public string Create(DepartmentModel entity) { _context.Departments.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(entity.DptId); }
public string[] Create(DocIdStore entity) { _context.DocIdStores.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(new string[] { entity.DocType, entity.DocId }); }
public int Create(AppUserModel entity) { _context.AppUsers.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(entity.Id); }
public int Create(AppRoleModel entity) { _context.AppRoles.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(entity.RoleId); }
public string Create(RepairDtlModel entity) { _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(entity.DocId); }
public string ChangePassword(ApplicationUser user, string currentPassword, string newPassword) { string s = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Id)) { s = "錯誤!無此帳號!"; return(s); } int id = Convert.ToInt32(user.Id); var ur = _context.AppUsers.Find(id); if (ur != null) { // user's password encrypt by DES. string DESKey = "84203025"; var checkPW = CryptoExtensions.DESEncrypt(currentPassword, DESKey); if (ur.Password == checkPW) { var encryptPW = CryptoExtensions.DESEncrypt(newPassword, DESKey); // Encrypt and check password. ur.Password = encryptPW; _context.Entry(ur).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); s = "成功"; return(s); } } s = "錯誤!原密碼輸入不正確!"; return(s); }
public string[] Create(RepairEmpModel entity) { _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); return(new string[] { entity.DocId, entity.UserId.ToString() }); }
public IActionResult Create(RepairEmpModel repairEmp) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Add(repairEmp); _context.SaveChanges(); // Recount the all repair time, and set value to RepairDtl. RepairDtlModel dtl = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == repairEmp.DocId) .FirstOrDefault(); if (dtl != null) { int hr = _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == repairEmp.DocId) .Select(p => p.Hour) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); decimal min = _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == repairEmp.DocId) .Select(p => p.Minute) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); dtl.Hour = hr + Decimal.Round(min / 60m, 2); _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Update(dtl); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(repairEmp)); }
public IActionResult Create(KeepFormatDtlModel keepformat_dtl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.BMEDKeepFormatDtls.Add(keepformat_dtl); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "KeepFormat", new { Area = "BMED", id = keepformat_dtl.FormatId })); } return(View(keepformat_dtl)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(AssetFileModel assetfile, IEnumerable <IFormFile> file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string s = "/Files/BMED"; s += "/Asset"; var assetFile = _context.AssetFiles.Where(af => af.AssetNo == assetfile.AssetNo && af.SeqNo == assetfile.SeqNo) .Select(af => af.Fid).ToList(); int?i = null; if (assetFile.Count() > 0) { i = assetFile.Max(); } if (i == null) { assetfile.Fid = 1; } else { assetfile.Fid = Convert.ToInt32(i + 1); } string WebRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; string path = Path.Combine(WebRootPath + s, assetfile.AssetNo + "_" + assetfile.SeqNo.ToString() + "_" + assetfile.Fid.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Request.Form.Files[0].FileName)); string filelink = assetfile.AssetNo + "_" + assetfile.SeqNo.ToString() + "_" + assetfile.Fid.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(Request.Form.Files[0].FileName); try { // Upload files. using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { await Request.Form.Files[0].CopyToAsync(stream); } } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError("", e.Message); } assetfile.FileLink = "Asset/" + filelink; assetfile.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.AssetFiles.Add(assetfile); try { _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ModelState.AddModelError("", e.Message); } return(View()); } return(Content("錯誤!!")); }
public IActionResult Create(BudgetModel budget) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Budgets.Add(budget); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(budget)); }
public void RemoveUserFromRoles(string username, string[] roleNames) { var user = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == username).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { var userInRoles = _context.UsersInRoles.Where(r => roleNames.Contains(r.AppRoles.RoleName)) .Where(r => r.UserName == username).ToList(); _context.UsersInRoles.RemoveRange(userInRoles); _context.SaveChanges(); } }
