private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // Generate an alias if one as not already been entered. if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // If the generated alias is empty, compute a new one. if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { _autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part); _tomeltServices.Notifier.Warning(T("The permalink could not be generated, a new slug has been defined: \"{0}\"", part.Path)); return; } // Check for permalink conflict, unless we are trying to set the home page. var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) { _tomeltServices.Notifier.Warning( T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); } }
bool FindRoute(IEnumerable <Tuple <string, int> > HPLocalizations, int orgItemId, string culture, out string newUrl, bool AddTild = true) { newUrl = null; Tuple <string, int> contentLoc = HPLocalizations.Where(t => t.Item1 == culture).FirstOrDefault(); if (contentLoc != null) { ContentItem content = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(contentLoc.Item2, VersionOptions.Published); if (content.Id == orgItemId) // no reroute needed { return(false); } AutoroutePart localizedRoutePart = content.Parts.Single(p => p is AutoroutePart).As <AutoroutePart>(); if (localizedRoutePart != null) { string returnUrl = localizedRoutePart.Path; if (!returnUrl.StartsWith("~/")) { returnUrl = ("~/" + returnUrl).Replace("//", "/"); } if (!AddTild) { if (returnUrl.StartsWith("~")) { returnUrl = returnUrl.Substring(1); } } newUrl = returnUrl; return(true); } } return(false); }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias == "/") { part.DisplayAlias = String.Empty; // regenerate the alias for the previous home page var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); foreach (var current in currentHomePages.Where(x => x.Id != part.Id)) { if (current != null) { current.CustomPattern = String.Empty; // force the regeneration current.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(current); // we changed the alias of the previous homepage, so publish this change if the content item was published. if (current.IsPublished()) { _orchardServices.ContentManager.Publish(current.ContentItem); } } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(current); } } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
public void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var displayRouteValues = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(part).DisplayRouteValues; _aliasService.Replace(part.DisplayAlias, displayRouteValues, AliasSource, true); _routeEvents.Routed(part, part.DisplayAlias); }
private List <dynamic> ItemsMultiLanguage(AutoroutePart autoroutePart) { string CiType = ((ContentItem)autoroutePart.ContentItem).ContentType; int id = ((ContentItem)autoroutePart.ContentItem).Id; // string tipoCI = item.ContentItem.ContentType; // int id = ((ContentItem)autoroutePart.ContentItem).Id; int masterid = 0; int teoric_masterid = 0; try { teoric_masterid = ((ContentItem)autoroutePart.ContentItem).As <LocalizationPart>().MasterContentItem.Id; masterid = teoric_masterid; } catch { masterid = id; } var contentsLocalized = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query(CiType).Where <LocalizationPartRecord>(l => l.MasterContentItemId == masterid || l.Id == masterid).List(); List <dynamic> ListShape = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (ContentItem singleCi in contentsLocalized) { List <dynamic> list2 = new List <dynamic>(); list2.Add(_orchardServices.ContentManager.BuildDisplay(singleCi)); // var merged=new List<dynamic>(ListShape); ListShape.AddRange(list2.Where(p2 => ListShape.All(p1 => p1.ContentItem.Id != p2.ContentItem.Id))); // ListShape = merged; } return(ListShape); }
public bool ProcessPath(AutoroutePart part) { var parthWithSamePath = _contentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>() .Where(p => p.DisplayAlias != null && p.DisplayAlias.Equals(part.Path, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && p.ContentItemRecord.Id != part.Id) .Count(); if (parthWithSamePath > 0) { var pathsLikeThis = GetSimilarPaths(part.Path).ToArray(); // Don't include *this* part in the list // of slugs to consider for conflict detection. pathsLikeThis = pathsLikeThis.Where(p => p.ContentItem.Id != part.ContentItem.Id).ToArray(); if (pathsLikeThis.Any()) { var originalPath = part.Path; var newPath = GenerateUniqueSlug(part, pathsLikeThis.Select(p => p.Path)); part.DisplayAlias = newPath; if (originalPath != newPath) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // generate an alias if one as not already been entered if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias != "/" && _orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.SetHomePage)) { // if it's the current home page, do nothing var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); if (currentHomePages.Any(x => x.Id == part.Id)) { return; } var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); } } }
