public AuroraODECharacter(String avName, AuroraODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation,
                                  Vector3 size)
            m_uuid        = UUID.Random();
            _parent_scene = parent_scene;

            m_taintRotation = rotation;

            if (pos.IsFinite())
                if (pos.Z > 9999999f || pos.Z < -90f)
                    pos.Z =
                        _parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(_parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeX * 0.5f,
                                                           _parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeY * 0.5f) + 5.0f;
                _position = pos;
                _position.X = _parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeX * 0.5f;
                _position.Y = _parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeY * 0.5f;
                _position.Z = _parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(_position.X, _position.Y) + 10f;

                MainConsole.Instance.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN Position on Character Create");

            m_isPhysical = false; // current status: no ODE information exists
            Size         = size;
            m_name       = avName;
        public AuroraODERayCastRequestManager(AuroraODEPhysicsScene pScene)
            m_scene      = pScene;
            nearCallback = near;

            ContactgeomsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(contactsPerCollision * d.ContactGeom.unmanagedSizeOf);
 /// <summary>
 ///     Dereference the creator scene so that it can be garbage collected if needed.
 /// </summary>
 internal void Dispose()
     m_scene = null;
     if (ContactgeomsArray != IntPtr.Zero)
Exemple #4
        public PhysicsScene GetScene(String sceneIdentifier)
            if (_mScene == null)
                if (!m_initialized) //Only initialize ode once!
                    // Initializing ODE only when a scene is created allows alternative ODE plugins to co-habit (according to
                    m_initialized = true;

                _mScene = new AuroraODEPhysicsScene(ode, sceneIdentifier);
 public ODESpecificAvatar(String avName, AuroraODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation,
                          Vector3 size) : base(avName, parent_scene, pos, rotation, size)
     base._parent_ref = this;
Exemple #6
        public void setMesh (AuroraODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, IMesh mesh)
            // This sleeper is there to moderate how long it takes between
            // setting up the mesh and pre-processing it when we get rapid fire mesh requests on a single object


            //Kill Body so that mesh can re-make the geom
            if (IsPhysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (childPrim)
                    if (_parent != null)
                        AuroraPhysXPrim parent = (AuroraPhysXPrim)_parent;
                        parent.ChildDelink (this);
                    DestroyBody ();

            IntPtr vertices, indices;
            int vertexCount, indexCount;
            int vertexStride, triStride;
            mesh.getVertexListAsPtrToFloatArray (out vertices, out vertexStride, out vertexCount); // Note, that vertices are fixed in unmanaged heap
            mesh.getIndexListAsPtrToIntArray (out indices, out triStride, out indexCount); // Also fixed, needs release after usage

            mesh.releaseSourceMeshData (); // free up the original mesh data to save memory
            if (m_MeshToTriMeshMap.ContainsKey (mesh))
                _triMeshData = m_MeshToTriMeshMap[mesh];
                _triMeshData = d.GeomTriMeshDataCreate ();

                d.GeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple (_triMeshData, vertices, vertexStride, vertexCount, indices, indexCount, triStride);
                d.GeomTriMeshDataPreprocess (_triMeshData);
                m_MeshToTriMeshMap[mesh] = _triMeshData;

            _parent_scene.waitForSpaceUnlock (m_targetSpace);
                if (prim_geom == IntPtr.Zero)
                    SetGeom (d.CreateTriMesh (m_targetSpace, _triMeshData, parent_scene.triCallback, null, null));
            catch (AccessViolationException)
                m_log.Error ("[PHYSICS]: MESH LOCKED");
Exemple #7
        public AuroraPhysXPrim(ISceneChildEntity entity, AuroraODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, bool pisPhysical, CollisionLocker dode)
            m_vehicle = new AuroraPhysXDynamics ();
            //gc = GCHandle.Alloc(prim_geom, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            ode = dode;

            PID_D = parent_scene.bodyPIDD;
            PID_G = parent_scene.bodyPIDG;

