Exemple #1
        public async Task CreateJobAsync(CreateJobOptions createJobOptions)
            CloudJob unboundJob = this.Client.JobOperations.CreateJob();

            unboundJob.Id          = createJobOptions.JobId;
            unboundJob.Priority    = createJobOptions.Priority;
            unboundJob.Constraints = new JobConstraints(createJobOptions.MaxWallClockTime, createJobOptions.MaxRetryCount);

            PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation();

            if (createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.HasValue && createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.Value)
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.AutoPoolPrefix,
                    KeepAlive          = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.KeepAlive,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = (PoolLifetimeOption)Enum.Parse(typeof(PoolLifetimeOption), createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.LifeTimeOption),
                    PoolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification()
                        CloudServiceConfiguration     = new CloudServiceConfiguration(createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.OSFamily),
                        VirtualMachineSize            = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.VirutalMachineSize,
                        TargetDedicatedComputeNodes   = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.TargetDedicated,
                        TargetLowPriorityComputeNodes = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.TargetLowPriority

                poolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                poolInformation.PoolId = createJobOptions.PoolId;

            unboundJob.PoolInformation = poolInformation;

            if (createJobOptions.CreateJobManager.HasValue && createJobOptions.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                JobManagerTask jobManager = new JobManagerTask()
                    CommandLine         = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.CommandLine,
                    KillJobOnCompletion = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.KillOnCompletion,
                    Id = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.JobManagerId

                jobManager.Constraints = new TaskConstraints(

                unboundJob.JobManagerTask = jobManager;

            await unboundJob.CommitAsync();
        public void TestAutoPoolSpecificationUnboundConstraints()
            const string             idPrefix           = "Bar";
            const bool               keepAlive          = false;
            const PoolLifetimeOption poolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;
            PoolSpecification        poolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification();

            AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification();

            //Properties should start out as their defaults
            Assert.Equal(default, autoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This function controls how the Azure pools/VMs are setup.
        /// This is not really controllable by the user but probably should be.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">Job parameters.</param>
        private PoolInformation GetPoolInfo(JobParameters job)
            var autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification
                PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                PoolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification
                    ResizeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15),

                    // todo: look into using ComputeNodeFillType.Pack
                    TaskSchedulingPolicy = new TaskSchedulingPolicy(ComputeNodeFillType.Spread),

                    // This specifies the OS that our VM will be running.
                    // OS Family 5 means .NET 4.6 will be installed.
                    // For more info see:
                    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-services/cloud-services-guestos-update-matrix#releases
                    CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration("5"),

                    // For now, always use standard_d5_v2 VM type.
                    // This VM has 16 vCPUs, 56 GiB of memory and 800 GiB temp (SSD) storage.
                    // todo: should make this user-controllable
                    // For other VM sizes, see:
                    // https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/batch/batch-pool-vm-sizes
                    // https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/sizes-general
                    VirtualMachineSize = "standard_d5_v2",

                    // Each task needs only one vCPU. Therefore number of tasks per VM will be number of vCPUs per VM.
                    MaxTasksPerComputeNode = 16

            // We only use one pool, so number of nodes per pool will be total number of vCPUs (as specified by the user)
            // divided by number of vCPUs per VM. We've hardcoded VM size to standard_d5_v2, which has 16 vCPUs.
            if (job.LowPriority)
                autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.TargetLowPriorityComputeNodes = job.CpuCount / 16;
                autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = job.CpuCount / 16;

            return(new PoolInformation {
                AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification
        public void TestAutoPoolSpecificationUnboundConstraints()
            const string             idPrefix           = "Bar";
            const bool               keepAlive          = false;
            const PoolLifetimeOption poolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;
            PoolSpecification        poolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification();

            AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification();

            //Properties should start out as their defaults
            Assert.Equal(default(string), autoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix);
            Assert.Equal(default(bool?), autoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive);
            Assert.Equal(default(PoolLifetimeOption), autoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption);
            Assert.Equal(default(PoolSpecification), autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification);


            //Should be able to set all properties

            autoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix   = idPrefix;
            autoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive          = keepAlive;
            autoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption = poolLifetimeOption;
            autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification;


            Protocol.Models.AutoPoolSpecification protoAutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification.GetTransportObject();
            ((IReadOnly)autoPoolSpecification).IsReadOnly = true; //Forces read-onlyness

            //After MarkReadOnly, the original object should be unsettable
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => autoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "bar");
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => autoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive          = false);
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => autoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.JobSchedule);
            InvalidOperationException e = Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification = new PoolSpecification());


            //After GetProtocolObject, the child objects should be unreadable too
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => poolSpecification.TaskSlotsPerNode = 4);

            //The original data should be on the protocol specification
            Assert.Equal(idPrefix, protoAutoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix);
            Assert.Equal(keepAlive, protoAutoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive);
            Assert.Equal(poolLifetimeOption, UtilitiesInternal.MapEnum <Protocol.Models.PoolLifetimeOption, PoolLifetimeOption>(protoAutoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption));
        public void TestAutoPoolSpecificationBoundConstraints()
            Protocol.Models.AutoPoolSpecification protoAutoPoolSpecification = new Protocol.Models.AutoPoolSpecification
                KeepAlive          = true,
                PoolLifetimeOption = Protocol.Models.PoolLifetimeOption.JobSchedule,
                AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "Matt",
                Pool = new Protocol.Models.PoolSpecification
                    CloudServiceConfiguration = new Protocol.Models.CloudServiceConfiguration(
                    ResizeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(1),
                    StartTask     = new Protocol.Models.StartTask
                        CommandLine = "Bar"

            AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification(protoAutoPoolSpecification);