//Finds localized route part for the specified content and culture //Returns true if localized url for content and culture exists; otherwise - false public bool TryFindLocalizedRoute(ContentItem routableContent, string cultureName, out AutoroutePart localizedRoute) { if (!routableContent.Parts.Any(p => p.Is<ILocalizableAspect>())) { localizedRoute = null; return false; } //var siteCulture = _cultureManager.GetCultureByName(_cultureManager.GetSiteCulture()); IEnumerable<LocalizationPart> localizations = _localizationService.GetLocalizations(routableContent, VersionOptions.Published); ILocalizableAspect localizationPart = null, siteCultureLocalizationPart = null; foreach (LocalizationPart l in localizations) { if (l.Culture.Culture == cultureName) { localizationPart = l; break; } if (l.Culture == null && siteCultureLocalizationPart == null) { siteCultureLocalizationPart = l; } } //try get localization part for default site culture if (localizationPart == null) { localizationPart = siteCultureLocalizationPart; } if (localizationPart == null) { localizedRoute = null; return false; } ContentItem localizedContentItem = localizationPart.ContentItem; localizedRoute = localizedContentItem.Parts.Single(p => p is AutoroutePart).As<AutoroutePart>(); return true; }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); var usr = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser; var r = usr.As <UserRolesPart>(); if (r.Roles.Any(p => p == "vendedor")) { //part.ContentItemPath = string.Concat("tiendas/", usr.UserName, "/", part.Path); //viewModel.CurrentUrl = viewModel.CurrentUrl.Replace(viewModel.FixedPart, ""); part.DisplayAlias = string.Concat("tiendas/", usr.UserName, "/", part.DisplayAlias); } // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias == "/") { part.DisplayAlias = String.Empty; // regenerate the alias for the previous home page var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); foreach (var current in currentHomePages.Where(x => x.Id != part.Id)) { if (current != null) { current.CustomPattern = String.Empty; // force the regeneration current.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(current); } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(current); } } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
public string GenerateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { if (part == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("part"); } string pattern = GetDefaultPattern(part.ContentItem.ContentType).Pattern; // String.Empty forces pattern based generation. "/" forces homepage if (part.UseCustomPattern && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.CustomPattern) || String.Equals(part.CustomPattern, "/"))) { pattern = part.CustomPattern; } // Convert the pattern and route values via tokens var path = _tokenizer.Replace(pattern, BuildTokenContext(part.ContentItem), new ReplaceOptions { Encoding = ReplaceOptions.NoEncode }); // removing trailing slashes in case the container is empty, and tokens are base on it (e.g. home page) while (path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } return(path); }
private void SetupRoutePart(PackagePart packagePartToMapTo) { var contentItem = new ContentItem { ContentType = "Package" }; var routePart = new AutoroutePart {Record = new AutoroutePartRecord()}; contentItem.Weld(routePart); contentItem.Weld(packagePartToMapTo); }
public void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var displayRouteValues = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(part).DisplayRouteValues; _aliasService.Replace(part.DisplayAlias, displayRouteValues, AliasSource); _routeEvents.Routed(part, part.DisplayAlias); }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); // Should it become the home page? if (part.PromoteToHomePage) { // Get the current homepage an unmark it as the homepage. var currentHomePage = _homeAliasService.GetHomePage(VersionOptions.Latest); if (currentHomePage != null && currentHomePage.Id != part.Id) { var autoroutePart = currentHomePage.As <AutoroutePart>(); if (autoroutePart != null) { autoroutePart.PromoteToHomePage = false; if (autoroutePart.IsPublished()) { _tomeltServices.ContentManager.Publish(autoroutePart.ContentItem); } } } // Update the home alias to point to this item being published. _homeAliasService.PublishHomeAlias(part); } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
public void RemoveAliases(AutoroutePart part) { // todo: remove all aliases for this part var aliasSource = "Autoroute:View:" + part.Id; _aliasService.DeleteBySource(aliasSource); }
//Finds route part for the specified URL //Returns true if specified url corresponds to some content and route exists; otherwise - false #region ILocalizableContentService Members public bool TryGetRouteForUrl(string url, out AutoroutePart route) { //first check for route (fast, case sensitive, not precise) route = _contentManager.Query<AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>() .ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published) .Where(r => r.DisplayAlias == url) .List() .FirstOrDefault(); return route != null; }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var homePageId = _homeAliasService.GetHomePageId(); // Is this the current home page? if (part.ContentItem.Id == homePageId) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("You removed the content item that served as the site\'s home page. \nMost possibly this means that instead of the home page a \"404 Not Found\" error page will be displayed without a link to log in or access the dashboard. \n\nTo prevent this you can e.g. publish a content item that has the \"Set as home page\" checkbox ticked.")); } _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(part); }
