public static void SelectedServer(ServerSelectionMessage message, AuthClient client) { string host = ConfigurationManager.Instance.IsCustomHost == true ? ConfigurationManager.Instance.RealHost : ConfigurationManager.Instance.Host; var encrypted = AccountsProvider.EncryptTicket(ServersManager.TransfertToGame(client.Account), client.AesKey); client.Send(new SelectedServerDataMessage((ushort)ConfigurationManager.Instance.ServerId, host, (ushort)ConfigurationManager.Instance.WorldPort, true, encrypted)); client.Disconnect(); }
public void Initialize() { m_authClient = new AuthClient(); auth = new Auth(this); user = new User(this); post = new Post(this); notice = new Notice(this); report = new Report(this); }
public AuthService( AuthClient authClient, UserClient client, IAuthManager authManager, ICurrentUserManager currentUserManager) { this.client = client; this.currentUserManager = currentUserManager; this.authManager = authManager; this.authClient = authClient; }
public void ServerSelectionMessageFrame(AuthClient client, ServerSelectionMessage serverSelectionMessage) { List <uint> ports = new List <uint>(); ports.Add(6666); client.SendPacket(new SelectedServerDataMessage(serverSelectionMessage.serverId, "", ports, true, AuthenticationUtils.EncodeTicket(client.salt))); client.Disconnect(); }
public void Setup() { AuthClient client = new AuthClient("", "", true) { RecvWindow = 60000 }; Endpoint = new AccountEndPoint(client); }
public async Task LoginTest(string username, string password) { var client = new AuthClient(httpClient); var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(username, password); Assert.NotNull(loginResponse); JwtTokenTest(loginResponse.Token, "", username); JwtTokenTest(loginResponse.RefreshToken, "", username); }
private User AuthenticateUser(string sessionToken) { Guid token = Guid.Parse(sessionToken); AuthClient authClient = AuthenticatedClients.Instance.Clients.Values .FirstOrDefault(client => client.AuthToken.Equals(token)); return(authClient?.User); }
static void TcpServer_OnPacketReceived(AuthClient client, AuthPacket packet) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + $" PACKET [{packet.Id}]"); switch (packet.Id) { case AuthPacketEnum.SERVER_CONNECT: { var response = new AuthPacket(); //Verifica se achave AuthKey está correta if (client.Key == _authKey) { response.Message = new { Success = true, }; _authServer.Send(client, response); _authServer.ShowConnectedClients(); } else { response.Message = new { Success = false, Exception = "Chave de autenticação inválida" }; _authServer.Send(client, response); _authServer.DisconnectClient(client); } } break; case AuthPacketEnum.LS_PLAYER_DUPLCATE_LOGIN: { _authServer.SendToAll(packet); //Envia para todos o packet DuplicateLogin } break; case AuthPacketEnum.SERVER_KEEPALIVE: { _authServer.Send(client, new AuthPacket() { Id = 0x00 }); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Packet ID inválido: " + packet.Id); break; } }
public async Task <ActionResult> InitData() { return(await RunActionAsync(async() => { var now = DateTime.Now; if (!await this._AuthScopeRepository.ExistAsync(null)) { var model = new AuthScope() { Name = "all", DisplayName = "全部权限", Description = "全部权限", Important = (int)YesOrNoEnum.是, Sort = 0, IsDefault = (int)YesOrNoEnum.是, ImageUrl = "", FontIcon = "fa fa-star" }; model.Init(); await this._AuthScopeRepository.AddAsync(model); } var client_id = this._IValidationDataProvider.GetClientID(this.X.context); var client_security = this._IValidationDataProvider.GetClientSecurity(this.X.context); if (!ValidateHelper.IsAllPlumpString(client_id, client_security)) { return Content("default client data is empty"); } if (!await this._AuthClientRepository.ExistAsync(x => x.UID == client_id && x.ClientSecretUID == client_security)) { await this._AuthClientRepository.DeleteWhereAsync(x => x.UID == client_id || x.ClientSecretUID == client_security); var official = new AuthClient() { UID = client_id, ClientName = "auth管理端", Description = "auth管理端", ClientUrl = "", LogoUrl = "", UserUID = "", ClientSecretUID = client_security, IsRemove = (int)YesOrNoEnum.否, IsActive = (int)YesOrNoEnum.是, CreateTime = now, UpdateTime = now }; await this._AuthClientRepository.AddAsync(official); } return Content("ok"); })); }