            //Assert that the wrapped properties are equal as we expect
            Assert.Equal(protoAutoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix, autoPoolSpecification.AutoPoolIdPrefix);
            Assert.Equal(protoAutoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive, autoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive);
            Assert.Equal(UtilitiesInternal.MapEnum <Protocol.Models.PoolLifetimeOption, PoolLifetimeOption>(protoAutoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption), autoPoolSpecification.PoolLifetimeOption);


            Assert.Equal(protoAutoPoolSpecification.Pool.CloudServiceConfiguration.OsFamily, autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
            Assert.Equal(protoAutoPoolSpecification.Pool.ResizeTimeout, autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.ResizeTimeout);

            Assert.Equal(protoAutoPoolSpecification.Pool.StartTask.CommandLine, autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.StartTask.CommandLine);

            //When we change a property on the underlying object PoolSpecification, AutoPoolSpecification should notice the change

            autoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.ResizeTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(122);

        public void Bug1965363_2384616_Wat7OSVersionFeatures()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    PoolOperations poolOperations = batchCli.PoolOperations;
                        this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Listing OS Versions:");

                        /* bug 2384616 ListOsVersions hidden for wat 8
                         *  // test ListOSVersion
                         *  foreach (OSVersion curOSV in poolMgr.ListOSVersions())
                         *  {
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Label: " + curOSV.Label);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Version: " + curOSV.Version);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    Family: " + curOSV.Family);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    FamilyLabel: " + curOSV.FamilyLabel);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    isDefault: " + curOSV.IsDefault);
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    IsActive: " + curOSV.IsActive);
                         *      string expDate;
                         *      if (curOSV.ExpirationDate.HasValue)
                         *      {
                         *          expDate = curOSV.ExpirationDate.Value.ToString();
                         *      }
                         *      else
                         *      {
                         *          expDate = "<null/novalue>";
                         *      }
                         *      this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    ExpirationDate: " + expDate);
                         *  }

                        // create pool tests

                        // forget to set CloudServiceConfiguration on Create, get error
                            CloudPool noArgs = poolOperations.CreatePool("Bug1965363ButNoOSFamily-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName(), PoolFixture.VMSize, default(CloudServiceConfiguration), targetDedicated: 0);

                            BatchException ex    = TestUtilities.AssertThrows <BatchException>(() => noArgs.Commit());
                            string         exStr = ex.ToString();

                            // we are expecting an exception, assert if the exception is not the correct one.
                            Assert.Contains("cloudServiceConfiguration", exStr);

                        // create a pool WITH an osFamily
                            string poolIdHOSF = "Bug1965363HasOSF-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool hasOSF = poolOperations.CreatePool(poolIdHOSF, PoolFixture.VMSize, new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily), targetDedicated: 0);


                        // TODO: ultimately we will either need to find (via list) a family with more than one version or
                        //       manually update these strings as OS versions are depricated
                        //See here for other OS versions if this test fails: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-guestos-update-matrix/
                        const string familyVersion0 = "*";
                        const string familyVersion1 = "WA-GUEST-OS-4.32_201605-01";

                        // "UpdatePoolOS" tests (ChangeOSVersion in OM)

                        // PoolManager
                            string poolIdChangeOSV = "Bug1965363ChangeOSVviaMGR-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool unboundPool = poolOperations.CreatePool(
                                    new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0), // start with version 0
                                    targetDedicated: 0);


                                // fetch the bound pool
                                CloudPool boundPool = poolOperations.GetPool(poolIdChangeOSV);

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);

                                // switch to new version
                                poolOperations.ChangeOSVersion(poolIdChangeOSV, familyVersion1);

                                // UpdatePoolOS is has latency???
                                PollForOSVersionChange(boundPool, familyVersion1);

                                // check to make sure the new value is set

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion1, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);
                                TestUtilities.DeletePoolIfExistsAsync(batchCli, poolIdChangeOSV).Wait();

                        // ICloudPool
                            string poolIdChangeOSV = "Bug1965363ChangeOSVviaPool-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                CloudPool unboundPool = poolOperations.CreatePool(
                                    new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0), // start with version 0
                                    targetDedicated: 0);


                                // fetch the bound pool
                                CloudPool boundPool = poolOperations.GetPool(poolIdChangeOSV);

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);

                                // switch to new version

                                // UpdatePoolOS is has latency???
                                PollForOSVersionChange(boundPool, familyVersion1);

                                // check to make sure the new value is set

                                Assert.Equal(familyVersion1, boundPool.CloudServiceConfiguration.CurrentOSVersion);
                                TestUtilities.DeletePoolIfExistsAsync(batchCli, poolIdChangeOSV).Wait();

                        // autopoolspec tests
                            string jobId = "Bug1965363WIName-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                            // test not setting osversion
                                CloudJob unboundJob       = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation());
                                AutoPoolSpecification aps = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                                PoolSpecification     ps  = new PoolSpecification();

                                // test unbound set constraint
                                ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily);

                                // test unbound get constraint
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);

                                ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;
                                ps.TargetDedicated    = 0; // trivial size for testing purposes

                                aps.PoolSpecification  = ps;
                                aps.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;

                                unboundJob.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = aps;

                                // commit to test validation

                                // get bound job
                                CloudJob boundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                                // test bound get constraints
                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    OSFamily == " +

                                string targetOSVersion =

                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOSVersion))
                                    targetOSVersion = "<null or empty";

                                this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    TargetOSVersion == " + targetOSVersion);
                                // cleanup
                                TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

                                string jobScheduleId = "Bug1965363WINameSettingAndChanging-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                                // test setting osversion
                                    AutoPoolSpecification aps = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                                    PoolSpecification     ps  = new PoolSpecification();
                                    CloudJobSchedule      unboundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(
                                        new Schedule()
                                        RecurrenceInterval = TimeSpan.FromDays(7)
                                        new JobSpecification(new PoolInformation()
                                        AutoPoolSpecification = aps

                                    // test unbound set constraint
                                    ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, familyVersion0);

