off from the server's }
public FeedItem(GUITheme theme, float height, int numFeed, string left, Color leftColor, string middle, string right, Color rightColor, BMPFont font) : base(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, image: null) { float leftLen = font.MeasureString(left).X; float midLen = font.MeasureString(middle).X; float rightLen = font.MeasureString(right).X; float fullLen = leftLen + midLen + rightLen + 20; float midX = ((leftLen + 10) + (fullLen - rightLen - 10)) / 2f; Position = new UDim2(1f, -fullLen - 10, 0, 20 + (height * numFeed)); Size = new UDim2(0, fullLen, 0, 25); leftLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), left, TextAlign.Left, leftColor, theme) { Parent = this }; rightLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), right, TextAlign.Right, rightColor, theme) { Parent = this }; centerLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, midX, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), middle, TextAlign.Center, theme) { Parent = this }; leftLabel.Font = font; rightLabel.Font = font; centerLabel.Font = font; TimeLeft = 5f; }
public Leaderboard(GUISystem gsys, GUITheme theme, NetPlayerComponent netPlayerComponent) : base(gsys, new UDim2(0.65f, 0, 0.65f, 0), "Leaderboard", theme, false, false) { MinSize = new UDim2(0, 300, 0, 400); this.netPlayerComponent = netPlayerComponent; IsDraggable = false; playerFrames = new Dictionary <ushort, PlayerFrame>(); orderedTeamA = new List <PlayerFrame>(); orderedTeamB = new List <PlayerFrame>(); bigFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-26"); theme.SetField("Leaderboard.PlayerLabel.Font", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-14")); teamAFrame = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), image: null); teamBFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), image: null); footerFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, -30), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), theme); gamemodeLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), "Current Gamemode: --", TextAlign.Left, theme) { Parent = footerFrame }; gamemodeInfoLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), "", TextAlign.Right, theme) { Parent = footerFrame }; GUILabel teamALabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 40), "Red Team", TextAlign.Left, Theme) { Parent = teamAFrame }; GUILabel teamBLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 40), "Blue Team", TextAlign.Left, Theme) { Parent = teamBFrame }; teamAScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 0, 40), "0", TextAlign.Right, Theme) { Parent = teamAFrame }; teamBScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 0, 40), "0", TextAlign.Right, Theme) { Parent = teamBFrame }; GUILabel teamAPlayerNameLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Name", TextAlign.Left, theme) { Parent = teamAFrame }; GUILabel teamAPlayerScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, -50, 0, 20), "Score", TextAlign.Right, theme) { Parent = teamAFrame }; GUILabel teamAPlayerPingLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Ping", TextAlign.Right, theme) { Parent = teamAFrame }; GUILabel teamBPlayerNameLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Name", TextAlign.Left, theme) { Parent = teamBFrame }; GUILabel teamBPlayerScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, -50, 0, 20), "Score", TextAlign.Right, theme) { Parent = teamBFrame }; GUILabel teamBPlayerPingLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Ping", TextAlign.Right, theme) { Parent = teamBFrame }; teamALabel.TextPadding.X = 6; teamBLabel.TextPadding.X = 6; teamAScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamBScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamAPlayerNameLabel.TextPadding.X = 6; teamAPlayerScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamAPlayerPingLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamBPlayerNameLabel.TextPadding.X = 6; teamBPlayerScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamBPlayerPingLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6; teamALabel.BackgroundImage = Image.CreateBlank(new Color(186, 52, 52, 127)); teamBLabel.BackgroundImage = Image.CreateBlank(new Color(39, 78, 194, 127)); teamAPlayerNameLabel.BackgroundImage = theme.GetField <Image>(null, "Frame.Image"); teamBPlayerNameLabel.BackgroundImage = theme.GetField <Image>(null, "Frame.Image"); teamALabel.Font = bigFont; teamBLabel.Font = bigFont; teamAScoreLabel.Font = bigFont; teamBScoreLabel.Font = bigFont; teamAScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1; teamBScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1; teamAPlayerScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1; teamBPlayerScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1; teamAPlayerPingLabel.ZIndex = 1; teamBPlayerPingLabel.ZIndex = 1; AddTopLevel(teamAFrame, teamBFrame, footerFrame); }
public NewTextScreen(MainWindow window) : base(window, "NewText") { font = new BMPFont("Content/Fonts/arial-20.fnt"); font2 = new BMPFont("Content/Fonts/karmasuture-21.fnt"); }