private string DataAuth(string uid, string factory_Id) { //权限 BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("Factory_Id='" + factory_Id + "' and ID=" + int.Parse(uid)); string returntxt = " and 1=1"; if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString() != "admin") { string txt = GetDataAuthByid("1", "Sys_view", uid, factory_Id); string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "none": returntxt = " and 1=2 "; break; case "my": returntxt = " and ( privatecustomer='公客' or BeSeats_id=" + int.Parse(arr[1]) + ")"; break; case "dep": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[1])) { returntxt = " and ( privatecustomer='公客' or BeSeats_id=" + int.Parse(uid) + ")"; } else { returntxt = " and ( privatecustomer='公客' or BeSeats_depid=" + int.Parse(arr[1]) + ")"; } break; case "depall": BLL.hr_department dep = new BLL.hr_department(); string serchtxt = null; serchtxt += "Factory_Id='" + factory_Id + "'"; DataSet ds = dep.GetAllList(serchtxt); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), ds.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; returntxt = " and ( privatecustomer='公客' or BeSeats_depid in (" + intext.TrimEnd(',') + "))"; break; } } } return(returntxt); }
private string DataAuth(string uid) { //权限 BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("ID=" + int.Parse(uid)); string returntxt = " 1=1"; if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString() != "admin") { Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth(); string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid("1", "Sys_view", uid); string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "none": returntxt = " 1=2"; break; case "my": returntxt = " ( privatecustomer='公客' or Employee_id=" + arr[1] + ")"; break; case "dep": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[1])) { returntxt = " ( privatecustomer='公客' or Employee_id=" + int.Parse(uid) + ")"; } else { returntxt = " ( privatecustomer='公客' or Department_id=" + arr[1] + ")"; } break; case "depall": BLL.hr_department dep = new BLL.hr_department(); DataSet ds = dep.GetAllList(); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), ds.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; returntxt = " ( privatecustomer='公客' or Department_id in (" + intext.TrimEnd(',') + "))"; break; } } } return(returntxt); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; BLL.hr_department dep = new BLL.hr_department(); Model.hr_department model = new Model.hr_department(); var cookie = context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName]; var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); string CoockiesID = ticket.UserData; BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); int emp_id = int.Parse(CoockiesID); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id); string empname = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); string uid = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString(); if (request["Action"] == "department") { string did = PageValidate.InputText(request["did"], 50); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(did)) { DataSet ds; if (did == "-2") { //ds = dep.GetList(" ISNULL(isDelete,0)=0 and parentid=0 ");//sqlserver专用 ds = dep.GetList(" IfNULL(isDelete,0)=0 and parentid=0 "); } else { ds = dep.GetList(" id=" + int.Parse(did)); } string outstring = did + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_name"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_fuzeren"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_tel"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_fax"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_add"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_email"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_miaoshu"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_order"].ToString(); context.Response.Write(outstring); } } if (request["Action"] == "deptree") { DataSet ds = dep.GetAllList(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); str.Append("{id:0,text:'无',d_icon:''},"); str.Append(GetTreeString(0, ds.Tables[0], null)); str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } if (request["Action"] == "treegrid") { DataSet ds = dep.GetAllList(); string dt = "{Rows:[" + GetTasksString(0, ds.Tables[0]) + "]}"; context.Response.Write(dt); } if (request["Action"] == "tree") { string serchtxt = " 1=1 "; string authtxt = PageValidate.InputText(request["auth"], 50); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authtxt)) { Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth(); string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid(authtxt, "Sys_add", emp_id.ToString()); string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "my": case "dep": string did = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_id"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(did)) { did = "0"; } authtxt = did; break; case "all": authtxt = "0"; break; case "depall": DataSet dsdep = dep.GetAllList(); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), dsdep.