                                    // test unbound get constraint
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("pus.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion == " + ps.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;
                                    ps.TargetDedicated    = 0; // trivial size for testing purposes

                                    aps.PoolSpecification  = ps;
                                    aps.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;


                                    // get bound job schedule
                                    CloudJobSchedule boundJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jobScheduleId);

                                    // test bound get constraints
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    OSFamily == " + boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("    TargetOSVersion == " + boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    // assert the value is as set above
                                    Assert.Equal(familyVersion0, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);

                                    // change values
                                    const string altFamily    = "3";
                                    const string altOSVersion = "WA-GUEST-OS-3.39_201605-01";

                                    // change values on the bound PUS
                                    PoolSpecification boundPS = boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification;

                                    boundPS.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(altFamily, altOSVersion);

                                    // flush changes

                                    // confirm changes took

                                    Assert.Equal(altFamily, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.OSFamily);
                                    Assert.Equal(altOSVersion, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.PoolSpecification.CloudServiceConfiguration.TargetOSVersion);
                                    // cleanup
                                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobScheduleId).Wait();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // special case os version beacuse it is a common failure and requires human intervention/editing
                        // test for expired os version
                        Assert.DoesNotContain("The specified OS Version does not exists", ex.ToString());


            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and
        /// submits the work item to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");

            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles",

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter  splitter        = new FileSplitter();
                List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(

                await this.UploadResourcesAsync(mapperTaskFiles);

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchCredentials(

            using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, batchCredentials))
                using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    //Create the unbound work item in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                    string workItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                    ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(workItemName);

                    // Construct the work item properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                    //Allow enough VMs in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                    int numberOfPoolVMs = 1 + this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                    //Define the pool specification for the pool which the work item will run on.
                    IPoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                        TargetDedicated = numberOfPoolVMs,
                        VMSize          = "small",
                        //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                        OSFamily        = "4",
                        TargetOSVersion = "*"

                    //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the work item is created.
                    //This creates a new pool for each work item which is added.
                    IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                        AutoPoolNamePrefix = "TextSearchPool",
                        KeepAlive          = false,
                        PoolLifeTimeOption = PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem,
                        PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification

                    //Define the execution environment for this work item -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                    unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment()
                        AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                    //Define the job manager for this work item.  This job manager will run when any job is created and will submit the tasks for
                    //the work item.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                    //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                    string jobManagerCommandLine = string.Format("{0} -JobManagerTask", Constants.TextSearchExe);
                    List <IResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                    const string         jobManagerTaskName      = "JobManager";

                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                        JobManager = new JobManager()
                            ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                            CommandLine   = jobManagerCommandLine,

                            //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits
                            KillJobOnCompletion = false,

                            Name = jobManagerTaskName

                        //Commit the unbound work item to the Batch Service.
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding work item: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundWorkItem.Name);
                        await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the work item which was defined above.

                        // Wait for the job manager task to complete.

                        //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                        ICloudWorkItem boundWorkItem = await workItemManager.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemName);

                        //Wait for the job to be created automatically by the Batch Service.
                        string boundJobName = await Helpers.WaitForActiveJobAsync(boundWorkItem);

                        ICloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await workItemManager.GetTaskAsync(

                        TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                        IToolbox          toolbox = batchClient.OpenToolbox();
                        ITaskStateMonitor monitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                        bool timedOut             = await monitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <ICloudTask> {
                        }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                        Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                        await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                        //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                        await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true);

                        if (timedOut)
                            throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));
                    catch (AggregateException e)
                            (innerE) =>
                            //We print all the inner exceptions for debugging purposes.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Hit unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                        //Delete the work item.
                        //This will delete the auto pool associated with the work item as long as the pool
                        //keep alive property is set to false.
                        if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldDeleteWorkItem)
                            Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item {0}", workItemName);

                        //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the
                        //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
        public void TestJobUpdateWithAndWithoutPoolInfo()
            void test()
                using BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment());
                const string testName = "TestJobUpdateWithAndWithoutPoolInfo";

                // Create a job
                string   jobId      = testName + "_" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                CloudJob unboundJob = batchCli.JobOperations.CreateJob();

                unboundJob.Id = jobId;

                // Use an auto pool with the job, since PoolInformation can't be updated otherwise.
                PoolSpecification poolSpec = new PoolSpecification();

                poolSpec.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily, "*");

                poolSpec.TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = 0;
                poolSpec.VirtualMachineSize          = PoolFixture.VMSize;
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpec = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                string autoPoolPrefix = "UpdPIAuto_" + TestUtilities.GetMyName();

                autoPoolSpec.AutoPoolIdPrefix = autoPoolPrefix;
                const bool originalKeepAlive = false;

                autoPoolSpec.KeepAlive          = originalKeepAlive;
                autoPoolSpec.PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job;
                autoPoolSpec.PoolSpecification  = poolSpec;
                PoolInformation poolInfo = new PoolInformation();

                poolInfo.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpec;
                unboundJob.PoolInformation     = poolInfo;

                const int originalPriority = 0;

                unboundJob.Priority = originalPriority;
                List <MetadataItem> originalMetadata = new List <MetadataItem>
                    new MetadataItem("meta1", "value1"),
                    new MetadataItem("meta2", "value2")

                unboundJob.Metadata = originalMetadata;

                testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Creating job {0}", jobId);

                    // Get bound job
                    CloudJob createdJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    // Verify that we can update something besides PoolInformation without getting an error for not being in the Disabled state.
                    Assert.NotEqual(JobState.Disabled, createdJob.State);

                    int updatedPriority = originalPriority + 1;
                    List <MetadataItem> updatedMetadata = new List <MetadataItem> {
                        new MetadataItem("updatedMeta1", "value1")
                    createdJob.Priority = updatedPriority;
                    createdJob.Metadata = updatedMetadata;

