Exemple #1
        // END-InferenceProcedure


         * <code>
         * function FOL-BC-ASK(KB, goals, theta) returns a set of substitutions
         *   input: KB, a knowledge base
         *          goals, a list of conjuncts forming a query (theta already applied)
         *          theta, the current substitution, initially the empty substitution {}
         * </code>
        private List <List <ProofStepBwChGoal> > folbcask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB,
                                                          BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler, List <Literal> goals,
                                                          Dictionary <Variable, Term> theta)
            List <List <ProofStepBwChGoal> > thisLevelProofSteps = new List <List <ProofStepBwChGoal> >();

            // local variables: answers, a set of substitutions, initially empty

            // if goals is empty then return {theta}
            if (goals.Count == 0)
                thisLevelProofSteps.Add(new List <ProofStepBwChGoal>());

            // qDelta <- SUBST(theta, FIRST(goals))
            Literal qDelta = KB.subst(theta, goals[0]);

            // for each sentence r in KB where
            // STANDARDIZE-APART(r) = (p1 ^ ... ^ pn => q)
            foreach (Clause r in KB.getAllDefiniteClauses())
                Clause r2 = KB.standardizeApart(r);
                // and thetaDelta <- UNIFY(q, qDelta) succeeds
                Dictionary <Variable, Term> thetaDelta = KB.unify(r2.getPositiveLiterals()
                                                                  [0].getAtomicSentence(), qDelta.getAtomicSentence());
                if (null != thetaDelta)
                    // new_goals <- [p1,...,pn|REST(goals)]
                    List <Literal> newGoals = new List <Literal>(r2
                    // answers <- FOL-BC-ASK(KB, new_goals, COMPOSE(thetaDelta,
                    // theta)) U answers
                    Dictionary <Variable, Term>      composed             = compose(KB, thetaDelta, theta);
                    List <List <ProofStepBwChGoal> > lowerLevelProofSteps = folbcask(
                        KB, ansHandler, newGoals, composed);

                    ansHandler.addProofStep(lowerLevelProofSteps, r2, qDelta,


            // return answers
Exemple #2
        // END-InferenceProcedure


         * <code>
         * function FOL-BC-ASK(KB, goals, theta) returns a set of substitutions
         *   input: KB, a knowledge base
         *          goals, a list of conjuncts forming a query (theta already applied)
         *          theta, the current substitution, initially the empty substitution {}
         * </code>
        private List<List<ProofStepBwChGoal>> folbcask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB,
                BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler, List<Literal> goals,
                Dictionary<Variable, Term> theta)
            List<List<ProofStepBwChGoal>> thisLevelProofSteps = new List<List<ProofStepBwChGoal>>();
            // local variables: answers, a set of substitutions, initially empty

            // if goals is empty then return {theta}
            if (goals.Count==0)
                thisLevelProofSteps.Add(new List<ProofStepBwChGoal>());
                return thisLevelProofSteps;

            // qDelta <- SUBST(theta, FIRST(goals))
            Literal qDelta = KB.subst(theta, goals[0]);

            // for each sentence r in KB where
            // STANDARDIZE-APART(r) = (p1 ^ ... ^ pn => q)
            foreach (Clause r in KB.getAllDefiniteClauses())
                Clause r2 = KB.standardizeApart(r);
                // and thetaDelta <- UNIFY(q, qDelta) succeeds
                Dictionary<Variable, Term> thetaDelta = KB.unify(r2.getPositiveLiterals()
                        [0].getAtomicSentence(), qDelta.getAtomicSentence());
                if (null != thetaDelta)
                    // new_goals <- [p1,...,pn|REST(goals)]
                    List<Literal> newGoals = new List<Literal>(r2
                    // answers <- FOL-BC-ASK(KB, new_goals, COMPOSE(thetaDelta,
                    // theta)) U answers
                    Dictionary<Variable, Term> composed = compose(KB, thetaDelta, theta);
                    List<List<ProofStepBwChGoal>> lowerLevelProofSteps = folbcask(
                            KB, ansHandler, newGoals, composed);

                    ansHandler.addProofStep(lowerLevelProofSteps, r2, qDelta,


            // return answers
            return thisLevelProofSteps;
Exemple #3
         * <code>
         * function FOL-BC-ASK(KB, goals, theta) returns a set of substitutions
         *   input: KB, a knowledge base
         *          goals, a list of conjuncts forming a query (theta already applied)
         *          theta, the current substitution, initially the empty substitution {}
         * </code>
        private ICollection <ICollection <ProofStepBwChGoal> > folbcask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB,
                                                                        BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler, ICollection <Literal> goals,
                                                                        IMap <Variable, Term> theta)
            ICollection <ICollection <ProofStepBwChGoal> > thisLevelProofSteps = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <ICollection <ProofStepBwChGoal> >();

