Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A* search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowReverse"></param>
        /// <param name="carsToIgnore"></param>
        /// <param name="consistLength"></param>
        protected async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Astar(bool allowReverse, HashSet <string> carsToIgnore, double consistLength, List <TrackTransition> bannedTransitions)
            await Await.BackgroundSyncContext();

            cameFrom  = new Dictionary <RailTrack, RailTrack>();
            costSoFar = new Dictionary <RailTrack, double>();

            //var queue = new PriorityQueue<RailTrack>();
            var queue = new GenericPriorityQueue <RailTrackNode, double>(10000);

            queue.Enqueue(new RailTrackNode(start), 0.0);

            cameFrom.Add(start, start);
            costSoFar.Add(start, 0.0);

            RailTrack current = null;

            while (queue.Count > 0)
                current = queue.Dequeue().track;

                RailTrack prev = null;
                cameFrom.TryGetValue(current, out prev);

                string debug = $"ID: {current.logicTrack.ID.FullID} Prev: {prev?.logicTrack.ID.FullID}";

                List <RailTrack> neighbors = new List <RailTrack>();

                if (current.outIsConnected)
                    neighbors.AddRange(current.GetAllOutBranches().Select(b => b.track));

                if (current.inIsConnected)
                    neighbors.AddRange(current.GetAllInBranches().Select(b => b.track));
                string branches = DumpNodes(neighbors, current);
                debug += "\n" + $"all branches: {branches}";

#if DEBUG2

                foreach (var neighbor in neighbors)
                    if (bannedTransitions != null && bannedTransitions.All(t => t.track == current && t.nextTrack == neighbor))
                        Terminal.Log($"{current.logicTrack.ID.FullID}->{neighbor.logicTrack.ID.FullID} banned");

                    //if non start/end track is not free omit it
                    if (neighbor != start && neighbor != goal && !neighbor.logicTrack.IsFree(carsToIgnore))
                        Terminal.Log($"{neighbor.logicTrack.ID.FullID} not free");

                    //if we could go through junction directly (without reversing)
                    bool isDirect = current.CanGoToDirectly(prev, neighbor);

                    if (!allowReverse && !isDirect)
                        Terminal.Log($"{neighbor.logicTrack.ID.FullID} reverse needed");

                    // compute exact cost
                    //double newCost = costSoFar[current] + neighbor.logicTrack.length;
                    double newCost = costSoFar[current] + neighbor.logicTrack.length / neighbor.GetAverageSpeed();

                    if (!isDirect)
                        // if we can't fit consist on this track to reverse, drop this neighbor
                        if (prev != null && !current.IsDirectLengthEnough(prev, consistLength))
                            Terminal.Log($"{neighbor.logicTrack.ID.FullID} not long enough to reverse");

                        //add penalty when we must reverse

                        //newCost += 2.0 * consistLength + 30.0;

                    // If there's no cost assigned to the neighbor yet, or if the new
                    // cost is lower than the assigned one, add newCost for this neighbor
                    if (!costSoFar.ContainsKey(neighbor) || newCost < costSoFar[neighbor])
                        // If we're replacing the previous cost, remove it
                        if (costSoFar.ContainsKey(neighbor))

                        //Terminal.Log($"neighbor {neighbor.logicTrack.ID.FullID} update {newCost}");

                        costSoFar.Add(neighbor, newCost);
                        cameFrom.Add(neighbor, current);
                        double priority = newCost + Heuristic(neighbor, goal)
                                          / 20.0f; //convert distance to time (t = s / v)
                        queue.Enqueue(new RailTrackNode(neighbor), priority);

            await Await.UnitySyncContext();