                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Updating job {0} without altering PoolInformation", jobId);


                    // Verify update occurred
                    CloudJob updatedJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    Assert.Equal(updatedPriority, updatedJob.Priority);
                    Assert.Equal(updatedJob.Metadata.Count, updatedJob.Priority);
                    Assert.Equal(updatedJob.Metadata[0].Name, updatedMetadata[0].Name);
                    Assert.Equal(updatedJob.Metadata[0].Value, updatedMetadata[0].Value);

                    // Verify that updating the PoolInformation works.
                    // PoolInformation can only be changed in the Disabled state.
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Disabling job {0}", jobId);
                    while (updatedJob.State != JobState.Disabled)

                    Assert.Equal(JobState.Disabled, updatedJob.State);

                    bool updatedKeepAlive = !originalKeepAlive;
                    updatedJob.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive = updatedKeepAlive;
                    int updatedAgainPriority = updatedPriority + 1;
                    updatedJob.Priority = updatedAgainPriority;
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Updating job {0} properties, including PoolInformation", jobId);

                    CloudJob updatedPoolInfoJob = batchCli.JobOperations.GetJob(jobId);

                    Assert.Equal(updatedKeepAlive, updatedPoolInfoJob.PoolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification.KeepAlive);
                    Assert.Equal(updatedAgainPriority, updatedPoolInfoJob.Priority);
                    testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Deleting job {0}", jobId);
                    TestUtilities.DeleteJobIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jobId).Wait();

                    // Explicitly delete auto pool
                    foreach (CloudPool pool in batchCli.PoolOperations.ListPools(new ODATADetailLevel(filterClause: string.Format("startswith(id,'{0}')", autoPoolPrefix))))
                        testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Deleting pool {0}", pool.Id);
                        TestUtilities.DeletePoolIfExistsAsync(batchCli, pool.Id).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
 internal PoolInformation(string poolId, AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification)
     PoolId = poolId;
     AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and
        /// submits the job to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");

            CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
                new StorageCredentials(
                useHttps: true);

            //Upload resources if required
            Console.WriteLine($"Creating container {this.textSearchSettings.OutputBlobContainer} if it doesn't exist...");
            var blobClient      = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var outputContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(this.textSearchSettings.OutputBlobContainer);
            await outputContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles",

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter  splitter        = new FileSplitter();
                List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(

                List <string> files = Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles.Union(mapperTaskFiles).ToList();

                await SampleHelpers.UploadResourcesAsync(

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string inputContainerSasUrl = SampleHelpers.ConstructContainerSas(
                permissions: WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read);

            string outputContainerSasUrl = SampleHelpers.ConstructContainerSas(
                permissions: WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read |

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(credentials))
                // Construct the job properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                //Allow enough compute nodes in the pool to run each mapper task
                int numberOfPoolComputeNodes = this.textSearchSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                //Define the pool specification for the pool which the job will run on.
                PoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                    TargetDedicatedComputeNodes = numberOfPoolComputeNodes,
                    VirtualMachineSize          = "standard_d1_v2",
                    //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                    CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily: "5")

                //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the job is created.
                //This creates a new pool for each job which is added.
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "TextSearchPool",
                    KeepAlive          = false,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                    PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification

                //Define the pool information for this job -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                    AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                //Create the unbound job in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                string jobId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInformation);
                unboundJob.UsesTaskDependencies = true;

                    //Commit the unbound job to the Batch Service.
                    Console.WriteLine($"Adding job: {unboundJob.Id} to the Batch Service.");
                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the job which was defined above.

                    // Add tasks to the job
                    var mapperTasks = CreateMapperTasks(inputContainerSasUrl, outputContainerSasUrl);
                    var reducerTask = CreateReducerTask(inputContainerSasUrl, outputContainerSasUrl, mapperTasks);

                    var tasksToAdd = Enumerable.Concat(mapperTasks, new[] { reducerTask });

                    //Submit the unbound task collection to the Batch Service.
                    //Use the AddTask method which takes a collection of CloudTasks for the best performance.
                    Console.WriteLine("Submitting {0} mapper tasks", this.textSearchSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks);
                    Console.WriteLine("Submitting 1 reducer task");
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, tasksToAdd);

                    //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                    CloudJob boundJob = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    // Update the job now that we've added tasks so that when all of the tasks which we have added
                    // are complete, the job will automatically move to the completed state.
                    boundJob.OnAllTasksComplete = OnAllTasksComplete.TerminateJob;

                    // Wait for the tasks to complete.
                    List <CloudTask> tasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId).ToListAsync();

                    TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                    // Monitor the current tasks to see when they are done.
                    // Occasionally a task may get killed and requeued during an upgrade or hardware failure,
                    // Robustness against this was not added into the sample for
                    // simplicity, but should be added into any production code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for job's tasks to complete");

                    TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                        await taskStateMonitor.WhenAll(tasks, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);
                        Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for all tasks to complete");

                        // Refresh the task list
                        tasks = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId).ToListAsync();

                        //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                        foreach (var task in tasks)
                            await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(task, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : false);

                    // Download and write out the reducer tasks output
                    string reducerText = await SampleHelpers.DownloadBlobTextAsync(cloudStorageAccount, this.textSearchSettings.OutputBlobContainer, Constants.ReducerTaskResultBlobName);

                    Console.WriteLine("Reducer reuslts:");
                    //Delete the job.
                    //This will delete the auto pool associated with the job as long as the pool
                    //keep alive property is set to false.
                    if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldDeleteJob)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Deleting job {jobId}");
                        await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(jobId);

                    if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldDeleteContainers)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting containers");
                        var inputContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(this.textSearchSettings.InputBlobContainer);
                        await inputContainer.DeleteIfExistsAsync();

