Exemple #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Task));
            string        path       = "";
            XmlTextReader reader     = new XmlTextReader(path);
            var           task       = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as Task;

            if (task != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < task.Groups.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < task.Groups[i].Sessions.Length; j++)
                        AverageViewModel model = new AverageViewModel();
                        model.GroupName   = task.Groups[i].Name;
                        model.CurrentDate = task.Groups[i].Sessions[j].SessionDate;
                        double sum = 0;
                        int    count;
                        for (count = 0; count < task.Groups[i].Sessions[j].Animals.Length; count++)
                            for (int z = 0; z < task.Groups[i].Sessions[j].Animals[count].Data.Length; z++)
                                sum += task.Groups[i].Sessions[j].Animals[count].Data[z].Value;
                        model.Average = sum / count;
                        model.Id      = Guid.NewGuid();
Exemple #2
        private async void calculateAverageButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startNumberText.Text))
                errorMessageStartLabel.Text = "El Inicio es requerido.";

            if (startNumberText.Text == "0")
                errorMessageStartLabel.Text = "El Inicio debe ser mayor a 0.";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endNumberText.Text))
                errorMessageEndLabel.Text = "El Fin es requerido.";

            if (endNumberText.Text == "0")
                errorMessageEndLabel.Text = "El Fin debe ser mayor a 0.";

            errorMessageStartLabel.Text = string.Empty;
            errorMessageEndLabel.Text   = string.Empty;

            var entidad = new AverageViewModel
                End   = Convert.ToInt32(endNumberText.Text),
                Start = Convert.ToInt32(startNumberText.Text),

            calculateAverageButton.Enabled = false;
            resultAverageLabel.Text        = "Procesando datos...";

            var result = await averageService.Request(entidad);

            calculateAverageButton.Enabled = true;
            resultAverageLabel.Text        = $"El resultado es: {result}";
 public AveragePage(string userId)
     Model          = new AverageViewModel(userId);
     BindingContext = Model;
        /*Function to create AverageViewModels: each criteria with a specific average asking price calculated
         * Calculate average for each district and property type
         * Each will be a AverageViewModel e.g. [Condominium, 1503.15]
         * Then display all AverageViewModels in a page with a table
        private AverageViewModel getAveragePrices()
            //TODO Logic
            //Declare empty list
            Stopwatch              myStopWatch      = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            List <Average>         typeCriteria     = new List <Average>();
            List <Average>         districtCriteria = new List <Average>();
            IEnumerable <Property> propertiesByCriteria; //To later load list of properties for each different criteria

            //Get list of all properties first
            IEnumerable <Property> fullList = propertyMapper.SelectAll();
            //Get all property types
            IEnumerable <string> allPropertyTypes = propertyMapper.GetAllPropertyTypes();
            //Get all district names
            IEnumerable <string> allDistricts = propertyMapper.GetAllDistrictName();

            //filter the full list by each property type, and then find its average and add as new AverageViewModel
            foreach (string type in allPropertyTypes)
                propertiesByCriteria = fullList.Where(p => p.PropertyType.Equals(type));
                //If there are properties for this criteria
                if (propertiesByCriteria.Any())
                    double totalSum = 0;
                    int    count    = 0;
                    //Nested For-loop to get total sum of all properties for this criteria
                    foreach (Property ppt in propertiesByCriteria)
                        totalSum = totalSum + ppt.AskingPrice;
                    //Add the criteria and its average as a new AverageViewModel
                    Average avg = new Average();
                    avg.criteriaAverage = totalSum / count;
                    avg.criteriaName    = type;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(avm.criteriaAverage + " - " + avm.criteriaName);
            //foreach district, find its average and add as new AverageViewModel
            foreach (string district in allDistricts)
                propertiesByCriteria = fullList.Where(p => p.DistrictID.Equals(propertyMapper.GetDistrictIdByDistrictName(district).First()));
                if (propertiesByCriteria.Any())
                    double totalSum = 0;
                    int    count    = 0;
                    //Nested For-loop to get total sum of all properties for this criteria
                    foreach (Property ppt in propertiesByCriteria)
                        totalSum = totalSum + ppt.AskingPrice;
                    //Add the criteria and its average as a new AverageViewModel
                    Average avg = new Average();
                    avg.criteriaAverage = totalSum / count;
                    avg.criteriaName    = district;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(avm.criteriaAverage + " - " + avm.criteriaName);
            if (districtCriteria.Any() && typeCriteria.Any())
                //Put the two loaded lists from above into a AverageViewModel for display
                AverageViewModel avm = new AverageViewModel();
                avm.districtAverages      = districtCriteria;
                avm.propertyTypesAverages = typeCriteria;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Time taken (ms) : " + myStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);