/// <summary> /// 删除数据方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool deleteData(decimal setno) { try { int nodeno, workflowno; BLL.WORKFLOWSET workflowsetBll = new BLL.WORKFLOWSET(); Model.WORKFLOWSET workflowsetMdl = new Model.WORKFLOWSET(); BLL.STU_WORKFLOW stu_workflowBll = new BLL.STU_WORKFLOW(); workflowsetMdl = workflowsetBll.GetModel(setno); nodeno = (int)workflowsetMdl.NODENO; workflowno = (int)workflowsetMdl.WORKFLOWNO; int recordCount = stu_workflowBll.GetRecordCount("and STU_WORKFLOW.nodeno = " + nodeno.ToString() + " and TEA_STU.workflowno = " + workflowno.ToString()); if (recordCount > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该设置信息已经被使用,不能被删除!", "提示信息"); return(false); } else { workflowsetBll.Delete(setno); return(true); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("删除失败!", exception.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存方法 /// </summary> private bool saveData() { BLL.STU_WORKFLOW stuworkflowBll = new BLL.STU_WORKFLOW(); if (!ToolHelper.IsNumeric(this.te_grade.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("成绩必须为数值!", "提示信息"); return(false); } if (this.te_grade.Text.Length <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("成绩不能为空!", "提示信息"); return(false); } float grade = ToolHelper.ConvertToFloat(this.te_grade.Text); if (grade < 0 || grade > 100) { MessageBox.Show("成绩不合法,请核查!", "提示信息"); return(false); } BLL.ENTERPRISE_INFO enterpriseBll = new BLL.ENTERPRISE_INFO(); Model.ENTERPRISE_INFO enterpriseMdl = new Model.ENTERPRISE_INFO(); if (this.cbb_ent.SelectedIndex != -1) { string entname = this.cbb_ent.Properties.Items[this.cbb_ent.SelectedIndex].ToString(); enterpriseMdl = enterpriseBll.GetModel(entname); int entno = (int)enterpriseMdl.ENTNO; stuworkflowBll.Update(grade, _execno, entno); } else { string entname = this.cbb_ent.EditValue.ToString(); if (entname.Length > 0) { enterpriseMdl = enterpriseBll.GetModel(entname); if (enterpriseMdl == null) { MessageBox.Show("该企业不存在,请添加该企业信息!", "提示信息"); return(false); } else { int entno = (int)enterpriseMdl.ENTNO; stuworkflowBll.Update(grade, _execno, entno); } } else { stuworkflowBll.Update(grade, _execno); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 查询数据方法 /// </summary> private void readData() { string condition = ""; if (this.cbb_Term.SelectedIndex != -1) { string termname = this.cbb_Term.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Term.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and E.TERMNAME like '%" + termname + "%' "; } if (this.cbb_Workflow.SelectedIndex != -1) { string workflowname = this.cbb_Workflow.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Workflow.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and F.WORKFLOWNAME like '%" + workflowname + "%' "; } if (this.cbb_Node.SelectedIndex != -1) { string nodename = this.cbb_Node.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Node.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and G.NODENAME like '%" + nodename + "%' "; } if (this.cbb_Teacher.SelectedIndex != -1) { string teachername = this.cbb_Teacher.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Teacher.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and D.NAME like '%" + teachername + "%' "; } if (this.cbb_Class.SelectedIndex != -1) { string classname = this.cbb_Class.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Class.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and H.CLASSNAME like '%" + classname + "%' "; } if (this.cbb_Stuno.SelectedIndex != -1) { string stuno = this.cbb_Stuno.Properties.Items[this.cbb_Stuno.SelectedIndex].ToString(); condition += " and C.STUNO like '%" + stuno + "%' "; } if (this.te_studentname.Text.Length > 0) { string stuname = this.te_studentname.Text; condition += " and C.NAME like '%" + stuname + "%' "; } if (this.ce_In.Checked == true && this.ce_Out.Checked == false) { condition += " and left(I.ENTNAME,2) like '%校内%'"; } else if (this.ce_In.Checked == false && this.ce_Out.Checked == true) { condition += " and left(I.ENTNAME,2) not like '%校内%'"; } BLL.STU_WORKFLOW stuworkflowBll = new BLL.STU_WORKFLOW(); this.gridControl1.DataSource = stuworkflowBll.GetList(condition).Tables[0]; this.gridView1.BestFitColumns(); DBUtility.ToolHelper.DrawRowIndicator(gridView1, 50); DBUtility.ToolHelper.SetLineColorofGridView(this.gridView1); }