                        await outputContainer.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a job schedule with the specified options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options describing the job schedule to create.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreateJobScheduleAsync(CreateJobScheduleOptions options)
            CloudJobSchedule unboundJobSchedule = this.Client.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule();
            unboundJobSchedule.Id = options.JobScheduleId;
            PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation();
            if (options.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.HasValue && options.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.Value)
                    AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                        AutoPoolIdPrefix = options.AutoPoolOptions.AutoPoolPrefix,
                        KeepAlive = options.AutoPoolOptions.KeepAlive,
                        PoolLifetimeOption = (PoolLifetimeOption)Enum.Parse(typeof(PoolLifetimeOption), options.AutoPoolOptions.LifeTimeOption),
                        PoolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                            OSFamily = options.AutoPoolOptions.OSFamily,
                            VirtualMachineSize = options.AutoPoolOptions.VirutalMachineSize,
                            TargetDedicated = options.AutoPoolOptions.TargetDedicated

                    poolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                poolInformation.PoolId = options.PoolId;
            unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                Priority = options.Priority,
                PoolInformation = poolInformation

            // TODO: These are read only
            unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.Constraints = new JobConstraints(options.MaxWallClockTime, options.MaxRetryCount);

            Schedule schedule = new Schedule()
                DoNotRunAfter = options.DoNotRunAfter,
                DoNotRunUntil = options.DoNotRunUntil,
                RecurrenceInterval = options.RecurrenceInterval,
                StartWindow = options.StartWindow
            unboundJobSchedule.Schedule = schedule;

            if (options.CreateJobManager.HasValue && options.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                JobManagerTask jobManager = new JobManagerTask()
                    CommandLine = options.JobManagerOptions.CommandLine,
                    KillJobOnCompletion = options.JobManagerOptions.KillOnCompletion,
                    Id = options.JobManagerOptions.JobManagerId

                jobManager.Constraints = new TaskConstraints(options.JobManagerOptions.MaxTaskWallClockTime, options.JobManagerOptions.RetentionTime, options.JobManagerOptions.MaxTaskRetryCount);

                unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobManagerTask = jobManager;

            await unboundJobSchedule.CommitAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and 
        /// submits the work item to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");
            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles", 

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter splitter = new FileSplitter();
                List<string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(
                await this.UploadResourcesAsync(mapperTaskFiles);

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchCredentials(

            using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, batchCredentials))
                using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    //Create the unbound work item in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                    string workItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
                    ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(workItemName);

                    // Construct the work item properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                    //Allow enough VMs in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                    int numberOfPoolVMs = 1 + this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                    //Define the pool specification for the pool which the work item will run on.
                    IPoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                                                                   TargetDedicated = numberOfPoolVMs,
                                                                   VMSize = "small",
                                                                   //You can learn more about os families and versions at: 
                                                                   OSFamily = "4",
                                                                   TargetOSVersion = "*"

                    //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the work item is created.
                    //This creates a new pool for each work item which is added.
                    IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                                                                           AutoPoolNamePrefix = "TextSearchPool",
                                                                           KeepAlive = false,
                                                                           PoolLifeTimeOption = PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem,
                                                                           PoolSpecification = poolSpecification

                    //Define the execution environment for this work item -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                    unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment()
                                                                       AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                    //Define the job manager for this work item.  This job manager will run when any job is created and will submit the tasks for 
                    //the work item.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                    //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                    string jobManagerCommandLine = string.Format("{0} -JobManagerTask", Constants.TextSearchExe);
                    List<IResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                    const string jobManagerTaskName = "JobManager";

                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                                                               JobManager = new JobManager()
                                                                                    ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                                                                                    CommandLine = jobManagerCommandLine,

                                                                                    //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits
                                                                                    KillJobOnCompletion = false, 
                                                                                    Name = jobManagerTaskName

                        //Commit the unbound work item to the Batch Service.
                        Console.WriteLine("Adding work item: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundWorkItem.Name);
                        await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the work item which was defined above.

                        // Wait for the job manager task to complete.
                        //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                        ICloudWorkItem boundWorkItem = await workItemManager.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemName);

                        //Wait for the job to be created automatically by the Batch Service.
                        string boundJobName = await Helpers.WaitForActiveJobAsync(boundWorkItem);
                        ICloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await workItemManager.GetTaskAsync(

                        TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                        IToolbox toolbox = batchClient.OpenToolbox();
                        ITaskStateMonitor monitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                        bool timedOut = await monitor.WaitAllAsync(new List<ICloudTask> { boundJobManagerTask }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                        Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                        await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                        //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                        await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess: true);

                        if (timedOut)
                            throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));
                    catch (AggregateException e)
                            (innerE) =>
                                    //We print all the inner exceptions for debugging purposes.
                                    return false;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Hit unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString());
                        //Delete the work item.
                        //This will delete the auto pool associated with the work item as long as the pool
                        //keep alive property is set to false.
                        if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldDeleteWorkItem)
                            Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item {0}", workItemName);

                        //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the 
                        //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and 
        /// submits the job to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");
            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles", 

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter splitter = new FileSplitter();
                List<string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(
                await this.UploadResourcesAsync(mapperTaskFiles);

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(credentials))
                // Construct the job properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                //Allow enough compute nodes in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                int numberOfPoolComputeNodes = 1 + this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                //Define the pool specification for the pool which the job will run on.
                PoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                        TargetDedicated = numberOfPoolComputeNodes,
                        VirtualMachineSize = "small",
                        //You can learn more about os families and versions at: 
                        OSFamily = "4",
                        TargetOSVersion = "*"

                //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the job is created.
                //This creates a new pool for each job which is added.
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                        AutoPoolIdPrefix= "TextSearchPool",
                        KeepAlive = false,
                        PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                        PoolSpecification = poolSpecification

                //Define the pool information for this job -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                        AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification
                //Define the job manager for this job.  This job manager will run first and will submit the tasks for 
                //the job.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                List<ResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                const string jobManagerTaskId = "JobManager";

                JobManagerTask jobManagerTask = new JobManagerTask()
                        ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                        CommandLine = Constants.JobManagerExecutable,

                        //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits.
                        KillJobOnCompletion = true,
                        Id = jobManagerTaskId

                //Create the unbound job in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                string jobId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInformation);
                unboundJob.JobManagerTask = jobManagerTask; //Assign the job manager task to this job

                    //Commit the unbound job to the Batch Service.
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding job: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundJob.Id);
                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the job which was defined above.