//Finds route part for the specified URL //Returns true if specified url corresponds to some content and route exists; otherwise - false #region ILocalizableContentService Members public bool TryGetRouteForUrl(string url, out AutoroutePart route) { //first check for route (fast, case sensitive, not precise) route = _contentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>() .ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published) .Where(r => r.DisplayAlias == url) .List() .FirstOrDefault(); return(route != null); }
public string GenerateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { if (part == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("part"); } var settings = part.TypePartDefinition.Settings.GetModel <AutorouteSettings>(); var itemCulture = _cultureManager.GetSiteCulture(); // If we are editing an existing content item. if (part.Record.Id != 0) { ContentItem contentItem = _contentManager.Get(part.Record.ContentItemRecord.Id); var aspect = contentItem.As <ILocalizableAspect>(); if (aspect != null) { itemCulture = aspect.Culture; } } if (settings.UseCulturePattern) { // TODO: Refactor the below so that we don't need to know about Request.Form["Localization.SelectedCulture"]. // If we are creating from a form post we use the form value for culture. var context = _httpContextAccessor.Current(); var selectedCulture = context.Request.Form["Localization.SelectedCulture"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedCulture)) { itemCulture = selectedCulture; } } var pattern = GetDefaultPattern(part.ContentItem.ContentType, itemCulture).Pattern; // String.Empty forces pattern based generation. if (part.UseCustomPattern && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.CustomPattern))) { pattern = part.CustomPattern; } // Convert the pattern and route values via tokens. var path = _tokenizer.Replace(pattern, BuildTokenContext(part.ContentItem), new ReplaceOptions { Encoding = ReplaceOptions.NoEncode }); // Removing trailing slashes in case the container is empty, and tokens are base on it (e.g. home page). while (path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } return(path); }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var homePageId = _homeAliasService.GetHomePageId(VersionOptions.Latest); // Is this the current home page? if (part.ContentItem.Id == homePageId) { _tomeltServices.Notifier.Warning(T("You removed the content item that served as the site's home page. \nMost possibly this means that instead of the home page a \"404 Not Found\" page will be displayed. \n\nTo prevent this you can e.g. publish a content item that has the \"Set as home page\" checkbox ticked.")); } _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(part); }
public static ContentTreeItem ToTreeItem(this AutoroutePart content) { return(new ContentTreeItem { Content = content, Path = content.DisplayAlias.ToLowerInvariant(), Title = content.As <TitlePart>().Title, Name = content.DisplayAlias.Split('/').Last(), Level = content.DisplayAlias.Split('/').Length, Children = new List <ContentTreeItem>() }); }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // Is this the current home page? var homePageRoute = _aliasService.Get(""); var homePageId = homePageRoute.ContainsKey("id") ? int.Parse(homePageRoute["id"].ToString()) : default(int); if (part.ContentItem.Id == homePageId) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("You removed the content item that served as the site\'s home page. \nMost possibly this means that instead of the home page a \"404 Not Found\" error page will be displayed without a link to log in or access the dashboard. \n\nTo prevent this you can e.g. publish a content item that has the \"Set as home page\" checkbox ticked.")); } _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(part); }
public string GenerateUniqueSlug(AutoroutePart part, IEnumerable <string> existingPaths) { if (existingPaths == null || !existingPaths.Contains(part.Path)) { return(part.Path); } int?version = existingPaths.Select(s => GetSlugVersion(part.Path, s)).OrderBy(i => i).LastOrDefault(); return(version != null ? string.Format("{0}-{1}", part.Path, version) : part.Path); }
private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // generate an alias if one as not already been entered if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias != "/") { var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); } }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var homePageId = _homeAliasService.GetHomePageId(VersionOptions.Latest); // Is this the current home page? if (part.ContentItem.Id == homePageId) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("You removed the content item that served as the site's home page. \nMost possibly this means that instead of the home page a \"404 Not Found\" page will be displayed. \n\nTo prevent this you can e.g. publish a content item that has the \"Set as home page\" checkbox ticked.")); } _lockingProvider.Lock(LockString, () => { var publishedPart = _contentManager.Get <AutoroutePart>(part.ContentItem.Id, VersionOptions.Published); _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(publishedPart); }); }
