public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PutDevice([FromBody] int id, [FromBody] Device device) { HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers; string app_key = string.Empty; if (headers.Contains("app_key")) { app_key = headers.GetValues("app_key").First(); } AuthApp app = await db.AuthApps.Where(a => a.auth_key.Equals(app_key)).FirstAsync(); if (app == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(device).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!DeviceExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
private AppModel Translate(AuthApp dbRecord) { return(new AppModel { ClientId = dbRecord.ClientId, ClientSecret = dbRecord.ClientSecret, Name = dbRecord.Name, AllowImplicit = dbRecord.AllowImplicit, AllowAuthCode = dbRecord.AllowAuthCode, AllowClientCredentials = dbRecord.AllowClientCredentials, RedirectUri = dbRecord.RedirectUri, UserId = dbRecord.UserId, DateCreated = dbRecord.DateCreated, DateUpdated = dbRecord.DateUpdated, UpdateBy = dbRecord.UpdatedBy, }); }
public override async Task <AddGroupToAppReply> AddGroupToApp(AddGroupToAppRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { Guid groupId = new Guid(request.GroupId); UserGroup group = await _authDbContext.UserGroup .SingleAsync(g => g.Id == groupId); Guid appId = new Guid(request.AppId); AuthApp app = await _authDbContext.AuthApp .Include(a => a.UserGroups) .SingleAsync(a => a.Id == appId); app.UserGroups.Add(group); await _authDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new AddGroupToAppReply { Success = true }); }
// GET: api/Users public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetClientUsers() { HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers; string app_key = string.Empty; if (headers.Contains("app_key")) { app_key = headers.GetValues("app_key").First(); } AuthApp app = await db.AuthApps.Where(a => a.auth_key.Equals(app_key)).FirstAsync(); if (app == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(await db.ClientUsers.ToListAsync())); }
public override async Task <SaveAppInformationReply> SaveAppInformation(SaveAppInformationRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { Guid appId = new Guid(request.AppId); AuthApp app = await _authDbContext .AuthApp .SingleAsync(a => a.Id == appId); app.Name = request.Name; app.Description = request.Description; if (app.HostingType != AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.NON_WEB) { app.Url = request.Url; } await _authDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(new SaveAppInformationReply { Success = true, }); }
public override async Task <GetAppDetailsReply> GetAppDetails(GetAppDetailsRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { Guid userId = new Guid(_userManager.GetUserId(context.GetHttpContext().User)); Guid appId = new Guid(request.Id); AuthApp app = await _authDbContext.AuthApp .Include(a => a.OidcAppSettings) .Include(a => a.ProxyAppSettings) .Where(a => a.UserGroups.Any(u => u.Members.Any(m => m.Id == userId))) .SingleAsync(a => a.Id == appId); GetAppDetailsReply reply = new GetAppDetailsReply { Id = app.Id.ToString(), Name = app.Name, Description = app.Description, LoginUrl = app.Url, HasLdapAuth = (app.AuthMethod == AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.LDAP), }; return(reply); }
public async override Task <AppModel> Create(AppModel entity) { var dbRecord = new AuthApp { ClientId = entity.ClientId, ClientSecret = entity.ClientSecret, Name = entity.Name, AllowImplicit = entity.AllowImplicit, AllowAuthCode = entity.AllowAuthCode, AllowClientCredentials = entity.AllowClientCredentials, RedirectUri = entity.RedirectUri, UserId = entity.UserId, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, DateUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow, UpdatedBy = entity.UpdateBy, }; Uow.DbContext.App.Add(dbRecord); await Uow.SaveChanges(); return(Translate(dbRecord)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetIngredient([FromBody] SearchIngredient search) { HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers; string app_key = string.Empty; if (headers.Contains("app_key")) { app_key = headers.GetValues("app_key").First(); } AuthApp app = await db.AuthApps.Where(a => a.auth_key.Equals(app_key)).FirstAsync(); if (app == null) { return(NotFound()); } List <Ingredient> ingredients = db.Ingredients.ToList(); List <Ingredient> foundIngredients = new List <Ingredient>(); foreach (Ingredient i in ingredients) { foreach (String words in search.searchWords) { if (i.text.Contains(words)) { foundIngredients.Add(i); } } } //if (ingredient == null) //{ // return NotFound(); //} return(Ok(foundIngredients)); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> GetDevice(int id) { HttpRequestHeaders headers = this.Request.Headers; string app_key = string.Empty; if (headers.Contains("app_key")) { app_key = headers.GetValues("app_key").First(); } AuthApp app = await db.AuthApps.Where(a => a.auth_key.Equals(app_key)).FirstAsync(); if (app == null) { return(NotFound()); } Device device = await db.Devices.FindAsync(id); if (device == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(device)); }
public override async Task <AddNewAppReply> AddNewApp(AddNewAppRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AuthApp app = new AuthApp { Name = request.Name, Url = request.Url, Description = request.Description, }; _authDbContext.Add(app); switch (request.HostingType) { case HostingType.NonWeb: app.HostingType = AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.NON_WEB; break; case HostingType.WebGatekeeperProxy: app.HostingType = AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.WEB_GATEKEEPER_PROXY; break; case HostingType.WebGeneric: app.HostingType = AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.WEB_GENERIC; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Auth mode is not implemented"); } switch (request.DirectoryChoice) { case AddNewAppRequest.Types.DirectoryChoice.NoneDirectory: app.DirectoryMethod = AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.NONE; break; case AddNewAppRequest.Types.DirectoryChoice.LdapDirectory: app.DirectoryMethod = AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.LDAP; break; case AddNewAppRequest.Types.DirectoryChoice.ScimDirectory: app.DirectoryMethod = AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.SCIM; break; } switch (request.AuthChoice) { case AddNewAppRequest.Types.AuthChoice.LdapAuth: app.AuthMethod = AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.LDAP; break; case AddNewAppRequest.Types.AuthChoice.OidcAuth: app.AuthMethod = AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.OIDC; break; } if (app.AuthMethod == AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.LDAP || app.DirectoryMethod == AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.LDAP) { string assembledBaseDn = "dc=" + app.Id; string bindUserPassword = _ldapSettingsDataProtector.Protect(_secureRandom.GetRandomString(16)); string bindUser = "******" + assembledBaseDn; LdapAppSettings ldapAppSettings = new LdapAppSettings { AuthApp = app, UseForAuthentication = (app.AuthMethod == AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.LDAP), UseForIdentity = (app.DirectoryMethod == AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.LDAP), BaseDn = assembledBaseDn, BindUser = bindUser, BindUserPassword = bindUserPassword, }; _authDbContext.Add(ldapAppSettings); app.LdapAppSettings = ldapAppSettings; } if (app.HostingType == AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.WEB_GATEKEEPER_PROXY) { ProxyAppSettings proxyAppSettings = new ProxyAppSettings { AuthApp = app, InternalHostname = request.ProxySetting.InternalHostname, PublicHostname = request.ProxySetting.PublicHostname, }; _authDbContext.Add(proxyAppSettings); app.ProxyAppSettings = proxyAppSettings; _configurationProvider.TryGet("", out string isAcmeSupported); if (isAcmeSupported == "true") { // FIXME: Passing an empty email is a hack here. The email is already passed in InstallService. Could be refactored. BackgroundJob.Enqueue <IRequestAcmeCertificateJob>(job => job.Request("", request.ProxySetting.PublicHostname)); } } if (app.AuthMethod == AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.OIDC) { OIDCAppSettings oidcAppSettings = new OIDCAppSettings { RedirectUrl = request.OidcSetting.RedirectUri, AuthApp = app, ClientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), ClientSecret = _secureRandom.GetRandomString(32), Audience = "FIX_ME", }; _authDbContext.Add(oidcAppSettings); app.OidcAppSettings = oidcAppSettings; } if (app.DirectoryMethod == AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.SCIM) { SCIMAppSettings scimAppSettings = new SCIMAppSettings { AuthApp = app, Endpoint = request.ScimSetting.Endpoint, Credentials = request.ScimSetting.Credentials, }; _authDbContext.Add(scimAppSettings); app.ScimAppSettings = scimAppSettings; } foreach (string groupId in request.GroupIds) { Guid groupIdGuid = new Guid(groupId); UserGroup group = await _authDbContext.UserGroup .Include(g => g.AuthApps) .SingleAsync(g => g.Id == groupIdGuid); group.AuthApps.Add(app); } await _authDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); // fixme: this should be done outside a service await _memoryPopulator.PopulateFromDatabase(); return(new AddNewAppReply { Success = true, }); }
public override async Task <AppDetailReply> GetAppDetails(AppDetailRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AuthApp app = await _authDbContext.AuthApp .Include(a => a.LdapAppSettings) .Include(a => a.UserGroups) .Include(a => a.LdapAppSettings) .Include(a => a.OidcAppSettings) .Include(a => a.ProxyAppSettings) .Include(a => a.ScimAppSettings) .SingleAsync(f => f.Id == new Guid(request.Id)); AppDetailReply reply = new AppDetailReply { Id = app.Id.ToString(), Name = app.Name, Description = app.Description, Url = app.Url, }; switch (app.DirectoryMethod) { case AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.NONE: break; case AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.LDAP: reply.LdapDirectorySetting = new AppDetailReply.Types.LdapDirectorySetting { BaseDn = app.LdapAppSettings.BaseDn, Password = _ldapSettingsDataProtector.Unprotect(app.LdapAppSettings.BindUserPassword), Username = app.LdapAppSettings.BindUser, }; break; case AuthApp.DirectoryMethodEnum.SCIM: reply.ScimDirectorySetting = new AppDetailReply.Types.ScimDirectorySetting { Credentials = app.ScimAppSettings.Credentials, Endpoint = app.ScimAppSettings.Endpoint, }; break; } switch (app.HostingType) { case AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.WEB_GENERIC: reply.HostingType = HostingType.WebGeneric; break; case AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.WEB_GATEKEEPER_PROXY: reply.HostingType = HostingType.WebGatekeeperProxy; reply.ProxyAuthSetting = new AppDetailReply.Types.ProxyAuthSetting { InternalHostname = app.ProxyAppSettings.InternalHostname, PublicHostname = app.ProxyAppSettings.PublicHostname, }; if (app.ProxyAppSettings.EndpointsWithoutAuth != null) { reply.ProxyAuthSetting.PublicEndpoints.AddRange(app.ProxyAppSettings.EndpointsWithoutAuth); } break; case AuthApp.HostingTypeEnum.NON_WEB: reply.HostingType = HostingType.NonWeb; break; } switch (app.AuthMethod) { case AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.LDAP: reply.LdapAuthSetting = new AppDetailReply.Types.LdapAuthSetting { BaseDn = app.LdapAppSettings.BaseDn, }; break; case AuthApp.AuthMethodEnum.OIDC: reply.OidcAuthSetting = new AppDetailReply.Types.OidcAuthSetting { ClientId = app.OidcAppSettings.ClientId, ClientSecret = app.OidcAppSettings.ClientSecret, RedirectUri = app.OidcAppSettings.RedirectUrl, }; break; } foreach (UserGroup group in app.UserGroups) { GrantedAppGroup appGroup = new GrantedAppGroup { Id = group.Id.ToString(), Name = group.Name, }; reply.Groups.Add(appGroup); } return(reply); }