public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_ComplexStrongEmDel()
            var source   = @"# Test Complex String Em Del
__Strong Text__
_Em Text_
- ~~Del Text~~
- Simple text";
            var expected = @"# Test Complex String Em Del
**Strong Text**

*Em Text*


* ~~Del Text~~
* Simple text

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_Heading()
            var source   = @"#h1 title
h1 text
##h2 title-1
h2-1 text
###h3 title
h3 text
##h2 title-2
h2-2 text";
            var expected = @"# h1 title
h1 text

## h2 title-1
h2-1 text

### h3 title
h3 text

## h2 title-2
h2-2 text

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_HeadingWithInlineToken()
            var source   = @"#h1 title _system_
h1 text
##h2 title-1
h2-1 text
###h3 title ** system **
h3 text
##h2 title-2
h2-2 text";
            var expected = @"# h1 title *system*
h1 text

## h2 title-1
h2-1 text

### h3 title ** system **
h3 text

## h2 title-2
h2-2 text

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureInclude_New()
            // Prepare data
            var root = @"This is azure include [AZURE.INCLUDE [ref1 text](] inline.

This is azure include block.

[AZURE.INCLUDE [ref2 text](]";
            var ref1 = @"ref1 content";
            var ref2 = @"ref2 content: [text](./this/";

            File.WriteAllText("", root);
            File.WriteAllText("", ref1);
            File.WriteAllText("", ref2);

            // Expected result
            var expected = @"This is azure include ref1 content inline.

This is azure include block.

ref2 content: [text](./this/


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(root, "");

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_ListWithInlineToken()
            var source   = @"Hello world
* list _system_
  this should be same line with the above one
  this should be another line
* list item2
- list item3
- list item4


1. nolist item1
2. nolist item2";
            var expected = @"Hello world

* list *system*
this should be same line with the above one

  this should be another line

* list item2
* list item3
* list item4

- - -
1. nolist item1
2. nolist item2

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureNoteBlockquoteTextFollowed()
            var source   = @"> [AZURE.NOTE]
This is azure note
> [AZURE.WARNING] This is azure warning
> [AZURE.IMPORTANT] This is azure important
This is azure TIP";
            var expected = @"> [!NOTE]
> This is azure note
> This is azure warning
> This is azure important
> [!TIP]
> This is azure TIP

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_Table()
            var source   = @"# Test table
| header-1 | header-2 | header-3 |
|:-------- |:--------:| --------:|
| *1-1* | __1-2__ | ~~1-3~~ |
| 2-1:| 2-2 | 2-3 |

header-1 | header-2 | header-3
-------- |--------:|:--------
*1-1* | __1-2__ | ~~1-3~~
2-1: | 2-2 | 2-3";
            var expected = @"# Test table
| header-1 | header-2 | header-3 |
|:--- |:---:| ---:|
| *1-1* |**1-2** |~~1-3~~ |
| 2-1: |2-2 |2-3 |

| header-1 | header-2 | header-3 |
| --- | ---:|:--- |
| *1-1* |**1-2** |~~1-3~~ |
| 2-1: |2-2 |2-3 |

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureSingleSelector()
            var source   = @"> [AZURE.SELECTOR]
- [Universal Windows](../articles/notification-hubs-windows-store-dotnet-get-started/)
- [Windows Phone](../articles/notification-hubs-windows-phone-get-started/)
- [iOS](../articles/notification-hubs-ios-get-started/)
- [Android](../articles/notification-hubs-android-get-started/)
- [Kindle](../articles/notification-hubs-kindle-get-started/)
- [Baidu](../articles/notification-hubs-baidu-get-started/)
- [Xamarin.iOS](../articles/partner-xamarin-notification-hubs-ios-get-started/)
- [Xamarin.Android](../articles/partner-xamarin-notification-hubs-android-get-started/)";
            var expected = @"> [!div class=""op_single_selector""]
> * [Universal Windows](../articles/
> * [Windows Phone](../articles/
> * [iOS](../articles/
> * [Android](../articles/
> * [Kindle](../articles/
> * [Baidu](../articles/
> * [Xamarin.iOS](../articles/
> * [Xamarin.Android](../articles/