public void Create() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Owner)) { Owner = _siteService.GetSiteSettings().SuperUser; } var owner = _membershipService.GetUser(Owner); _authenticationService.SetAuthenticatedUserForRequest(owner); var dashboard = _contentManager.Create(Consts.GenericDashboardContentType, VersionOptions.Draft); dashboard.As <CommonPart>().Owner = owner; dashboard.As <TitlePart>().Title = Title; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MenuText)) { var menu = _menuService.GetMenu(MenuName); if (menu != null) { var menuItem = _contentManager.Create <ContentMenuItemPart>("ContentMenuItem"); menuItem.Content = dashboard; menuItem.As <MenuPart>().MenuPosition = Position.GetNext(_navigationManager.BuildMenu(menu)); menuItem.As <MenuPart>().MenuText = MenuText; menuItem.As <MenuPart>().Menu = menu; } } if (Homepage) { AutoroutePart autoroutePart = dashboard.As <AutoroutePart>(); if (autoroutePart != null) { autoroutePart.UseCustomPattern = true; autoroutePart.CustomPattern = "/"; } } var dashboardPart = dashboard.As <GenericDashboardPart>(); dashboardPart.PortletList = Portlets; dashboardPart.ShowConfigurableItemsCountInHeader = ShowConfigurableItemsCountInHeader; dashboardPart.CreatePortletsOnPublishing = true; _contentManager.Publish(dashboard); }
public string GenerateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { if (part == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("part"); } var settings = part.TypePartDefinition.Settings.GetModel<AutorouteSettings>(); var itemCulture = _cultureManager.GetSiteCulture(); //if we are editing an existing content item if (part.Record.Id != 0) { ContentItem contentItem = _contentManager.Get(part.Record.ContentItemRecord.Id); var aspect = contentItem.As<ILocalizableAspect>(); if (aspect != null) { itemCulture = aspect.Culture; } } if (settings.UseCulturePattern) { // TODO: Refactor the below so that we don't need to know about Request.Form["Localization.SelectedCulture"]. // If we are creating from a form post we use the form value for culture. HttpContextBase context = _httpContextAccessor.Current(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Form["Localization.SelectedCulture"])) { itemCulture = context.Request.Form["Localization.SelectedCulture"].ToString(); } } string pattern = GetDefaultPattern(part.ContentItem.ContentType, itemCulture).Pattern; // String.Empty forces pattern based generation. "/" forces homepage. if (part.UseCustomPattern && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.CustomPattern) || String.Equals(part.CustomPattern, "/"))) { pattern = part.CustomPattern; } // Convert the pattern and route values via tokens. var path = _tokenizer.Replace(pattern, BuildTokenContext(part.ContentItem), new ReplaceOptions { Encoding = ReplaceOptions.NoEncode }); // Removing trailing slashes in case the container is empty, and tokens are base on it (e.g. home page). while (path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } return path; }
public void Create() { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Owner)) { Owner = _siteService.GetSiteSettings().SuperUser; } var owner = _membershipService.GetUser(Owner); _authenticationService.SetAuthenticatedUserForRequest(owner); var emptyItem = _contentManager.Create(ContentTypes.EmptyContentType, VersionOptions.Draft); emptyItem.As <ICommonPart>().Owner = owner; emptyItem.As <TitlePart>().Title = Title; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MenuText)) { var menu = _menuService.GetMenu(MenuName); if (menu != null) { var menuItem = _contentManager.Create <ContentMenuItemPart>("ContentMenuItem"); menuItem.Content = emptyItem; menuItem.As <MenuPart>().MenuPosition = Position.GetNext(_navigationManager.BuildMenu(menu)); menuItem.As <MenuPart>().MenuText = MenuText; menuItem.As <MenuPart>().Menu = menu; } } if (Homepage) { AutoroutePart autoroutePart = emptyItem.As <AutoroutePart>(); if (autoroutePart != null) { autoroutePart.UseCustomPattern = true; autoroutePart.CustomPattern = "/"; } } _contentManager.Publish(emptyItem); Context.Output.WriteLine(T("EmptyItem created successfully.").Text); }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias == "/") { part.DisplayAlias = String.Empty; // regenerate the alias for the previous home page var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); foreach (var current in currentHomePages) { if (current != null) { current.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(current); } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(current); } } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // generate an alias if one as not already been entered if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias != "/") { var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); } } }
