protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string username = Request["username"]; string password = Request["password"]; BLL.Admin adminbll = new BLL.Admin(); if (adminbll.login(username,password)==true) { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); Session["username"] = username; Session["password"] = password; } if (adminbll.login(username, password)==false) { Response.Write("<script>alert('用户名或者密码有错!')</script>"); } }
//初始化 private void FormAdminUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { textId.Text = id.ToString(); BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); Model.Admin model = bll.getModel(id.ToString()); if (model == null) { MessageBox.Show("数据查询出错"); return; } else { textId.Text = model.Id; textAdminname.Text = model.Name; textOldPwd.Text = model.Pass; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.Admin model = new Model.Admin(); model.AdminID = IDText.Text; model.AdminPwd = PwdText.Text; BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); int str = bll.SelectAdmin(model); if (str != 0) { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('登陆成功!');</script>"); //Response.Redirect("UserEdit.aspx?UserID=" + model.UserID); } else { Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>alert('用户名或密码错误');</script>"); } }
protected void BtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.Admin bllAdmin = new BLL.Admin(); if (Session["SSVC"] != null) { if (this.txtCode.Text.Trim().ToLower() != Session["SSVC"].ToString().ToLower()) { PageFunc.AjaxAlert(this.Page, "错误的验证码,请重新输入!"); this.txtCode.Text = ""; } else { var uModel = bllAdmin.AdminLogin(this.txtUserName.Text.Trim(), PageFunc.Encrypt(this.txtPassWd.Text, 1)); if (uModel != null) { if (!uModel.Enabled) { PageFunc.AjaxAlert(this.Page, "该帐号已被停用!"); this.txtCode.Text = ""; } else { AdminPage basePage = new AdminPage(); Session[basePage.sessionAdminModel] = uModel; Response.Redirect("TljList.aspx"); } } else { PageFunc.AjaxAlert(this.Page, "用户名或密码有误!"); this.txtCode.Text = ""; } } } else { PageFunc.AjaxAlert(this.Page, "验证码无效,请重新刷新!"); this.txtCode.Text = ""; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string json = "{'info':'登录失败','ID':-1}"; //获取GET方法传递参数:Request.QueryString["参数名称"]; //获取POST方法传递参数:Request.Form["参数名称"]; string txtUserName = context.Request.Form["UserName"]; //保存文本框对象,提高效率 string txtPassWord = context.Request.Form["PassWord"]; BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); int n = bll.Login(txtUserName, txtPassWord); //返回单个文字信息 if (n > 0) { json = "{'info':'登录成功!','ID':" + n + "}"; context.Session["ID"] = n; } context.Response.Write(json); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strErr = ""; BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); int aaa = bll.GetRecordCount("adminName='" + txtUsername.Text + "'and adminPass='******'"); if (aaa >= 1) { Session["role"] = txtUsername.Text; Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } else { strErr += "所输入的帐号或密码不正确!\\n"; } if (strErr != "") { MessageBox.Show(this, strErr); return; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { User loggedInUser = (User)Session["currentUser"]; if (loggedInUser != null) { if (BLL.Admin.RetrieveAdmin(loggedInUser) == null) { if (loggedInUser.Username.Equals("Admin")) { BLL.Admin admin = new BLL.Admin(); admin.UserId = loggedInUser.Id; admin.Add(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Making admin"); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Not an admin"); Response.Redirect("/Redirect.aspx"); } } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string json = "{}"; string action = context.Request.Form["Action"]; if (action == "Show") { BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); DataSet ds = bll.GetList(20); //调用业务逻辑层的方法 ds.Tables[0].TableName = "Admin"; //为数据表改名 //返回列表 json = WEB.DataConvertJson.DataTable2Json(ds.Tables[0]); //调用把datatable转为json的方法 context.Response.Write(json); } else if (action == "Load")//检查是否已经登录 { if (context.Session["ID"] == null) { json = "{'info':'no'}"; } context.Response.Write(json); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string json = ""; string action = context.Request.Form["Action"]; if (action == "Show")//显示 { if (context.Session["ID"] == null) { json = "{}";//未登录 } else { BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); DataSet ds = bll.GetList(""); ds.Tables[0].TableName = "AdminTable"; //返回列表 json = WEB.DataConvertJson.DataTable2Json(ds.Tables[0]); } } else if (action == "Del") //删除操作 { string DelNumS = context.Request.Form["DelNumS"]; //获取批量删除的编号 BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); if (bll.DeleteList(DelNumS)) { json = "{'info':'删除成功'}"; } else { json = "{'info':'删除失败'}"; } } context.Response.Write(json); }
