public BESIMREG_NEWFORMs GetSIMREG_NEWFORMs(string msisdnTitle, string requestById, string requestTypeId, string deliverById, string requestFromDate, string requestToDate, string deliverFromDate, string deliverToDate, SQLHelper sqlHelper) { string sql = string.Empty; string whereSql = string.Empty; BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs = new BESIMREG_NEWFORMs(); try { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " MSISDNTITLE=nvl($s,MSISDNTITLE)", msisdnTitle); if (Convert.ToInt32(requestById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND REQUESTEDBYID=$n", requestById); } if (Convert.ToInt32(requestTypeId) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND REQUESTEDTYPEID=$n", requestTypeId); } if (Convert.ToInt32(deliverById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND DELIVEREDBYID=$n", deliverById); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestFromDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND REQUESTEDDATE>=$s", requestFromDate); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestToDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND REQUESTEDDATE<=$s", requestToDate); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deliverFromDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND DELIVEREDBYDATE>=$s", deliverFromDate); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deliverToDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " AND DELIVEREDBYDATE<=$s", deliverToDate); } sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM WHERE $q ORDER BY ID", whereSql); IDataReader reader = sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql); AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(SIMREG_NEWFORMs, reader); reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return SIMREG_NEWFORMs; }
public BESIMREG_NEWFORMs GetSIMREG_NEWFORMs(SQLHelper sqlHelper) { string sql = string.Empty; BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs = new BESIMREG_NEWFORMs(); try { sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM ORDER BY ID"); IDataReader reader = sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql); AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(SIMREG_NEWFORMs, reader); reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return SIMREG_NEWFORMs; }
public BESIMREG_NEWFORM GetSIMREG_NEWFORM(SQLHelper sqlHelper, int SIMREG_NEWFORMId) { string sql = string.Empty; BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs = new BESIMREG_NEWFORMs(); try { sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM WHERE ID=$n ORDER BY ID", SIMREG_NEWFORMId); IDataReader reader = sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql); AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(SIMREG_NEWFORMs, reader); reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } if (SIMREG_NEWFORMs.Count > 0) return SIMREG_NEWFORMs[0]; else return new BESIMREG_NEWFORM(); }
private BESIMREG_NEWFORMs AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs, IDataReader reader) { NULLHandler nullHandler = new NULLHandler(reader); while (reader.Read()) { SIMREG_NEWFORMs.Add(PreaperSIMREG_NEWFORMObject(nullHandler)); } return SIMREG_NEWFORMs; }
//For Paging public BESIMREG_NEWFORMs GetSIMREG_NEWFORMs(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows, string msisdnTitle, int requestById, int requestTypeId, int deliverById, string fromDate, string toDate, SQLHelper sqlHelper, DataSet ds) { string sql = string.Empty; string whereSql = string.Empty; int startRow = (page - 1) * rows + 1; int endRow = startRow + rows - 1; BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs = new BESIMREG_NEWFORMs(); try { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " MSISDNTITLE=nvl($s,MSISDNTITLE)", msisdnTitle); if (Convert.ToInt32(requestById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR REQUESTEDBYID=$n", requestById); } if (Convert.ToInt32(requestTypeId) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR REQUESTEDTYPEID=$n", requestTypeId); } if (Convert.ToInt32(deliverById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR DELIVEREDBYID=$n", deliverById); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR REQUESTEDDATE=$d", fromDate); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR DELIVEREDBYDATE=$d", toDate); } sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM WHERE $q ORDER BY ID", whereSql); if (rows > 0) { sql = DBUtility.GetPagingSQL(sql, startRow, endRow); } //sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM ORDER BY ID", whereSql); //IDataReader reader = sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql); //AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(SIMREG_NEWFORMs, reader); //reader.Close(); sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return SIMREG_NEWFORMs; }
public BESIMREG_NEWFORMs GetSIMREG_NEWFORMs(string msisdnTitle, int requestById, int requestTypeId, int deliverById, string fromDate, string toDate, SQLHelper sqlHelper, DataSet ds) { string sql = string.Empty; string whereSql = string.Empty; BESIMREG_NEWFORMs SIMREG_NEWFORMs = new BESIMREG_NEWFORMs(); try { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " N.MSISDNTITLE=nvl($s,MSISDNTITLE)", msisdnTitle); if (Convert.ToInt32(requestById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR N.REQUESTEDBYID=$n", requestById); } if (Convert.ToInt32(requestTypeId) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR N.REQUESTEDTYPEID=$n", requestTypeId); } if (Convert.ToInt32(deliverById) > 0) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR N.DELIVEREDBYID=$n", deliverById); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR N.REQUESTEDDATE=$d", fromDate); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate)) { whereSql += sqlHelper.MakeSQL(sql + " OR N.DELIVEREDBYDATE=$d", toDate); } //SELECT N.MSISDNTITLE, N.REQUESTEDDATE, Rby.TITLE REQUESTEDBY, RType.TITLE REQUESTEDTYPE, N.DELIVEREDBYDATE, Dby.TITLE DELIVEREDBY FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM N INNER JOIN SIMREG_DELIVEREDBY Dby ON Dby.DELIVEREDBYID = N.DELIVEREDBYID INNER JOIN SIMREG_REQUESTEDBY Rby ON Rby.REQUESTEDBYID = N.REQUESTEDBYID INNER JOIN SIMREG_REQUESTEDTYPE RType ON RType.REQUESTEDTYPEID = N.REQUESTEDTYPEID WHERE N.MSISDNTITLE = '01926662002' ORDER BY n.ID //sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM ORDER BY ID", whereSql); //sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT * FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM WHERE $q ORDER BY ID", whereSql); sql = sqlHelper.MakeSQL(@"SELECT N.MSISDNTITLE, N.REQUESTEDDATE, Rby.TITLE REQUESTEDBY, RType.TITLE REQUESTEDTYPE, N.DELIVEREDBYDATE, Dby.TITLE DELIVEREDBY FROM SIMREG_NEWFORM N INNER JOIN SIMREG_DELIVEREDBY Dby ON Dby.DELIVEREDBYID = N.DELIVEREDBYID INNER JOIN SIMREG_REQUESTEDBY Rby ON Rby.REQUESTEDBYID = N.REQUESTEDBYID INNER JOIN SIMREG_REQUESTEDTYPE RType ON RType.REQUESTEDTYPEID = N.REQUESTEDTYPEID WHERE $q ORDER BY ID", whereSql); //IDataReader reader = sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql); //AddToSIMREG_NEWFORMCollection(SIMREG_NEWFORMs, reader); //reader.Close(); sqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(sql, ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } return SIMREG_NEWFORMs; }