private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // Generate an alias if one as not already been entered. if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // If the generated alias is empty, compute a new one. if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { _autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part); _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("The permalink could not be generated, a new slug has been defined: \"{0}\"", part.Path)); return; } // Check for permalink conflict, unless we are trying to set the home page. var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning( T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); }
public string GenerateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { if (part == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("part"); } var defaultRoutePattern = GetDefaultPattern(part.ContentItem.ContentType); var pattern = part.UseCustomPattern ? part.CustomPattern : defaultRoutePattern.Pattern; // Convert the pattern and route values via tokens var path = _tokenizer.Replace(pattern, BuildTokenContext(part.ContentItem), new ReplaceOptions { Encoding = ReplaceOptions.NoEncode }); // removing trailing slashes in case the container is empty, and tokens are base on it (e.g. home page) while(path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } return path; }
private void ProcessAlias(AutoroutePart part) { // generate an alias if one as not already been entered if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.DisplayAlias)) { part.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(part); } // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias != "/" && _orchardServices.Authorizer.Authorize(Permissions.SetHomePage)) { // if it's the current home page, do nothing var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); if (currentHomePages.Any(x => x.Id == part.Id)) { return; } var previous = part.Path; if (!_autorouteService.Value.ProcessPath(part)) _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("Permalinks in conflict. \"{0}\" is already set for a previously created {2} so now it has the slug \"{1}\"", previous, part.Path, part.ContentItem.ContentType)); } }
//Finds route part for the specified URL //Returns true if specified url corresponds to some content and route exists; otherwise - false #region ILocalizableContentService Members public bool TryGetRouteForUrl(string url, out AutoroutePart route) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url)) //look for homepage { var routeValues = _aliasService.Get(string.Empty); var homeCI = _contentManager.Get(int.Parse(routeValues["Id"].ToString())); route = homeCI.As <AutoroutePart>(); } else { //first check for route (fast, case sensitive, not precise) route = _contentManager.Query <AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>() .ForVersion(VersionOptions.Published) .Where(r => r.DisplayAlias == url) .List() .FirstOrDefault(); } return(route != null); }
public bool ProcessPath(AutoroutePart part) { var pathsLikeThis = GetSimilarPaths(part.Path).ToArray(); // Don't include *this* part in the list // of slugs to consider for conflict detection pathsLikeThis = pathsLikeThis.Where(p => p.ContentItem.Id != part.ContentItem.Id).ToArray(); if (pathsLikeThis.Any()) { var originalPath = part.Path; var newPath = GenerateUniqueSlug(part, pathsLikeThis.Select(p => p.Path)); part.DisplayAlias = newPath; if (originalPath != newPath) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); // Should it become the home page? if (part.PromoteToHomePage) { // Get the current homepage an unmark it as the homepage. var currentHomePage = _homeAliasService.GetHomePage(VersionOptions.Latest); if(currentHomePage != null && currentHomePage.Id != part.Id) { var autoroutePart = currentHomePage.As<AutoroutePart>(); if (autoroutePart != null) { autoroutePart.PromoteToHomePage = false; if(autoroutePart.IsPublished()) _orchardServices.ContentManager.Publish(autoroutePart.ContentItem); } } // Update the home alias to point to this item being published. _homeAliasService.PublishHomeAlias(part); } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
public void RemoveAliases(AutoroutePart part) { // // If the alias of the specified part is empty while not being the homepage, // we need to make sure we are not removing all empty aliases in order to prevent losing the homepage content item being the homepage. if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.Path)) { if (!IsHomePage(part)) { // The item being removed is NOT the homepage, so we need to make sure we're not removing the alias for the homepage. var aliasRecordId = GetHomePageAliasRecordId(); // Remove all aliases EXCEPT for the alias of the homepage. _aliasStorage.Remove(x => x.Path == part.Path && x.Source == AliasSource && x.Id != aliasRecordId); // Done. return; } } // Safe to delete all aliases for the specified part since it is definitely not the homepage. _aliasService.Delete(part.Path, AliasSource); }