private void but_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { userName = text_userName.Text.Trim(); passwd = text_passwd.Text.Trim(); ensureCode = text_ensureCode.Text.Trim(); if (ensureCode == string.Empty || passwd == string.Empty || userName == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("请完善信息", "糟糕", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); form_Shake(); checkCode_Random(); if (ensureCode == string.Empty) { text_ensureCode.Focus(); } if (passwd == string.Empty) { text_ensureCode.Text = string.Empty; text_passwd.Focus(); } if (userName == string.Empty) { text_ensureCode.Text = string.Empty; text_passwd.Text = string.Empty; text_userName.Focus(); } } else { if (text_ensureCode.Text == checkCode.Text) { string strWhere = string.Empty, name = ""; int count = 0; if (combox_power.Text == "管理员") { BLL.Admin bllAdmin = new BLL.Admin(); strWhere = string.Format("userID = '{0}' and passwd = '{1}'", userName, passwd); count = bllAdmin.GetRecordCount(strWhere); name = new BLL.Admin().GetModel(userName).userName; } else { BLL.Manager bllManager = new BLL.Manager(); strWhere = string.Format("manID = '{0}' and passwd = '{1}'", userName, passwd); count = bllManager.GetRecordCount(strWhere); name = new BLL.Manager().GetModel(userName).manName; } if (count == 1) { MessageBox.Show("登录成功", "恭喜", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Common.StaticClass.userType = combox_power.Text.ToString(); Common.StaticClass.userName = name; Common.StaticClass.userID = userName; this.Hide(); new Main_Admin().ShowDialog(this); text_passwd.Text = text_ensureCode.Text = string.Empty; checkCode_Random(); } else { errorTime -= 1; if (errorTime > 0) { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码错误,还有" + errorTime.ToString() + "次机会", "糟糕", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); checkCode_Random(); form_Shake(); text_userName.Text = text_passwd.Text = text_ensureCode.Text = string.Empty; text_userName.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码错误三次,请稍后登录", "糟糕", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("验证码不正确", "糟糕", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); checkCode_Random(); form_Shake(); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; string json = "{'info':'增加数据失败'}"; //获取动作的类型 string action = context.Request.Form["Action"]; if (action == "add") { //获取GET方法传递参数:Request.QueryString["参数名称"]; //获取POST方法传递参数:Request.Form["参数名称"]; string txtUserName = context.Request.Form["Name"]; //保存文本框对象,提高效率 string txtPassWord = context.Request.Form["pwd"]; string txtemail = context.Request.Form["email"]; string adminSex = context.Request.Form["sex"]; string txtbirthday = context.Request.Form["birthday"]; string txtstatement = context.Request.Form["Statement"]; string ustate = context.Request.Form["Ustate"]; Model.Admin model = new Model.Admin(); model.Uname = txtUserName; //用户姓名 model.UPassword = txtPassWord; //用户密码 model.UEmail = txtemail; //用户邮箱 model.UState = int.Parse(ustate); //用户生日 string y = txtbirthday.Substring(0, 4); string m = txtbirthday.Substring(4, 2); string d = txtbirthday.Substring(6, 2); txtbirthday = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; model.UBirthday = txtbirthday; //用户生日 model.UStatement = txtstatement; //用户描述 model.URegDate = DateTime.Now; //用户注册时间 model.Usex = false; //用户性别 if (adminSex == "true") { model.Usex = true; } BLL.Admin bll = new BLL.Admin(); int n = bll.add(model); //返回单个文字信息 if (n > 0) { json = "{'info':'增加数据成功,编号是:" + n + "'}"; } } //else if (action == "Load") //{ // if (context.Session["ID"] == null) // { // json = "{'info':'no'}"; // } // else // json = "{'info':'yes'}"; //} context.Response.Write(json); }