static private bool UpdateLicenseDetails(AuthenticatedLicense license, NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.StrategyBase S)
            string   s      = "EXPIRY:";//20090911
            int      index  = 0;
            DateTime expiry = DateTime.MinValue;

            index = license.ProductInfo.IndexOf(s);
            if (index >= 0)
                string[] sub = (license.ProductInfo.Substring(index + s.Length)).Split(new char[] { ' ', ';', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (sub[0].Length >= 8)
                    int year  = Convert.ToInt32(sub[0].Substring(0, 4));
                    int month = Convert.ToInt32(sub[0].Substring(4, 2));
                    int day   = Convert.ToInt32(sub[0].Substring(6, 2));
                    expiry = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                if (sub[0].Length == 8 || DateTime.Now < expiry)
                    LICENSE_FILE = LICENSE_FILE.Replace("|0", "|1");

            if (S.Account.Name == "Sim101" || S.Account.Name == "Backtest" || S.Account.Name == "Replay101")
            // ninjaok = true;
        public static bool _AuthenticatedLicense(NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.StrategyBase S)
            // if (ninjaok) return true;
            string[] results      = LICENSE_FILE.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            string   licence_file = results[0];

            if (results[1] == "1")

            AuthenticatedLicenseProvider provider = new AuthenticatedLicenseProvider();
            string basepath = NinjaTrader.Core.Globals.UserDataDir;

            basepath += "bin\\Custom\\";

            AuthenticatedLicense license = null;

                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(basepath + licence_file);

                if (f != null && f.Length > 0)
                    license = provider.GetLicense(LICENSE_PARAMETERS, basepath + licence_file, false);
            catch {

            if (license == null)
                AuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm licenseForm = new AuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm();
                licenseForm.Text = "Zweistein SpreadTrader";
                license          = licenseForm.ShowDialog(basepath + licence_file, null);
            if (license != null)

            if (license != null && license.Status == AuthenticatedLicenseStatus.Valid)
                if (!UpdateLicenseDetails(license, S))
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("License error:" + license.ProductInfo, licence_file);
            //  LICENSE_FILE = LICENSE_FILE.Replace("|0", "|1");
            ninjaok = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the license checking for blacklisted serial numbers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="licenseFile">The license file.</param>
        /// <param name="validateLicense">if set to <c>true</c> [validate license].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override AuthenticatedLicense GetLicense(string licenseFile, bool validateLicense)
            AuthenticatedLicense license = base.GetLicense(licenseFile, validateLicense);

            // Check for blacklisted serial numbers
            //if (license != null) switch (license.SerialNo)
            //    case 1:
            //        ShowError("{0} License Error", "Please contact " + Solution.Company + " to update your license.");
            //        return null;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the application license.
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckLicense()
            /// <summary>
            /// Number of days trial license is valid for
            /// </summary>
            const int TRIAL_DAYS = 30;

            /// <summary>
            /// License Validation Parameters copied from the License Key Generator 
            /// </summary>
            const string LICENSE_PARAMETERS =
	                <ProductName>LaJust Power Meter</ProductName>

            // Check for machine names checksums that do not require license files
            // We don't put the actual machine name in the code for security reasons
            switch (LicenseUtilities.Checksum(Environment.MachineName.ToUpper()))
                case "766": // "LAJUST-MSI" MSI 2200AE All In One Machine
                case "754": // "LAJUST-PC" Dell Studio One All In One Machine

            // The license file, the directory will automatically get created if required
            string licenseFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\LaJust\LaJustPowerMeter.lic";

            // Check if there is a valid license for the application
            MyAuthenticatedLicenseProvider licenseProvider = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseProvider();
            _license = licenseProvider.GetLicense(LICENSE_PARAMETERS, licenseFile, true);

            // Allow forcing of the license dialog using command line option
            if (Environment.CommandLine.ToUpper().Contains("/LICENSE"))
                MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm licenseForm = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm();
                _license = licenseForm.ShowDialog(Solution.Product, licenseFile, _license);

            // If there is no installed license then display the evaluation dialog until
            // the user installs a license or selects Exit or Continue
            while (_license == null || _license.Status != AuthenticatedLicenseStatus.Valid)
                EvaluationMonitor evaluationMonitor = new IsolatedStorageEvaluationMonitor(LicenseUtilities.Checksum(Solution.Version), true, false);
                EvaluationDialog evaluationDialog = new EvaluationDialog(evaluationMonitor, Solution.Product) { TrialDays = TRIAL_DAYS, ExtendedTrialDays = TRIAL_DAYS };
                EvaluationDialogResult dialogResult = evaluationDialog.ShowDialog();
                if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.Exit) Environment.Exit(0);
                else if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.Continue) break; // exit the loop 
                else if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.InstallLicense)
                    MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm licenseForm = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm();
                    _license = licenseForm.ShowDialog(Solution.Product, licenseFile, _license);
Exemple #5
        private void CheckLicense()
            const int TRIAL_DAYS = 30;

            const string LICENSE_PARAMETERS =
	                <ProductName>LaJust Power Meter</ProductName>
	            </AuthenticatedLicenseParameters>"    ;

            // Check for machine names checksums that do not require license files
            // We don't put the actual machine name in the code for security reasons
            switch (LicenseUtilities.Checksum(Environment.MachineName.ToUpper()))
            case "766":     // "LAJUST-MSI" MSI 2200AE All In One Machine
            case "754":     // "LAJUST-PC"  Dell Studio One All In One Machine

            // The license file, the directory will automatically get created if required
            string licenseFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\LaJust\LaJustPowerMeter.lic";

            // Check if there is a valid license for the application
            MyAuthenticatedLicenseProvider licenseProvider = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseProvider();
            AuthenticatedLicense           license         = licenseProvider.GetLicense(LICENSE_PARAMETERS, licenseFile, true);

            // Allow forcing of the license dialog using command line option
            if (Environment.CommandLine.ToUpper().Contains("/LICENSE"))
                MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm licenseForm = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm();
                license = licenseForm.ShowDialog(Solution.Product, licenseFile, license);

            // If there is no installed license then display the evaluation dialog until
            // the user installs a license or selects Exit or Continue
            EvaluationMonitor evaluationMonitor = new IsolatedStorageEvaluationMonitor(LicenseUtilities.Checksum(Solution.Version), false, false);
            EvaluationDialog  evaluationDialog  = new EvaluationDialog(evaluationMonitor, Solution.Product)
                TrialDays = TRIAL_DAYS, ExtendedTrialDays = TRIAL_DAYS

            while (license == null || license.Status != AuthenticatedLicenseStatus.Valid)
                EvaluationDialogResult dialogResult = evaluationDialog.ShowDialog();
                if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.Exit)
                else if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.Continue)
                    break; // exit the loop
                else if (dialogResult == EvaluationDialogResult.InstallLicense)
                    MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm licenseForm = new MyAuthenticatedLicenseInstallForm();
                    license = licenseForm.ShowDialog(Solution.Product, licenseFile, license);

            // Reset the evaluation monitor if there is a currently valid license, this allows
            // for another 30 days trial if something should happen to the license
            if (license != null && license.Status == AuthenticatedLicenseStatus.Valid)