            // local variables: answers, a set of substitutions, initially empty

            // if goals is empty then return {theta}
            if (goals.IsEmpty())
                thisLevelProofSteps.Add(CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <ProofStepBwChGoal>());

            // qDelta <- SUBST(theta, FIRST(goals))
            Literal qDelta = KB.subst(theta, goals.Get(0));

            // for each sentence r in KB where
            // STANDARDIZE-APART(r) = (p1 ^ ... ^ pn => q)
            foreach (Clause rIter in KB.getAllDefiniteClauses())
                Clause r = rIter;
                r = KB.standardizeApart(r);
                // and thetaDelta <- UNIFY(q, qDelta) succeeds
                IMap <Variable, Term> thetaDelta = KB.unify(r.getPositiveLiterals()
                                                            .Get(0).getAtomicSentence(), qDelta.getAtomicSentence());
                if (null != thetaDelta)
                    // new_goals <- [p1,...,pn|REST(goals)]
                    ICollection <Literal> newGoals = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <Literal>(r.getNegativeLiterals());
                    newGoals.AddAll(goals.subList(1, goals.Size()));
                    // answers <- FOL-BC-ASK(KB, new_goals, COMPOSE(thetaDelta,
                    // theta)) U answers
                    IMap <Variable, Term> composed = compose(KB, thetaDelta, theta);
                    ICollection <ICollection <ProofStepBwChGoal> > lowerLevelProofSteps = folbcask(
                        KB, ansHandler, newGoals, composed);

                    ansHandler.addProofStep(lowerLevelProofSteps, r, qDelta, composed);


            // return answers
Exemple #4
         * Returns a set of substitutions
         * @param KB
         *            a knowledge base
         * @param query
         *            goals, a list of conjuncts forming a query
         * @return a set of substitutions
        public InferenceResult ask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB, Sentence query)
            // Assertions on the type queries this Inference procedure
            // supports
            if (!(query is AtomicSentence))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only Atomic Queries are supported.");

            ICollection <Literal> goals = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <Literal>();

            goals.Add(new Literal((AtomicSentence)query));

            BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler = new BCAskAnswerHandler();

            ICollection <ICollection <ProofStepBwChGoal> > allProofSteps = folbcask(KB, ansHandler, goals, CollectionFactory.CreateInsertionOrderedMap <Variable, Term>());


Exemple #5
        // START-InferenceProcedure
        public InferenceResult ask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB, Sentence query)
            // Assertions on the type queries this Inference procedure
            // supports
            if (!(query is AtomicSentence))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                        "Only Atomic Queries are supported.");

            List<Literal> goals = new List<Literal>();
            goals.Add(new Literal((AtomicSentence)query));

            BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler = new BCAskAnswerHandler();

            List<List<ProofStepBwChGoal>> allProofSteps = folbcask(KB, ansHandler,
                    goals, new Dictionary<Variable, Term>());


            return ansHandler;
Exemple #6
        public IInferenceResult Ask(FOLKnowledgeBase kb, ISentence query)
            // Assertions on the type queries this Inference procedure
            // supports
            if (!(query is IAtomicSentence))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("query", "Only Atomic Queries are supported.");

            IList <Literal> goals = new List <Literal>();

            goals.Add(new Literal((IAtomicSentence)query));

            var ansHandler = new BCAskAnswerHandler();

            IList <IList <ProofStepBwChGoal> > allProofSteps = this.Folbcask(kb, ansHandler,
                                                                             goals, new Dictionary <Variable, ITerm>());


Exemple #7
        // START-InferenceProcedure

         * Returns a set of substitutions
         * @param KB
         *            a knowledge base
         * @param query
         *            goals, a list of conjuncts forming a query
         * @return a set of substitutions
        public InferenceResult ask(FOLKnowledgeBase KB, Sentence query)
            // Assertions on the type queries this Inference procedure
            // supports
            if (!(query is AtomicSentence))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Only Atomic Queries are supported.");

            List <Literal> goals = new List <Literal>();

            goals.Add(new Literal((AtomicSentence)query));

            BCAskAnswerHandler ansHandler = new BCAskAnswerHandler();

            List <List <ProofStepBwChGoal> > allProofSteps = folbcask(KB, ansHandler,
                                                                      goals, new Dictionary <Variable, Term>());