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AppendMissingMarkdownLinkExtension()
            var source   = @"#Test Markdownlink extension
this is a missing extension link [text](missing_extension) file ref
this is a normal link [text]( file ref
this is a missing extension link with bookmark [text](missing_extension#bookmark) file ref
this is a normal link with bookmark [text]( file ref
this is a missing extension link with / at the end [text](missing_extension/) file ref
this is a missing extension link with / and bookmark at the end [text](missing_extension/#bookmark) file ref
this is a normal link with / and extension at the end [text]( file ref
this is a normal link with /, extension and bookmark at the end [text]( file ref
this is http link [text]( ""Google"") ref
this is http escape link [text]('dd#bookmark ""Google's homepage"") ref
this is absolute link [text](c:/this/is/markdown ""Local File"") file ref";
            var expected = @"# Test Markdownlink extension
this is a missing extension link [text]( file ref
this is a normal link [text]( file ref
this is a missing extension link with bookmark [text]( file ref
this is a normal link with bookmark [text]( file ref
this is a missing extension link with / at the end [text]( file ref
this is a missing extension link with / and bookmark at the end [text]( file ref
this is a normal link with / and extension at the end [text]( file ref
this is a normal link with /, extension and bookmark at the end [text]( file ref
this is http link [text]( ""Google"") ref
this is http escape link [text]('dd#bookmark ""Google's homepage"") ref
this is absolute link [text](c:/this/is/markdown ""Local File"") file ref


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureIncludeWithAzureNote()
            // Prepare data
            var root = @"This is azure include [AZURE.INCLUDE [ref1 text](] inline.

This is azure include block.

[AZURE.INCLUDE [ref2 text](]";
            var ref1 = @"ref1 content";
            var ref2 = @"> [AZURE.NOTE]
This is azure note
This is azure warning";

            File.WriteAllText("", root);
            File.WriteAllText("", ref1);
            File.WriteAllText("", ref2);

            // Expected result
            var expected = @"This is azure include ref1 content inline.

This is azure include block.

> [!NOTE]
> This is azure note
> This is azure warning


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(root, "");

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureMultiSelectors()
            var source   = @"> [AZURE.SELECTOR-LIST (Platform | Backend )]
- [(iOS | .NET)](./
- [(iOS | JavaScript)](./
- [(Windows universal C# | .NET)](./
- [(Windows universal C# | Javascript)](./
- [(Windows Phone | .NET)](./
- [(Windows Phone | Javascript)](./
- [(Android | .NET)](./
- [(Android | Javascript)](./
- [(Xamarin iOS | Javascript)](./
- [(Xamarin Android | Javascript)](./";
            var expected = @"> [!div class=""op_multi_selector"" title1=""Platform"" title2=""Backend""]
> * [(iOS | .NET)](./
> * [(iOS | JavaScript)](./
> * [(Windows universal C# | .NET)](./
> * [(Windows universal C# | Javascript)](./
> * [(Windows Phone | .NET)](./
> * [(Windows Phone | Javascript)](./
> * [(Android | .NET)](./
> * [(Android | Javascript)](./
> * [(Xamarin iOS | Javascript)](./
> * [(Xamarin Android | Javascript)](./

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_MetadataTransform()
            var source   = @"---
foo: ""bar""
  - ""qux""
  - ""quxx""
corge: null
grault: 1
garply: true
waldo: ""false""
fred: ""undefined""
emptyArray: []
emptyObject: {}
emptyString: """"
            var expected = @"---
foo: ""bar""
  - ""qux""
  - ""quxx""
corge: null
grault: 1
garply: true
waldo: ""false""
fred: ""undefined""
emptyArray: []
emptyObject: {}
emptyString: """"
            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_NestedList()
            var source = @"* Option 1: **Unregister a Windows 8.1 domain joined device using PC Settings**
  1. On the Windows 8.1 device, navigate to **PC Settings** > **Network** > **Workplace**
  2. Select **Leave**.
This process must be repeated for each domain user that has signed into the machine and has been automatically workplace joined.

