Exemple #1
    //Convert the model to use just one mesh, one material. This will alter the original imported FBX, so make sure you have a backup
    void ConvertModel(GameObject sourceModel)
        //GameObject clone = (GameObject)Object.Instantiate(sourceModel);
        //clone.name = sourceModel.name;

        AvatarTextureCreatorData avData = sourceModel.GetComponentInChildren <AvatarTextureCreatorData>();

        if (avData == null)
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Missing AvatarTextureCreatorData from {0}, can't continue...", sourceModel.name));

        //Vector3 pos = sourceModel.transform.position;
        //pos.x += 5f;

        //clone.transform.position = pos;

        #region Unused at this time
        ////////////////////////////////////SkinnedMeshRenderer origSkinnedMesh = sourceModel.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
        ////////////////////////////////////SkinnedMeshRenderer newSkinnedMesh = clone.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();


        ////////////////////////////////////if(origSkinnedMesh == null)
        ////////////////////////////////////    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Missing SkinnedMeshRenderer on original {0}, can't continue...", sourceModel.name));
        ////////////////////////////////////    return;

        ////////////////////////////////////if(newSkinnedMesh == null)
        ////////////////////////////////////    Debug.LogError(string.Format("Missing SkinnedMeshRenderer on clone {0}, can't continue...", clone.name));
        ////////////////////////////////////    return;

        ////////////////////////////////////Debug.Log(string.Format("Orig: {0} Triangle Count: {1} UV Count: {2} Vert Count: {3} Sub Mesh Count: {4} Bone Weight Count: {5} Bind Pose Count: {6} ", sourceModel.name, origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.triangles.Length,
        ////////////////////////////////////    origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv.Length, origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.vertexCount, origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount, origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.boneWeights.Length,
        ////////////////////////////////////    origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.bindposes.Length));

        ////////////////////////////////////Vector2[] backup = (Vector2[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv.Clone();

        //////////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv.Length; i++)
        //////////////////////////////////////    Debug.Log("orig # " + i + " uv " + origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv[i]);

        ////////////////////////////////////Mesh newMesh = newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh;
        ////////////////////////////////////Vector3[] newMeshVerts = new Vector3[origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.vertexCount];
        ////////////////////////////////////Vector2[] newMeshUVs = new Vector2[newMeshVerts.Length];
        ////////////////////////////////////int[] newMeshTriangles = (int[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.triangles.Clone();
        ////////////////////////////////////Matrix4x4[] newBindPoses = (Matrix4x4[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.bindposes.Clone();
        ////////////////////////////////////BoneWeight[] newBoneWeights = (BoneWeight[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.boneWeights.Clone();
        ////////////////////////////////////Color[] newColors = new Color[newMeshVerts.Length];
        ////////////////////////////////////Vector3[] newNormals = (Vector3[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.normals.Clone();


        //////////////////////////////////////Test to print out submesh and verts
        //////////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount; i++)
        //////////////////////////////////////    int[] triangleList = origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.GetTriangles(i);

        //////////////////////////////////////    Debug.Log(string.Format("======== MESH {0} ========", i));

        //////////////////////////////////////    for (int j = 0; j < triangleList.Length; j++)
        //////////////////////////////////////    {
        //////////////////////////////////////        Debug.Log(string.Format("#{0} vert: {1}", j, triangleList[j]));
        //////////////////////////////////////    }

        //////////////////////////////////////First clone orig mesh
        ////////////////////////////////////newMeshVerts = (Vector3[])origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.vertices.Clone();

        ////////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < newColors.Length; i++)
        ////////////////////////////////////    newColors[i] = Color.white;


        //////////////////////////////////////Now update UVs
        ////////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount; i++)
        ////////////////////////////////////    int[] triangleList = origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.GetTriangles(i);

        ////////////////////////////////////    for (int j = 0; j < triangleList.Length; j++)
        ////////////////////////////////////    {
        ////////////////////////////////////        newMeshUVs[triangleList[j]] = ConvertUVToTextureAtlasUV(origSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv[triangleList[j]], avData.SourceMaterialOrder[i], avData, triangleList[j]);
        ////////////////////////////////////    }


        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.bindposes = newBindPoses;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.name = "CombinedMesh";
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.subMeshCount = 0;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.vertices = newMeshVerts;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.boneWeights = newBoneWeights;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.uv = newMeshUVs;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.uv1 = newMeshUVs;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.uv2 = newMeshUVs;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.colors = newColors;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.triangles = newMeshTriangles;
        ////////////////////////////////////newMesh.normals = newNormals;
        //////////////////////////////////////newMesh.SetTriangles(newMeshTriangles, 0);


        ////////////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.sharedMaterial = null;
        ////////////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.sharedMaterials = new Material[1];
        ////////////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh = newMesh;
        //////////////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount = 1;
        //////////////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.SetTriangles(newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.triangles, 1);

        //Now generate the singular default texture, and then material
        Texture  combinedTex = GenerateCombinedTexture(sourceModel, g_combinedTextureDir);
        Material combinedMat = GenerateCombinedMaterial(sourceModel, g_combinedMaterialDir, combinedTex);

        #region Unused at this time
        //////////////////////////////newSkinnedMesh.material = combinedMat;

        //////////////////////////////MakePrefab(clone, g_prefabDir);


        ////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < copiedMesh.vertexCount; i++)
        ////////////////////////////////    Debug.Log(string.Format("# {0} uv: {1} submeshcount: {2} materials: {3}", i, copiedMesh.uv[i], copiedMesh.subMeshCount, skinnedMesh.sharedMaterials.Length));

        //////////////////////////////Debug.Log(string.Format("Clone: {0} Triangle Count: {1} UV Count: {2} Vert Count: {3} Sub Mesh Count: {4} Bone Weight count: {5} Bind Pose Count: {6}", clone.name, newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.triangles.Length,
        //////////////////////////////    newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv.Length, newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.vertexCount, newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount, newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.boneWeights.Length,
        //////////////////////////////    newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.bindposes.Length));

        ////////////////////////////////for (int i = 0; i < newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv.Length; i++)
        ////////////////////////////////    Debug.Log("# " + i + " new uv " + newSkinnedMesh.sharedMesh.uv[i] + " orig " + backup[i]);

        //////////////////////////////newMeshVerts = null;
        //////////////////////////////newMeshUVs = null;
        //////////////////////////////newMeshTriangles = null;
        //////////////////////////////newBindPoses = null;
        //////////////////////////////newBoneWeights = null;
        //////////////////////////////newColors = null;
        //////////////////////////////newNormals = null;
Exemple #2
    void AttemptMatchTextureToSlot(GameObject m_modelPrefab, Object texturesDirObj, bool overWriteRects)
        //First find the AvatarTextureCreatorData
        AvatarTextureCreatorData avatarData = m_modelPrefab.GetComponentInChildren <AvatarTextureCreatorData>();

        //If we can't find the component
        if (avatarData == null)
            //Look for the avatar component
            EQBrowser.Avatar avatar = m_modelPrefab.GetComponentInChildren <EQBrowser.Avatar>();

            //If avatar isn't null, then use it's gameobject to add it, otherwise eject with an error
            if (avatar != null)
                avatarData = avatar.gameObject.AddComponent <EQBrowser.AvatarTextureCreatorData>();
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Can't find an AvatarTextureCreatorData OR Avatar, not finishing on {0}", m_modelPrefab.name));

        string texAssetFolderPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texturesDirObj);

        string dataPath      = Application.dataPath;
        string texFolderPath = dataPath.Substring(0, dataPath.Length - 6) + texAssetFolderPath;

        //Create the source textures slots
        avatarData.SourceTextures = new Texture2D[14];
        if (avatarData.SourceTextureRects.Length != avatarData.SourceTextures.Length)
            avatarData.SourceTextureRects = new Rect[avatarData.SourceTextures.Length];

        //string[] allMatFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(matFolderPath, "*.mat", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        //Get all the different texture file types to make this more future proof
        string[][] allTexFilePathsROUGH = new string[4][];
        allTexFilePathsROUGH[0] = Directory.GetFiles(texFolderPath, "*.bmp", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        allTexFilePathsROUGH[1] = Directory.GetFiles(texFolderPath, "*.tga", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        allTexFilePathsROUGH[2] = Directory.GetFiles(texFolderPath, "*.psd", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
        allTexFilePathsROUGH[3] = Directory.GetFiles(texFolderPath, "*.png", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

        //Combine them all into one nice list for easier processing
        string[] allTexFilePaths = new string[allTexFilePathsROUGH[0].Length + allTexFilePathsROUGH[1].Length + allTexFilePathsROUGH[2].Length + allTexFilePathsROUGH[3].Length];

        int index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < allTexFilePathsROUGH.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < allTexFilePathsROUGH[i].Length; j++)
                allTexFilePaths[index] = allTexFilePathsROUGH[i][j];

        if (allTexFilePaths.Length < 1)
            Debug.LogError(string.Format("Can't find any textures! Aborting on model: {0}", m_modelPrefab.name));

        //Now go through and look for matches
        int  count     = 0;
        bool foundItem = true;

        System.Collections.Generic.List <string> missingItems = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();
        string searchName = "";
        int    texCount   = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < avatarData.SourceTextures.Length; i++)
            if (foundItem == false)

