Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a SecurityDefinition to a <see cref="Symbol" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityDefinition">Security definition</param>
        /// <param name="tradingDate">
        /// The date that the stock was being traded. This is used to resolve
        /// the ticker that the stock was trading under on this date.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Symbol if matching Lean Symbol was found on the trading date, null otherwise</returns>
        private Symbol SecurityDefinitionToSymbol(SecurityDefinition securityDefinition, DateTime tradingDate)
            if (securityDefinition == null)

            var mapFileResolver = _mapFileProvider.Get(AuxiliaryDataKey.Create(securityDefinition.SecurityIdentifier));

            // Get the first ticker the symbol traded under, and then lookup the
            // trading date to get the ticker on the trading date.
            var mapFile = mapFileResolver
                          .ResolveMapFile(securityDefinition.SecurityIdentifier.Symbol, securityDefinition.SecurityIdentifier.Date);

            // The mapped ticker will be null if the map file is null or there's
            // no entry found for the given trading date.
            var mappedTicker = mapFile?.GetMappedSymbol(tradingDate, null);

            // If we're null, then try again; get the last entry of the map file and use
            // it as the Symbol we return to the caller.
            mappedTicker ??= mapFile?

                ? null
                : new Symbol(securityDefinition.SecurityIdentifier, mappedTicker));
        private string GetMappedTicker(Symbol symbol)
            var ticker = symbol.ID.Symbol;

            if (symbol.ID.SecurityType == SecurityType.Equity)
                var mapFile = _mapFileProvider.Get(AuxiliaryDataKey.Create(symbol)).ResolveMapFile(symbol);
                ticker = mapFile.GetMappedSymbol(DateTime.UtcNow, symbol.Value);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of option contracts for a given underlying symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">The underlying symbol</param>
        /// <param name="date">The date for which to request the option chain (only used in backtesting)</param>
        /// <returns>The list of option contracts</returns>
        public virtual IEnumerable <Symbol> GetOptionContractList(Symbol symbol, DateTime date)
            if (!symbol.SecurityType.HasOptions())
                if (symbol.SecurityType.IsOption() && symbol.Underlying != null)
                    // be user friendly and take the underlying
                    symbol = symbol.Underlying;
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"BacktestingOptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(): " +
                                                    $"{nameof(SecurityType.Equity)}, {nameof(SecurityType.Future)}, or {nameof(SecurityType.Index)} is expected but was {symbol.SecurityType}");

            // Resolve any mapping before requesting option contract list for equities
            // Needs to be done in order for the data file key to be accurate
            Symbol mappedSymbol;

            if (symbol.RequiresMapping())
                var mapFileResolver = _mapFileProvider.Get(AuxiliaryDataKey.Create(symbol));
                var mapFile         = mapFileResolver.ResolveMapFile(symbol);
                var ticker          = mapFile.GetMappedSymbol(date, symbol.Value);
                mappedSymbol = symbol.UpdateMappedSymbol(ticker);
                mappedSymbol = symbol;

            // create a canonical option symbol for the given underlying
            var canonicalSymbol = Symbol.CreateOption(

            return(GetSymbols(canonicalSymbol, date));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of option contracts for a given underlying symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="underlyingSymbol">The underlying symbol</param>
        /// <param name="date">The date for which to request the option chain (only used in backtesting)</param>
        /// <returns>The list of option contracts</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Symbol> GetOptionContractList(Symbol underlyingSymbol, DateTime date)
            if (!underlyingSymbol.SecurityType.HasOptions())
                throw new NotSupportedException($"BacktestingOptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(): SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Future, or SecurityType.Index is expected but was {underlyingSymbol.SecurityType}");

            // Resolve any mapping before requesting option contract list for equities
            // Needs to be done in order for the data file key to be accurate
            Symbol mappedSymbol;

            if (underlyingSymbol.RequiresMapping())
                var mapFileResolver = _mapFileProvider.Get(AuxiliaryDataKey.Create(underlyingSymbol));
                var mapFile         = mapFileResolver.ResolveMapFile(underlyingSymbol);
                var ticker          = mapFile.GetMappedSymbol(date, underlyingSymbol.Value);
                mappedSymbol = underlyingSymbol.UpdateMappedSymbol(ticker);
                mappedSymbol = underlyingSymbol;

            // build the option contract list from the open interest zip file entry names

            // create a canonical option symbol for the given underlying
            var canonicalSymbol = Symbol.CreateOption(

            var    zipFileName = string.Empty;
            Stream stream      = null;

            // In order of trust-worthiness of containing the complete option chain, OpenInterest is guaranteed
            // to have the complete option chain. Quotes come after open-interest
            // because it's also likely to contain the option chain. Trades may be
            // missing portions of the option chain, so we resort to it last.
            foreach (var tickType in new[] { TickType.OpenInterest, TickType.Quote, TickType.Trade })
                // build the zip file name and fetch it with our provider
                zipFileName = LeanData.GenerateZipFilePath(Globals.DataFolder, canonicalSymbol, date, Resolution.Minute, tickType);
                stream      = _dataProvider.Fetch(zipFileName);

                if (stream != null)

            if (stream == null)
                Log.Trace($"BacktestingOptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(): File not found: {zipFileName}");
                yield break;

            // generate and return the contract symbol for each zip entry
            var zipEntryNames = Compression.GetZipEntryFileNames(stream);

            foreach (var zipEntryName in zipEntryNames)
                yield return(LeanData.ReadSymbolFromZipEntry(canonicalSymbol, Resolution.Minute, zipEntryName));