public string Create(RepairModel entity) { try { _context.BMEDRepairs.Add(entity); _context.SaveChanges(); }catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(entity.DocId); }
public string GetTicketSeq() { string result = ""; int seq = 0; string yyymm = Convert.ToString((DateTime.Now.Year - 1911) * 100 + DateTime.Now.Month); int cnt = _context.BMEDTicket_seq_tmps.Where(t => t.YYYMM == yyymm).Count(); Ticket_seq_tmpModel tmp; if (cnt > 0) { tmp = _context.BMEDTicket_seq_tmps.Find(yyymm); seq = Convert.ToInt32(tmp.TICKET_SEQ) + 1; result = Convert.ToString(seq); tmp.TICKET_SEQ = Convert.ToString(seq); _context.Entry(tmp).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { tmp = new Ticket_seq_tmpModel(); seq = Convert.ToInt32(yyymm) * 1000 + 1; tmp.YYYMM = Convert.ToString(yyymm); tmp.TICKET_SEQ = Convert.ToString(seq); result = Convert.ToString(seq); _context.BMEDTicket_seq_tmps.Add(tmp); } _context.SaveChanges(); return(result); }
public ActionResult Edit(KeepEmpModel keepEmp) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var ExistKeepEmp = _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Find(keepEmp.DocId, keepEmp.UserId); if (ExistKeepEmp != null) { return(new JsonResult(keepEmp) { Value = new { isExist = true, error = "資料已存在!" } }); } else { _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Add(keepEmp); _context.SaveChanges(); } // Recount the all keep time, and set value to KeepDtl. KeepDtlModel dtl = _context.BMEDKeepDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == keepEmp.DocId) .FirstOrDefault(); if (dtl != null) { int hr = _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == keepEmp.DocId) .Select(p => p.Hour) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); decimal min = _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == keepEmp.DocId) .Select(p => p.Minute) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); dtl.Hours = hr + Decimal.Round(min / 60m, 2); _context.Entry(dtl).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } // Return ViewComponent for ajax request. return(ViewComponent("BMEDKeepEmpList", new { id = keepEmp.DocId, viewType = "Edit" })); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
// // GET: /BuyEvaluate/Create public IActionResult Create() { // Get Login User's details. var u = _userRepo.Find(ur => ur.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); BuyEvaluateModel r = new BuyEvaluateModel(); DepartmentModel d = _context.Departments.Find(u.DptId); VendorModel v = _context.BMEDVendors.Find(u.VendorId); r.DocId = r.GetID(ref _context); r.UserId = u.Id; r.UserName = u.FullName; r.Company = d.DptId == null ? "" : d.Name_C; r.AccDpt = d.DptId == null ? "" : d.DptId; r.AccDptNam = d.DptId == null ? "" : d.Name_C; r.Contact = u.Mobile; r.PlantType = "醫療儀器"; r.Place = r.AccDptNam; r.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.BuyEvaluates.Add(r); _context.SaveChanges(); List <SelectListItem> listItem = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> listItem2 = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> listItem3 = new List <SelectListItem>(); listItem3.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "醫療儀器", Value = "醫療儀器" }); listItem3.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "資訊設備", Value = "資訊設備" }); ViewData["PTYPE"] = new SelectList(listItem3, "Value", "Text", "醫療儀器"); string[] eng = roleManager.GetUsersInRole("MedEngineer"); string[] buyer = roleManager.GetUsersInRole("Buyer"); AppUserModel p; foreach (string s in eng) { p = _context.AppUsers.Where(ur => ur.UserName == s).FirstOrDefault(); if (p != null) { listItem.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "(" + p.UserName + ")" + p.FullName, Value = p.Id.ToString() }); } } ViewData["ENG"] = new SelectList(listItem, "Value", "Text"); // foreach (string s2 in buyer) { p = _context.AppUsers.Where(ur => ur.UserName == s2).FirstOrDefault(); if (p != null) { listItem2.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "(" + p.UserName + ")" + p.FullName, Value = p.Id.ToString() }); } } ViewData["PUR"] = new SelectList(listItem2, "Value", "Text"); return(View(r)); }
public ActionResult Create(BuyFlowModel buyflow) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.BuyFlows.Add(buyflow); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(buyflow)); }
public IActionResult Edit(AssetKeepModel assetKeep) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { assetKeep.KeepEngName = _context.AppUsers.Find(assetKeep.KeepEngId).FullName; _context.Entry(assetKeep).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(new JsonResult(assetKeep) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public IActionResult Create(KeepFormatModel keepformat) { AppUserModel ur = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); keepformat.FormatId = keepformat.FormatId.Trim(); KeepFormatModel k = _context.BMEDKeepFormats.Find(keepformat.FormatId); if (k != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "保養格式代號重複!!"); return(View(keepformat)); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { keepformat.Rtp = ur.Id; keepformat.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.BMEDKeepFormats.Add(keepformat); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(keepformat)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(IFormCollection vmodel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { KeepRecordModel r; KeepRecordModel r2; int i = vmodel["item.Sno"].Count(); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { r = new KeepRecordModel(); r.DocId = vmodel["item.DocId"][j]; r.FormatId = vmodel["item.FormatId"][j]; r.Sno = Convert.ToInt32(vmodel["item.Sno"][j]); r.Descript = vmodel["item.Descript"][j]; r.KeepDes = vmodel["item.KeepDes"][j]; r2 = _context.BMEDKeepRecords.Find(r.DocId, r.FormatId, r.Sno); if (r2 != null) { r2.KeepDes = r.KeepDes; _context.Entry(r2).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { _context.BMEDKeepRecords.Add(r); } } try { _context.SaveChanges(); return(new JsonResult(vmodel) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public JsonResult EditData(DelivDataVModel dv) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { DeliveryModel d = _context.Deliveries.Find(dv.DocId); if (d != null) { _context.Entry(d).State = EntityState.Modified; d.WartyNt = dv.WartyNt; d.AcceptDate = dv.AcceptDate; d.WartySt = dv.WartySt; d.WartyEd = dv.WartyEd; d.FileTestDate = dv.FileTestDate; d.TestUid = dv.TestUid; d.Code = dv.Code; d.Stype2 = dv.Stype2; d.OpenDate = dv.OpenDate; d.OrderDate = dv.OrderDate; _context.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { success = true, msg = "儲存成功!" })); } return(Json(new { success = false, msg = "儲存失敗!" })); }
public IActionResult Create(BuyVendorModel buyvendor) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.BuyVendors.Add(buyvendor); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(buyvendor)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(KeepDtlModel keepDtlModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (keepDtlModel.IsCharged == "N") { //_context.BMEDKeepCosts.RemoveRange(_context.BMEDKeepCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == keepDtlModel.DocId)); keepDtlModel.Cost = 0; } else { keepDtlModel.Cost = _context.BMEDKeepCosts.Where(k => k.DocId == keepDtlModel.DocId) .Select(k => k.TotalCost) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); int hr = _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == keepDtlModel.DocId) .Select(p => p.Hour) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); decimal min = _context.BMEDKeepEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == keepDtlModel.DocId) .Select(p => p.Minute) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); keepDtlModel.Hours = hr + Decimal.Round(min / 60m, 2); } _context.Entry(keepDtlModel).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(new JsonResult(keepDtlModel) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public IActionResult Edit(RepairCostModel repairCost) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); /* Change to UpperCase.*/ if (repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo != null) { repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo = repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo.ToUpper(); } if (repairCost.SignNo != null) { repairCost.SignNo = repairCost.SignNo.ToUpper(); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (repairCost.StockType == "2") { var dupData = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Include(c => c.TicketDtl) .Where(c => c.DocId == repairCost.DocId && c.PartName == repairCost.PartName && c.Standard == repairCost.Standard && c.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo == repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo).FirstOrDefault(); if (dupData != null) { string msg = "資料重複儲存!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } else { var dupData = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Include(c => c.TicketDtl) .Where(c => c.DocId == repairCost.DocId && c.PartName == repairCost.PartName && c.Standard == repairCost.Standard && c.SignNo == repairCost.SignNo).FirstOrDefault(); if (dupData != null) { string msg = "資料重複儲存!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } } int seqno = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == repairCost.DocId) .Select(c => c.SeqNo).DefaultIfEmpty().Max(); repairCost.SeqNo = seqno + 1; if (repairCost.StockType == "2") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo)) { //throw new Exception("發票號碼不可空白!!"); string msg = "發票號碼不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } if (repairCost.AccountDate == null) { //throw new Exception("發票日期不可空白!!"); string msg = "發票日期不可空白!!"; return(BadRequest(msg)); } int i = _context.BMEDTicketDtls.Where(d => d.TicketDtlNo == repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo) .Select(d => d.SeqNo).DefaultIfEmpty().Max(); repairCost.TicketDtl.SeqNo = i + 1; repairCost.TicketDtl.ObjName = repairCost.PartName; repairCost.TicketDtl.Qty = repairCost.Qty; repairCost.TicketDtl.Unite = repairCost.Unite; repairCost.TicketDtl.Price = repairCost.Price; repairCost.TicketDtl.Cost = repairCost.TotalCost; TicketModel t = _context.BMEDTickets.Find(repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo); if (t == null) { t = new TicketModel(); t.TicketNo = repairCost.TicketDtl.TicketDtlNo; t.TicDate = repairCost.AccountDate; t.ApplyDate = null; t.CancelDate = null; t.VendorId = repairCost.VendorId; t.VendorName = repairCost.VendorName; repairCost.TicketDtl.Ticket = t; _context.BMEDTickets.Add(t); } _context.BMEDTicketDtls.Add(repairCost.TicketDtl); } else { repairCost.AccountDate = repairCost.AccountDate == null ? DateTime.Now.Date : repairCost.AccountDate; repairCost.TicketDtl = null; } repairCost.Rtp = ur.Id; repairCost.Rtt = DateTime.Now; if (repairCost.StockType != "0") { repairCost.PartNo = ""; } _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Add(repairCost); _context.SaveChanges(); // RepairDtlModel dtl = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == repairCost.DocId) .FirstOrDefault(); if (dtl != null) { dtl.Cost = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Where(k => k.DocId == repairCost.DocId) .Select(k => k.TotalCost) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); _context.Entry(dtl).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } return(ViewComponent("BMEDRepCostList", new { id = repairCost.DocId, viewType = "Edit" })); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(RepairDtlModel repairDtl) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repairDtl.DealDes)) //{ // throw new Exception("請輸入[處理描述]!!"); //} try { if (repairDtl.IsCharged == "N") { //_context.BMEDRepairCosts.RemoveRange(_context.BMEDRepairCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == repairDtl.DocId)); repairDtl.Cost = 0; } else { repairDtl.Cost = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Where(k => k.DocId == repairDtl.DocId) .Select(k => k.TotalCost) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); int hr = _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == repairDtl.DocId) .Select(p => p.Hour) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); decimal min = _context.BMEDRepairEmps.Where(p => p.DocId == repairDtl.DocId) .Select(p => p.Minute) .DefaultIfEmpty(0).Sum(); repairDtl.Hour = hr + Decimal.Round(min / 60m, 2); } _context.Entry(repairDtl).State = EntityState.Modified; /* Edit AssetNo if No exist. */ var repairModel = _context.BMEDRepairs.Find(repairDtl.DocId); repairModel.AssetNo = repairDtl.AssetNo; var tempAsset = _context.BMEDAssets.Where(a => a.AssetNo == repairDtl.AssetNo).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempAsset != null) { repairModel.AssetName = tempAsset.Cname; } _context.Entry(repairModel).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); return(new JsonResult(repairDtl) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> NextFlow(AssignModel assign) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); var repairDtl = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId); /* 工程師的流程控管 */ if (assign.Cls == "設備工程師") { /* 如點選有費用、卻無輸入費用明細 */ var isCharged = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault().IsCharged; if (isCharged == "Y") { var CheckRepairCost = _context.BMEDRepairCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); if (CheckRepairCost == null) { throw new Exception("尚未輸入費用明細!!"); } } } // var repairDtl = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); // /* 3 = 