* Option 2: Unregister a Windows 8.1 domain joined device using a script
    1. Open a command prompt on the Windows 8.1 machine and execute the following command:
   ` %SystemRoot%\System32\AutoWorkplace.exe leave`
This command must be run in the context of each domain user that has signed into the machine.";

            var expected = @"* Option 1: **Unregister a Windows 8.1 domain joined device using PC Settings**
  1. On the Windows 8.1 device, navigate to **PC Settings** > **Network** > **Workplace**
  2. Select **Leave**.
     This process must be repeated for each domain user that has signed into the machine and has been automatically workplace joined.
* Option 2: Unregister a Windows 8.1 domain joined device using a script
  1. Open a command prompt on the Windows 8.1 machine and execute the following command:
     ` %SystemRoot%\System32\AutoWorkplace.exe leave`

This command must be run in the context of each domain user that has signed into the machine.


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureUniqueNameMarkdownRelativeLinkInsideDocsetWithOnlyBookmark()
            var azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping =
                new Dictionary <string, AzureFileInfo> {
                    new AzureFileInfo
                        FileName = "",
                        FilePath = @"c:\root\parent\folder1\subfolder1\",
                        NeedTransformToAzureExternalLink = false,
                        UriPrefix = ""
            var sourceFilePath = @"c:\root\parent\folder2\subfolder1\";
            var source         = @"[azure file link](#bookmark_test)";
            var expected       = @"[azure file link](#bookmark_test)


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source, sourceFilePath, azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_NormalBlockquoteNest()
            var source   = @"> Hello world
this is new line originally  
> > This is a second nested first line
> > This is a second nested seconde line
> > > This is a third nested first line
> > This is a second nested second line
This is no-nested line
            var expected = @"> Hello world
> this is new line originally  
> > This is a second nested first line
> > This is a second nested seconde line
> > 
> > > This is a third nested first line
> > > This is a second nested second line
> > > This is no-nested line
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureUniqueNameMarkdownRelativeLinkInDifferentDocsetWithBookmark()
            var azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping =
                new Dictionary <string, AzureFileInfo> {
                    new AzureFileInfo
                        FileName = "",
                        FilePath = @"c:\root\parent\folder1\subfolder1\",
                        NeedTransformToAzureExternalLink = false,
                        UriPrefix = ""
            var sourceFilePath = @"c:\root\parent\folder2\subfolder1\";
            var source         = @"[azure file link](";
            var expected       = @"[azure file link](


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source, sourceFilePath, azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
Exemple #17
        private int Rewrite()
            var exitCode = 0;

                var consoleLogListener = new ConsoleLogListener();

                var sourceDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(_srcDirectory);
                var fileInfos     = sourceDirInfo.GetFiles("*.md", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                Console.WriteLine("Start transform dir '{0}' to dest dir '{1}' at {2}", _srcDirectory, _destDirectory, DateTime.UtcNow);
                    new ParallelOptions()
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8
                    fileInfo =>
                    var relativePathToSourceFolder = fileInfo.FullName.Substring(_srcDirectory.Length + 1);
                        if (IsIgnoreFile(relativePathToSourceFolder))
                        var outputPath = Path.Combine(_destDirectory, relativePathToSourceFolder);
                        if (string.Equals(fileInfo.Extension, MarkdownExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Console.WriteLine("Convert article {0}", fileInfo.FullName);
                            var source = File.ReadAllText(fileInfo.FullName);
                            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source, fileInfo.FullName, _azureMarkdownFileInfoMapping, _azureVideoInfoMapping, _azureResourceFileInfoMapping);
                            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, result);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Copy file {0} to output path {1}", fileInfo.FullName, outputPath);
                            //File.Copy(fileInfo.FullName, outputPath, true);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        exitCode = 1;
                        Console.WriteLine($"Transform article: {relativePathToSourceFolder} failed. Exception: {e}");
                Console.WriteLine("End transform dir '{0}' to dest dir '{1}' at {2}", _srcDirectory, _destDirectory, DateTime.UtcNow);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_LinkRefWithBracket()
            var source   = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](\(VS.90\).aspx)";
            var expected = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](\(VS.90\).aspx)

