//public ActionResult Index(string SearchString, string SearchLocation, string SearchLotto, string usr)
        //    bool isAuth = false;

        //    if (usr != String.Empty)
        //    {
        //        string UserName = "";

        //        string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName; //Find cookie name
        //        HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies[cookieName]; //Get the cookie by it's name
        //        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); //Decrypt it
        //        UserName = ticket.Name; //You have the UserName!
        //        //UserName = "******";
        //        //usr = "******";

        //        if (usr == UserName)
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.Messaggio = "BENE il cookie corrisponde!";
        //            //ViewBag.Messaggio = personaggio;
        //            isAuth = true;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ViewBag.Messaggio = "il cookie contenente lo 'username' non corrisponde allo User della queryString!";
        //            isAuth = false;
        //            ViewBag.myUSer = UserName;
        //            return View("IncorrectLogin");
        //        }

        //    }

        //    if (isAuth)
        //    {

        //        // Carico DropDownList
        //        using (AutokeyEntities val = new AutokeyEntities())
        //        {
        //            Session["Scelta1"] = "";
        //            var fromDatabaseEF = new SelectList(val.RPC_Cantieri_vw.ToList(), "IDCantiere", "ragioneSociale");
        //            ViewData["RPC_Cantieri_vw"] = fromDatabaseEF;

        //            var fromDatabaseEF1 = new SelectList(val.RPC_Lotti.ToList(), "ID", "Descrizione");
        //            ViewData["RPC_Lotti"] = fromDatabaseEF1;

        //        }

        //        TempData["mySearch"] = SearchLocation;
        //        TempData["myIDOperatore"] = SearchString;
        //        TempData["myLotto"] = SearchLotto;

        //        // Verifico esista il perito...
        //        using (AutokeyEntities db = new AutokeyEntities())
        //        {
        //            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
        //            {
        //                return View();
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                if (SearchString.Length != 44)
        //                {
        //                    try
        //                    {
        //                        var periti = (from s in db.AUK_tecnici
        //                                      where s.Codice == SearchString
        //                                      select s.ID).First();
        //                        if (periti.ToString() != null)
        //                        {
        //                            var model = new Models.HomeModel();

        //                            //var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
        //                            //            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation
        //                            //            && s.IDOperatore.ToString() == SearchString
        //                            //            select s;
        //                            var telai = from s in db.RPC_telai_vw
        //                                        where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
        //                                        || s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804"
        //                                        || s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805"
        //                                        select s;
        //                            model.RPC_Telai_vw = telai.ToList();
        //                            return View("VinList", model);
        //                        }
        //                        else
        //                        {
        //                            return View();
        //                        }
        //                    }
        //                    catch
        //                    {
        //                        ViewBag.Messaggio = "Codice non riconosciuto.";
        //                        return View("IncorrectLogin");
        //                    }

        //                }
        //                else
        //                {
        //                    ViewBag.Messaggio = "Lunghezza codice errata.";
        //                    return View("IncorrectLogin");
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        return Redirect("");
        //    }

        public ActionResult Index(string SearchString, string SearchLocation, string SearchLotto, string usr)
            // Carico DropDownList
            using (AutokeyEntities val = new AutokeyEntities())
                Session["Scelta1"] = "";
                var fromDatabaseEF = new SelectList(val.RPC_Cantieri_vw.ToList(), "IDCantiere", "ragioneSociale");
                ViewData["RPC_Cantieri_vw"] = fromDatabaseEF;

                var fromDatabaseEF1 = new SelectList(val.RPC_Lotti.ToList(), "ID", "Descrizione");
                ViewData["RPC_Lotti"] = fromDatabaseEF1;

            TempData["mySearch"]      = SearchLocation;
            TempData["myIDOperatore"] = SearchString;
            TempData["myLotto"]       = SearchLotto;

            // Verifico esista il perito...
            using (AutokeyEntities db = new AutokeyEntities())
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
                    if (SearchString.Length != 44)
                            var periti = (from s in db.AUK_tecnici
                                          where s.Codice == SearchString
                                          select s.ID).First();

                            periti = 18;
                            if (periti.ToString() != null)
                                var model = new Models.HomeModel();

                                //var telai = from s in db.RPC_Telai
                                //            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation
                                //            && s.IDOperatore.ToString() == SearchString
                                //            select s;
                                var telai = from s in db.RPC_telai_vw
                                            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation || //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804" ||
                                            s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805"
                                            select s;
                                model.RPC_Telai_vw = telai.ToList();
                                return(View("VinList", model));
                            ViewBag.Messaggio = "Codice non riconosciuto.";
                        ViewBag.Messaggio = "Lunghezza codice errata.";
        public ActionResult Index(string SearchString, string SearchLocation, string SearchLotto, string usr)
            bool isAuth = false;

            if (usr != String.Empty)
                string UserName = "";

                string     cookieName            = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;       //Find cookie name
                HttpCookie cookie                = HttpContext.Request.Cookies[cookieName];   //Get the cookie by it's name
                FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value); //Decrypt it
                UserName = ticket.Name;                                                       //You have the UserName!
                //UserName = "******";
                //usr = "******";

                if (usr == UserName)
                    ViewBag.Messaggio = "BENE il cookie corrisponde!";
                    //ViewBag.Messaggio = personaggio;
                    isAuth = true;
                    ViewBag.Messaggio = "il cookie contenente lo 'username' non corrisponde allo User della queryString!";
                    isAuth            = false;
                    ViewBag.myUSer    = UserName;
                    ViewBag.myUSR     = usr;

            if (isAuth)
                // Carico DropDownList
                using (AutokeyEntities val = new AutokeyEntities())
                    Session["Scelta1"] = "";
                    var fromDatabaseEF = new SelectList(val.RPC_Cantieri_vw_FABIO.ToList(), "IDCantiere", "ragioneSociale");
                    ViewData["RPC_Cantieri_vw"] = fromDatabaseEF;

                    var fromDatabaseEF1 = new SelectList(val.RPC_Lotti.ToList(), "ID", "Descrizione");
                    ViewData["RPC_Lotti"] = fromDatabaseEF1;

                TempData["mySearch"]      = SearchLocation;
                TempData["myIDOperatore"] = SearchString;
                TempData["myLotto"]       = SearchLotto;

                // Verifico esista il perito...
                using (AutokeyEntities db = new AutokeyEntities())
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
                        if (SearchString.Length != 44)
                                var periti = (from s in db.AUK_tecnici
                                              where s.Codice == SearchString
                                              select s.ID).First();
                                if (periti.ToString() != null)
                                    var model = new Models.HomeModel();

                                    var telai = from s in db.RPC_telai_vw
                                                where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation
                                                //&& s.IDOperatore.ToString() == SearchString
                                                select s;

                                    //var telai = from s in db.RPC_telai_vw
                                    //            where s.IDCantiere.ToString() == SearchLocation //&& s.IDLotto.ToString() == SearchLotto
                                    //            || s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1804"
                                    //            || s.IDCantiere.ToString() == "1805"
                                    //            select s;
                                    model.RPC_Telai_vw = telai.ToList();
                                    return(View("VinList", model));
                                ViewBag.Messaggio = "Codice non riconosciuto.";
                            ViewBag.Messaggio = "Lunghezza codice errata.";