                    // Wait for the job manager task to complete.
                    //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                    CloudJob boundJob = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    CloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await boundJob.GetTaskAsync(jobManagerTaskId);

                    TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    // Monitor the current tasks to see when they are done.
                    // Occasionally a task may get killed and requeued during an upgrade or hardware failure, including the job manager
                    // task.  The job manager will be re-run in this case.  Robustness against this was not added into the sample for 
                    // simplicity, but should be added into any production code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for job's tasks to complete");

                    TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                    bool timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(new List<CloudTask> { boundJobManagerTask }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                    await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                    //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                    await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess: false);

                    if (timedOut)
                        throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));

                    // Download and write out the reducer tasks output
                    CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
                        new StorageCredentials(
                        useHttps: true);

                    string reducerText = await Helpers.DownloadBlobTextAsync(cloudStorageAccount, this.configurationSettings.BlobContainer, Constants.ReducerTaskResultBlobName);
                    Console.WriteLine("Reducer reuslts:");

                    //Delete the job.
                    //This will delete the auto pool associated with the job as long as the pool
                    //keep alive property is set to false.
                    if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldDeleteJob)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting job {0}", jobId);

                    //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the 
                    //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a work item with the specified work item options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options describing the work item to create.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreateWorkItemAsync(CreateWorkItemOptions options)
                using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = this.Client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(options.WorkItemName);

                    IJobExecutionEnvironment jobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment();
                    if (options.UseAutoPool.HasValue && options.UseAutoPool.Value)
                            IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                                AutoPoolNamePrefix = options.AutoPoolPrefix,
                                KeepAlive = options.KeepAlive,
                                PoolLifeTimeOption = options.LifeTimeOption.Equals("Job", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? PoolLifeTimeOption.Job : PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem

                            jobExecutionEnvironment.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                        jobExecutionEnvironment.PoolName = options.PoolName;

                    unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = jobExecutionEnvironment;
                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                        Priority = options.Priority

                    // TODO: These are read only
                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification.JobConstraints = new JobConstraints(options.MaxWallClockTime, options.MaxRetryCount);

                    if (options.CreateSchedule.HasValue && options.CreateSchedule.Value == true)
                        IWorkItemSchedule schedule = new WorkItemSchedule()
                            DoNotRunAfter = options.DoNotRunAfter,
                            DoNotRunUntil = options.DoNotRunUntil,
                            RecurrenceInterval = options.RecurrenceInterval,
                            StartWindow = options.StartWindow

                        unboundWorkItem.Schedule = schedule;

                    if (options.CreateJobManager.HasValue && options.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                        IJobManager jobManager = new JobManager()
                            CommandLine = options.CommandLine,
                            KillJobOnCompletion = options.KillOnCompletion,
                            Name = options.JobManagerName

                        jobManager.TaskConstraints = new TaskConstraints(options.MaxTaskWallClockTime, options.RetentionTime, options.MaxTaskRetryCount);

                        unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification.JobManager = jobManager;

                    await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and
        /// submits the job to the Azure Batch service.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: ");

            CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
                new StorageCredentials(
                useHttps: true);

            //Upload resources if required.
            if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldUploadResources)
                Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles",

                //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks.
                FileSplitter  splitter        = new FileSplitter();
                List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync(

                List <string> files = Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles.Union(mapperTaskFiles).ToList();

                await SampleHelpers.UploadResourcesAsync(

            //Generate a SAS for the container.
            string containerSasUrl = SampleHelpers.ConstructContainerSas(

            //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(credentials))
                // Construct the job properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service.

                //Allow enough compute nodes in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager.
                int numberOfPoolComputeNodes = 1 + this.textSearchSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks;

                //Define the pool specification for the pool which the job will run on.
                PoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                    TargetDedicated    = numberOfPoolComputeNodes,
                    VirtualMachineSize = "small",
                    //You can learn more about os families and versions at:
                    OSFamily        = "4",
                    TargetOSVersion = "*"

                //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the job is created.
                //This creates a new pool for each job which is added.
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = "TextSearchPool",
                    KeepAlive          = false,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = PoolLifetimeOption.Job,
                    PoolSpecification  = poolSpecification

                //Define the pool information for this job -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above.
                PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation()
                    AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification

                //Define the job manager for this job.  This job manager will run first and will submit the tasks for
                //the job.  The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job
                //and all tasks which should run for the job.  In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks.
                List <ResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = SampleHelpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);
                const string        jobManagerTaskId        = "JobManager";

                JobManagerTask jobManagerTask = new JobManagerTask()
                    ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles,
                    CommandLine   = Constants.JobManagerExecutable,

                    //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits.
                    KillJobOnCompletion = true,
                    Id = jobManagerTaskId

                //Create the unbound job in local memory.  An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound".
                string jobId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");

                CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInformation);
                unboundJob.JobManagerTask = jobManagerTask; //Assign the job manager task to this job

                    //Commit the unbound job to the Batch Service.
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding job: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundJob.Id);
                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the job which was defined above.

                    // Wait for the job manager task to complete.

