static void Main(string[] args) { bl = new BL.BL_imp(); initialization(); int choice; string ID = null; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter option:"); Console.WriteLine("0: Exit"); Console.WriteLine("1: Add nanny"); Console.WriteLine("2: Add mother"); Console.WriteLine("3: Add child"); Console.WriteLine("4: Add contract"); Console.WriteLine("5: Print nanny list"); Console.WriteLine("6: Print mother list"); Console.WriteLine("7: Print child list"); Console.WriteLine("8: Print contract list"); Console.WriteLine("9: Update nanny details"); Console.WriteLine("10: Update mother details"); Console.WriteLine("11: Update child details"); Console.WriteLine("12: Update contract details"); Console.WriteLine("13: Delete nanny"); Console.WriteLine("14: Delete mother"); Console.WriteLine("15: Delete child"); Console.WriteLine("16: Delete contract"); Console.WriteLine("17: All good nannies for mother"); choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); int index = 0; List <Nanny> bestNanny = new List <Nanny>(); try { switch (choice) { #region case 1: Add_nanny(); break; case 2: Add_Mother(); break; case 3: Add_Child(); break; case 4: Add_Contract(); break; case 5: index = 0; foreach (var item in bl.getNannyList()) { Console.WriteLine("Nanny number" + index + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); index++; } break; case 6: index = 0; foreach (var item in bl.getMotherList()) { Console.WriteLine("Mother number" + index + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); index++; } break; case 7: index = 0; foreach (var item in bl.getChildList()) { Console.WriteLine("Child number" + index + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); index++; } break; case 8: index = 0; foreach (var item in bl.getContractList()) { Console.WriteLine("Contract number" + index + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); index++; } break; case 9: Console.WriteLine("enter update details of the nanny"); #region Console.WriteLine("Enter ID:"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter family name:"); string family_name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter first name:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter birth date: (xx/yy/zzzz)"); DateTime bitrh_date = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter telephone number:"); string telephone = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter address:"); string address = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter if has elevator (y/n)"); bool has_elevator = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Enter floor:"); int floor = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter years of practice:"); int years_of_practice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter maximum number of children:"); int max_number_childern = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter minimum age:"); int min_age = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter maximum age:"); int max_age = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter if works by hours:(y/n)"); bool works_by_hours = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Enter rate per hour:"); float rate_per_hour = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter rate per month:"); float rate_per_month = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter days of word (6 days, y/n for each day):"); bool[] days_of_work = new bool[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { days_of_work[i] = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); } Console.WriteLine("Enter hours of work (xx.yy)"); float[,] hours_of_work = new float[6, 2]; float time = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (days_of_work[i]) { Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetName(typeof(DayOfWeek), i)); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { hours_of_work[i, j] = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } } else { hours_of_work[i, 0] = (float)00.00; hours_of_work[i, 1] = (float)00.00; } } Console.WriteLine("Enter if gets days off the the education ministry:"); bool days_off_by_education_ministry = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("Enter recomondations:"); string recommendations = Console.ReadLine(); #endregion BE.Nanny the_nanny = new BE.Nanny(id, family_name, name, telephone, address, bitrh_date, has_elevator, floor, years_of_practice, max_number_childern, min_age , max_age, works_by_hours, rate_per_hour, rate_per_month, days_of_work, hours_of_work, days_off_by_education_ministry, recommendations); bl.updateNanny(the_nanny); break; case 10: Console.WriteLine("enter update details of the Mother"); #region Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother ID:"); string motherID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother first name:"); string motherFirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother last name:"); string motherLasttName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother phone nunber:"); string motherPhoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother address:"); string motherAddress = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter area address of nanny for mother:"); string motherAreaNanny = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter y/n for days when needs nanny: (y-yes,n-no)"); bool[] motherNeedNanny = new bool[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Console.WriteLine(" day: {0}", i + 1); motherNeedNanny[i] = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); } Console.WriteLine("Enter start hour and end hour for days when needs nanny: (xx.yy)"); float[,] workHours = new float[6, 2]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Console.WriteLine(" day: {0}", i + 1); Console.WriteLine("start hour: "); workHours[i, 0] = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("end hour: "); workHours[i, 1] = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } Console.WriteLine("enter notes if you wants:"); string motherNotes = Console.ReadLine(); BE.Mother mom = new Mother(motherID, motherLasttName, motherFirstName, motherPhoneNumber, motherAddress, motherAreaNanny, motherNeedNanny, workHours, motherNotes); #endregion bl.updateMother(mom); break; case 11: Console.WriteLine("enter update details of the Child"); #region Console.WriteLine("Enter ID:"); id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter first name:"); string firstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter last name:"); string LasttName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Mother ID:"); motherID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter birth date: (xx/yy/zzzz)"); bitrh_date = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("had special needs? (y/n)"); bool specialNeeds = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("explan:"); string infoSpecialNeeds = Console.ReadLine(); BE.Child child = new Child(id, firstName, LasttName, motherID, bitrh_date, specialNeeds, infoSpecialNeeds); bl.updateChild(child); break; case 12: Console.WriteLine("Enter BabySitter ID:"); string babySitterID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Child ID:"); string ChildID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("first meeting has done? (y/n)"); bool firsMeating = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("which type of salary (y-hour rate/n-month rate)"); bool type = yes_or_no(Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("start day (xx/yy/zzzz)"); DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("end day (xx/yy/zzzz)"); DateTime end = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); BE.Contract con = new Contract(babySitterID, ChildID, firsMeating, type, start, end); #endregion bl.updateContract(con); break; case 13: Nanny Todelete3 = new Nanny(); Console.WriteLine("enret Nanny ID to delete"); ID = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in bl.getNannyList()) { if (item.Id == ID) { Todelete3 = item; } } bl.removeNanny(Todelete3); break; case 14: Mother Todelete2 = new Mother(); Console.WriteLine("enret Mother ID to delete"); ID = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in bl.getMotherList()) { if (item.Id == ID) { Todelete2 = item; } } bl.removeMother(Todelete2); break; case 15: Child Todelete1 = new Child(); Console.WriteLine("enret Child ID to delete"); ID = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in bl.getChildList()) { if (item.Id == ID) { Todelete1 = item; } } bl.removeChild(Todelete1); break; case 16: Contract Todelete = new Contract(); Console.WriteLine("enret contract ID to delete"); ID = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in bl.getContractList()) { if (item.ContractID == ID) { Todelete = item; } } bl.removeContract(Todelete); break; case 17: Console.WriteLine("enret Mother ID to find Nanny's"); ID = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in bl.getMotherList()) { if (item.Id == ID) { bestNanny = bl_functions.InitialCoordination(item); if (bestNanny.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("dont found Match Nanny (try press 24)\n"); } } } index = 0; foreach (var item in bestNanny) { Console.WriteLine("Nanny number" + index + "\n"); Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); index++; } break; default: break; #endregion } } catch (Exception exc) { Console.WriteLine(exc.Message); } } while (choice != 0); }