public ActionResult groupBuyDetails() { string gpid = Request.QueryString["gpid"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["gpid"].ToString(); Model.vm_GBDetails model = new BLL.vm_GBDetails().GetModel(int.Parse(gpid)); List<Model.ProductInfoBase> list = new BLL.ProductInfoBase().GetModelList(" pin_isdel=0 and pin_statuscode=0 and p_ID="+model.p_ID); List<Model.Adert> adlist = new BLL.Adert().GetModelList(string.Format(" a_PID=27 and a_Delete=0 and a_spare2=(select pt_parentid from ProductTypeBase where pt_ID = (select pt_ParentId from ProductTypeBase where pt_ID={0})) ", model.pt_ID)); var modellist = new ListModel(); //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.Lock(); //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["UserCount"] = Int32.Parse(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["UserCount"].ToString()) + 1; //System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application.UnLock(); modellist.path = "<a href=\"/groupBuy/index\"><strong>团购列表</strong></a> > "+model.p_Name; modellist.pinfoList = list; modellist.gbmodel = model; modellist.adlist = adlist; List<Model.vw_PInfo> pinfo = new BLL.vw_PInfo().getguanzhu(" sku_ID in(select distinct sku_ID from VipCollectionBase)", 1, 5); ViewBag.pinfo = pinfo.ToList(); List<Model.vw_PInfo> pinfo2 = new BLL.vw_PInfo().getguanzhu(" sku_ID in(select distinct sku_ID from VipCollectionBase)", 2, 5); ViewBag.pinfo2 = pinfo2.ToList(); return View(modellist); }
//我的收藏 public ActionResult VipMycollect() { var model = new ListModel(); string where2 = ""; int page = 1; string skulist = ""; int mid = 0; if (LoginMember != null) { mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID; ViewData["mid"] =mid; Model.VipCollectionBase cmodel = new Model.VipCollectionBase(); var clist = new BLL.VipCollectionBase().GetModelList(" m_Id=" + mid + " and vc_IsDel=0"); if (clist.Count > 0) { ViewData["collect"] = true; foreach (var item in clist) { skulist += item.sku_ID + ","; } skulist = skulist.Substring(0, skulist.Length - 1); where2 = " and sku_ID in(" + skulist + ")"; List<Model.vw_PInfo> list = new BLL.vw_PInfo().GetModelList(" p_IsDel=0 and p_SellStatus=1 and p_StatusCode=0 " + where2); return View(list.ToList()); } else { ViewData["collect"] = false; return View(); } } else { Response.Redirect("/wapLogin/Login"); return View(); } }