                    //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound."
                    CloudJob boundJob = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    CloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await boundJob.GetTaskAsync(jobManagerTaskId);

                    TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

                    // Monitor the current tasks to see when they are done.
                    // Occasionally a task may get killed and requeued during an upgrade or hardware failure, including the job manager
                    // task.  The job manager will be re-run in this case.  Robustness against this was not added into the sample for
                    // simplicity, but should be added into any production code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for job's tasks to complete");

                    TaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();
                    bool             timedOut         = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <CloudTask> {
                    }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task.");

                    await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync();

                    //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully.
                    await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : false);

                    if (timedOut)
                        throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete."));

                    // Download and write out the reducer tasks output

                    string reducerText = await SampleHelpers.DownloadBlobTextAsync(cloudStorageAccount, this.textSearchSettings.BlobContainer, Constants.ReducerTaskResultBlobName);

                    Console.WriteLine("Reducer reuslts:");
                    //Delete the job.
                    //This will delete the auto pool associated with the job as long as the pool
                    //keep alive property is set to false.
                    if (this.textSearchSettings.ShouldDeleteJob)
                        Console.WriteLine("Deleting job {0}", jobId);

                    //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the
                    //configuration file.  This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample.
        public void SampleCreateJobScheduleAutoPool()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jsId = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-CreateWiAutoPoolTest";
                        CloudJobSchedule newJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(jsId, null, null);
                            newJobSchedule.Metadata = MakeMetaData("onCreateName", "onCreateValue");

                            PoolInformation       poolInformation = new PoolInformation();
                            AutoPoolSpecification iaps            = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                            Schedule schedule = new Schedule()
                                RecurrenceInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(18)
                            poolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = iaps;

                            iaps.AutoPoolIdPrefix   = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                            iaps.PoolLifetimeOption = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Common.PoolLifetimeOption.Job;
                            iaps.KeepAlive          = false;

                            PoolSpecification ps = new PoolSpecification();

                            iaps.PoolSpecification = ps;

                            ps.TargetDedicated    = 1;
                            ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;

                            ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily);

                            ps.Metadata = MakeMetaData("pusMDIName", "pusMDIValue");

                            JobSpecification jobSpec = newJobSchedule.JobSpecification;

                            jobSpec = new JobSpecification(poolInformation);

                            JobManagerTask jobMgr = jobSpec.JobManagerTask;


                            jobMgr = new JobManagerTask(TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-JobManagerTest", "hostname");

                            jobMgr.KillJobOnCompletion = false;

                            // set the JobManagerTask on the JobSpecification
                            jobSpec.JobManagerTask = jobMgr;

                            // set the JobSpecifcation on the Job Schedule
                            newJobSchedule.JobSpecification = jobSpec;

                            newJobSchedule.Schedule = schedule;


                        CloudJobSchedule jobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jsId);
                            TestUtilities.DisplayJobScheduleLong(this.testOutputHelper, jobSchedule);

                            List <MetadataItem> mdi = new List <MetadataItem>(jobSchedule.Metadata);

                            // check the values specified for AddJobSchedule are correct.
                            foreach (MetadataItem curIMDI in mdi)
                                Assert.Equal("onCreateName", curIMDI.Name);
                                Assert.Equal("onCreateValue", curIMDI.Value);

                            // add metadata items
                            mdi.Add(new MetadataItem("modifiedName", "modifiedValue"));

                            jobSchedule.Metadata = mdi;


                            // confirm metadata updated correctly
                            CloudJobSchedule jsUpdated = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jsId);
                                List <MetadataItem> updatedMDI = new List <MetadataItem>(jsUpdated.Metadata);

                                Assert.Equal(2, updatedMDI.Count);

                                Assert.Equal("onCreateName", updatedMDI[0].Name);
                                Assert.Equal("onCreateValue", updatedMDI[0].Value);

                                Assert.Equal("modifiedName", updatedMDI[1].Name);
                                Assert.Equal("modifiedValue", updatedMDI[1].Value);


                            TestUtilities.DisplayJobScheduleLong(this.testOutputHelper, jobSchedule);
                        // clean up
                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jsId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
        public async Task CreateJobAsync(CreateJobOptions createJobOptions)
            CloudJob unboundJob = this.Client.JobOperations.CreateJob();

            unboundJob.Id = createJobOptions.JobId;
            unboundJob.Priority = createJobOptions.Priority;
            unboundJob.Constraints = new JobConstraints(createJobOptions.MaxWallClockTime, createJobOptions.MaxRetryCount);

            PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation();
            if (createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.HasValue && createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.Value)
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.AutoPoolPrefix,
                    KeepAlive = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.KeepAlive,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = (PoolLifetimeOption)Enum.Parse(typeof(PoolLifetimeOption), createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.LifeTimeOption),
                    PoolSpecification = new PoolSpecification()
                        OSFamily = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.OSFamily,
                        VirtualMachineSize = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.VirutalMachineSize,
                        TargetDedicated = createJobOptions.AutoPoolOptions.TargetDedicated

                poolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                poolInformation.PoolId = createJobOptions.PoolId;

            unboundJob.PoolInformation = poolInformation;

            if (createJobOptions.CreateJobManager.HasValue && createJobOptions.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                JobManagerTask jobManager = new JobManagerTask()
                    CommandLine = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.CommandLine,
                    KillJobOnCompletion = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.KillOnCompletion,
                    Id = createJobOptions.JobManagerOptions.JobManagerId

                jobManager.Constraints = new TaskConstraints(

                unboundJob.JobManagerTask = jobManager;

            await unboundJob.CommitAsync();
        public void Bug1433008JobScheduleScheduleNewable()
            Action test = () =>
                using (BatchClient batchCli = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClientAsync(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment()).Result)
                    string jsId = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName() + "-Bug1433008JobScheduleScheduleNewable";

                        DateTime unboundDNRU = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1);

                        CloudJobSchedule newJobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(jsId, null, null);
                            AutoPoolSpecification iaps             = new AutoPoolSpecification();
                            PoolSpecification     ips              = new PoolSpecification();
                            JobSpecification      jobSpecification = new JobSpecification(new PoolInformation()
                                AutoPoolSpecification = iaps
                            iaps.PoolSpecification = ips;