            //Hopefully get the correct file name
            searchName = ConvertTextureIndexToSearchString(i, allTexFilePaths[0]);

            //Now search through all the textures for that file to assign it to the slot
            for (texCount = 0; texCount < allTexFilePaths.Length; texCount++)
                //We're going to set up the default rects for the uvs here too
                if (avatarData.SourceTextureRects[i] != null && overWriteRects)
                    avatarData.SourceTextureRects[i] = new Rect(0, 0, 1f, 1f);

                string texName = allTexFilePaths[texCount].Substring(dataPath.Length - 6);
                if (searchName.ToLower() == Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(texName).ToLower())
                    //We should have the correct texture, so assign it
                    avatarData.SourceTextures[i] = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(texName);
                    foundItem = true;

            if (texCount >= allTexFilePaths.Length)
                foundItem = false;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Finished with model: {0} and found {1} textures. Missing the following:", m_modelPrefab.name, count));
        for (int i = 0; i < missingItems.Count; i++)
Exemple #3
    //Convert the original uv for multiple submeshes and materials into one uv set using the single texture atlas
    Vector2 ConvertUVToTextureAtlasUV(Vector2 origUV, AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot materialSlot, AvatarTextureCreatorData avData, int index)
        Vector2 newUV = origUV;

        //Since some of the UVs are outside 0-1 range, we're going to trim them to make it easier to convert
        int   integer   = (int)(origUV.x - 0.001f);
        float remainder = origUV.x - integer;

        newUV.x = remainder;

        if (materialSlot == AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Chest01)
            Debug.Log("index " + index + " x orig UV " + origUV + " int " + integer + " remainder " + remainder);

        integer   = 1;//(int)(origUV.y - 0.001f);
        remainder = origUV.y - integer;
        newUV.y   = remainder;

        if (materialSlot == AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Chest01)
            Debug.Log("index " + index + " y orig UV " + origUV + " int " + integer + " remainder " + remainder);
            Debug.Log("NEW UV " + newUV);

        //Now we want to convert that to the pixel position (warning, we might lose some accuracy here)
        int pixelX = Mathf.RoundToInt(newUV.x * avData.SourceTextures[(int)materialSlot].width);
        int pixelY = Mathf.RoundToInt(newUV.y * avData.SourceTextures[(int)materialSlot].height);

        //Now we can offset the pixelX & Y by the new bottom left position in the larger atlas
        //These are hardcoded based on the template texture atlas
        //TODO make this completely hardcoded free (perhaps figure out original texture size and new texture atlas size?)
        switch (materialSlot)
        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Chest01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(0 / 256f, 128f / 256f);
            Debug.Log("chest 01 index " + index + " " + pixelX + " , " + pixelY + " source width " + avData.SourceTextures[(int)materialSlot].width
                      + " source height " + avData.SourceTextures[(int)materialSlot].height);
            pixelX += 0;
            pixelY += 128;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Chest02:
            //newUV += new Vector2(64f / 256f, 240f / 256f);
            pixelX += 64;
            pixelY += 240;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.ForeArm01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(64f / 256f, 176f / 256f);
            pixelX += 64;
            pixelY += 176;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Foot01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(192f / 256f, 160f / 256f);
            pixelX += 192;
            pixelY += 160;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Foot02:
            //newUV += new Vector2(0f / 256f, 64f / 256f);
            pixelX += 0;
            pixelY += 64;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Head01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(0f / 256f, 0f / 256f);
            pixelX += 0;
            pixelY += 0;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Head02:
            //newUV += new Vector2(192f / 256f, 64f / 256f);
            pixelX += 192;
            pixelY += 64;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Head03:
            //newUV += new Vector2(128f / 256f, 0f / 256f);
            pixelX += 128;
            pixelY += 0;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Hand01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(64f / 256f, 144f / 256f);
            pixelX += 64;
            pixelY += 144;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Hand02:
            //newUV += new Vector2(64f / 256f, 112f / 256f);
            pixelX += 64;
            pixelY += 112;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Leg01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(128f / 256f, 192f / 256f);
            pixelX += 128;
            pixelY += 192;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Leg02:
            //newUV += new Vector2(128f / 256f, 128f / 256f);
            pixelX += 128;
            pixelY += 128;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.Leg03:
            //newUV += new Vector2(128f / 256f, 96f / 256f);
            pixelX += 128;
            pixelY += 96;

        case AvatarTextureCreatorData.TextureSlot.UpperArm01:
            //newUV += new Vector2(196f / 256f, 192f / 256f);
            pixelX += 196;
            pixelY += 192;

        //Remember: bottom left corner as 0,0, top right is 1,1
        //Now we can convert back to relative UV float
        newUV.x = (float)pixelX / 256f;
        newUV.y = (float)pixelY / 256f;
