public BuiltElements.Wire WireToSpeckle(DB.Electrical.Wire revitWire)
            var speckleWire = new RevitWire
                family     = revitWire.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_FAMILY_PARAM).AsValueString(),
                type       = revitWire.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ELEM_TYPE_PARAM).AsValueString(),
                wiringType = revitWire.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_WIRE_TYPE).AsValueString(),
                level      = ConvertAndCacheLevel(revitWire.ReferenceLevel.Id)

            // construction geometry for creating the wire on receive (doesn't match geometry points 🙃)
            var points = new List <double>();

            for (var i = 0; i < revitWire.NumberOfVertices; i++)
            speckleWire.constructionPoints = points;

            // geometry
            var start = ((LocationCurve)revitWire.Location).Curve.GetEndPoint(0);

            speckleWire.segments = new List <ICurve>();
            var view        = (View)Doc.GetElement(revitWire.OwnerViewId);
            var segmentList = revitWire.get_Geometry(new Options {
                View = view

            foreach (var segment in segmentList)
                // transform and convert the geometry segments
                switch (segment)
                case DB.PolyLine polyLine:
                    var revitLine = polyLine.GetTransformed(Transform.CreateTranslation(new XYZ(0, 0, start.Z)));
                    var line      = PolylineToSpeckle(revitLine);

                case DB.NurbSpline nurbSpline:
                    var revitCurve = nurbSpline.CreateTransformed(
                        Transform.CreateTranslation(new XYZ(0, 0, start.Z)));
                    // add display value
                    var curve      = (Curve)CurveToSpeckle(revitCurve);
                    var polyCoords = revitCurve.Tessellate().SelectMany(pt => PointToSpeckle(pt).ToList()).ToList();
                    curve.displayValue = new Polyline(polyCoords, ModelUnits);

            GetAllRevitParamsAndIds(speckleWire, revitWire, new List <string>());
            //Report.Log($"Converted Wire {revitWire.Id}");
        public List <ApplicationPlaceholderObject> WireToNative(BuiltElements.Wire speckleWire)
            var speckleRevitWire = speckleWire as RevitWire;

            var wiringType = speckleRevitWire?.wiringType == "Chamfer"
        ? DB.Electrical.WiringType.Chamfer
        : DB.Electrical.WiringType.Arc;
            var wireType = GetElementType <DB.Electrical.WireType>(speckleWire);

            // get construction points (if wire is from Revit, these are not the same as the geometry points)
            var points = new List <XYZ>();

            if (speckleRevitWire != null)
                points = PointListToNative(speckleRevitWire.constructionPoints, speckleRevitWire.units);
                foreach (var segment in speckleWire.segments)
                    switch (segment)
                    case Curve curve:

                    case Polyline line:

                    default: // what other curves should be supported? currently just the ones you can create from revit
                        new SpeckleException($"Wire segment geometry of type {segment.GetType()} not currently supported");

            DB.Electrical.Wire wire = null;
            var docObj = GetExistingElementByApplicationId(speckleWire.applicationId);

            if (docObj != null)
                wire = (DB.Electrical.Wire)docObj;
                // if the number of vertices doesn't match, we need to create a new wire
                if (wire.NumberOfVertices != points.Count)
                    wire = null;

            // update points if we can
            if (wire != null)
                for (var i = 0; i < wire.NumberOfVertices; i++)
                    if (points[i].IsAlmostEqualTo(wire.GetVertex(i)))
                        continue; // borks if we set the same point
                    wire.SetVertex(i, points[i]);
            var isUpdate = wire != null;

            // crete a new one if there isn't one to update
            wire ??= DB.Electrical.Wire.Create(Doc, wireType.Id, Doc.ActiveView.Id,
                                               points, null, null);

            if (speckleRevitWire != null)
                SetInstanceParameters(wire, speckleRevitWire);

            var placeholders = new List <ApplicationPlaceholderObject>
                new ApplicationPlaceholderObject
                    applicationId = speckleWire.applicationId, ApplicationGeneratedId = wire.UniqueId, NativeObject = wire

            Report.Log($"{(isUpdate ? "Updated" : "Created")} Wire {wire.Id}");