已完成,4 = 報廢 */ // if (repairDtl.DealState == 3 || repairDtl.DealState == 4) // { // if(repairDtl.EndDate == null) // { // throw new Exception("報廢及已完成,需輸入完工日!!"); // } // } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案" || assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { assign.FlowUid = ur.Id; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { RepairFlowModel rf = _context.BMEDRepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId && f.Status == "?").FirstOrDefault(); if (assign.FlowCls == "驗收人") { if (_context.BMEDRepairEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { throw new Exception("沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"); } else if (_context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { throw new Exception("沒有完工日!!"); } else if (_context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 0) { throw new Exception("處理狀態不可空值!!"); } if (_context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).FailFactor == 0) { throw new Exception("故障原因不可空白!!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { throw new Exception("維修方式不可空白!!"); } if (_context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 3 || _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 4 || _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId).DealState == 8) { //Do nothing. //狀態為【已完成】、【報廢】、【退件】才可送至驗收人 } else { throw new Exception("送至驗收人處理狀態只可為【已完成】、【報廢】、【退件】!!"); } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { if (assign.Cls == "驗收人" && repairDtl != null) { if (repairDtl.IsCharged == "Y") { throw new Exception("有費用之案件不可由驗收人直接結案!"); } } RepairDtlModel rd = _context.BMEDRepairDtls.Find(assign.DocId); rd.CloseDate = DateTime.Now; rf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "2"; rf.UserId = ur.Id; rf.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id).FullName; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.Entry(rd).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // Save stock to ERP system. var ERPreponse = await SaveToERPAsync(assign.DocId); //Send Mail //To all users in this repair's flow. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; string sto = ""; AppUserModel u; RepairModel repair = _context.BMEDRepairs.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //u.Email _context.BMEDRepairFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId) .ToList() .ForEach(f => { u = _context.AppUsers.Find(f.UserId); sto += u.Email + ","; }); mail.sto = sto.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); mail.message.Subject = "醫工工務智能保修系統[醫工請修案-結案通知]:設備名稱: " + repair.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + repair.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請日期:" + repair.ApplyDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + repair.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + repair.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + repair.AssetName + "</p>"; //body += "<p>請修地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + " " + repair.BuildingName + " " + repair.FloorName + " " + repair.AreaName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p>故障描述:" + repair.TroubleDes + "</p>"; body += "<p>處理描述:" + rd.DealDes + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?DocId=" + repair.DocId + "&dealType=BMEDRepViews" + ">檢視案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; //body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.SendMail(); } else if (assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { rf.Opinions = "[廢除]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "3"; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } else { //轉送下一關卡 rf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; rf.Status = "1"; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // RepairFlowModel flow = new RepairFlowModel(); flow.DocId = assign.DocId; flow.StepId = rf.StepId + 1; flow.UserId = assign.FlowUid.Value; flow.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(assign.FlowUid.Value).FullName; flow.Status = "?"; flow.Cls = assign.FlowCls; flow.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.BMEDRepairFlows.Add(flow); _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To user and the next flow user. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; AppUserModel u; RepairModel repair = _context.BMEDRepairs.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //ur.Email u = _context.AppUsers.Find(flow.UserId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "醫工工務智能保修系統[醫工請修案]:設備名稱: " + repair.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + repair.