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; authtxt = intext.TrimEnd(','); break; } } //context.Response.Write(authtxt); DataSet ds = dep.GetList(0, serchtxt, " d_order"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); str.Append(GetTreeString(0, ds.Tables[0], authtxt)); str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } //Form JSON if (request["Action"] == "form") { int depid = int.Parse(request["id"]); DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id=" + depid); string dt = Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds); context.Response.Write(dt); } //save if (request["Action"] == "save") { string parentid;//= string.IsNullOrEmpty(request["T_parent"]) ? "0" : request["T_parentid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request["T_parent_val"]) || request["T_parent_val"] == "null") { parentid = "0"; } else { parentid = request["T_parent_val"]; } model.d_name = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_depname"], 255); model.parentid = int.Parse(parentid); model.parentname = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_parent"], 250); model.d_type = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_deptype"], 250); model.d_order = int.Parse(request["T_sort"]); model.d_fuzeren = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_leader"], 255); model.d_tel = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_tel"], 255); model.d_email = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_email"], 255); model.d_fax = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_fax"], 255); model.d_add = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_add"], 255); model.d_miaoshu = PageValidate.InputText(request["T_descript"], 255); if (model.d_type == "部门") { model.d_icon = "images/icon/88.png"; } else { model.d_icon = "images/icon/61.png"; } string id = request["id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "null") { = int.Parse(id); DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(id)); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; dep.Update(model); //日志 C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; string EventTitle = model.d_name; string EventType = "组织架构修改"; int EventID =; if (dr["d_name"].ToString() != request["T_depname"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "机构名称", dr["d_name"].ToString(), request["T_depname"]); } if (dr["parentname"].ToString() != request["T_parent"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "上级机构", dr["parentname"].ToString(), request["T_parent"]); } if (dr["d_type"].ToString() != request["T_deptype"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "机构类型", dr["d_type"].ToString(), request["T_deptype"]); } if (dr["d_order"].ToString() != request["T_sort"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "部门排序", dr["d_order"].ToString(), request["T_sort"]); } if (dr["d_fuzeren"].ToString() != request["T_leader"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "负责人", dr["d_fuzeren"].ToString(), request["T_leader"]); } if (dr["d_tel"].ToString() != request["T_tel"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "电话", dr["d_tel"].ToString(), request["T_tel"]); } if (dr["d_email"].ToString() != request["T_email"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "邮箱", dr["d_email"].ToString(), request["T_email"]); } if (dr["d_fax"].ToString() != request["T_fax"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "传真", dr["d_fax"].ToString(), request["T_fax"]); } if (dr["d_add"].ToString() != request["T_add"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "地址", dr["d_add"].ToString(), request["T_add"]); } if (dr["d_miaoshu"].ToString() != request["T_descript"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "描述", dr["d_miaoshu"].ToString(), request["T_descript"]); } } else { model.isDelete = 0; dep.Add(model); } } //del if (request.Params["Action"] == "del") { int d_id = int.Parse(request["id"]); string EventType = "组织架构删除"; DataSet ds = emp.GetList("d_id = " + d_id); BLL.hr_post post = new BLL.hr_post(); if (d_id == 1) { //根目录不能删除 context.Response.Write("false:first"); } else if (post.GetList("dep_id=" + d_id).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //含有岗位信息不能删除 context.Response.Write("false:post"); } else if (emp.GetList("d_id=" + d_id).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //含有员工信息不能删除 context.Response.Write("false:emp"); } else { bool isdel = dep.Delete(d_id); if (isdel) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; int EventID = d_id; string EventTitle = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_name"].ToString(); string Original_txt = null; string Current_txt = null; C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, null, Original_txt, Current_txt); } context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } } }
private string DataAuth(string uid) { //权限 BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("ID=" + int.Parse(uid)); string returntxt = " and 1=1"; if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString() != "admin") { Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth(); string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid("1", "Sys_view", uid); string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "none": returntxt = " and 1=2 "; break; case "my": returntxt = " and Employee_id=" + int.Parse(arr[1]); break; case "dep": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr[1])) returntxt = " and Employee_id=" + int.Parse(uid); else returntxt = " and Department_id=" + int.Parse(arr[1]); break; case "depall": BLL.hr_department dep = new BLL.hr_department(); DataSet ds = dep.GetAllList(); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), ds.