Exemple #1
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        protected override void ServiceInit(Configuration conf)
            FsPermission storeDirPerms   = new FsPermission((short)0x1c0);
            Path         stateStoreRoot  = null;
            FileSystem   stateStoreFs    = null;
            bool         recoveryEnabled = conf.GetBoolean(YarnConfiguration.NmRecoveryEnabled, YarnConfiguration

            if (recoveryEnabled)
                stateStoreRoot = new Path(conf.Get(YarnConfiguration.NmRecoveryDir), StateStoreRootName
                stateStoreFs = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
            ICollection <string> auxNames = conf.GetStringCollection(YarnConfiguration.NmAuxServices

            foreach (string sName in auxNames)
                    Preconditions.CheckArgument(ValidateAuxServiceName(sName), "The ServiceName: " +
                                                sName + " set in " + YarnConfiguration.NmAuxServices + " is invalid." + "The valid service name should only contain a-zA-Z0-9_ "
                                                + "and can not start with numbers");
                    Type sClass = conf.GetClass <AuxiliaryService>(string.Format(YarnConfiguration.NmAuxServiceFmt
                                                                                 , sName), null);
                    if (null == sClass)
                        throw new RuntimeException("No class defined for " + sName);
                    AuxiliaryService s = ReflectionUtils.NewInstance(sClass, conf);
                    // TODO better use s.getName()?
                    if (!sName.Equals(s.GetName()))
                        Log.Warn("The Auxilurary Service named '" + sName + "' in the " + "configuration is for "
                                 + sClass + " which has " + "a name of '" + s.GetName() + "'. Because these are "
                                 + "not the same tools trying to send ServiceData and read " + "Service Meta Data may have issues unless the refer to "
                                 + "the name in the config.");
                    AddService(sName, s);
                    if (recoveryEnabled)
                        Path storePath = new Path(stateStoreRoot, sName);
                        stateStoreFs.Mkdirs(storePath, storeDirPerms);
                catch (RuntimeException e)
                    Log.Fatal("Failed to initialize " + sName, e);
Exemple #2
 // Obtain services from configuration in init()
 protected internal void AddService(string name, AuxiliaryService service)
     lock (this)
         Log.Info("Adding auxiliary service " + service.GetName() + ", \"" + name + "\"");
         serviceMap[name] = service;
Exemple #3
 private void LogWarningWhenAuxServiceThrowExceptions(AuxiliaryService service, AuxServicesEventType
                                                      eventType, Exception th)
     Log.Warn((null == service ? "The auxService is null" : "The auxService name is "
               + service.GetName()) + " and it got an error at event: " + eventType, th);