            // correct for changed timestep
            PID_D /= (parent_scene.ODE_STEPSIZE * 50f); // original ode fps of 50
            PID_G /= (parent_scene.ODE_STEPSIZE * 50f);

            // m_tensor = parent_scene.bodyMotorJointMaxforceTensor;
            body_autodisable_frames = parent_scene.bodyFramesAutoDisable;

            prim_geom = IntPtr.Zero;
            prev_geom = IntPtr.Zero;

            _size = entity.Scale;
            _position = entity.AbsolutePosition;
            fakepos = false;
            _orientation = entity.GetWorldRotation ();
            fakeori = false;
            _pbs = entity.Shape;
            _parent_entity = entity;

            _parent_scene = parent_scene;
            m_targetSpace = (IntPtr)0;

            m_isphysical = pisPhysical;
            // If we're physical, we need to be in the master space for now.
            // linksets *should* be in a space together..  but are not currently
            if (m_isphysical)
                m_targetSpace =;

            m_forceacc = Vector3.Zero;
            m_angularforceacc = Vector3.Zero;

            m_UpdateTimecntr = 0;
            m_UpdateFPScntr = 2.5f * parent_scene.StepTime; // this parameter needs retunning and possible came from ini file
            if (m_UpdateTimecntr > .1f) // try to keep it under 100ms
                m_UpdateTimecntr = .1f;

            AddChange (changes.Add, null);
Exemple #8
 public AuroraODERayCastRequestManager(AuroraODEPhysicsScene pScene)
     m_scene      = pScene;
     nearCallback = near;
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 ///   Dereference the creator scene so that it can be garbage collected if needed.
 /// </summary>
 internal void Dispose()
     m_scene = null;
        public AuroraPhysXCharacter (String avName, AuroraPhysXPhysicsScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 size)
            m_uuid = UUID.Random();

            m_taintRotation = rotation;
//            _orientation = rotation;
//            _lastorientation = rotation;

            if (pos.IsFinite())
                if (pos.Z > 9999999f || pos.Z <-90f)
//                    pos.Z = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(127, 127) + 5;
                    pos.Z = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeX * 0.5f, parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeY * 0.5f) + 5.0f;
                _position = pos;
                m_taintPosition.X = pos.X;
                m_taintPosition.Y = pos.Y;
                m_taintPosition.Z = pos.Z;
                _position.X = (float)parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeX * 0.5f;
                _position.Y = (float)parent_scene.Region.RegionSizeY * 0.5f;
                _position.Z = parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(_position.X, _position.Y) + 10f;
                m_taintPosition.X = _position.X;
                m_taintPosition.Y = _position.Y;
                m_taintPosition.Z = _position.Z;
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN Position on Character Create");

            _parent_scene = parent_scene;

            CAPSULE_RADIUS = parent_scene.avCapRadius;

            // m_StandUpRotation =
            //     new d.Matrix3(0.5f, 0.7071068f, 0.5f, -0.7071068f, 0f, 0.7071068f, 0.5f, -0.7071068f,
            //                   0.5f);

            CAPSULE_LENGTH = (size.Z * 1.1f) - CAPSULE_RADIUS * 2.0f;

            if ((m_collisionFlags & CollisionCategories.Land) == 0)
                AvatarHalfsize = CAPSULE_LENGTH * 0.5f + CAPSULE_RADIUS;
                AvatarHalfsize = CAPSULE_LENGTH * 0.5f + CAPSULE_RADIUS - 0.3f;

            //m_log.Info("[SIZE]: " + CAPSULE_LENGTH.ToString());
            m_tainted_CAPSULE_LENGTH = CAPSULE_LENGTH;

            m_isPhysical = false; // current status: no ODE information exists
            m_tainted_isPhysical = true; // new tainted status: need to create ODE information


            m_UpdateTimecntr = 0;
            m_UpdateFPScntr = 2.5f * parent_scene.StepTime; // this parameter needs retunning and possible came from ini file
            if (m_UpdateTimecntr > .1f) // try to keep it under 100ms
                m_UpdateTimecntr = .1f;
            m_name = avName;