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_LinkRefWithBackslash()
            var source   = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](\/archive/";
            var expected = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](\/archive/

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AutoLink()
            var source   = @" See [ Logging]( Logging)";
            var expected = @" See [ Logging]( Logging)

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_Simple()
            var source   = @"Hello world";
            var expected = @"Hello world

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
Exemple #22
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_LinkRefWithBracket()
            var source   = @"[User-Defined Date/Time Formats (Format Function)](\(VS.90\).aspx)";
            var expected = @" See [ Logging]( Logging)

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_NormalBlockquoteWith()
            var source   = @"> [Just a test for blockquote]";
            var expected = @"> [Just a test for blockquote]


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AbsoluteLinkWithQueryCondition()
            var source   = @"[Microsoft Azure Active Directory Samples and Documentation](";
            var expected = @"[Microsoft Azure Active Directory Samples and Documentation](


            var result = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureProperties()
            var source   = @"<properties
   pageTitle=""Azure Container Service Introduction | Microsoft Azure""
   description=""Azure Container Service (ACS) provides a way to simplify the creation, configuration, and management of a cluster of virtual machines that are preconfigured to run containerized applications.""
   authors=""rgardler; fenxu""
   tags=""acs, azure-container-service""
   keywords=""Docker, Containers, Micro-services, Mesos, Azure""/>


# Azure Container Service Introduction
            var expected = @"---
title: Azure Container Service Introduction | Microsoft Azure
description: Azure Container Service (ACS) provides a way to simplify the creation, configuration, and management of a cluster of virtual machines that are preconfigured to run containerized applications.
services: virtual-machines
author: rgardler
manager: nepeters
tags: acs, azure-container-service
keywords: Docker, Containers, Micro-services, Mesos, Azure

ms.service: virtual-machines
ms.devlang: na
ms.topic: home-page
ms.tgt_pltfrm: na
ms.workload: na 12/02/2015 rogardle

# Azure Container Service Introduction
            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source, "");

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_HtmlTagWithSimpleContent()
            var source   = @"# This is an H1
This is text inside html tag
            var expected = @"# This is an H1
This is text inside html tag
            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureNoteWithExtraWhiteSpacesNoLt()
            var source   = @"> [AZURE.NOTE]
      This information applies to the Azure AD B2C consumer identity service preview.  For information on Azure AD for employees and organizations, 
         please refer to the [Azure Active Directory Developer Guide](";
            var expected = @"> [!NOTE]
> This information applies to the Azure AD B2C consumer identity service preview.  For information on Azure AD for employees and organizations, 
> please refer to the [Azure Active Directory Developer Guide](

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_NormalBlockquote()
            var source   = @"> Hello world
this is new line originally  
> This is a new line";
            var expected = @"> Hello world
> this is new line originally  
> This is a new line

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_AzureNoteShouldParseFollowedText()
            var source   = @"> [AZURE.NOTE]
> This is a link [hello text]      (
> This is a style text _yes_";
            var expected = @"> [!NOTE]
> This is a link [hello text](
> This is a style text *yes*

            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);
        public void TestAzureMarkdownRewriters_HtmlTagWithAffectiveInlineTokenContent()
            var source   = @"# This is an H1
            var expected = @"# This is an H1
            var result   = AzureMarked.Markup(source);

            Assert.Equal(expected.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), result);