/// <summary> /// Manuseia Comunicação do Cliente /// </summary> private void HandleClient(object obj) { try { //Recebe cliente a partir do parâmetro TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)obj; NetworkStream clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); #region READ ON CONNECT INICIAL AuthPacket packet = ReceivePacket(clientStream); var client = new AuthClient(tcpClient) { Name = packet.Message.ServerName, Type = packet.Message.ServerType, Key = packet.Message.Key }; Clients.Add(client); ClientConnected(client); OnPacketReceived?.Invoke(client, packet); #endregion //Escuta contínuamente as mensagens dos clientes (Servidores) enquanto estiver conectado while (tcpClient.Connected) { try { packet = ReceivePacket(clientStream); OnPacketReceived?.Invoke(client, packet); } catch (Exception erro) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + $" Exception error:" + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(erro.Message + Environment.NewLine); //Desconecta client DisconnectClient(client); } } //Caso o Client não estiver mais conectado DisconnectClient(client); } catch (Exception erro) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + $" Exception error:" + Environment.NewLine); Console.WriteLine(erro.Message + Environment.NewLine); } }
async void LoginButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailEntry.Text)) { await DisplayAlert("Erro!", "Digite um email Válido", "Aceitar"); emailEntry.Focus(); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(senhaEntry.Text)) { await DisplayAlert("Erro!", "Digite uma senha Válida", "Aceitar"); senhaEntry.Focus(); return; /*FIM DA VERIFICAÇÃO DOS CAMPOS*/ } UserLogin userLogin = new UserLogin() { Email = emailEntry.Text, Password = senhaEntry.Text }; AuthClient authClient = new AuthClient(); var token = await authClient.Login(userLogin); var IsLoggedIn = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) IsLoggedIn = false; SetProperties("IsLoggedIn", IsLoggedIn); if (IsLoggedIn) { App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new PagePrincipal()); } else { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => { var result = await this.DisplayAlert("Erro!", "Nome de Usuário ou Senha não encontrado", "Sim", "Cancelar"); if (result) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new LoginPage()); } else { await Navigation.PushAsync(new LoginPage()); } }); } }
public override void HandlePacket(Packet packet) { _client = packet.Client; _authClient = packet.AuthClient; _packet = packet; _builder = new MessageBuilder(_authClient, _client, _packet.EndPoint, _packet.SyncKey); switch (_packet.PacketType) { case PacketManager.PacketTypes.MouseDown: HandleMouseDown(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.MouseUp: HandleMouseUp(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.MouseScroll: HandleScroll(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.LeftDblClick: break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.KeyDown: HandleKeyDown(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.KeyUp: HandleKeyUp(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.FullFrame: HandleFullFrame(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.RightClick: HandleRightClick(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.MouseMove: HandleMoveMouse(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.CheckScreenShare: CheckServer(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.StartScreenShare: StartScreenShare(); break; case PacketManager.PacketTypes.StopScreenShare: StopScreenShare(); break; } }
public void Send(AuthClient client, AuthPacket packet) { var _stream = client.Tcp.GetStream(); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(packet); var result = json.Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); _stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length); }
public void Handshake(AuthClient authClient) { var handshake = new { message = "Handshake established", publicKey = Rsa.SecureStringToString(authClient.PublicKey) }; MessageHandler.SendMessage("connectedToScreenShare", handshake, authClient); }
public static void HandleServerSelection(BigEndianReader reader, AuthClient client, AuthServer server) { ServerSelectionMessage message = new ServerSelectionMessage(); message.Unpack(reader); client.Send(new SelectedServerDataMessage(1, "", 442, true, client.Ticket)); client.Disconnect(); //client.Send(new SelectedServerRefusedMessage(message.serverId, (sbyte)ServerConnectionErrorEnum.SERVER_CONNECTION_ERROR_NO_REASON, (sbyte)ServerStatusEnum.NOJOIN)); //TODO HANDLE SERVER CONNECTION REQUEST FROM CLIENT }
/// <summary> /// Create a packet /// </summary> /// <param name="authClient"></param> /// <param name="endPoint"></param> /// <param name="syncKey"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> /// <param name="packetType"></param> /// <param name="packetHandler"></param> public Packet(AuthClient authClient, string endPoint, string syncKey, List <object> args, PacketTypes packetType, Type packetHandler) { AuthClient = authClient; EndPoint = endPoint; SyncKey = syncKey; Args = args; PacketType = packetType; _packetHandler = packetHandler; }
private void HandleFullFrame(AuthClient client) { var frameData = new { Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds, frameData = FullScreenData() }; MessageHandler.SendMessage("frameData", frameData, client); }
public void Indentificate(AuthClient client) { try { ConnectionHandler.ProcessIdentification(client); } catch (Exception ex) { client.Send(new IdentificationFailedMessage((sbyte)(IdentificationFailureReasonEnum.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE))); this.logger.Alert(ex.ToString()); } }
public async Task LogoutAsync() { foreach (var account in await AuthClient.GetAccountsAsync()) { await AuthClient.RemoveAsync(account); } _accessToken.OnNext(null); _authResult.OnNext(null); }
private JRetornoAutenticacao Autenticar() { /// EndPoint para Autenticação string lEndPoint = URLBase + Util.ObterParametro <string>("PUCOMEX.EndPointAutentica"); AuthClient client = AuthClient.Instance; client.CreateHttpClient(lEndPoint); return(client.Post(lEndPoint).Result); }
public void GetSites_ContainsStyling() { var sites = AuthClient.GetSites(); Assert.IsNotNull(sites); foreach (var site in sites) { Assert.IsNotNull(site.MainSite.Styling); } }
public static void HandleIdentification(BigEndianReader reader, AuthClient client, AuthServer server) { IdentificationWithLoginTokenMessage message = new IdentificationWithLoginTokenMessage(); message.Unpack(reader); Account account = AccountManager.GetAccount(message.login); DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now; //IF ACCOUNT EXIST if (account == null || message.password != Tools.GetMd5(account.Password + client.Ticket)) //Test password { client.Send(new IdentificationFailedMessage((sbyte)IdentificationFailureReasonEnum.WRONG_CREDENTIALS)); client.Disconnect(); return; } client.account = account; //IF LIFE BANNED OR IP BANNED if (account.Banned || server.BlockedIp.Contains(client.Ip)) { client.Send(new IdentificationFailedMessage((sbyte)IdentificationFailureReasonEnum.BANNED)); client.Disconnect(); return; } //IF TEMP BANNED if (account.EndBan > dateNow) { int ms = 0; ms = (int)account.EndBan.Subtract(dateNow).TotalMinutes; client.Send(new IdentificationFailedBannedMessage((sbyte)IdentificationFailureReasonEnum.BANNED, ms)); client.Disconnect(); return; } //IF ON MAINTENANCE if (AuthServer.onMaintenance && !account.isAdmin) { client.Send(new IdentificationFailedMessage((sbyte)IdentificationFailureReasonEnum.IN_MAINTENANCE)); client.Disconnect(); return; } //TODO QUEUE MANAGEMENT if (account.Pseudo == null || account.Pseudo.Length == 0) { client.Send(new NicknameRegistrationMessage()); Out.Info($"First connection for account '{account.Username}'. Requesting a nickname."); return; } SendAccServer(client, server); //TODO AUTO CONNECT TO THE FIRST AVAILABLE SERVER if (message.autoconnect) { //client.Send(new SelectedServerRefusedMessage(1, (sbyte)ServerConnectionErrorEnum.SERVER_CONNECTION_ERROR_DUE_TO_STATUS, (sbyte)ServerStatusEnum.NOJOIN)); Out.Debug(account.isAdmin ? $"+Admin {account.Pseudo}" : $"+User {account.Pseudo}"); } }
public async Task GetDownload_Test() { var response = await AuthClient.GetAsync("/api/export/download/123-Mock-321"); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode); PdfApiMock.Verify(e => e.DownloadFileAsync("mockroot/123-Mock-321.pdf", It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())); Assert.Equal("file 123-Mock-321.pdf content", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content)); Assert.Matches("Issues-.{4}-.{2}-.{2}.pdf", response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileNameStar); }
public async Task SignOut() { LiveLoginResult loginResult = await AuthClient.InitializeAsync(Scopes); // Sign the user out, if they are connected if (loginResult.Status != LiveConnectSessionStatus.NotConnected) { AuthClient.Logout(); } UpdateAuthProperties(LiveConnectSessionStatus.NotConnected); }
public static void Authenticate(string password, string packetData, AuthClient authClient) { try { if (!packetData.IsBase64String()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Packet must be base64 encoded if encrypted."); } if (authClient != null) { packetData = MessageHandler.DecryptMessage(packetData, authClient); if (packetData == null) { throw new Exception("Packet is null"); } var args = new List <object>(); var deserializedPacket = JObject.Parse(packetData); args.AddRange(JArray.Parse(deserializedPacket["args"].ToString())); var authKey = authClient.Client.GetHashCode().ToString(); var inputPass = args[0].ToString(); if (inputPass.Equals(password)) { authClient.Authenticated = true; ConnectionHandler.Clients[authKey] = authClient; var login = new { message = "Login Valid!", loggedIn = true }; MessageHandler.SendMessage("login", login, authClient); } else { var login = new { message = "Login Invalid!", loggedIn = false }; MessageHandler.SendMessage("login", login, authClient); } } } catch (Exception e) { var login = new { message = "Login Failed!", reason = e.Message, loggedIn = false }; MessageHandler.SendMessage("login", login, authClient); } }
public GameServerInformations GetServerInformation(AuthClient client, WorldServer world) { var charactersCount = client.Account.GetCharactersCountByWorld(world.Id); return(new GameServerInformations((short)world.Id, 1, (sbyte)world.Status, (sbyte)world.Completion, world.ServerSelectable, charactersCount, (sbyte)(charactersCount > 5 ? charactersCount : 5), DateTime.Now.GetUnixTimeStampLong())); }
private async Task AttemptRefreshToken() { //If the user is signed in and has not yet signed out, we will attempt to refresh the token if necessary before sending a create page request if (IsSignedIn) { //Attempt to use the refresh token acquired previously since the user has not explicitly signed out LiveLoginResult loginWithRefreshTokenResult = await AuthClient.InitializeAsync(Scopes); UpdateAuthProperties(loginWithRefreshTokenResult.Status); } }
public static byte[] DecryptFrame(byte[] data, AuthClient client) { if (client == null) { return(null); } var keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Rsa.SecureStringToString(client.AesKey)); var keyIv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Rsa.SecureStringToString(client.AesIv)); return(UAes.DecryptFile(data, keyBytes, keyIv)); }
public async Task GetUserTest(string username, string password) { var client = new AuthClient(httpClient); var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(username, password); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Authorization", $"Bearer {loginResponse.Token}"); var getUserResponse = await client.UserAsync(); Assert.NotNull(getUserResponse); Assert.Equal(username, getUserResponse.Name); }
public static string DecryptMessage(byte[] message, AuthClient client) { if (client != null) { var keybytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Rsa.SecureStringToString(client.AesKey)); var iv = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Rsa.SecureStringToString(client.AesIv)); return(UAes.Decrypt(message, keybytes, iv)); } return(null); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AuthClient client = new AuthClient(); ITestOperation testClient = new TestOperationClient(); if(client.SignIn(txtLogin.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { txtResult.Text = "Success " + testClient.GetTest().Name; } else { txtResult.Text = "Fail"; } }
private List<AuthClient> CreateAuthClientList() { var client = new AuthClient(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientId"], WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Base64Secret"]) { AllowedOrigin = "http://localhost:18720/", Application = TApplication.Web, Enabled = true }; var collection = new List<AuthClient>(); collection.Add(client); return collection; }
public bool AccountExists(string Username, string Password, AuthClient Client) { bool Exists = false; SQLiteCommand Command = GetConnection().CreateCommand(); Command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username = @Username AND Password = @Password"; Command.Parameters.Add("@Username", DbType.AnsiString).Value = Username; Command.Parameters.Add("@Password", DbType.AnsiString).Value = Password; SQLiteDataReader Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); while (Reader.Read()) { Client.SetAccountID(Convert.ToUInt32(Reader["ID"])); Exists = true; } return Exists; }
public bool AccountExists(string Username, string Password, AuthClient Client) { return AccountCtrl.AccountExists(Username, Password, Client); }
public Service(ChatServerContext context) : base() { ServerContext = context; AuthClient = new AuthClient(context.Config); }
public static string UploadStringOAuth2(this WebClient client, IStorage storage, string scopes, string path, string queryBody) { var creds = storage.GetCredentials(); client.AddBearer(creds); try { return client.UploadString(path, queryBody); } catch (WebException ex) { if (ex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError) { if (((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) throw; var secrets = storage.GetSecrets(); var authclient = new AuthClient(secrets, scopes, null, null); var newcreds = authclient.refreshAuthCode(creds); var storedcreds = storage.StoreCredentials(newcreds); client.AddBearer(storedcreds); return client.UploadString(path, queryBody); } throw; } }