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請日期:" + repair.ApplyDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + repair.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + repair.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + repair.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>故障描述:" + repair.TroubleDes + "</p>"; //body += "<p>請修地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + " " + repair.BuildingName + " " + repair.FloorName + " " + repair.AreaName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + repair.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?docId=" + repair.DocId + "&dealType=BMEDRepEdit" + ">處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; //body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.SendMail(); } return(new JsonResult(assign) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> NextFlow(AssignModel assign) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); /* 工程師的流程控管 */ if (assign.Cls == "設備工程師") { /* 如點選有費用、卻無輸入費用明細 */ var isCharged = _context.BMEDKeepDtls.Where(d => d.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault().IsCharged; if (isCharged == "Y") { var CheckRepairCost = _context.BMEDKeepCosts.Where(c => c.DocId == assign.DocId).FirstOrDefault(); if (CheckRepairCost == null) { throw new Exception("尚未輸入費用明細!!"); } } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案" || assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { assign.FlowUid = ur.Id; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { KeepFlowModel kf = _context.BMEDKeepFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId && f.Status == "?").FirstOrDefault(); if (assign.FlowCls == "驗收人") { if (_context.BMEDKeepEmps.Where(emp => emp.DocId == assign.DocId).Count() <= 0) { throw new Exception("沒有維修工程師紀錄!!"); } else if (_context.BMEDKeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).EndDate == null) { throw new Exception("沒有完工日!!"); } if (_context.BMEDKeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).Result == null) { throw new Exception("保養結果不可空白!!"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_context.BMEDKeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId).InOut)) { throw new Exception("保養方式不可空白!!"); } } if (assign.FlowCls == "結案") { KeepDtlModel kd = _context.BMEDKeepDtls.Find(assign.DocId); kd.CloseDate = DateTime.Now; kf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "2"; kf.UserId = ur.Id; kf.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id).FullName; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.Entry(kd).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // Save stock to ERP system. //var ERPreponse = await SaveToERPAsync(assign.DocId); //Send Mail //To all users in this keep's flow. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; string sto = ""; AppUserModel u; KeepModel keep = _context.BMEDKeeps.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //u.Email _context.BMEDKeepFlows.Where(f => f.DocId == assign.DocId) .ToList() .ForEach(f => { u = _context.AppUsers.Find(f.UserId); sto += u.Email + ","; }); mail.sto = sto.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); mail.message.Subject = "醫工工務智能保修系統[醫工保養案-結案通知]:設備名稱: " + keep.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + keep.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>送單日期:" + keep.SentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + keep.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + keep.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + keep.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + keep.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p>保養結果:" + kd.Result + "</p>"; body += "<p>保養描述:" + kd.Memo + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?DocId=" + keep.DocId + "&dealType=BMEDKeepViews" + ">檢視案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; //body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.SendMail(); } else if (assign.FlowCls == "廢除") { kf.Opinions = "[廢除]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "3"; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); } else { //轉送下一關卡 kf.Opinions = "[" + assign.AssignCls + "]" + Environment.NewLine + assign.AssignOpn; kf.Status = "1"; kf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; kf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(kf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // KeepFlowModel flow = new KeepFlowModel(); flow.DocId = assign.DocId; flow.StepId = kf.StepId + 1; flow.UserId = assign.FlowUid.Value; flow.UserName = _context.AppUsers.Find(assign.FlowUid.Value).FullName; flow.Status = "?"; flow.Cls = assign.FlowCls; flow.Rtt = DateTime.Now; _context.BMEDKeepFlows.Add(flow); _context.SaveChanges(); //Send Mail //To user and the next flow user. Tmail mail = new Tmail(); string body = ""; AppUserModel u; KeepModel keep = _context.BMEDKeeps.Find(assign.DocId); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ur.Email); //ur.Email u = _context.AppUsers.Find(flow.UserId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "醫工工務智能保修系統[醫工保養案]:設備名稱: " + keep.AssetName; body += "<p>表單編號:" + keep.DocId + "</p>"; body += "<p>送單日期:" + keep.SentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "</p>"; body += "<p>申請人:" + keep.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>財產編號:" + keep.AssetNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>設備名稱:" + keep.AssetName + "</p>"; body += "<p>放置地點:" + keep.PlaceLoc + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''" + "?docId=" + keep.DocId + "&dealType=BMEDKeepEdit" + ">處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>此封信件為系統通知郵件,請勿回覆。</h3>"; body += "<br/>"; //body += "<h3 style='color:red'>如有任何疑問請聯絡工務部,分機3033或7033。<h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.SendMail(); } return(new JsonResult(assign) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }); } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
// GET: BMED/Keep/Create public IActionResult Create() { KeepModel r = new KeepModel(); AppUserModel ur = _context.AppUsers.Where(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); r.Email = ur.Email == null ? "" : ur.Email; DepartmentModel d = _context.Departments.Find(ur.DptId); r.DocId = GetID(); r.UserId = ur.Id; r.UserName = ur.FullName; r.UserAccount = ur.UserName; r.SentDate = DateTime.Now; r.DptId = d == null ? "" : d.DptId; r.Company = d == null ? "" : d.Name_C; r.AccDpt = d == null ? "" : d.DptId; r.AccDptName = d == null ? "" : d.Name_C; r.Ext = ur.Ext == null ? "" : ur.Ext; r.CheckerId = ur.Id; // _context.BMEDKeeps.Add(r); _context.SaveChanges(); List <SelectListItem> listItem = new List <SelectListItem>(); List <SelectListItem> AccDpt = new List <SelectListItem>(); _context.Departments.ToList() .ForEach(dp => { AccDpt.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = dp.DptId, Text = dp.Name_C, Selected = false }); }); ViewData["AccDpt"] = AccDpt; // List <AssetModel> alist = null; if (ur.DptId != null) { alist = _context.BMEDAssets.Where(at => at.AccDpt == ur.DptId) .Where(at => at.DisposeKind != "報廢").ToList(); } else if (ur.VendorId > 0) { string s = Convert.ToString(ur.VendorId); alist = _context.BMEDAssets.Where(at => at.AccDpt == s) .Where(at => at.DisposeKind != "報廢").ToList(); } /* 擷取該使用者單位底下所有人員 */ var dptUsers = _context.AppUsers.Where(a => a.DptId == ur.DptId).ToList(); List <SelectListItem> dptMemberList = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in dptUsers) { dptMemberList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.FullName, Value = item.Id.ToString() }); } ViewData["DptMembers"] = new SelectList(dptMemberList, "Value", "Text"); return(View(r)); }
public IActionResult NextFlow(DelivFlowModel DelivFlow) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Get Login User's details. var ur = _userRepo.Find(usr => usr.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (DelivFlow.SelOpin == "其他" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(DelivFlow.Opinions)) { throw new Exception("請填寫意見欄!!"); } DelivFlowModel rf = _context.DelivFlows.Where(df => df.DocId == DelivFlow.DocId) .Where(df => df.Status == "?").ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (rf == null) { throw new Exception("查無流程!"); } if (rf.Cls == "得標廠商") { if (_context.BMEDAssets.Where(a => a.Docid == DelivFlow.DocId).Count() <= 0) { throw new Exception("沒有設備紀錄! 請新增設備!"); } } List<DelivFlowModel> rflist = _context.DelivFlows.Where(df => df.DocId == DelivFlow.DocId).ToList(); DeliveryModel r = _context.Deliveries.Find(DelivFlow.DocId); AppUserModel u; Tmail mail; string body = ""; if (DelivFlow.Cls == "結案") { string sto = ""; //KeepDtl rd = db.KeepDtls.Find(KeepFlow.Docid); rf.Opinions = DelivFlow.SelOpin + Environment.NewLine + DelivFlow.Opinions; rf.Status = "2"; rf.Rtt = DateTime.Now; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.SaveChanges(); // mail = new Tmail(); u = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email foreach (DelivFlowModel rr in rflist) { u = _context.AppUsers.Find(rr.UserId); sto += u.Email + ","; } mail.sto = sto.