private bool AttemptInvokeCommand <TObj>(StaticCommand command, IRCMessage msg, string cmdStr, Match m, TObj extraObject)
        if (command.HasAttribute <DebuggingOnlyAttribute>() && !
        if (command.HasAttribute <ElevatorOnlyAttribute>() && !(GameRoom.Instance is ElevatorGameRoom))
        if (command.HasAttribute <ElevatorDisallowedAttribute>() && GameRoom.Instance is ElevatorGameRoom)

        if (!UserAccess.HasAccess(msg.UserNickName, ? command.Attr.AccessLevelAnarchy : command.Attr.AccessLevel, orHigher: true))
            IRCConnection.SendMessageFormat("@{0}, you need {1} access to use that command{2}.",
                                            UserAccess.LevelToString( ? command.Attr.AccessLevelAnarchy : command.Attr.AccessLevel),
                                   ? " in anarchy mode" : "");
            // Return true so that the command counts as processed

        if (extraObject is TwitchModule mdl && mdl.Solved && !command.HasAttribute <SolvedAllowedAttribute>() && !
            IRCConnection.SendMessageFormat(, mdl.Code, mdl.PlayerName, msg.UserNickName, mdl.BombComponent.GetModuleDisplayName());
            // Return true so that the command counts as processed (otherwise you get the above message multiple times)

        Leaderboard.Instance.GetRank(msg.UserNickName, out Leaderboard.LeaderboardEntry entry);
        if (entry?.Team == null && extraObject is TwitchModule && OtherModes.VSModeOn)
            IRCConnection.SendMessage($@"{msg.UserNickName}, you have not joined a team, and cannot solve modules in this mode until you do, please use !join evil or !join good.");
            // Return true so that the command counts as processed (otherwise you get the above message multiple times)

        if (!TwitchGame.IsAuthorizedDefuser(msg.UserNickName, msg.IsWhisper))

        BanData ban = UserAccess.IsBanned(msg.UserNickName);

        if (ban != null)
            if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(ban.BanExpiry))
                IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Sorry @{msg.UserNickName}, You were banned permanently from Twitch Plays by {ban.BannedBy}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban.BannedReason) ? "." : $", for the following reason: {ban.BannedReason}")}", msg.UserNickName, !msg.IsWhisper);
                int secondsRemaining = (int)(ban.BanExpiry - DateTime.Now.TotalSeconds());

                int    daysRemaining    = secondsRemaining / 86400; secondsRemaining %= 86400;
                int    hoursRemaining   = secondsRemaining / 3600; secondsRemaining %= 3600;
                int    minutesRemaining = secondsRemaining / 60; secondsRemaining %= 60;
                string timeRemaining    = $"{secondsRemaining} seconds.";
                if (daysRemaining > 0)
                    timeRemaining = $"{daysRemaining} days, {hoursRemaining} hours, {minutesRemaining} minutes, {secondsRemaining} seconds.";
                else if (hoursRemaining > 0)
                    timeRemaining = $"{hoursRemaining} hours, {minutesRemaining} minutes, {secondsRemaining} seconds.";
                else if (minutesRemaining > 0)
                    timeRemaining = $"{minutesRemaining} minutes, {secondsRemaining} seconds.";

                IRCConnection.SendMessage($"Sorry @{msg.UserNickName}, You were timed out from Twitch Plays by {ban.BannedBy}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ban.BannedReason) ? "." : $", For the following reason: {ban.BannedReason}")} You can participate again in {timeRemaining}", msg.UserNickName, !msg.IsWhisper);

        var parameters = command.Method.GetParameters();
        var groupAttrs = parameters.Select(p => (GroupAttribute)p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GroupAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()).ToArray();
        var arguments  = new object[parameters.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
            // Capturing groups from the regular expression
            if (groupAttrs[i] != null && m != null)
                var group = m.Groups[groupAttrs[i].GroupIndex];
                NumberParseResult result;

                // Helper function to parse numbers (ints, floats, doubles)
                NumberParseResult IsNumber <TNum>(TryParse <TNum> tryParse)
                    var isNullable = parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(Nullable <>).MakeGenericType(typeof(TNum));

                    if (parameters[i].ParameterType != typeof(TNum) && !isNullable)

                    if (group.Success && tryParse(group.Value, out TNum rslt))
                        arguments[i] = rslt;
                    if (isNullable)
                    IRCConnection.SendMessage(group.Success ? "@{0}, “{1}” is not a valid number." : "@{0}, the command could not be parsed.", msg.UserNickName, !msg.IsWhisper, msg.UserNickName, group.Success ? group.Value : null);

                // Strings
                if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(string))
                    arguments[i] = m.Success ? group.Value : null;

                // Booleans — only specifies whether the group matched or not
                else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(bool))
                    arguments[i] = group.Success;

                // Numbers (int, float, double); includes nullables
                else if (
                    (result = IsNumber <int>(int.TryParse)) != NumberParseResult.NotOfDesiredType ||
                    (result = IsNumber <float>(float.TryParse)) != NumberParseResult.NotOfDesiredType ||
                    (result = IsNumber <double>(double.TryParse)) != NumberParseResult.NotOfDesiredType)
                    if (result == NumberParseResult.Error)

            // Built-in parameter names
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(string) && parameters[i].Name == "user")
                arguments[i] = msg.UserNickName;
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(string) && parameters[i].Name == "cmd")
                arguments[i] = cmdStr;
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(bool) && parameters[i].Name == "isWhisper")
                arguments[i] = msg.IsWhisper;
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(IRCMessage))
                arguments[i] = msg;
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(KMGameInfo))
                arguments[i] = GetComponent <KMGameInfo>();
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(KMGameInfo.State))
                arguments[i] = CurrentState;
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType == typeof(FloatingHoldable) && extraObject is TwitchHoldable twitchHoldable)
                arguments[i] = twitchHoldable.Holdable;

            // Object we passed in (module, bomb, holdable)
            else if (parameters[i].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TObj)))
                arguments[i] = extraObject;
            else if (parameters[i].IsOptional)
                arguments[i] = parameters[i].DefaultValue;
                IRCConnection.SendMessage("@{0}, this is a bug; please notify the devs. Error: the “{1}” command has an unrecognized parameter “{2}”. It expects a type of “{3}”, and the extraObject is of type “{4}”.", msg.UserNickName, !msg.IsWhisper, msg.UserNickName, command.Method.Name, parameters[i].Name, parameters[i].ParameterType.Name, extraObject?.GetType().Name);

        var invokeResult = command.Method.Invoke(null, arguments);

        if (invokeResult is bool invRes)
        else if (invokeResult is IEnumerator coroutine)
            ProcessCommandCoroutine(coroutine, extraObject);
        else if (invokeResult != null)
            IRCConnection.SendMessage("@{0}, this is a bug; please notify the devs. Error: the “{1}” command returned something unrecognized.", msg.UserNickName, !msg.IsWhisper, msg.UserNickName, command.Method.Name);

        if (( ? command.Attr.AccessLevelAnarchy : command.Attr.AccessLevel) > AccessLevel.Defuser)
            AuditLog.Log(msg.UserNickName, UserAccess.HighestAccessLevel(msg.UserNickName), msg.Text);