public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { String txtName = context.Request["txtName"]; String txtPhone = context.Request["txtPhone"]; String txtEmail = context.Request["txtEmail"]; String txtComments = context.Request["txtComments"]; String txtCode = context.Request["txtCode"]; String toEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["adminemail"]; String currentPageName = context.Request["currentPageName"]; String replyBy = context.Request["replyBy"]; String toKnow = context.Request["toKnow"]; int propertyId = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["propertyId"]); String link = DataUtility.Decrypt(context.Request["link"]); REIQ.Entities.Property Property = REIQ.Access.Property.GetFromPropertyId(propertyId); DefaultAgent = REIQ.Access.Agent.GetFromPropertyId(propertyId); Agency = REIQ.Access.Agency.GetFromPropertyId(propertyId); Region = REIQ.Access.Property.GetPropertyRegion(propertyId); String capthcaImageText = String.Empty; if (context.Session["CaptchaImageText"] != null) { capthcaImageText = context.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString(); } context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCode) || txtCode != capthcaImageText) { context.Response.Write("captchaFail"); } else { string agentNames = String.Empty; //Trying to get all associated agents emails if (Property.aID1 != null) { Agent1 = REIQ.Access.Agent.GetFromAgentId((int)Property.aID1); if (Agent1 != null) { toEmail =; agentNames = Agent1.firstname + " " + Agent1.surname; } } if (Property.aID2 != null) { Agent2 = REIQ.Access.Agent.GetFromAgentId((int)Property.aID2); if (Agent2 != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { toEmail += ", " +; } agentNames = ", " + Agent2.firstname + " " + Agent2.surname; } } if (Property.aID3 != null) { Agent3 = REIQ.Access.Agent.GetFromAgentId((int)Property.aID3); if (Agent3 != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty( { toEmail += ", " +; } agentNames = ", " + Agent3.firstname + " " + Agent3.surname; } } //If no associated agents - then try get associated agency if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toEmail)) { if (Agency != null) { toEmail =; } } //If still nothing associated - send error message. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toEmail)) { AutoMail.sendErrorMail(new Exception("No email found for propertyID:" + propertyId)); } string strlink = link; string strprice = PropertyHelper.GetPropertyPrice(Property); string address = PropertyHelper.GetAddress(Property); string strBody = ""; strBody = strBody + "To " + agentNames + "<br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<font style='color:#c0143c'>RE: WEB ENQUIRY FOR " + address + "</font><br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<b>Please find below an enquiry from</b><br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<table width=650 border=0>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td width=250>From: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td >" + txtName + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Email: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + txtEmail + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Phone: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + txtPhone + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Preferred Contact: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + replyBy + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Date of enquiry: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Would like to request information on: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + toKnow + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td valign='top'>Comments: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td >" + txtComments + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "</table>"; strBody = strBody + "<br><br><font style='color:#c0143c'>PLEASE HIT 'REPLY' TO RESPOND DIRECTLY TO THIS ENQUIRY.</font><br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<table border='0' width='650'>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td valign='top'><a href='" + strlink + "'>" + PropertyHelper.GetSearchImageUrl(Property.pID.ToString(), Property.hasPhotoLarge, Property.type, address, Property.status, strprice, "106", "70") + "</a></td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td width='10'></td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td valign='top' align='left'>"; strBody = strBody + "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td colspan='2' align='left' class='txtAddress' height='25' valign='top'>" + address.ToUpper() + " <span class='newly'>" + Property.type + "</span> " + PropertyHelper.GetFurnished(Property.isFurnished) + "" + PropertyHelper.GetNewlyAdded(Property.dateListed == null ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)Property.dateListed) + "" + getstatus(Property.status) + "</span></td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr height='20'><td colspan='2' style='color:#595a5f;' valign='top'><b>" + Property.descriptionShort + "</b></td></tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td colspan='2' align='left'>"; strBody = strBody + PropertyHelper.GetShortDescription(Property.descriptionLong, 120) + "...