public static Encounter LoadEncounter(string resref, AuroraGIT.AEncounter gitData)
            AuroraUTE ae = data.Get <AuroraUTE>(resref, ResourceType.UTE);
            Encounter e  = Encounter.Create(ae, gitData);

        public static Encounter Create(AuroraUTE ute, AuroraGIT.AEncounter gitData)
            GameObject gameObject;

            //get the resource reference for this object, which we'll use as it's in-engine name
            string name = ute.TemplateResRef;

            //create a new game object and load the model into the scene
            gameObject      = new GameObject();
   = name;

            //add the template component to the new object
            Encounter character = gameObject.AddComponent <Encounter>();

            character.template = ute;
            character.gitData  = gitData;
