Exemple #1
        public static AutoCompleteController ForProjects(List <Toggl.TogglAutocompleteView> projects)
            var list = projects.Select(i => new TimerItem(i, true)).ToList <IAutoCompleteListItem>();

            // categorise by workspace and client

             * var list = NoProjectItem.Create()
             *  .Prepend(projects
             *      .Where(p => p.ProjectID != 0) // TODO: get rid of these at an earlier stage (they are workspace entries which are not needed anymore)
             *      .GroupBy(p => p.WorkspaceID)
             *      .Select(ps => new WorkspaceCategory(
             *          ps.First().WorkspaceName,
             *          ps.GroupBy(p => p.ClientID)
             *              .OrderBy(g => g.Key != 0) // TODO: decide how clients should be sorted
             *              .Select(parseClientGroup)
             *              .SelectMany(i => i).ToList()
             *          ))
             *      ).ToList();
            var ac = new AutoCompleteController(list, string.Format("Projects({0})", projects.Count));

            ac.autocompleteType = 3;
Exemple #2
 public override void CreateFrameworkElement(
     Panel parent, Action <AutoCompleteItem> selectWithClick,
     List <IRecyclable> recyclables, AutoCompleteController controller)
     this.element            = this.createElement(() => selectWithClick(this), recyclables);
     this.element.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
 public void SetController(AutoCompleteController controller)
     this.controller         = controller;
     this.needsToRefreshList = true;
     if (this.popup.IsOpen)
        public static AutoCompleteController ForStrings(IEnumerable <string> items)
            var list = items.Select(i => new StringItem(i)).ToList <IAutoCompleteListItem>();

            var ac = new AutoCompleteController(list, string.Format("Strings({0})", list.Count));

            ac.autocompleteType = 1;
        public static AutoCompleteController ForWorkspaces(List <Toggl.TogglGenericView> list)
            var items = list.Select(m => new ModelItem(m))
                        .Cast <IAutoCompleteListItem>().ToList();

            var ac = new AutoCompleteController(items, string.Format("Workspaces({0})", list.Count));

            ac.autocompleteType = 2;
        public static AutoCompleteController ForClients(List <Toggl.TogglGenericView> clients)
            var list = clients.Select(m => new ModelItem(m))
                       .Cast <IAutoCompleteListItem>().ToList();

            // categorise by workspace

             * var list =
             *  ((IAutoCompleteListItem)new NoClientItem()).Prepend(
             *      clients.GroupBy(c => c.WID).Select(
             *          cs =>
             *              new WorkspaceCategory(cs.First().WorkspaceName,
             *                  cs.Select(ModelItem.Create).ToList<IAutoCompleteListItem>()
             *                  )
             *      )
             *  ).ToList();
            var ac = new AutoCompleteController(list, string.Format("Clients({0})", clients.Count));

            ac.autocompleteType = 2;
 public void SetController(AutoCompleteController controller)
     this.controller         = controller;
     this.needsToRefreshList = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// instantiates a new instance of the host interface control
        /// </summary>
        public HostInterface(HostInterfaceMode mode = HostInterfaceMode.Interactive)
            // initialize user control

            BackColor   = Constants.COLOR_BACKGROUND;
            BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None;
            Height      = 200;
            Width       = 200;

            // initialize RTB

            RTB           = new HostRtb();
            RTB.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
            RTB.Font      = Constants.FONT_STANDARD;
            RTB.BackColor = Constants.COLOR_BACKGROUND;
            RTB.ForeColor = Constants.COLOR_STANDARD_FOREGROUND;

            // initialize input filters

            InputFilters = new InputEventsFilterCollection(this);

            // initialize the commands collection

            Commands = new CommandCollection();

            // initialize host writers

            Out = new HostWriterCollection(OnHostWriterActionHandler, GetBuffer());

            // initialize prompt

            _writePromptAction = outWriters => { outWriters.Standard.Write("> "); };

            // initialize mode

            Mode = mode;

            // initialize modules collection

            Modules = new ModuleCollection(Commands);
            Modules.Install(typeof(BitPantry.Theta.Modules.Core.Module), Out);

            // initialize auto complete

            _autoComplete = new AutoCompleteController(this);

            // initialize submit history

            _submitHistory = new List <string>();

            // initialize command execution prompt

            _commandExecutionPrompt = new CommandExecutionPrompt(this);

            // initialize invoker

            _invoker = new CommandInvoker(this);