public static async Task <bool> DoLogin <T>(
            T vm,
            AuthenticateResult resp,
            LoginManager loginMgr,
            AuthApi authApi)
            where T : BaseLoginViewModel, IErrorOverlayOwner
            if (resp.IsSuccess)
                var loginInfo = resp.LoginInfo;
                var oldLogin  = loginMgr.Logins.Lookup(loginInfo.UserId);
                if (oldLogin.HasValue)
                    // Already had this login, apparently.
                    // Thanks user.
                    // Log the OLD token out since we don't need two of them.
                    // This also has the upside of re-available-ing the account
                    // if the user used the main login prompt on an account we already had, but as expired.

                    await authApi.LogoutTokenAsync(oldLogin.Value.LoginInfo.Token.Token);

                    loginMgr.ActiveAccountId = loginInfo.UserId;
                    loginMgr.UpdateToNewToken(loginMgr.ActiveAccount !, loginInfo.Token);

                loginMgr.ActiveAccountId = loginInfo.UserId;

            vm.OverlayControl = new AuthErrorsOverlayViewModel(vm, "Unable to log in", resp.Errors);
        public async void LogoutPressed()
            IsDropDownOpen = false;

            if (_loginMgr.ActiveAccount != null)
                await _authApi.LogoutTokenAsync(_loginMgr.ActiveAccount.LoginInfo.Token.Token);
