void Stop() { m.ShowGui(1); m.EnableCameraControl(true); if (playingTime != -1) { m.SetFreemove(previousFreemove); m.SetLocalPosition(previousPositionX, previousPositionY, previousPositionZ); m.SetLocalOrientation(previousOrientationX, previousOrientationY, previousOrientationZ); } playingTime = -1; if (avi != null) { avi.Close(); avi = null; } }
public override bool OnClientCommand(Game game, ClientCommandArgs args) { if (args.command == "cam") { IntRef argumentsLength = new IntRef(); string[] arguments = p.StringSplit(args.arguments, " ", argumentsLength); if (p.StringTrim(args.arguments) == "") { m.DisplayNotification("&6AutoCamera help."); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam p&f - add a point to path"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam start [real seconds]&f - play the path"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam rec [real seconds] [video seconds]&f - play and record to .avi file"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam stop&f - stop playing and recording"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam clear&f - remove all points from path"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam save&f - copy path points to clipboard"); m.DisplayNotification("&6.cam load [points]&f - load path points"); return true; } if (arguments[0] == "p") { m.DisplayNotification("Point defined."); CameraPoint point = new CameraPoint(); point.positionGlX = m.GetLocalPositionX(); point.positionGlY = m.GetLocalPositionY(); point.positionGlZ = m.GetLocalPositionZ(); point.orientationGlX = m.GetLocalOrientationX(); point.orientationGlY = m.GetLocalOrientationY(); point.orientationGlZ = m.GetLocalOrientationZ(); cameraPoints[cameraPointsCount++] = point; } if (arguments[0] == "start" || arguments[0] == "play" || arguments[0] == "rec") { if (!m.IsFreemoveAllowed()) { m.DisplayNotification("Free move not allowed."); return true; } if (cameraPointsCount == 0) { m.DisplayNotification("No points defined. Enter points with \".cam p\" command."); return true; } playingSpeed = 1; float totalRecTime = -1; if (arguments[0] == "rec") { if (argumentsLength.value >= 3) { // video time totalRecTime = p.FloatParse(arguments[2]); } avi = m.AviWriterCreate(); avi.Open(p.StringFormat("{0}.avi", p.Timestamp()), framerate, m.GetWindowWidth(), m.GetWindowHeight()); } if (argumentsLength.value >= 2) { // play time float totalTime = p.FloatParse(arguments[1]); playingSpeed = TotalDistance() / totalTime; if (totalRecTime == -1) { recspeed = 10; } else { recspeed = totalTime / totalRecTime; } } playingTime = 0; firstFrameDone = false; previousPositionX = m.GetLocalPositionX(); previousPositionY = m.GetLocalPositionY(); previousPositionZ = m.GetLocalPositionZ(); previousOrientationX = m.GetLocalOrientationX(); previousOrientationY = m.GetLocalOrientationY(); previousOrientationZ = m.GetLocalOrientationZ(); m.ShowGui(0); previousFreemove = m.GetFreemove(); m.SetFreemove(FreemoveLevelEnum.Noclip); m.EnableCameraControl(false); } if (arguments[0] == "stop") { m.DisplayNotification("Camera stopped."); Stop(); } if (arguments[0] == "clear") { m.DisplayNotification("Camera points cleared."); cameraPointsCount = 0; Stop(); } if (arguments[0] == "save") { string s = "1,"; for (int i = 0; i < cameraPointsCount; i++) { CameraPoint point = cameraPoints[i]; s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1},", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.positionGlX * 100))); s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1},", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.positionGlY * 100))); s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1},", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.positionGlZ * 100))); s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1},", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.orientationGlX * 1000))); s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1},", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.orientationGlY * 1000))); s = p.StringFormat2("{0}{1}", s, p.IntToString(p.FloatToInt(point.orientationGlZ * 1000))); if (i != cameraPointsCount - 1) { s = p.StringFormat("{0},", s); } } p.ClipboardSetText(s); m.DisplayNotification("Camera points copied to clipboard."); } if (arguments[0] == "load") { IntRef pointsLength = new IntRef(); string[] points = p.StringSplit(arguments[1], ",", pointsLength); int n = (pointsLength.value - 1) / 6; cameraPointsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { CameraPoint point = new CameraPoint(); point.positionGlX = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 0]) / 100; point.positionGlY = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 1]) / 100; point.positionGlZ = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 2]) / 100; point.orientationGlX = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 3]) / 1000; point.orientationGlY = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 4]) / 1000; point.orientationGlZ = one * p.IntParse(points[1 + i * 6 + 5]) / 1000; cameraPoints[cameraPointsCount++] = point; } m.DisplayNotification(p.StringFormat("Camera points loaded: {0}", p.IntToString(n))); } return true; } return false; }