Exemple #1
        public static string GetDataList(string SchoolId, string BookId, string BookName, string Resource_TypeName, string IsNeed, int PageSize, int PageIndex)
                bool   isBook       = true; //是否图书
                bool   isCanExecing = true; //是否可执行
                string strSql       = string.Empty;
                strSql = "select top 1 FileSyncExecRecord_TimeStart from FileSyncExecRecord where FileSyncExecRecord_Status = '0' and FileSyncExecRecord_Type='同步学校资源" + SchoolId + "' order by FileSyncExecRecord_TimeStart desc";
                string str = Rc.Common.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strSql).ToString();
                if (str != "")
                    isCanExecing = false;

                int rCount;
                SchoolId = SchoolId.Filter();
                BookId   = BookId.Filter();

                DataTable     dtRes      = new DataTable();
                List <object> listReturn = new List <object>();
                strSql = string.Empty;
                string strWhere = string.Format(" SchoolId='{0}' ", SchoolId);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BookId))
                    //dtRes = new BLL_SyncFileToSchool().GetListByPage(1, SchoolId, BookId, PageIndex, PageSize, out rCount).Tables[0];
                    #region 图书列表
                    BLL_SyncFileToSchoolDataDetail bll = new BLL_SyncFileToSchoolDataDetail();
                    if (IsNeed == "1")
                        strWhere += " and SyncStatus='0' ";
                    dtRes  = bll.GetListByPage(strWhere, "SyncStatus,Resource_Type,BookName", ((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1), (PageIndex * PageSize)).Tables[0];
                    rCount = bll.GetRecordCount(strWhere);
                    foreach (DataRow item in dtRes.Rows)
                            Resource_Type     = item["Resource_Type"].ToString(),
                            Resource_TypeName = item["Resource_TypeName"].ToString(),
                            BookId            = item["BookId"].ToString(),
                            BookName          = item["BookName"].ToString(),
                            ParentName        = "",
                            rtrfId            = "",
                            rtrfName          = "",
                            CreateTime        = pfunction.ConvertToLongDateTime(item["CreateTime"].ToString()),
                            SyncStatus        = item["SyncStatus"].ToString(),
                            SyncStatusName    = item["SyncStatus"].ToString() == "1" ? "已同步" : "待同步",
                            IsCanExecing      = isCanExecing,
                            IsBook            = isBook

                    if (dtRes.Rows.Count > 0)
                            err = "null",
                            PageIndex = PageIndex,
                            PageSize = PageSize,
                            TotalCount = rCount,
                            list = listReturn,
                            IsBook = isBook
                            err = "暂无数据"

                    //dtRes = new BLL_SyncFileToSchool().GetListByPage(2, SchoolId, BookId, PageIndex, PageSize, out rCount).Tables[0];
                    #region 资源列表
                    isBook = false;
                    BLL_SyncFileToSchool bll = new BLL_SyncFileToSchool();
                    dtRes = bll.GetListByPage(SchoolId, BookId, IsNeed, PageIndex, PageSize, out rCount).Tables[0];
                    foreach (DataRow item in dtRes.Rows)
                            Resource_Type     = item["Resource_Type"].ToString(),
                            Resource_TypeName = Resource_TypeName,
                            BookId            = BookId,
                            BookName          = BookName,
                            ParentName        = ">>" + item["ResourceFolder_Name"].ToString(),
                            rtrfId            = item["ResourceToResourceFolder_Id"].ToString(),
                            rtrfName          = item["Resource_Name"].ToString(),
                            CreateTime        = pfunction.ConvertToLongDateTime(item["CreateTime"].ToString()),
                            SyncStatus        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["SyncFileToSchoolDataDetail2_Id"].ToString()) ? "1" : "0",
                            SyncStatusName    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["SyncFileToSchoolDataDetail2_Id"].ToString()) ? "已同步" : "待同步",
                            IsCanExecing      = isCanExecing,
                            IsBook            = isBook

                    if (dtRes.Rows.Count > 0)
                            err = "null",
                            PageIndex = PageIndex,
                            PageSize = PageSize,
                            TotalCount = rCount,
                            list = listReturn,
                            IsBook = isBook
                            err = "暂无数据"
            catch (Exception ex)
                    err = "error" //ex.Message.ToString()
Exemple #2
        public static string GetDataList(string isCanExecing, string schoolId, string bookId, int PageSize, int PageIndex)
                int rCount;
                schoolId = schoolId.Filter();
                bookId   = bookId.Filter();

                DataTable     dtRes        = new DataTable();
                List <object> listReturn   = new List <object>();
                string        strSql       = string.Empty;
                string        strSqlCount  = string.Empty;
                string        strWhere     = string.Empty;
                string        isShowDetail = "0";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookId))
                    isShowDetail = "1";
                    dtRes        = new BLL_SyncFileToSchool().GetListByPage(1, schoolId, bookId, PageIndex, PageSize, out rCount).Tables[0];
                    #region 图书列表
                    //                    strSql = string.Format(@"select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY CreateTime desc) row,* from (
                    //select rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name as Resource_TypeName,rf2.Book_Id as bookId,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name as bookName,min(t.CreateTime) as CreateTime
                    //,null as rtrfId,null as rtrfName
                    //from SyncData t
                    //inner join ResourceToResourceFolder rtrf on rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=t.DataId
                    //inner join ResourceFolder rf2 on rf2.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id and rf2.ResourceFolder_Level=5
                    //left join BookAudit ba on ba.ResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
                    //inner join UserBuyResources ub on ub.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
                    //inner join VW_UserOnClassGradeSchool vw on vw.SchoolId='{0}' and vw.UserId=ub.UserId
                    //inner join Common_Dict dic on dic.Common_Dict_Id=rf2.Resource_Type
                    //where t.TableName='ResourceToResourceFolder' and t.OperateType in('add','modify') and t.SyncStatus not in(0,2)  {1}
                    //and rtrf.Resource_Class='{2}'
                    //and ba.AuditState='1'
                    //and not exists(select 1 from SyncFileToSchool where SchoolId='{0}' and ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id and CreateTime>t.CreateTime)
                    //group by rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name,rf2.Book_Id,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name
                    //) t ) t where row between {3} and {4} "
                    //                        , schoolId
                    //                        , strWhere
                    //                        , Resource_ClassConst.云资源
                    //                        , ((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1)
                    //                        , (PageIndex * PageSize));

                    //                    strSqlCount = string.Format(@"select count(1) as icount from (select rf2.Book_Id from SyncData t
                    //inner join ResourceToResourceFolder rtrf on rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=t.DataId
                    //inner join ResourceFolder rf2 on rf2.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id and rf2.ResourceFolder_Level=5
                    //left join BookAudit ba on ba.ResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
                    //inner join UserBuyResources ub on ub.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
                    //inner join VW_UserOnClassGradeSchool vw on vw.SchoolId='{0}' and vw.UserId=ub.UserId
                    //inner join Common_Dict dic on dic.Common_Dict_Id=rf2.Resource_Type
                    //where t.TableName='ResourceToResourceFolder' and t.OperateType in('add','modify') and t.SyncStatus not in(0,2)  {1}
                    //and rtrf.Resource_Class='{2}'
                    //and ba.AuditState='1'
                    //and not exists(select 1 from SyncFileToSchool where SchoolId='{0}' and ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id and CreateTime>t.CreateTime)
                    //group by rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name,rf2.Book_Id,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name
                    //) t "
                    //                        , schoolId
                    //                        , strWhere
                    //                        , Resource_ClassConst.云资源);
                    dtRes = new BLL_SyncFileToSchool().GetListByPage(2, schoolId, bookId, PageIndex, PageSize, out rCount).Tables[0];
                    #region 资源列表
//                    strWhere += " and rf2.Book_Id='" + bookId + "' ";
//                    strSql = string.Format(@"select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY CreateTime desc) row,* from (
//select rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name as Resource_TypeName,rf2.Book_Id as bookId,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name as bookName,min(t.CreateTime) as CreateTime
//,rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id as rtrfId,rtrf.Resource_Name as rtrfName
//from SyncData t
//inner join ResourceToResourceFolder rtrf on rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=t.DataId
//inner join ResourceFolder rf2 on rf2.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id and rf2.ResourceFolder_Level=5
//left join BookAudit ba on ba.ResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
//inner join UserBuyResources ub on ub.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
//inner join VW_UserOnClassGradeSchool vw on vw.SchoolId='{0}' and vw.UserId=ub.UserId
//inner join Common_Dict dic on dic.Common_Dict_Id=rf2.Resource_Type
//where t.TableName='ResourceToResourceFolder' and t.OperateType in('add','modify') and t.SyncStatus not in(0,2)  {1}
//and rtrf.Resource_Class='{2}'
//and ba.AuditState='1'
//and not exists(select 1 from SyncFileToSchool where SchoolId='{0}' and ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id and CreateTime>t.CreateTime)
//group by rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name,rf2.Book_Id,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name,rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id,rtrf.Resource_Name
//) t ) t where row between {3} and {4} "
//                        , schoolId
//                        , strWhere
//                        , Resource_ClassConst.云资源
//                        , ((PageIndex - 1) * PageSize + 1)
//                        , (PageIndex * PageSize));

//                    strSqlCount = string.Format(@"select count(1) as icount from ( select rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id from SyncData t
//inner join ResourceToResourceFolder rtrf on rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=t.DataId
//inner join ResourceFolder rf2 on rf2.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id and rf2.ResourceFolder_Level=5
//left join BookAudit ba on ba.ResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
//inner join UserBuyResources ub on ub.Book_Id=rtrf.Book_Id
//inner join VW_UserOnClassGradeSchool vw on vw.SchoolId='{0}' and vw.UserId=ub.UserId
//inner join Common_Dict dic on dic.Common_Dict_Id=rf2.Resource_Type
//where t.TableName='ResourceToResourceFolder' and t.OperateType in('add','modify') and t.SyncStatus not in(0,2)  {1}
//and rtrf.Resource_Class='{2}'
//and ba.AuditState='1'
//and not exists(select 1 from SyncFileToSchool where SchoolId='{0}' and ResourceToResourceFolder_Id=rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id and CreateTime>t.CreateTime)
//group by rf2.Resource_Type,dic.D_Name,rf2.Book_Id,rf2.ResourceFolder_Name,rtrf.ResourceToResourceFolder_Id,rtrf.Resource_Name ) t "
//                        , schoolId
//                        , strWhere
//                        , Resource_ClassConst.云资源);

//                    dtRes = Rc.Common.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql, 600).Tables[0];

//                    rCount = Convert.ToInt32(Rc.Common.DBUtility.DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strSqlCount, 600).ToString());

                int inum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dtRes.Rows.Count; i++)
                        inum              = (i + 1),
                        Resource_Type     = dtRes.Rows[i]["Resource_Type"].ToString(),
                        Resource_TypeName = dtRes.Rows[i]["Resource_TypeName"].ToString(),
                        bookId            = dtRes.Rows[i]["bookId"].ToString(),
                        rtrfId            = dtRes.Rows[i]["rtrfId"].ToString(),
                        bookName          = dtRes.Rows[i]["bookName"].ToString(),
                        rtrfName          = dtRes.Rows[i]["rtrfName"].ToString(),
                        CreateTime        = pfunction.ConvertToLongDateTime(dtRes.Rows[i]["CreateTime"].ToString()),
                        IsShowDetail      = isShowDetail,
                        IsCanExecing      = isCanExecing

                if (inum > 0)
                        err = "null",
                        PageIndex = PageIndex,
                        PageSize = PageSize,
                        TotalCount = rCount,
                        list = listReturn
                        err = "暂无数据"
            catch (Exception ex)
                    err = "error" //ex.Message.ToString()