public string GenerateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { if (part == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("part"); } string pattern = GetDefaultPattern(part.ContentItem.ContentType).Pattern; // String.Empty forces pattern based generation. "/" forces homepage if(part.UseCustomPattern && (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(part.CustomPattern) || String.Equals(part.CustomPattern, "/"))) { pattern = part.CustomPattern; } // Convert the pattern and route values via tokens var path = _tokenizer.Replace(pattern, BuildTokenContext(part.ContentItem), new ReplaceOptions { Encoding = ReplaceOptions.NoEncode }); // removing trailing slashes in case the container is empty, and tokens are base on it (e.g. home page) while(path.StartsWith("/")) { path = path.Substring(1); } return path; }
private void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); // should it become the home page ? if (part.DisplayAlias == "/") { part.DisplayAlias = String.Empty; // regenerate the alias for the previous home page var currentHomePages = _orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<AutoroutePart, AutoroutePartRecord>().Where(x => x.DisplayAlias == "").List(); foreach (var current in currentHomePages.Where(x => x.Id != part.Id)) { if (current != null) { current.CustomPattern = String.Empty; // force the regeneration current.DisplayAlias = _autorouteService.Value.GenerateAlias(current); // we changed the alias of the previous homepage, so publish this change if the content item was published. if(current.IsPublished()) _orchardServices.ContentManager.Publish(current.ContentItem); } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(current); } } _autorouteService.Value.PublishAlias(part); }
public void PublishAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var displayRouteValues = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(part).DisplayRouteValues; var aliasSource = "Autoroute:View:" + part.Id; _aliasService.Replace(part.DisplayAlias, displayRouteValues, aliasSource); }
//Finds localized route part for the specified content and culture //Returns true if localized url for content and culture exists; otherwise - false public bool TryFindLocalizedRoute(ContentItem routableContent, string cultureName, out AutoroutePart localizedRoute) { if (!routableContent.Parts.Any(p => p.Is <ILocalizableAspect>())) { localizedRoute = null; return(false); } //var siteCulture = _cultureManager.GetCultureByName(_cultureManager.GetSiteCulture()); IEnumerable <LocalizationPart> localizations = _localizationService.GetLocalizations(routableContent, VersionOptions.Published); ILocalizableAspect localizationPart = null, siteCultureLocalizationPart = null; foreach (LocalizationPart l in localizations) { if (l.Culture.Culture == cultureName) { localizationPart = l; break; } if (l.Culture == null && siteCultureLocalizationPart == null) { siteCultureLocalizationPart = l; } } //try get localization part for default site culture if (localizationPart == null) { localizationPart = siteCultureLocalizationPart; } if (localizationPart == null) { localizedRoute = null; return(false); } ContentItem localizedContentItem = localizationPart.ContentItem; localizedRoute = localizedContentItem.Parts.Single(p => p is AutoroutePart).As <AutoroutePart>(); return(true); }
public bool ProcessPath(AutoroutePart part) { var pathsLikeThis = GetSimilarPaths(part.Path).ToArray(); // Don't include *this* part in the list // of slugs to consider for conflict detection pathsLikeThis = pathsLikeThis.Where(p => p.ContentItem.Id != part.ContentItem.Id).ToArray(); if (pathsLikeThis.Any()) { var originalPath = part.Path; var newPath = GenerateUniqueSlug(part, pathsLikeThis.Select(p => p.Path)); part.DisplayAlias = newPath; if (originalPath != newPath) return false; } return true; }
private void CreateAlias(AutoroutePart part) { ProcessAlias(part); }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { var homePageId = _homeAliasService.GetHomePageId(VersionOptions.Latest); // Is this the current home page? if (part.ContentItem.Id == homePageId) { _orchardServices.Notifier.Warning(T("You removed the content item that served as the site\'s home page. \nMost possibly this means that instead of the home page a \"404 Not Found\" error page will be displayed without a link to log in or access the dashboard. \n\nTo prevent this you can e.g. publish a content item that has the \"Set as home page\" checkbox ticked.")); } _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(part); }
public void RemoveAliases(AutoroutePart part) { _aliasService.Delete(part.Path, AliasSource); }
public void RemoveAliases(AutoroutePart part) { // todo: remove all aliases for this part _aliasService.Delete(part.DisplayAlias); }
public string GenerateUniqueSlug(AutoroutePart part, IEnumerable<string> existingPaths) { if (existingPaths == null || !existingPaths.Contains(part.Path)) return part.Path; int? version = existingPaths.Select(s => GetSlugVersion(part.Path, s)).OrderBy(i => i).LastOrDefault(); return version != null ? string.Format("{0}-{1}", part.Path, version) : part.Path; }
void RemoveAlias(AutoroutePart part) { _autorouteService.Value.RemoveAliases(part); }