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; returntxt = " and Department_id in (" + intext.TrimEnd(',') + ")"; break; } } } return returntxt; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; BLL.hr_department dep = new BLL.hr_department(); Model.hr_department model = new Model.hr_department(); BLL.hr_employee emp = new BLL.hr_employee(); int emp_id = int.Parse(request.Cookies["UserID"].Value); DataSet dsemp = emp.GetList("id=" + emp_id); string empname = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); string uid = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString(); if (request["Action"] == "delgrid") { DataSet ds = dep.GetList(0, " ISNULL(isDelete,0)=1 ", " convert(int,[d_order])"); string dt = Common.GetGridJSON.DataTableToJSON(ds.Tables[0]); context.Response.Write(dt); } if (request["Action"] == "department") { string did = request["did"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(did)) { DataSet ds; if (did == "-2") { ds = dep.GetList(" ISNULL(isDelete,0)=0 and parentid=0 "); } else { ds = dep.GetList(" id=" +int.Parse(did)); } string outstring = did + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_name"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_fuzeren"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_tel"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_fax"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_add"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_email"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_miaoshu"].ToString() + ","; outstring += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_order"].ToString(); context.Response.Write(outstring); } } if (request["Action"] == "deptree") { DataSet ds = dep.GetList(0, " ISNULL(isDelete,0)=0 ", " convert(int,[d_order])"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); str.Append("{id:0,pid:0,text:'无',d_icon:''},"); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",pid:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["parentid"].ToString() + ",text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_name"] + "',d_icon:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_icon"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } if (request["Action"] == "treegrid") { DataSet ds = dep.GetList(0, " ", " convert(int,[d_order])"); string dt = "{Rows:[" + GetTasksString(0, ds.Tables[0]) + "]}"; context.Response.Write(dt); } if (request["Action"] == "tree") { string serchtxt = " ISNULL(isDelete,0)=0"; string authtxt = request["auth"]; if (authtxt == "0") { Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth(); string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid("1", "Sys_view", emp_id.ToString()); //depall:12 string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "my": case "dep": string did = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_id"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(did)) did = "0"; serchtxt += " and id=" + did; break; case "all": authtxt = "0"; break; case "depall": DataSet dsdep = dep.GetAllList(); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), dsdep.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; serchtxt += " and id in (" + intext.TrimEnd(',') + ")"; break; } } if (authtxt == "1") { Data.GetDataAuth dataauth = new Data.GetDataAuth(); string txt = dataauth.GetDataAuthByid("1", "Sys_add", emp_id.ToString()); string[] arr = txt.Split(':'); switch (arr[0]) { case "my": case "dep": string did = dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_id"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(did)) did = "0"; serchtxt+= " and id=" + did; break; case "all": authtxt = "0"; break; case "depall": DataSet dsdep = dep.GetAllList(); string deptask = GetDepTask(int.Parse(arr[1]), dsdep.Tables[0]); string intext = arr[1] + "," + deptask; serchtxt += " and id in (" + intext.TrimEnd(',') + ")"; break; } } //context.Response.Write(serchtxt); DataSet ds = dep.GetList(0, serchtxt, " convert(int,[d_order])"); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.Append("["); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { str.Append("{id:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + ",pid:" + ((authtxt == "1" || authtxt == "0") ? "0" : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["parentid"].ToString()) + ",text:'" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_name"] + "',d_icon:'../" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_icon"] + "'},"); } str.Replace(",", "", str.Length - 1, 1); str.Append("]"); context.Response.Write(str); } //Form JSON if (request["Action"] == "form") { int depid = int.Parse(request["id"]); DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id=" + depid); string dt = Common.DataToJson.DataToJSON(ds); context.Response.Write(dt); } //save if (request["Action"] == "save") { string parentid;//= string.IsNullOrEmpty(request["T_parent"]) ? "0" : request["T_parentid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request["T_parent_val"]) || request["T_parent_val"] == "null") { parentid = "0"; } else { parentid = request["T_parent_val"]; } model.d_name = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_depname"], 255); model.parentid = int.Parse(parentid); model.parentname = request["T_parent"]; model.d_type = request["T_deptype"]; model.d_order = request["T_sort"]; model.d_fuzeren = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_leader"], 255); model.d_tel = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_tel"], 255); model.d_email = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_email"], 255); model.d_fax = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_fax"], 255); model.d_add = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_add"], 255); model.d_miaoshu = Common.PageValidate.InputText(request["T_descript"], 255); if (model.d_type == "部门") model.d_icon = "img_crm/icon/88.png"; else model.d_icon = "img_crm/icon/61.png"; string id = request["id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && id != "null") { = int.Parse(id); DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id=" + int.Parse(id)); DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; dep.Update(model); //日志 C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; string EventTitle = model.d_name; string EventType = "组织架构修改"; int EventID =; if (dr["d_name"].ToString() != request["T_depname"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "机构名称", dr["d_name"].ToString(), request["T_depname"]); } if (dr["parentname"].ToString() != request["T_parent"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "上级机构", dr["parentname"].ToString(), request["T_parent"]); } if (dr["d_type"].ToString() != request["T_deptype"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "机构类型", dr["d_type"].ToString(), request["T_deptype"]); } if (dr["d_order"].ToString() != request["T_sort"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "部门排序", dr["d_order"].ToString(), request["T_sort"]); } if (dr["d_fuzeren"].ToString() != request["T_leader"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "负责人", dr["d_fuzeren"].ToString(), request["T_leader"]); } if (dr["d_tel"].ToString() != request["T_tel"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "电话", dr["d_tel"].ToString(), request["T_tel"]); } if (dr["d_email"].ToString() != request["T_email"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "邮箱", dr["d_email"].ToString(), request["T_email"]); } if (dr["d_fax"].ToString() != request["T_fax"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "传真", dr["d_fax"].ToString(), request["T_fax"]); } if (dr["d_add"].ToString() != request["T_add"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "地址", dr["d_add"].ToString(), request["T_add"]); } if (dr["d_miaoshu"].ToString() != request["T_descript"]) { log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, "描述", dr["d_miaoshu"].ToString(), request["T_descript"]); } } else { model.isDelete = 0; dep.Add(model); } } //del if (request.Params["Action"] == "AdvanceDelete") { int d_id = int.Parse(request["id"]); string EventType = "组织架构预删除"; DataSet ds = emp.GetList("d_id = " + d_id); BLL.hr_post post = new BLL.hr_post(); if (post.GetList("dep_id=" + d_id).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //含有岗位信息不能删除 context.Response.Write("false:post"); } else if (emp.GetList("d_id=" + d_id).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //含有员工信息不能删除 context.Response.Write("false:emp"); } else { bool isdel = dep.AdvanceDelete(d_id, 1, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); if (isdel) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; int EventID = d_id; string EventTitle = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_name"].ToString(); string Original_txt = null; string Current_txt = null; C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, null, Original_txt, Current_txt); } context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } } if (request["Action"] == "regain") { string idlist = PageValidate.InputText( request["idlist"],100000); string[] arr = idlist.Split(','); DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id in (" + idlist.Trim() + ")"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { dep.AdvanceDelete(int.Parse(arr[i]), 0, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } if (true) { //日志 string EventType = "恢复删除组织架构"; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; int EventID = idlist[i]; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; string EventTitle = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["d_name"].ToString(); string Original_txt = null; string Current_txt = null; C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, null, Original_txt, Current_txt); } context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } if (request.Params["Action"] == "del") { bool canDel = false; if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (dsemp.Tables[0].Rows[0]["uid"].ToString() == "admin") { canDel = true; } else { Data.GetAuthorityByUid getauth = new Data.GetAuthorityByUid(); string delauth = getauth.GetBtnAuthority(request.Cookies["UserID"].Value, "78"); if (delauth == "false") canDel = false; else canDel = true; } } if (canDel) { string idlist = PageValidate.InputText( request["idlist"],100000); string[] arr = idlist.Split(','); string EventType = "彻底删除组织架构"; DataSet ds = dep.GetList("id in (" + idlist.Trim() + ")"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { dep.Delete(int.Parse(arr[i])); } if (true) { //日志 for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { int UserID = emp_id; string UserName = empname; string IPStreet = request.UserHostAddress; int EventID = idlist[i]; string EventTitle = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["d_name"].ToString(); string Original_txt = null; string Current_txt = null; C_Sys_log log = new C_Sys_log(); log.Add_log(UserID, UserName, IPStreet, EventTitle, EventType, EventID, null, Original_txt, Current_txt); } context.Response.Write("true"); } else { context.Response.Write("false"); } } else { context.Response.Write("auth"); } } }