                            iaps.AutoPoolIdPrefix   = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.DefaultConveniencePrefix + TestUtilities.GetMyName();
                            iaps.PoolLifetimeOption = Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Common.PoolLifetimeOption.Job;
                            iaps.KeepAlive          = false;

                            PoolSpecification ps = iaps.PoolSpecification;

                            ps.TargetDedicated    = 1;
                            ps.VirtualMachineSize = PoolFixture.VMSize;

                            ps.CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(PoolFixture.OSFamily);

                            Schedule sched = new Schedule();

                            sched.DoNotRunUntil = unboundDNRU;

                            newJobSchedule.Schedule         = sched;
                            newJobSchedule.JobSpecification = jobSpecification;


                        CloudJobSchedule jobSchedule = batchCli.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jsId);

                        // confirm that the original value(s) are set
                        TestUtilities.DisplayJobScheduleLong(this.testOutputHelper, jobSchedule);

                        Assert.Equal(unboundDNRU, jobSchedule.Schedule.DoNotRunUntil);

                        // now update the schedule and confirm

                        DateTime boundDNRU = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(2);

                        jobSchedule.Schedule.DoNotRunUntil = boundDNRU;



                        // confirm that the new value(s) are set
                        TestUtilities.DisplayJobScheduleLong(this.testOutputHelper, jobSchedule);

                        Assert.Equal(boundDNRU, jobSchedule.Schedule.DoNotRunUntil);
                        // clean up
                        TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(batchCli, jsId).Wait();

            SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, TestTimeout);
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a job schedule with the specified options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options describing the job schedule to create.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreateJobScheduleAsync(CreateJobScheduleOptions options)
            CloudJobSchedule unboundJobSchedule = this.Client.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule();

            unboundJobSchedule.Id = options.JobScheduleId;

            PoolInformation poolInformation = new PoolInformation();

            if (options.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.HasValue && options.AutoPoolOptions.UseAutoPool.Value)
                AutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                    AutoPoolIdPrefix   = options.AutoPoolOptions.AutoPoolPrefix,
                    KeepAlive          = options.AutoPoolOptions.KeepAlive,
                    PoolLifetimeOption = (PoolLifetimeOption)Enum.Parse(typeof(PoolLifetimeOption), options.AutoPoolOptions.LifeTimeOption),
                    PoolSpecification  = new PoolSpecification()
                        CloudServiceConfiguration = new CloudServiceConfiguration(options.AutoPoolOptions.OSFamily),
                        VirtualMachineSize        = options.AutoPoolOptions.VirutalMachineSize,
                        TargetDedicated           = options.AutoPoolOptions.TargetDedicated

                poolInformation.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                poolInformation.PoolId = options.PoolId;

            unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification()
                Priority        = options.Priority,
                PoolInformation = poolInformation

            // TODO: These are read only
            unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.Constraints = new JobConstraints(options.MaxWallClockTime, options.MaxRetryCount);

            Schedule schedule = new Schedule()
                DoNotRunAfter      = options.DoNotRunAfter,
                DoNotRunUntil      = options.DoNotRunUntil,
                RecurrenceInterval = options.RecurrenceInterval,
                StartWindow        = options.StartWindow

            unboundJobSchedule.Schedule = schedule;

            if (options.CreateJobManager.HasValue && options.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                JobManagerTask jobManager = new JobManagerTask()
                    CommandLine         = options.JobManagerOptions.CommandLine,
                    KillJobOnCompletion = options.JobManagerOptions.KillOnCompletion,
                    Id = options.JobManagerOptions.JobManagerId

                jobManager.Constraints = new TaskConstraints(options.JobManagerOptions.MaxTaskWallClockTime, options.JobManagerOptions.RetentionTime, options.JobManagerOptions.MaxTaskRetryCount);

                unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobManagerTask = jobManager;

            await unboundJobSchedule.CommitAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a work item with the specified work item options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The options describing the work item to create.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task CreateWorkItemAsync(CreateWorkItemOptions options)
                using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = this.Client.OpenWorkItemManager())
                    ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(options.WorkItemName);

                    IJobExecutionEnvironment jobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment();
                    if (options.UseAutoPool.HasValue && options.UseAutoPool.Value)
                        IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification()
                            AutoPoolNamePrefix = options.AutoPoolPrefix,
                            KeepAlive          = options.KeepAlive,
                            PoolLifeTimeOption = options.LifeTimeOption.Equals("Job", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? PoolLifeTimeOption.Job : PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem

                        jobExecutionEnvironment.AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification;
                        jobExecutionEnvironment.PoolName = options.PoolName;

                    unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = jobExecutionEnvironment;
                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification        = new JobSpecification()
                        Priority = options.Priority

                    // TODO: These are read only
                    unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification.JobConstraints = new JobConstraints(options.MaxWallClockTime, options.MaxRetryCount);

                    if (options.CreateSchedule.HasValue && options.CreateSchedule.Value == true)
                        IWorkItemSchedule schedule = new WorkItemSchedule()
                            DoNotRunAfter      = options.DoNotRunAfter,
                            DoNotRunUntil      = options.DoNotRunUntil,
                            RecurrenceInterval = options.RecurrenceInterval,
                            StartWindow        = options.StartWindow

                        unboundWorkItem.Schedule = schedule;

                    if (options.CreateJobManager.HasValue && options.CreateJobManager.Value == true)
                        IJobManager jobManager = new JobManager()
                            CommandLine         = options.CommandLine,
                            KillJobOnCompletion = options.KillOnCompletion,
                            Name = options.JobManagerName

                        jobManager.TaskConstraints = new TaskConstraints(options.MaxTaskWallClockTime, options.RetentionTime, options.MaxTaskRetryCount);

                        unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification.JobManager = jobManager;

                    await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync();