protected void onEdit(object source, CommandEventArgs e) { ImageButton Imgbtn = (ImageButton)source; int rowcount = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord; string sortbycoloumn = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString()); int? sortdirection = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null) { sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString()); } BLL_Crew_Admin objBLL = new BLL_Crew_Admin(); DataTable dt = objBLL.CRUD_OilMajors("", "", "R", 0, Convert.ToInt32(Imgbtn.Attributes["rel"]), "", sortbycoloumn, sortdirection , ucCustomPagerItems.CurrentPageIndex, ucCustomPagerItems.PageSize, txtRemarks.Text, 0, "", ref rowcount, ref Result); string imagefile = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { hdnOilMajorID.Value = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["ID"]); txtOilMajorName.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Oil_Major_Name"]); txtDisplayName.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Display_Name"]); txtRemarks.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Remarks"]); imagefile = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Oil_Major_Logo"]); string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/OilMajorLogo/")); List <ListItem> files = new List <ListItem>(); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(imagefile); files.Add(new ListItem(fileName, "~/Uploads/OilMajorLogo/" + fileName)); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "EditControl", " $(\"#divadd_dvModalPopupTitle\").text(\"Add/Edit Oil Major\"); showModal('divadd', false);", true); }
/// <summary> /// Delete Oil Major /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void onDelete(object source, CommandEventArgs e) { try { int rowcount = 0; BLL_Crew_Admin objBLL = new BLL_Crew_Admin(); DataTable dt = objBLL.CRUD_OilMajors("", "", "D", GetSessionUserID(), Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()), null, "", null, null, null, "", 0, "", ref rowcount, ref Result); if (Result > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "ShowMessage", "alert('Record deleted successfully')", true); } BindOilMajors(); } catch (Exception ex) { UDFLib.WriteExceptionLog(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Bind Oil Majors /// </summary> public void BindOilMajors() { try { int rowcount = ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord; string sortbycoloumn = (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"] == null) ? null : (ViewState["SORTBYCOLOUMN"].ToString()); int? sortdirection = null; if (ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"] != null) { sortdirection = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SORTDIRECTION"].ToString()); } BLL_Crew_Admin objBLL = new BLL_Crew_Admin(); DataTable dt = objBLL.CRUD_OilMajors("", "", "R", 0, 0, txtfilter.Text != "" ? txtfilter.Text.Trim() : null, sortbycoloumn, sortdirection , ucCustomPagerItems.CurrentPageIndex, ucCustomPagerItems.PageSize, txtRemarks.Text, 0, "", ref rowcount, ref Result); if (ucCustomPagerItems.isCountRecord == 1) { ucCustomPagerItems.CountTotalRec = rowcount.ToString(); ucCustomPagerItems.BuildPager(); } gvOilMajors.DataSource = dt; gvOilMajors.DataBind(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ImgExpExcel.Visible = true; } else { ImgExpExcel.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { UDFLib.WriteExceptionLog(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// To save or update oil major /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnsave_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ""; int ActiveStatus = 0; if (chkIsActive.Checked == true) { ActiveStatus = 1; } else { ActiveStatus = 0; } try { if (hdnUploadFileName.Value != "") { FileInfo fn = new FileInfo(hdnUploadFileName.Value); Guid gid = Guid.NewGuid(); string filename = "OLM_" + gid + fn.Extension; path = "~/Uploads/OilMajorLogo/" + filename; FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/OilMajorLogo/" + filename)); } if (txtDisplayName.Text == "") { txtDisplayName.Text = txtOilMajorName.Text.Trim(); } if (Convert.ToInt32(hdnOilMajorID.Value) > 0) { OperationMode = "Add/Edit Oil Major"; int rowcount = 0; BLL_Crew_Admin objBLL = new BLL_Crew_Admin(); DataTable dt = objBLL.CRUD_OilMajors(txtOilMajorName.Text.Trim(), txtDisplayName.Text.Trim(), "U", GetSessionUserID(), Convert.ToInt32(hdnOilMajorID.Value), null, "", null, null, null, txtRemarks.Text, ActiveStatus, path, ref rowcount, ref Result); ///Result == 2 Already exists if (Result < 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "AlreadyExists", "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("InformationMessage/DataExists") + "');showModal('divadd', false);", true); } if (Result > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "AlreadyExists", "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("SuccessMessage/UpdateMessage") + "');hideModal('divadd');", true); hdnUploadFileName.Value = ""; BindOilMajors(); } } else { OperationMode = "Add Oil Major"; int rowcount = 0; BLL_Crew_Admin objBLL = new BLL_Crew_Admin(); DataTable dt = objBLL.CRUD_OilMajors(txtOilMajorName.Text.Trim(), txtDisplayName.Text.Trim(), "I", GetSessionUserID(), 0, null, "", null, null, null, txtRemarks.Text, ActiveStatus, path, ref rowcount, ref Result); ///Result == 2 Already exists if (Result < 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "AlreadyExists", "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("InformationMessage/DataExists") + "');showModal('divadd', false);", true); } if (Result > 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "AlreadyExists", "alert('" + UDFLib.GetException("SuccessMessage/SaveMessage") + "');hideModal('divadd');", true); BindOilMajors(); } } // it will clear all the values and avoid adding the Duplicate records !Desc:- when one intend to page refreseh ,javascript alert msg raise, says it will perform the same action again,so value might gets duplicate , so we can avoid this by below code //Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); } catch (Exception ex) { UDFLib.WriteExceptionLog(ex); } }