public List <Hotel> Search(BedBankSearchDto searchCriteria) { HotelApiClient client = new HotelApiClient(); StatusRS status = client.status(); List <Hotel> hotels = new List <Hotel>(); if (status != null && status.error == null) { //List<Tuple<string, string>> param; Availability avail = new Availability(); avail.checkIn = searchCriteria.StartDate; avail.checkOut = searchCriteria.EndDate; if (searchCriteria.Address != null && searchCriteria.Address != string.Empty) { avail.destination = searchCriteria.Address; } = 90; avail.language = "CAS"; avail.shiftDays = 2; AvailRoom room = new AvailRoom(); room.adults = Convert.ToInt32(searchCriteria.TotalGuest); room.children = 0; room.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); room.adultOf(30); room.adultOf(30); avail.rooms.Add(room); room = new AvailRoom(); room.adults = 2; room.children = 0; room.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); room.adultOf(30); room.adultOf(30); avail.rooms.Add(room); //AT_WEB = 0, //AT_HOTEL = 1, //INDIFFERENT = 2 avail.payed = Availability.Pay.AT_WEB; AvailabilityRQ availabilityRQ = avail.toAvailabilityRQ(); if (availabilityRQ != null) { AvailabilityRS responseAvail = client.doAvailability(availabilityRQ); if (responseAvail != null && != null && != null && > 0) { int hotelsAvailable =; hotels =; //var abc = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseAvail, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore }); } } } return(hotels); }
public AvailabilityRS GetHotelDetails(AvailabilityRQ request) { //Logger.Instance.LogFunctionEntry(this.GetType().Name, "GetHotelDetails"); AvailabilityRS responseHotelDetail = new AvailabilityRS(); List <Hotel> hotels = new List <Hotel>(); HotelApiClient client = new HotelApiClient(); StatusRS status = client.status(); AvailabilityRS responseAvail = null; try { if (status != null && status.error == null) { Availability avail = new Availability(); avail.checkIn = Convert.ToDateTime(request.stay.checkIn); avail.checkOut = Convert.ToDateTime(request.stay.checkOut); avail.includeHotels = new List <int>(); foreach (var item in { avail.includeHotels.Add(item); } AvailRoom room = new AvailRoom(); foreach (var occupant in request.occupancies) { room.adults = Convert.ToInt32(occupant.adults); room.numberOfRooms = Convert.ToInt32(occupant.rooms); } room.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < room.adults; i++) { room.adultOf(30); } avail.rooms.Add(room); AvailabilityRQ availabilityRQ = avail.toAvailabilityRQ(); if (availabilityRQ == null) { throw new Exception("Availability RQ can't be null", new ArgumentNullException()); } responseAvail = client.doAvailability(availabilityRQ); return(responseAvail); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } //Logger.Instance.LogFunctionExit(this.GetType().Name, "GetHotelDetails"); return(responseHotelDetail); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { HotelApiClient client = new HotelApiClient(); StatusRS status = client.status(); if (status != null && status.error == null) { Console.WriteLine("StatusRS: " + status.status); } else if (status != null && status.error != null) { Console.WriteLine("StatusRS: " + status.status + " " + status.error.code + ": " + status.error.message); return; } else if (status == null) { Console.WriteLine("StatusRS: Is not available."); return; } List <Tuple <string, string> > param; Availability avail = new Availability(); avail.checkIn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); avail.checkOut = DateTime.Now.AddDays(13); avail.destination = "PMI"; = 90; avail.language = "CAS"; avail.shiftDays = 2; AvailRoom room = new AvailRoom(); room.adults = 1; room.children = 1; room.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); room.adultOf(30); room.childOf(4); room.numberOfRooms = 1; avail.rooms.Add(room); room = new AvailRoom(); room.adults = 2; room.children = 0; room.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); room.adultOf(30); room.adultOf(30); room.numberOfRooms = 2; avail.rooms.Add(room); avail.payed = Availability.Pay.AT_WEB; //avail.ofTypes = new HashSet<>(); //avail.ofTypes.Add(; //avail.ofTypes.Add(; //avail.minCategory = 4; //avail.limitHotelsTo = 10; //avail.numberOfTripAdvisorReviewsHigherThan = 2; //avail.tripAdvisorScoreHigherThan = 2 //avail.matchingKeywords = new HashSet<int>(); //avail.matchingKeywords.Add(34); //avail.matchingKeywords.Add(81); //avail.keywordsMatcher = Availability.Matcher.ALL; //avail.includeHotels = new List<int>(); //avail.includeHotels.Add(111637); //avail.includeHotels.Add(2818); //avail.includeHotels.Add(138465); //avail.includeHotels.Add(164471); //avail.excludeHotels = new List<int>(); //avail.excludeHotels.Add(187013); //avail.excludeHotels.Add(188330); //avail.useGiataCodes = false; //avail.limitHotelsTo = 250; //avail.limitRoomsPerHotelTo = 5; //avail.limitRatesPerRoomTo = 5; //avail.ratesHigherThan = 50; //avail.ratesLowerThan = 350; //avail.hbScoreHigherThan = 3; //avail.hbScoreLowerThan = 5; //avail.numberOfHBReviewsHigherThan = 50; //avail.tripAdvisorScoreHigherThan = 1; //avail.tripAdvisorScoreLowerThan = 4; //avail.numberOfHBReviewsHigherThan = 50; //avail.withinThis = new Availability.Circle() { latitude = 2.646633999999949, longitude = 39.57119, radiusInKilometers = 50 }; //avail.withinThis = new Availability.Square() { northEastLatitude = 45.37680856570233, northEastLongitude = -2.021484375, southWestLatitude = 38.548165423046584, southWestLongitude = 8.658203125 }; //avail.includeBoards = new List<string>(); //avail.includeBoards.Add("R0-E10"); //avail.includeBoards.Add("BB-E10"); //avail.excludeBoards = new List<string>(); //avail.excludeBoards.Add("RO"); //avail.includeRoomCodes = new List<string>(); //avail.includeRoomCodes.Add("DBL.ST"); //avail.includeRoomCodes.Add("DBL.SU"); ////avail.includeRoomCodes.AddRange(new string[]{ "DBL.ST", "DBL.SU" }); //avail.excludeRoomCodes = new List<string>(); //avail.excludeRoomCodes.Add("TPL.ST"); AvailabilityRQ availabilityRQ = avail.toAvailabilityRQ(); if (availabilityRQ == null) { throw new Exception("Availability RQ can't be null", new ArgumentNullException()); } Console.WriteLine("Availability Request:"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(availabilityRQ, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); AvailabilityRS responseAvail = client.doAvailability(availabilityRQ); if (responseAvail != null && != null && != null && > 0) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Availability answered with {0} hotels!",; Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseAvail, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); // *********************************** // Try to check reservation with rate // *********************************** Hotel firstHotel =; string rateKey = string.Empty; for (int r = 0; r < firstHotel.rooms.Count && String.IsNullOrEmpty(rateKey); r++) { for (int rk = 0; firstHotel.rooms[r].rates != null && rk < firstHotel.rooms[r].rates.Count && String.IsNullOrEmpty(rateKey); rk++) { rateKey = firstHotel.rooms[r].rates[rk].rateKey; } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rateKey)) { Console.WriteLine("No hotel available"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Checking reservation with rate " + rateKey); ConfirmRoom confirmRoom = new ConfirmRoom(); confirmRoom.details = new List <RoomDetail>(); confirmRoom.detailed(RoomDetail.GuestType.ADULT, 30, "NombrePasajero1", "ApellidoPasajero1", 1); confirmRoom.detailed(RoomDetail.GuestType.ADULT, 30, "NombrePasajero2", "ApellidoPasajero2", 1); BookingCheck bookingCheck = new BookingCheck(); bookingCheck.addRoom(rateKey, confirmRoom); CheckRateRQ checkRateRQ = bookingCheck.toCheckRateRQ(); if (checkRateRQ != null) { CheckRateRS responseRate = client.doCheck(checkRateRQ); if (responseRate != null && responseRate.error == null) { Console.WriteLine("CheckRate Response:"); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseRate, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); com.hotelbeds.distribution.hotel_api_sdk.helpers.Booking booking = new com.hotelbeds.distribution.hotel_api_sdk.helpers.Booking(); booking.createHolder("Rosetta", "Pruebas"); booking.clientReference = "SDK Test"; booking.remark = "***SDK***TESTING"; //NOTE: ONLY LIBERATE (PAY AT HOTEL MODEL) USES PAYMENT DATA NODES. FOR OTHER PRICING MODELS THESE NODES MUST NOT BE USED. booking.cardType = "VI"; booking.cardNumber = "4444333322221111"; booking.expiryDate = "0620"; booking.cardCVC = "0620"; = "*****@*****.**"; booking.phoneNumber = "654654654"; booking.cardHolderName = "AUTHORISED"; booking.addRoom(rateKey, confirmRoom); BookingRQ bookingRQ = booking.toBookingRQ(); if (bookingRQ != null) { BookingRS responseBooking = client.confirm(bookingRQ); Console.WriteLine("Booking Response:"); if (responseBooking != null) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responseBooking, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); } else { Console.WriteLine("ResponseBooking Object Response is null"); } if (responseBooking != null && responseBooking.error == null && != null) { Console.WriteLine("Confirmation succedded. Canceling reservation with id " +; param = new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("${bookingId}",, //new Tuple<string, string>("${bookingId}", "1-3087550"), new Tuple <string, string>("${flag}", "C") }; BookingCancellationRS bookingCancellationRS = client.Cancel(param); if (bookingCancellationRS != null) { Console.WriteLine("Id cancelled: " +; Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bookingCancellationRS, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Getting detail after cancelation of id " +; param = new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("${bookingId}", }; BookingDetailRS bookingDetailRS = client.Detail(param); if (bookingDetailRS != null) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bookingDetailRS, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); } } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No hotel available"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No availability!"); } Console.WriteLine("Requesting booking list..."); param = new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("${start}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), new Tuple <string, string>("${end}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")), new Tuple <string, string>("${includeCancelled}", "true"), new Tuple <string, string>("${filterType}", "CREATION"), new Tuple <string, string>("${from}", "1"), new Tuple <string, string>("${to}", "25"), }; BookingListRS bookingListRS = client.List(param); if (bookingListRS != null) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bookingListRS, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); foreach ( booking in bookingListRS.bookings.bookings) { param = new List <Tuple <string, string> > { new Tuple <string, string>("${bookingId}", booking.reference) }; BookingDetailRS bookingDetailRS = client.Detail(param); if (bookingDetailRS != null) { Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bookingDetailRS, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings() { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore })); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace); } Console.ReadLine(); }