Exemple #1
        private void BindAcceptUnit()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            BLL.BASE_DEPT dept = new BLL.BASE_DEPT();
            dt = dept.GetUserWhereDepartment(userSession.USERNAME, -1);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                if (dr["PARENTID"].ToString().Equals("0"))
                    TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode();
                    rootNode.Text         = dr["DPTNAME"].ToString();
                    rootNode.Value        = dr["DEPTID"].ToString();
                    rootNode.ToolTip      = dr["DPTINFO"].ToString();
                    rootNode.ShowCheckBox = true;
                    rootNode.Expanded     = true;

                    RecursiveBindAcceptUnit(rootNode, dt);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定部门员工树 数据源
        /// </summary>
        private void DepartmentAndEmployeesDataSource()
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            BLL.BASE_DEPT bll = new BLL.BASE_DEPT();
            //dt = bll.GetAllDep("1=1");
            dt = bll.GetUserWhereDepartment(userSession.USERNAME, -1);

            TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode();

            rootNode.Text     = "部门用户树";
            rootNode.Value    = "0";
            rootNode.Expanded = true;
            InitTreeView(rootNode, dt);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定单位信息
        /// </summary>
        private void BindAcceptUnit(string type)
            string url = string.Empty;

            if (type == "0")
                url = "ArtificialPatrol.aspx";
                url = "ElectronicPatrol.aspx";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            BLL.BASE_DEPT dept = new BLL.BASE_DEPT();
            dt = dept.GetAllDep("STATUS=0");

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                if (dr["PARENTID"].ToString().Equals("0"))
                    TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode();
                    rootNode.Text         = dr["DPTNAME"].ToString();
                    rootNode.Value        = dr["DEPTID"].ToString();
                    rootNode.ToolTip      = dr["DPTINFO"].ToString();
                    rootNode.ShowCheckBox = false;
                    rootNode.Expanded     = true;
                    rootNode.Target       = "PatrolFrame";

                    rootNode.NavigateUrl = url + "?deptid=" + dr["DEPTID"].ToString() + "&deptName=" + dr["DPTNAME"].ToString();//设置导航:绑定该部门下巡逻日志

                    RecursiveBindAcceptUnit(rootNode, dt, url);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定用户信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userId">用户ID</param>
        private void BindingUserInfo(int userId)
            BLL.BASE_USER_ROLE userRoleBLL = new BLL.BASE_USER_ROLE();
            var dt = userRoleBLL.GetList(userId);    //获取用户权限集合

            #region 绑定用户基本信息
            BLL.BASE_USER    userBLL   = new BLL.BASE_USER();
            Entity.BASE_USER userModel = new Entity.BASE_USER();
            userModel      = userBLL.GetUser(userId);
            this.BIRTHDAY  = userModel.BIRTHDAY;
            this.DEGREE    = userModel.DEGREE;
            this.DEPTID    = userModel.DEPTID;
            this.FACE      = userModel.FACE;
            this.IDNUMBER  = userModel.IDNUMBER;
            this.JOBNUMBER = userModel.JOBNUMBER;
            this.PARENTID  = userModel.PARENTID;
            this.PHONE     = userModel.PHONE;
            this.PHOTO     = userModel.PHONE;
            this.PROF      = userModel.PROF;
            this.REMARK    = userModel.REMARK;
            this.SEX       = userModel.SEX;
            this.STSTUS    = userModel.STSTUS;
            this.USERID    = userModel.USERID;
            this.USERNAME  = userModel.USERNAME;
            this.USERPWD   = userModel.USERPWD;

            BLL.BASE_DEPT deptBLL = new BLL.BASE_DEPT();
            _Department = deptBLL.GetEntity(userModel.DEPTID);

             #region 绑定角色信息
             * var roles = userRoleBLL.Query(
             *  string.Format("SELECT distinct ROLEID FROM base_user_role WHERE userid = {0}",
             *  userId.ToString()));
             * BLL.BASE_ROLE roleBll = new BLL.BASE_ROLE();
             * foreach (DataRow dr in roles.Rows) {
             *  Entity.BASE_ROLE roleModel = new Entity.BASE_ROLE();
             *  roleModel = roleBll.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ROLEID"]));
             *  Utility.UserRole role = new UserRole();
             *  role.ROLEID = roleModel.ROLEID;
             *  role.ROLEINFO = roleModel.ROLEINFO;
             *  role.ROLENAME = roleModel.ROLENAME;
             #region 绑定菜单
             *  var menus = userRoleBLL.GetList(string.Format("USERID={0} AND ROLEID={1}",
             *      userId.ToString(),
             *      roleModel.ROLEID.ToString()));
             *  BLL.BASE_MENU bllMenu = new BLL.BASE_MENU();
             *  foreach (DataRow menuDr in menus.Rows) {
             *      Entity.BASE_MENU menuModel = new Entity.BASE_MENU();
             *      menuModel = bllMenu.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(menuDr["MENUID"]));
             *      Utility.UserMenu menu = new UserMenu();
             *      menu.ICON = menuModel.ICON;
             *      menu.MENUID = menuModel.MENUID;
             *      menu.MENUINFO = menuModel.MENUINFO;
             *      menu.MENUNAME = menuModel.MENUNAME;
             *      menu.MENUURL = menuModel.MENUURL;
             *      menu.PARENTID = menuModel.PARENTID;
             *      menu.STATUS = menuModel.STATUS;
             #region 绑定菜单的Action
             *      var actions = userRoleBLL.GetList(string.Format("USERID={0} AND ROLEID={1} AND MENUID={2}",
             *          userId.ToString(),
             *          roleModel.ROLEID.ToString(),
             *          menu.MENUID.ToString()));
             *      BLL.BASE_ACTION actionBLL = new BLL.BASE_ACTION();
             *      foreach (DataRow actionDr in actions.Rows) {
             *          Entity.BASE_ACTION actionModel = new Entity.BASE_ACTION();
             *          actionModel = actionBLL.GetEntity(Convert.ToInt32(actionDr["ACTIONID"].ToString()));
             *          menu.UserAction.Add(actionModel);   //动作信息加载菜单中
             *      }
             *      role.UserMenu.Add(menu);    //菜单加入角色组中
             *  }
             *  UserRole.Add(role); //角色组加入集合中
             * }