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }); // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "醫療儀器管理資訊系統[驗收案-結案通知]:採購案號: " + r.PurchaseNo; body += "<p>申請人:" + r.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>合約號碼:" + r.ContractNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>採購案號:" + r.PurchaseNo + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''>前往網站檢視</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<h3>this is a inform letter from system manager.Do not reply for it.</h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; //mail.SendMail(); return new JsonResult(DelivFlow) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" }, }; } DelivFlow.StepId = rf.StepId + 1; DelivFlow.Rtt = DateTime.Now; switch (DelivFlow.Cls) { case "申請者": DelivFlow.UserId = r.UserId; break; } DelivFlow.Status = "?"; u = _context.AppUsers.Find(DelivFlow.UserId); DelivFlow.Role = roleManager.GetRolesForUser(u.Id).FirstOrDefault(); rf.Opinions = DelivFlow.SelOpin + Environment.NewLine + DelivFlow.Opinions; rf.Status = "1"; rf.Rtp = ur.Id; DelivFlow.Opinions = null; _context.Entry(rf).State = EntityState.Modified; _context.DelivFlows.Add(DelivFlow); _context.SaveChanges(); // mail = new Tmail(); body = ""; u = _context.AppUsers.Find(ur.Id); mail.from = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email u = _context.AppUsers.Find(DelivFlow.UserId); = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(u.Email); //u.Email // = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.message.Subject = "醫療儀器管理資訊系統[驗收案]:採購案號: " + r.PurchaseNo; body += "<p>申請人:" + r.UserName + "</p>"; body += "<p>合約號碼:" + r.ContractNo + "</p>"; body += "<p>採購案號:" + r.PurchaseNo + "</p>"; body += "<p><a href=''>處理案件</a></p>"; body += "<br/>"; body += "<p>若有任何問題,請與驗收工程師(" + _context.AppUsers.Find(r.EngId).FullName + ")聯絡</p>"; body += "<h3>this is a inform letter from system manager.Do not reply for it.</h3>"; mail.message.Body = body; mail.message.IsBodyHtml = true; //mail.SendMail(); return new JsonResult(DelivFlow) { Value = new { success = true, error = "" } }; } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Upload(AttainFileModel attainFile) { var ur = _userRepo.Find(u => u.UserName == this.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault(); long size = attainFile.Files.Sum(f => f.Length); // full path to file in temp location var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { string s = "/Files/BMED"; //#if DEBUG // s = "/App_Data"; //#endif switch (attainFile.DocType) { case "0": s += "/Budget/"; break; case "1": s += "/Repair/"; break; case "2": s += "/Keep/"; break; case "3": s += "/BuyEvaluate/"; break; case "4": s += "/Delivery/"; break; case "5": s += "/Asset/"; break; } var i = _context.BMEDAttainFiles .Where(a => a.DocType == attainFile.DocType) .Where(a => a.DocId == attainFile.DocId).ToList(); attainFile.SeqNo = i.Count == 0 ? 1 : i.Select(a => a.SeqNo).Max() + 1; string WebRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath; string path = Path.Combine(WebRootPath + s + attainFile.DocId + "_" + attainFile.SeqNo.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(attainFile.Files[0].FileName)); // Upload files. using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { await attainFile.Files[0].CopyToAsync(stream); } // Save file details to AttainFiles table. string filelink = attainFile.DocId + "_" + attainFile.SeqNo.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(attainFile.Files[0].FileName); switch (attainFile.DocType) { case "0": attainFile.FileLink = "Budget/" + filelink; break; case "1": attainFile.FileLink = "Repair/" + filelink; break; case "2": attainFile.FileLink = "Keep/" + filelink; break; case "3": attainFile.FileLink = "BuyEvaluate/" + filelink; break; case "4": attainFile.FileLink = "Delivery/" + filelink; break; case "5": attainFile.FileLink = "Asset/" + filelink; break; } attainFile.Rtt = DateTime.Now; attainFile.Rtp = ur.Id; _context.BMEDAttainFiles.Add(attainFile); _context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in ViewData.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(modelState => modelState.Errors)) { msg += error.ErrorMessage + Environment.NewLine; } throw new Exception(msg); } TempData["SendMsg"] = "上傳成功"; if (attainFile.DocType == "2") { return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Keep", new { area = "BMED", id = attainFile.DocId })); } return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Repair", new { area = "BMED", id = attainFile.DocId })); //return new JsonResult(attainFile) //{ // Value = new { success = true, error = "" }, //}; }