Exemple #1
    public void Start()
        //this.StatusList = new List<MonoBehaviour>();

        this.Hunger = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BHV_Hunger>() as BHV_Hunger;
        this.Sight  = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BHV_Vision>() as BHV_Vision;

        this.Sight.Belonging = theLivingCreature.belonging;

        this.Locomotion = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BHV_Motion>() as BHV_Motion;

        this.Empathy = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BHV_Social>() as BHV_Social;
Exemple #2
    //Todo a unique loop to return if I see food or danger or social.

    //Each update, I refresh my vision:
    public void Update()
        //this.currentVision = new List<Matter>(); //empty list for solving big issue, no time to fix (sight is not updated when food is eaten)

        Vector3 position    = this.transform.position;      //The position of the creature
        Vector3 EyePosition = TheEye.transform.position;

        //Debug.Log ("this.Belonging.Population"+this.Belonging.Population.Count);
        foreach (Matter currentItem in this.Belonging.Population)
            //Debug.Log (this.Belonging.Population.IndexOf(currentItem) +" = "+ currentItem.root.name);

            //remove itself from loop !
            if (currentItem.root != this.gameObject)
                float d = Vector3.Distance(currentItem.root.transform.position, this.gameObject.transform.position);

                //Collision detection (TODO: not the right place)
                if (currentItem.GetType().ToString() != "SimDim.Food")
                    SimDim.LivingCreature currentSeenGuy = currentItem as SimDim.LivingCreature;

                    //behaviour from Social, but call here to optimize loop:
                    if (d < 0.1f * currentSeenGuy.Age)
                    {                                                                                //Contact Management.
                        BHV_Social comp = this.gameObject.GetComponent <BHV_Social>() as BHV_Social; //mayve, LATER, we can manage food like any kills.

                     * if(d<10.0f)
                     * {	//Social Management.
                     *      BHV_See comp = currentSeenGuy.root.GetComponent<BHV_See>() as BHV_See;
                     *      foreach(SimDim.Matter cur in this.currentVision)
                     *      {
                     *              if(cur.root == currentItem.root)
                     *              {	//I see a guy who is very near (maybe too much?)
                     *                      //BHV_Social comp2 = this.gameObject.GetComponent<BHV_Social>() as BHV_Social;
                     *                      //comp2.salute(currentItem);
                     *                      //return ;
                     *              }
                     *      }
                     * }

                if (d < SightRange)
                {                  // here we are at range
                    //TODO: test if we are at angle
                    Vector3 vSightDirection = EyePosition - position;
                    Vector3 vObjDirection   = currentItem.root.transform.position - EyePosition;

                    float DotProduct = Vector3.Dot(vSightDirection, vObjDirection);

                    //Debug.Log ( currentItem.root.name +" ==> "+ DotProduct );
                    //Debug.Log (currentItem.GetType());

                    if (DotProduct > 0)
                    {                    //We are in front of the creature
                        if (!this.currentVision.Contains(currentItem))

                            //FOOD MANAGEMENT
                            if (currentItem.GetType().ToString() == "SimDim.Food")                             //There must be a better way but... NO NET
                                //Debug.Log (this.gameObject.name+" see food :"+currentItem.root.name);
                                this.FoodList.Add(currentItem as Food);
                                //SOCIAL MANAGEMENT
                                //Debug.Log (currentItem.GetType().ToString());

                                //Debug.Log (this.gameObject.name+" see :"+currentItem.root.name);
                        if (this.currentVision.Contains(currentItem))
                    if (this.currentVision.Contains(currentItem))