<br /> "; strBody = strBody + PropertyHelper.GetAuctionFormat(Property.auctionDate == null ? String.Empty : Property.auctionDate.ToString(), Property.auctionTime); strBody = strBody + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + checkHomeOpen(PropertyHelper.GetHomeOpensFormat_New(Property.homeopen1From.ToString(), Property.homeopen1To.ToString(), Property.homeopen2From.ToString(), Property.homeopen2To.ToString())); strBody = strBody + "<tr height='20'><td colspan='2'><b><span class='txtPink14'>" + strprice + "</span> | <span class='txtPink'>Property Type: " + Property.type + "</span></b></td></tr>"; strBody = strBody + "</table>"; strBody = strBody + "<a href='" + strlink + "' ><img name='btn_view_more2' src='images/btn_view_more.jpg' onMouseOver='this.src='images/btn_view_more_f2.jpg'' onMouseOut='this.src='images/btn_view_more.jpg''/></a>"; strBody = strBody + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td valign='top' width='200' align='right'>"; strBody = strBody + PropertyHelper.GetDisplaySearchFeaturesSmall(Property.numBedrooms.ToString(), Property.numBathrooms.ToString(), Property.numCarbays.ToString(), Property.numStudy.ToString(), Property.hasPool.ToString(), Property.numGarage.ToString()); strBody = strBody + "<br />"; if (Agency != null) { strBody = strBody + Images.GetAgencyImage(Agency.acID, 196, 88); strBody = strBody + "<br /><br />"; } if (DefaultAgent != null) { strBody = strBody + PropertyHelper.GetAgentData(DefaultAgent, Property.pID); } strBody = strBody + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "</table>"; strBody = PropertyHelper.GetEmailbox(strBody); string sub = ""; if (address != null) { sub = "Web Enquiry for " + address.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "") + " from REIQ"; } else { sub = "Web Enquiry for from REIQ"; } try { AutoMail.Mail_Send(txtEmail, toEmail, sub, strBody); LogHelper.InsertLog(Property.pID.ToString(), Property.acID.ToString(), Property.aID1.ToString(), Property.suburb, txtEmail, txtPhone); context.Response.Write("true"); } catch (Exception ex) { AutoMail.sendErrorMail(ex); context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { String txtName = context.Request["txtName"]; String txtPhone = context.Request["txtPhone"]; String txtEmail = context.Request["txtEmail"]; String txtComments = context.Request["txtComments"]; String txtCode = context.Request["txtCode"]; String toEmail = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["sendToEmail"]) ? DataUtility.Decrypt(context.Request["sendToEmail"]) : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["adminemail"]); String currentPageName = context.Request["currentPageName"]; String capthcaImageText = String.Empty; if (context.Session["CaptchaImageText"] != null) { capthcaImageText = context.Session["CaptchaImageText"].ToString(); } context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCode) || txtCode != capthcaImageText) { context.Response.Write("captchaFail"); } else { try { string strBody = ""; //strBody = strBody + "<br>To " + agencyName + "<br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<font style='color:#c0143c'>The form on " + currentPageName + " was submitted</font><br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<b>Please find below an enquiry from</b><br><br>"; strBody = strBody + "<table width=600 border=0>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td width=150>From: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td width=450>" + txtName + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Email: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + txtEmail + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Phone: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + txtPhone + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>Date of enquiry: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td>" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<tr>"; strBody = strBody + "<td valign='top'>Message: </td>"; strBody = strBody + "<td >" + txtComments + "</td>"; strBody = strBody + "</tr>"; strBody = strBody + "</table>"; strBody = strBody + "<br><br><font style='color:#c0143c'>PLEASE HIT 'REPLY' TO RESPOND DIRECTLY TO THIS ENQUIRY.</font><br><br>"; strBody = AgencyHelper.GetEmailBox(strBody); AutoMail.Mail_Send(txtEmail, toEmail, "Web Enquiry from REIQ", strBody); context.Response.Write("true"); } catch (Exception ex) { AutoMail.sendErrorMail(ex); context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }