public string CreateAuthorizationRequest()
            // Create URI to authorization endpoint
            var authorizeRequest = new AuthorizeRequest(GlobalSetting.Instance.IdentityEndpoint);

            // Dictionary with values for the authorize request
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("client_id", GlobalSetting.Instance.ClientId);
            dic.Add("client_secret", GlobalSetting.Instance.ClientSecret);
            dic.Add("response_type", "code id_token");
            dic.Add("scope", "openid profile basket orders locations marketing offline_access");
            dic.Add("redirect_uri", GlobalSetting.Instance.IdentityCallback);
            dic.Add("nonce", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            dic.Add("code_challenge", CreateCodeChallenge());
            dic.Add("code_challenge_method", "S256");

            // Add CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
            var currentCSRFToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            dic.Add("state", currentCSRFToken);

            var authorizeUri = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);

Exemple #2
        public void StartFlow(string responseType, string scope)
            // create URI to authorize endpoint - use WebHost or SelfHost from the
            // samples solution.
            var authorizeRequest =
                new AuthorizeRequest("https://localhost:44333/core/connect/authorize");

            // dictionary with values for the authorize request
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("client_id", "implicitclient");
            dic.Add("response_type", responseType);
            dic.Add("scope", scope);
            dic.Add("redirect_uri", "https://xamarin-oidc-sample/redirect");
            dic.Add("nonce", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));

            // add CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
            _currentCSRFToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            dic.Add("state", _currentCSRFToken);

            var authorizeUri = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);

            // or use CreateAuthorizeUrl, passing in the values we defined in the dictionary.
            // authorizeRequest.CreateAuthorizeUrl("implicitclient", ...);

            wvLogin.Source    = authorizeUri;
            wvLogin.IsVisible = true;
        public void StartFlow(string responseType, string scope)
            // create URI to auth endpoint
            var authorizeRequest =
                new AuthorizeRequest("");

            // note: change URI to wherever you deployed your STS (CTRL-SHIFT-F is your friend :)).
            // For use with IIS Express, check

            // dictionary with values for the authorize request
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("client_id", "xamarinsampleimplicit");
            dic.Add("response_type", responseType);
            dic.Add("scope", scope);
            dic.Add("redirect_uri", "https://xamarin-oidc-sample/redirect");
            dic.Add("nonce", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));

            // add CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
            _currentCSRFToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            dic.Add("state", _currentCSRFToken);

            var authorizeUri = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);

            // or use CreateAuthorizeUrl, passing in the values we defined in the dictionary.
            // authorizeRequest.CreateAuthorizeUrl("xamarinsampleimplicit", ...);

            wvLogin.Source    = authorizeUri;
            wvLogin.IsVisible = true;
        public void Create_relative_url_should_behave_as_expected()
            var request = new AuthorizeRequest(new Uri("/authorize", UriKind.Relative));

            var parmeters = new
                foo = "foo",
                bar = "bar"

            var url = request.Create(parmeters);

            Assert.AreEqual("/authorize?foo=foo&bar=bar", url);
        public void Create_absolute_url_should_behave_as_expected()
            var request = new AuthorizeRequest("http://server/authorize");

            var parmeters = new
                foo = "foo",
                bar = "bar"

            var url = request.Create(parmeters);

            Assert.AreEqual("http://server/authorize?foo=foo&bar=bar", url);
Exemple #6
        private UrlWebViewSource CreateAuthUrl()
            var result           = new UrlWebViewSource();
            var authorizeRequest = new AuthorizeRequest(ApiKeys.AuthorizeUrl);

            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("client_id", ApiKeys.ClientId);
            dic.Add("response_type", "Assertion");
            dic.Add("scope", ApiKeys.Scope);
            dic.Add("redirect_uri", ApiKeys.RedirectUrl);
            _currentCSRFToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            dic.Add("state", _currentCSRFToken);
            result.Url = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);
        public void StartFlow(string responseType, string scope)
            var authorizeRequest = new AuthorizeRequest("");

            // dictionary with values for the authorize request
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("application_id", "715ee34f2bb9baeb9a825cf74b717e75");
            dic.Add("display", "page");
            dic.Add("expires_at", "1482537600");
            dic.Add("nofollow", "0");
            dic.Add("redirect_uri", "");

            var authorizeUri = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);

            wvLogin.Source    = authorizeUri;
            wvLogin.IsVisible = true;
        public string CreateAuthorizationRequest()
            // Create URI to authorization endpoint
            var authorizeRequest = new AuthorizeRequest(GlobalSetting.Instance.IdentityEndpoint);

            // Dictionary with values for requeset
            var dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dic.Add("client_id", "xamarin");
            dic.Add("response_type", "id_token token");
            dic.Add("scope", "openid profile basket orders");
            dic.Add("redirect_url", GlobalSetting.Instance.IdentityCallback);
            dic.Add("nonce", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));

            // Add CSRF token to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks
            var currentCSRFToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            dic.Add("state", currentCSRFToken);

            var authorizeUri = authorizeRequest.Create(dic);
